VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2606: : Delay as much as possible

I also know that even if you use the ultimatum and use the [Group Blessing Scroll], you can’t help but Ye Luo, it will have a greater consumption, so the players in the British server changed their tactics, they rely on the wall and the players who used the ult Ye Luo dealt with it, delaying time as much as possible. At the same time, they also called in space players to prepare them to perform [Space Enchantment] at any time. This will undoubtedly allow them to delay 10 minutes more. After a few minutes, the masters of the major servers may be able to rush over to support, and at the very least, Ye Luo and their [Group Blessing Scroll] status will disappear.

Seeing that the people in the British server no longer go out, and there are no more dual-professional masters to perform big moves, let alone use the [Group Blessing Scroll], which disappointed the waves and winds who watched the situation through a shared perspective.

"These players in the British server are too persuaded. Only Ye Luo and Qin Xin dare not come out to fight. Obviously there are many dual-professional masters who retain their big moves, and there are even some [Group Blessings] Scroll]." Breaking the waves and riding the wind in an unhappy manner.

"British players also know that even if there are a large number of players who use the [Group Blessing Scroll], they can’t do it because Ye Luo can be removed at any time. In this case, they can use the [Group Blessing Scroll] It was wasted for nothing, they naturally wouldn't go like that." Sitting on Qin Xin explained.

"But is it possible for them to let Ye Luo destroy all the defensive equipment on their gang resident?" Po Lang said in a muttered voice: "If this is the case, then it will be the same as in the case of the additional service, so we still have the opportunity to use the spear. The city is broken."

"Even if Ye Luo can destroy all the defensive equipment, it will take several minutes. After all, he is only alone, and the British server must have transferred the space player to use [Space Enchantment] to protect the heart of the city at any time. In this way, they can at least delay more than 10 minutes, and the masters of the major servers should come to support after such a long time." Fireworks Yi said coldly: "The state of Ye Luo's [Group Blessing Scroll] will be the worst. Disappeared, unless he uses the ultimate move or we use the [Group Blessing Scroll], otherwise they will only send some dual-professional masters with the ultimate move to defeat Ye Luo, so that we still do not pose too much threat to them ."

"At this time, the players in the British server are afraid that we can perform big moves and use the [Group Blessing Scroll], because once this is the case, our consumption will be a little big, and the people on the major servers will be more likely to cause us casualties And trouble." Dongfang Star took the stubbornly: "In general, it is the best way for British players to continue to delay this way."

"Doesn't it mean that we have almost no chance to capture one of their gang resident?" Bacchus Dukang frowned slightly. At this time, his wine family had not yet occupied a gang resident, which was not what he wanted to see.

"It's really difficult at the moment." Feng Xing said in a deep voice, and then changed his tone: "But it's not without a chance. Don't forget that the fireworks girl also formulated a tactic of hitting the west. At this time, Xiaoshu has reached the target gang. Stand by at the periphery of the station. If we teleport us all over and then launch an attack with all our strength, especially when Ye Luo attracts a large number of double-professional players in the British server, it will not have no chance to capture another gang station."

Without waiting for Bacchus Dukang to speak, he continued: "In addition, it is a very good result to be able to capture Flying Eagle City, so it is not a big problem to not be able to seize other gangs in the British server."

"Would you like me to rush over." Suddenly Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind Road, she was full of expectation when she said this: "Anyway, the situation here is already very clear, and there is no much use for me to stay here. It’s better to let Ye Luo teleport me over, so that we will have a response when we work together. This will cause greater pressure on the British server, and even directly enter their walls, which will force more of them to perform big moves. At the worst, they can also use [Space Enchantment] in advance, so they will consume one of their [Space Enchantment]. As far as I know, they only have 2 Space Department players in the British server, no [Space Enchantment] We have every opportunity to capture their gang camp."

Hearing that, the eyes of the gods of Bacchus Dukang and Fengxing brightened, and they naturally knew that breaking the waves and riding the wind would greatly increase the pressure on the British players in the past, and it would not be a big problem to force more people to perform big moves. It will also force them to use [Space Enchantment], which is also quite good for their next actions.

"Yeah, good." Fireworks Yi said indifferently, and then his tone changed: "Ye Luo, by the way, also teleport our dual professional archers and some melee players, especially all mine classes, next you What needs to be done is to put pressure on Long Spear City as much as possible within 2 minutes and then force the British players to consume the killer skills."

Hearing that, Ye Luo didn’t say much, and directly sent dozens of hundreds of people, such as Polangchengfeng and Longhe Sunset. For a time, their damage output greatly increased, and even those who led the charge in Yeluo and Polangchengfeng. Under the circumstances, they easily rushed to the wall of Long Spear City and then occupied the wall. After installing some defense equipment, they also put more pressure on the British players, and even they killed the dual professional players who had previously performed utmost. Exhausted, so they are even more unscrupulous.

Although breaking the waves and riding the wind and waiting for hundreds of people to teleport over, there are still hundreds of people in Flying Eagle City with the status of [Group Blessing Scroll], plus there are 12,000 elite players in the Chinese server, of course the most important is the British All the masters of the service are in Long Spear City, so the fireworks are easy to be cold and they are still quite relaxed, and they are not even affected at all. It will not take long [Cross Server*City Heart] to complete the fusion, and even if you occupy Flying Eagle City at that time .

Ye Luo and the others suddenly added hundreds of masters here, and they are all players who are in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll]. Among them are double professional archers and flying archers and other masters. Their damage output is very powerful. Players also pose a great threat.

Facing the strength of Ye Luo and the others, the British server players are quite helpless. At this time, the players from the major servers have not yet come to support them, and if they use their big moves and use the [Group Blessing Scroll], they may not be able to defend the Spear City. Doing it is nothing but wasting, so after realizing this, they slowly backed away, backed to the heart of the city, and continued to delay time.

Anyway, the space player of the British server is already waiting at the heart of the spear city. He is ready to cast [Space Enchantment] at any time. Once this skill is used, Ye Luo and the others will not be able to capture the spear city within 10 minutes. At that time, their [Group Blessing Scroll] status was over long ago, and players in the British server can choose how to respond according to the situation.

"Hey, they actually retired directly, and they didn't mean to use the big move or use the [Group Blessing Scroll] at all. This is too boring." Seeing the players in the British server retreat while dealing with them, breaking the waves and riding the wind. Angrily said: "We can't cause them too much consumption if we continue like this, so it is still difficult for us to occupy their gang site, especially when all the players from the major servers come to support."

"This situation seems to be very similar to the one in Red Maple City." Suddenly Long Jie said, when she said this, her pretty face was full of smiles: "We can completely occupy the walls of Long Spear City and then decorate us. The mobile magic crystal cannon, and then occupy the spear city like the Red Maple City."

Long Jieyu and the others occupied Red Maple City in this way before, so after seeing that the current situation is almost the same as before, she was very excited and thought that the same opportunity had appeared again.

"The current situation is different from that in the plus server." Dongfang Star shook his head: "First of all, the dual-professional masters of the British server don't have many big moves at all at this time, and so far they have not used the [Group Blessing] Scroll], I don’t believe they didn’t keep a scroll, which means that the combat power they retain at this time is far stronger than the original addition."

Think about it too. When Ling Tian and the others attacked Red Snow City, they almost consumed 70% of their main combat power. At this time, the dual class of the British server's big moves was only 10% or 20%. The most important thing is that they have not. Use [Group Blessing Scroll], which means that they still retain a lot of power, and these powers can cause a lot of trouble to Ye Luo and others, especially after Ye Luo and their [Group Blessing Scroll] state ends, and The existence of [Space Enchantment] can completely delay them to that time.

"Uh, this is also true, the players in the British server are very smart, they don't consume much at all." Long Jieyu murmured.

"That's it, the players of the British server don't have much consumption. Once our [Group Blessing Scroll] status disappears, then they can all come over and we can be beaten back, and it is quite easy, unless we use big moves. And using the [Group Blessing Scroll], it’s just that we can’t have too much consumption due to tomorrow’s defense of the city." Dongfang Star continued to explain: "So we want to occupy the Long Gun City is somewhat difficult, no surprises in our [[ Group Blessing Scroll] After the state is over, players in the British server will counterattack with all their strength, so we can only retreat."

Without waiting for Long Jieyu to speak, she continued: "Not only that, because the major servers do not leave many transfer points in the addition, so it takes a long time for the elite players of the major servers to rush to support them, but because We have acted in the British server before, and even because the German server was attacked by the Russian server, other servers passed by the British server and left a teleportation point here, so that people from the major servers can arrive in a short time. Support, so that we will be even more powerless to capture Long Spear City."

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