VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2610: : Support comes

The elite masters of Russian servers and other servers sneaked into the British server and launched a sneak attack on Long Gun City. This is undoubtedly good news for the Chinese server players. After all, this will make the server such as the British server consume and lose more, and if the Russian server waits for the server If the people occupy Long Gun City, the effect will be better. The more gang sites they occupy, the better-the more gang sites occupied by servers such as Russian servers, it means that the major servers such as British servers need to send more tomorrow Players come to besiege these preempted gang sites, so there will be a lot fewer players to besiege the gang sites occupied by the middle server players, and it will become easier for the middle server players to defend the city.

It is precisely because of this that after learning of the actions of the Russian servers and other servers, the fireworks directly ordered everyone to consume as much as possible without much consumption on their own side, and contain the British servers and the major servers [567中文www .yue20.com] People then created opportunities for the Russian server, even letting Ye Luo use big moves and other powerful and wide-ranging skills. Anyway, today's [Cooling Reset] has not been used, and it would be wasted not to use it.

Everyone naturally understands this, so they didn't say much, and continued to deal with the players of the British server-because everyone is still in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll], so they only need to temporarily retreat to avoid the new force of the British server. Then let their invincibility disappear, which is not difficult for them, especially in Ye Luo, Breaking Waves and Riding the Wind and other masters to intercept those players who use displacement skills to directly teleport over.

After 10 seconds, the first invincible state of the British players who had charged from before disappeared. At this time, Ye Luo, Po Lang Chengfeng, and the others increased their attacks, especially Ye Luo directly used [Wan Swords Return] to At this time, his state can use this skill to kill any player in the British server, including those players who have already used the ultimate move, so they can only use the invincible skill again, or they will be killed in seconds.

Seeing that the players in the British server once again used invincible means, Ye Luo and the others continued to retreat, while the flying cavalry in the middle server came out to directly intercept the British players who charged directly, delaying as much as possible for some time and then giving them to Ye Luo. Create more opportunities.

After casting the second invincible skill for 2 or 3 seconds, the players in the British server began to retreat, naturally because they consumed most of the invincible means. If they did not retreat, they would be killed by Ye Luo and others. The loss will be great. After all, being killed is not only as simple as losing level 1, but also the equipment may be burst. The most important thing is that they will not be able to continue to delay Ye Luo and the others by using the state of casting their ultimate moves.

Of course, while these two professional masters in the British server retreat, the other flying cavalry in the British server directly greeted him, blocking Ye Luo and the others from pursuing it, but it is easier to stop Ye Luo and the others. After all, there are more players in the British server. some.

However, most of these players have no invincible means, and they have only one chance to charge. After a charge, they will face a covering attack from the middle server players. No surprises, they will definitely die-they don't need Ye Luo and the others. Hands-on, the flying archers and flying magicians in the middle service cover all kinds of attacks, especially with the attacks of dual professional archers such as fireworks and easy cold, it is still very easy to kill them.

The fact is also true. Ye Luo and the others did not take long to kill all of these players, and then they came to Boulder City again, and then they ordered the destruction of the defense equipment and teleportation array on Boulder City like fireworks. Lord, in this way, people from the Russian server waiting for the server will rush over to siege here, it will be easier to destroy it and then occupy it.

Time slowly passed by in consumption, and soon another 3 minutes passed. After so long, Ye Luo and the others not only destroyed all the defense equipment on Boulder City, but also destroyed the two teleportation arrays. The space players who forced the British server had to use the [Space Enchantment] to trap the heart of the city, especially when they saw Ye Luo and the others killing towards the heart of the city-Ye Luo and the others would take those British servers after so long. The dual-professional players who used their ultimatums were killed seven or eighty-eight, but the masters of the British server and other servers, such as the sun never set, have yet to come, so they can naturally go to the heart of the city without hindrance.

Seeing the space players of the British server use [Space Enchantment] to protect the heart of the city, the fireworks are easy to be cold, they did not waste time, they directly teleported to another gang resident of the British server and launched an attack. They wanted to take advantage of it. [Group Blessing Scroll] There is still 1 minute in the state to cause as much damage as possible to the gang in front of them, such as destroying all the defense equipment on the wall, which is not difficult for them.

Although there are hundreds of professional masters in the British server at this time, and there are 2 [Group Blessing Scrolls], they are also restrained by servers such as the Russian server and some players. The remaining players think they can't stop Ye Luo. They also didn't rush over directly, not to mention that the players from the major servers finally arrived at this time, and they rushed to the gang resident Ye Luo they were attacking.

"Firework beauties, those people in the dark night have arrived." An unnamed voice sounded in the team channel: "Although they didn't come around from behind us, but from the side, if they send some dual-professional masters to kill directly and then Sneak attacks on us can also cause us greater trouble, because they can consume us with very few players."

"Avoid them, go to the other side, avoid them temporarily." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and then her tone changed: "Hua Nong Yue, you are ready to use the [Group Teleport Scroll] to teleport our people. go."

The people did not hesitate to execute the order for the fireworks to be cold, and then they walked around to the other side. Because there were masters such as Ye Luo, Breaking the Wave and Riding the Wind, they did not dare to act rashly even if the dark night came, after all, they knew it. They need to use big moves to pose a threat to Ye Luo and the others, and once so, they will have a greater consumption, which is extremely detrimental to tomorrow's actions.

Of course, Yeluo didn’t dare to attack the gang’s presence in front of them because of the arrival of Dark Night and the others. Especially at this time, their [Group Blessing Scroll] status had less than 1 minute left. Once The state disappeared and then they were entangled by the dark night, they would naturally be forced to perform big moves or other assassins, so the loss would be a bit big.

However, Ye Luo is an exception. After switching to the archer mode, he continues to consume the gang in front of him. With his mobility, there is no danger, especially when he is not far from the waves and the wind, because [ Gan Jiang*Moxie]'s state of living together and dying together, he can be a little unscrupulous.

However, there are also many dual-professional archers in the major servers, and many of them have national weapons. If they deal with Ye Luo and the others when they are in the Australian server, it also prevents Ye Luo and the others from gaining anything. The two sides are just stalemate and then small. It takes time.

Ye Luo and the others are not in a hurry, because at this time they have already contained many masters on the major servers. This has relieved a lot of pressure on the Russian servers and other servers. Not surprisingly, they will surely be able to take down the Spear City. At this time, what should be anxious is the talents of major servers such as British server.

After 1 minute, the firework Yi was cold and gave Hua Nongyue an order to teleport the elite players of the Chinese server, and then helped them return to the Chinese server, and even used [Space Portal] to teleport many dual-professional masters back. Ye Luo and other super masters are left-the next most important task for Ye Luo and the others is to consume and contain the people of the major servers, and to do this task does not need many people, only Ye Luo and the super masters are enough. Up.

The fact is also true. Although Ye Luo and the others only have 1, 20 people, but Dark Night and the others dare not rush to do it, especially after seeing Ye Luo and the others summoned all the flying mounts-Ye Luo and their flying mounts are very good. High, most of them are of the Primordial God level. They move very fast, faster than the dual-professional masters who use their ultimatums, especially the mounts such as colorful unicorns, and with these they can easily get rid of the major servers’ ultimatums. Players, not to mention the space system players in the server can use [Space Portal] to teleport Ye Luo and the others away at any time.

"It seems that Tokyo Mythology and Dark Night have all rushed to this side. They don't have many players to support the Long Spear City." Po Lang said in a deep voice: "It shouldn't be Dark Night and the others who are consuming it with us."

"The reason why they didn't rush to Long Gun City is because Dark Night knew that even if they rushed to Long Gun City, it didn't make much sense. After all, the defense equipment there was destroyed and the mobile magic crystal cannon was installed by the Russian server and other servers. At this time, they needed to spend a lot of time in the past to get the Russian server and other server people back. This is not what they want to see, after all, they have to deal with us next." Oriental star explained: "Of course. The most important thing is that we had a greater threat to the British server before, so Dark Night and they all arrived here."

"Oh, that's also true." Po Lang Chengfeng nodded, and then she turned to look at the fireworks and it was easy to be cold: "Fireworks, what are we going to do next?"

"Continue to consume them with the dark night and drag them." Fireworks Yi said coldly: "Even if we do nothing but stand up with them like this, we can create many opportunities for the Russian server and other servers, and wait for the Russian server and other servers to occupy the spear. After the city, the people waiting for the server of the British server will be anxious. Of course, if the Polar Silver Wolf and others are smart, they will further attack Boulder City, and this poses a greater threat to the server of the British server, and it is them who should be anxious."

"Anyway, most of our Chinese server players have withdrawn. We are very mobile, and we can consume them with the dark night." Dongfang Tiantian said: "So we can continue to consume like this, I believe it will not take long for the major servers. People who are not able to stand it will not be able to bear it and move further, and we just have to see tricks."

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