VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2623: : Behind the scenes

Although there are a large number of elite players on servers such as India server and Australian server, because they could not rush to the Spirit Snake City in time for the siege of White Bull City, they could not participate in this battle, but the masters such as Wucai Shenniu were able to be teleported and then besieged the Spirit Snake City. This will definitely increase the pressure on Dongfang Tiantian and others. At this time, Ye Luo, Breaking the Wave and Riding the Wind are needed to rush to support. Of course, the most important reason is because the other players can still defend the Red Maple City and other gangs. At the station, Ye Luo and others can also send past support.

People from the Eastern family are naturally welcome to the arrival of the waves and the wind and the arrival of Ye Luo. This can be seen from the fact that the Eastern Stars pulled them into a team just after they passed. It is convenient for Luo and the others to pull into a team to use the [Group Blessing Scroll]. There is no doubt that Ye Luo's damage output can be greatly increased after holding this state.

"Handsome Ye Luo, beauty in the wind, do you have any suggestions for our defense of the city next?" Dongfang Star asked, she was not polite, but knew that Ye Luo was also quite competent in command and strategy, and even led The command ability of the elite team is stronger than that of fireworks.

"I don't have any suggestions, you just continue to defend the city according to your previous deployment." Ye Luo said, and then changed his tone: "Yes, then I will directly transmit to the other side's army to harass, so we It’s up to you to stop the enemy from the front."

Without waiting for the Dongfang star to speak, he continued: "Of course, if any of you are willing to join me, I also welcome it, but it's best to be good at close combat or a dual professional archer."

Hearing this, the eyes of the people of the Eastern family lit up, and they naturally knew that if Ye Luo, Po Lang Chengfeng and others went directly to the back of the server player base camp such as Yinfu, what kind of threat would they pose to the other party would greatly reduce the frontal defense. And they are more aware that letting some people follow Ye Luo they can let them play their role to the fullest-not surprisingly, there will be a large number of players intercepting, harassing Ye Luo, breaking the waves and riding the wind, which will make They can’t attack unscrupulously, and if there are some melee players, priests, and some dual-professional archers following them and then helping them intercept the players who attack them, then it’s not the same. At this time, Ye Luo and the others can play their best. Damage output.

The Eastern Star also thought of this, so she did not hesitate to give an order: "Brother Killing Tian, ​​Brother Zhan Tian, ​​you will be with handsome Ye Luo, and Brother Miingtian will bring our dual professional archers from the Eastern family and other gangs. And some bi-professional pastors accompanied."

The reason why Dongfang Killing Tian also acted with Ye Luo and the others is because she wanted to directly use the strong strength of Ye Luo and their elite team to disrupt the opponent's camp and even threaten the dual professional masters of Yinfu and other servers. Players in the [Group Blessing Scroll] state, after all, after Dongfang Tiantian and they join forces after they increase their attack power, they can easily kill the surrounding enemies, or even buy less.

Thinking of this, Dongfang Killing and the others had no objection. Soon they picked out dozens of nearly a hundred masters, all elite masters, and even there was a master of formation and a player of the time system, plus Ye Luo and other super masters are also a very powerful force.

Seeing that Dongfang Killing Tian and others had no objection, Dongfang Star directly gave Ye Luo a list. After all, it was convenient for him to use the [Space Portal] to send it over, and when she handed over the list, she said: "Handsome Ye Luo , Wait for the double-professional masters of Yinfu and other servers to perform big moves or use some [Group Blessing Scrolls] and then we will use [Group Blessing Scrolls]. After all, they may also be feigning just to lure us to use [Group Blessing Scrolls]."

Naturally, knowing this, Ye Luo nodded, but he didn't say much, and he switched to the archer mode, ready to stop the frontal siege.

"Ye Luo, at this time, a large number of elite players on servers such as Yinfu and Australian servers are going to besiege Spirit Snake City. The defenses of their other gangs must be empty." Po Lang Chengfeng said suddenly, and when she said this, her pretty face was full Expectation: "If we sneak attacks on those gangs at this time, we will have a greater chance to capture them. At the worst, we can force some masters of Indian clothing back. This can be regarded as reducing the pressure on Dongfang Tiantian. Why don't you do this and choose to bring some people around to harass the enemy?"

"That's because we have almost no chance to capture the gang site of the Yinfu." Ye Luo said, seeing the disapproving look of Po Lang Chengfeng, he explained: "Although Wucai Shenniu and other masters and major servers Most of the elites are besieging Spirit Snake City, but don’t forget that they also have a large number of elite besieging White Bull City before. Although those people can’t make it here to support them, they can still return to the gang’s camp and intercept us by using the city return scroll. ..."

Hearing that Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind had understood it, she nodded and said, "That's also true. Originally, those people couldn't play any role in this battle. If we attacked their other gangs, they would They can teleport back and then play a role. They have tens of millions of players. Even if those people can't stop us, they can hold us for a long time. During this time, Dongfang Tiantian may not be able to withstand it."

"Yes, at least the pressure on Dongfang Tiantian and the others will be greatly increased, so we'd better attack them behind the scenes." Ye Luo took the stubbornly and looked into the distance as he said, "I'm here to stay. Less teleportation points, after some of them have performed their big moves or used the [Group Blessing Scroll], we can teleport and do it on them, which will be more helpful for the subsequent defense of the city."

Before breaking the waves and riding the wind to reply, he continued: "In addition, don’t forget that there are many space players in Yinfu. Even if we can sneak into their gangs in the case of a sneak attack, it will be useless, because their space systems Players will use [Space Enchantment] to protect the heart of the city, so we can’t get the gang’s resident within 10 minutes. This will waste our combat power. After all, the battle here should have entered in 10 minutes. At the end, even they have already entered the Spirit Snake City."

Nodded again, but thought of breaking the waves and riding the wind and looking at Ye Luo expectantly: "Then what if we sneak into the Australian service and then sneak into their gang camp? This can force the emperor's hymn and other masters back. , And Dongfang Killtian and their pressure is naturally much lighter."

"This is also a way." Ye Luo said, and he didn't wait for the waves and wind to show joy, his tone changed: "However, if you want to capture a gang resident, you will have to dispatch dozens of dual-professional masters and a large number of elite players. At this time, our people cannot call out so many masters. After all, the major servers are besieging every gang site we occupy, and everyone’s pressure is still a bit heavy."

Seeing the stunned look of the waves and the wind, he continued: "What's more, the space players of the Australian server can also use [Space Enchantment] to protect the heart of the city and delay time, so I [the eighth district www.dibaquxsw.top People like us have wasted too much combat power, which is very unwise."

After listening to Ye Luo’s explanation, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind finally understood it completely. At this time, Wucai Shenniu and others also rushed to and launched the siege, and as soon as they took action, many of them used their big moves, and they still used them. After two or three [Group Blessing Scrolls], it is obvious that they are determined to take back the Spirit Snake City-at this time they are no longer able to take back the White Bull City, which made the colorful **** cow and the others sighed. They are eager to take back the Spirit Snake City to vent their anger. At this time, naturally, they no longer think about those twists and turns. It is the right way to attack the city with all their strength, especially when people on major servers have begun to besiege other gangs. under.

Players on the Indian server such as Wucai Shenniu will go all out to attack the city, but players on servers such as Australia and Southeast Asia will not be like this. At least they will not use all the [Group Blessing Scrolls]. Just use 1 meaning. The bad news is to let some dual-professional players perform their big moves, and then cooperate with the colorful sacred cows to besiege Spirit Snake City.

Seeing the colorful sacred cow, they directly performed their big moves and used the [Group Blessing Scroll]. The Eastern Stars judged that the opponent was not pretending to force them to use the [Group Blessing Scroll] and then retreat, so they also directly used 2 [ Group Blessing Scroll], although it is less than the printed service, because the middle service is the defender of the city, there is no big problem.

Even if the pressure is too high, the Eastern Stars can still use some [Group Blessing Scrolls], and the dual professional masters present can also use their ultimate skills, plus the [Five Poison Scepters] held by the Eastern Stars plus [Five] Poisonous Miasma] There is no problem with this skill. At this time, it is not only the players of the Eastern family who guard the spirit snake city, but also other gangs. These gangs also have some dual-professional masters, and they even retain some [Group Blessing Scroll], so there will be no problems.

When the state of [Group Blessing Scroll] was applied, Ye Luo and others' strength was greatly improved, but Ye Luo did not say much, locked a teleportation point to teleport and then went around to the back of the server team such as Yinfu, and teleported Dongfang Qitian and others. After coming over, he didn't say much, and directly launched the attack. Although he still only used bow and arrow ordinary attacks occasionally to use some skills, but because at this time he filled up the attack and held the [Group Blessing Scroll] state, he can also kill the encounter The goal.

Think about it, Ye Luo learned [Reincarnation * Split Arrow], plus many features can only be triggered by ordinary attacks, so the trouble and casualties caused by his ordinary attacks to the enemy are still considerable.

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