VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2635: : Attacking two cities in a row

It is very exciting to learn that the elite masters of Japanese clothes, Hanbok, and American clothes such as Tokyo Mythology are excited by the [Space Enchantment] displayed by the court players. They were confident that they would be able to occupy Black Dragon City, and then they began to discuss who should occupy Black Dragon City. The result would soon be achieved-let Yi Xiao Hong Chen or Misty Rain occupy Black Dragon City, which would eliminate Yuan Yan Yu and Yi Xiao Lou. Dissatisfaction in the hearts of players.

Of course, Yixiao Hongchen and Misty Rain are also masters on the celebrity list. After they receive system rewards, their strength will be further improved and they can play a very important role in future national wars, especially if they are lucky to get national rewards.

While discussing these, everyone’s actions did not stop. They continued to occupy the walls of Black Dragon City and hunted down the Japanese players who were still in the city. It didn’t take long for them to occupy the walls of Black Dragon City. All Japanese players escaped except some of them were killed. Next, Ye Luo and the others had to wait for the space barrier that protected the Black Dragon City to disappear.

"Fireworks, since Tokyo Mythology and other Japanese masters in the court can not rush back to support, at least not in the next 10 minutes, and the remaining Japanese players also have a greater consumption, and now we have occupied the black dragon. All the walls of the city were then equipped with mobile magic crystal cannons. The most important thing is that the Japanese players who guarded the Black Dragon City were killed by us or fled directly, so we only need to leave a portion of the players to occupy the Black Dragon City. "Bao Lang Chengfeng Road, and when she said this, her eyes were full of expectation: "Why don't we take advantage of the [Five Elements Great Array] state to sneak attack on other gangs in Japanese clothing, so maybe we can be in Tokyo. They will occupy another gang site before they rush back."

Of course, there is one most important thing not to say in Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, that is, the people in the Misty Pavilion have the opportunity to occupy the second gang station of the Japanese service-Tokyo Shinhwa and other Japanese service elite masters did not rush back to support, then Ye Luo and the others can use the [Cross-server*Community Teleport Scroll] to teleport the Bacchus Du Kang and others, plus Ye Luo and the others are in the state of [Five Elements], so they have a chance to occupy the Japanese server Two gang resident.

Every time you occupy a gang resident in the Japanese service, you will get a generous system reward. Breaking the waves and riding the wind naturally don't want to miss it, so she made this suggestion, not to mention that she did not want to waste the state of the [Five Elements] at this time.

Others are also quite smart, and they immediately heard the subtext of breaking the waves and riding the wind, and they would naturally agree to this arrangement.

In fact, she would do the same without breaking the waves and riding the wind to suggest that the fireworks are easy to be cold. After all, she is a person who can make full use of her own advantage, and then she didn't say much. She glanced at Ye Luo directly, and the latter did not speak either. Locked a teleportation point and began to teleport, and soon he came to the second gang resident of the Japanese service-Red Cherry City.

Ye Luo didn't say much after sending it over, and sent the masters such as Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind and Midnight Book. Then they directly attacked the Red Cherry City, because they had dozens of people wearing the [Group Blessing Scroll]. , Of course, the most important thing is that the previous Japanese server players are very expensive, and the masters of the Japanese server such as Tokyo Mythology cannot rush back to support in a short time, so they are a little unscrupulous to attack the city, but it is easy to attack the wall again. .

In order to increase the intensity of the siege, the Red Sakura City was attacked as soon as possible, and she sat on Qin Xin and used a [Group Teleport Scroll] to teleport the casualties of the Misty Pavilion who had just crossed the border, including flying archers and Qing Jiao. Summoners and nightmare cavalry, and this also makes their siege easier.

As for the fireworks are easy to get cold, because the matter of the Black Dragon City has not settled, there may be some changes in the future, so she stayed to command, and after Ye Luo left, she gave another order to Xian Xianyu-let Xian Xianyu hand Teleport to the vicinity of another gang resident, and be prepared to use [Space Portal] to teleport Ye Luo and others at any time.

Fireworks are easy to be cold, and they have made up their minds to occupy more gang sites in the Japanese service, and they have to occupy as many gang sites as possible before they rush back to the Tokyo Mythology. At this time, they need a strong damage output ability. The maneuverability is improved, and space players can undoubtedly guarantee this.

Not to mention this, let’s say that Ye Luo and the others attacked the city at the fastest speed, but they quickly entered the city of Red Sakura, and then they obeyed the order of the fireworks to be cold and rushed to the city of Red Sakura at the fastest speed. Heart, it’s also very easy to do-at this time, almost no players can intercept the joint attacks of Ye Luo, Po Lang Cheng Feng and others, especially Othello with a group of nightmare cavalry to help them intercept the charge. The players in the daily service and sitting on the piano lead a group of priests to increase their blood and add [spell immunity] status.

Seeing Ye Luo and the others approaching, the Japanese people once again realized that they could not stop Ye Luo and others. In desperation, they could only let another space player use [Space Enchantment] to protect the heart of the city, and this It is also the last space player to stay in the Japanese server. Although there are 4 space players in the Japanese server, two of them have sneaked into the court following the Tokyo Myth and others, and only 2 remain in the Japanese server. People.

There are only two space-based players, which also means that Ye Luo and the others will sneak attack on another gang resident. They can't use this trick to protect the heart of the city and delay time.

"Sister Qi, you take everyone back to the city wall, and use the wall to deal with the players in the Japanese clothes, and occupy as many walls as possible." Fireworks Yi Cold gave the order, and then without waiting for Otto and Otto to lead, she continued: " Ye Luo, Sister Feng, you are out of the battle, little hands, you use [Space Portal] to teleport Ye Luo and them, and then besiege Fuji City."

Ye Luo and the others are also smart people. They immediately understood the benefits of the arrangement of fireworks easy to cold, and then they didn't say much. Under the interception of Othello and others, they escaped the battle, and then they were displayed by the delicate hand [Space Portal] Teleported them over, and then they began to attack Fuji Castle.

At this time, it’s only two or three minutes away from the [Space Enchantment] used by the court clothes, and Ye Luo and their [Five Elements Grand Formation] are still four or five minutes away. This long time is enough for them to do many things, such as attacking. Going to the walls of Fuji City, such as destroying the two teleportation formations of Fuji City, they even have a chance to destroy the heart of Fuji City and then occupy it, especially the Japanese server has no space system players can display [Space Enchantment] Case.

"Hey, fireworks, you are too ruthless. This is clearly trying to occupy all the level 3 gangs in the Japanese service." Po Lang Chengfeng laughed, and her movements did not stop when she said this. The double swords were swung, and the high damage figures floated up. It also easily destroyed some defensive equipment on the city wall and killed some Japanese players. This also greatly reduced the pressure on other players in the middle server.

"A rare opportunity." Fireworks Yi said indifferently, and she changed her tone after speaking, "Sister Chess, next you can use the [Cross-server*Group Teleport Scroll] to teleport the players we agreed with before Uncle Bacchus coming."

"What, now send Uncle Bacchus and the others?!" Othello was surprised: "Doesn't this mean that Red Sakura City will be given to Uncle Bacchus for nothing?"

"It's no accident that we can occupy Fuji City next, plus the Black Dragon City. It is already very good to be able to occupy two gang sites in one day." Sitting on Qin Xin explained on his behalf, and then changed his tone: "The most important thing is The heart of the city of Red Sakura City is trapped by the space barrier, which is a bit later than the player of the court space system, which means that the Tokyo myth will rush before the end of the city heart of Red Sakura City. Come back to support, this time you need Uncle Bacchus and the support."

"What's more, according to the agreement, people from other gangs who occupy the gang resident will also pay us some rewards. This is not a free gift to them." Sitting on the piano, added: "Of course, Uncle Bacchus and Uncle Fengxing will forget it. Other gangs are inevitable."

"Oh, this is also true. After all, it is too difficult for us to occupy the 3 Japanese server gang sites alone." Othello murmured, and when he said these, he didn't say much, and directly used [Cross Server* Group Teleportation Scrolls] Teleported tens of thousands of masters in middle service such as the **** of wine, Du Kang, and even included those who sneaked into Hanbok, Longteng Tianxia and Dongfang Qitian.

Just after being teleported to Bacchus Du Kang and others, they saw that the city of Red Sakura had been occupied by the people of Misty Pavilion and destroyed a teleportation formation. The most important thing was that they also saw that the heart of Red Sakura City was knotted by space. Jie was trapped, and this often meant that Red Cherry City would soon be occupied. They were thrilled to think of these, and then they did not say much, and directly joined the battle.

Tens of thousands of elite masters have joined, especially among them are the super masters such as Longteng Tianxia and Dongfang Tiantian. The players in the Japanese server are even worse, and the situation is also showing a one-sided trend. If this continues, the players in the server will soon be able to occupy The city wall of Red Sakura City, and if you want to occupy Red Sakura City, you just have to wait for the space barrier to disappear.

It’s worth mentioning that Dukang, the **** of Bacchus, and others did not use the ultimate move or use the [Group Blessing Scroll] under the deliberate request of the fireworks to be easy to cold, because they can easily kill and drive all the players in the day server without using the ultimate. Walking and then occupying Red Cherry City, there is no need to consume it like this.

"Hey, fireworks girl, your actions are fast. Not only are you about to conquer Black Dragon City, but you are also about to conquer Red Cherry City. Now we will make a lot of money." Bacchus Du Kang couldn't help laughing. Up.

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