VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2637: : Occupy Fuji City

That’s right, the masters of Japanese service such as Tokyo Mythology were trapped by the space system players of the court service [Space Enchantment], and Ye Luo and the others attacked the Black Dragon City, which caused a large consumption of the remaining Japanese service players, plus Bacchus Dukang restrained a large number of elite Japanese clothes in Red Sakura City, so Ye Luo and their siege in Fuji City went quite smoothly. Few players could stop them, so they quickly smashed into Fuji City. The heart of the city began to attack it, and it doesn’t take long to destroy it and then occupy it. The two space players in the Japanese server have already used [Space Enchantment], which means They can no longer use this method to protect the foot of Mount Fuji.

After Ye Luo and the others reached the heart of the city, many elites in Miomi Pavilion directly locked him and sent them, plus Ye Luo and the slender hand displayed [Space Portal] to send a group of elite players. Use [Space Enchantment] to isolate a large number of supported Japanese players from the outside, which means that they can definitely capture Fuji City.

Ye Luo's progress here is much faster than Red Cherry City, even faster than Black Dragon City. After all, Black Dragon City and Red Cherry City's urban heart are protected by the space barrier, and they have not disappeared in the barrier. In the past, fireworks were easy to cold, and Dukang, the **** of wine, could not destroy the heart of the city and then occupy it, but Fuji City did not have this trouble, so Ye Luo and others quickly destroyed the heart of the city.

Although I want Yixiao Hongchen and Misty Rain to occupy the gang’s resident, they are all in the Black Dragon City at this time, and they can’t come over in a short time. The most important thing is that they don’t want to waste time, so let them have a [Cross Server* City of The Midnight Book of Heart] occupied Fuji City.

After hearing the system prompt, the elite players who were later teleported by Bacchus Dukang and Dongfang Killing were shocked. Although they hadn’t seen Ye Luo or Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind before, they didn’t feel strange because they thought Ye Luo and others. I was on the Black Dragon City side, but I didn't want Ye Luo to take someone directly to take down another gang station in the Japanese server. The efficiency was astounding.

Of course, Bacchus Dukang also knows that this is good news for Chinese server players. After all, the more gang sites occupied by Chinese server players, the better, not to mention that Ye Luo and their hands on the third Japanese server’s gang site also means Japan. The cost of the service is greater than they had previously expected, and then it will be easier for them to capture other gang locations.

Of course, there are also many people in the gang that are envious and jealous, such as Ouyang Feiri, Yi Nian Cheng Shen, etc., but they also know that Ye Luo and the others are only the Japanese service gang resident occupied by the power of Misty Pavilion, so although they are jealous But there can be no complaints, and I can only envy in my heart.

"Fireworks, we have already occupied Fuji City, what should we do next?" Po Lang Chengfeng asked casually, and she continued without waiting for the fireworks to get cold. "Would you like to take advantage of our state of [Five Elements] Directly attack the other level 3 gang resident of the Japanese server? Or directly attack the level 4 gang resident of the Japanese server. The space barrier that traps Tokyo Mythology should be about to disappear. We can do more on their level 4 gang resident. Force them back."

Obviously, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind would like to force the Tokyo Mythology back and fight with them. This way, not only is there a chance to solve the troubles of the court clothes, but the most important thing is that they have the opportunity to grab their national weapons after killing the Tokyo Mythology. , This hit the Japanese server even more.

"The state of the [Five Elements Array] is less than 1 minute, and even only 2 or 30 seconds are left. It takes 10 seconds to transmit to another gang site, so there is not much time to attack that gang site." Fireworks Yi said indifferently: "In addition, Tokyo Mythology, they may send over to support at any time. In order to prevent you from rushing to the Red Sakura City to help, you must occupy the Red Sakura City."

When the fireworks Yield said this, another system reminder sounded. It was the system reminder that the fire dance light of Hanbok occupied the gang station of the court, which also meant that the second gang station of the court had been occupied. The battle for Japanese clothing, Hanbok, and U.S. clothing for the current gang resident is also over, which means that once the space barrier that trapped them disappears, the elites of Tokyo Mythology and other Japanese clothing can return to support at any time.

After hearing this system prompt, Ye Luo and the others also knew that Tokyo mythology and other Japanese masters could return to the Japanese service support in a short time, and they also knew that if Tokyo Mythology really returned, it would have a greater impact on Bacchus Du Kang and others In the worst case, it will force the Bacchus Du Kang and others to perform big moves or use the [Group Blessing Scroll]. This is unnecessary consumption, especially the Tokyo Mythology and they left directly after the shot, so Ye Luo and others do not have much Yan, directly sent to Red Cherry City to support.

As for the Black Dragon City, because the [Space Enchantment] that trapped the heart of the Black Dragon City will soon disappear, it is almost impossible for the Tokyo Mythology to come over and stop it, so there is no need to worry about the situation there, let alone When the time comes, Ye Luo and the others can rush to support at any time.

In this way, Ye Luo and the others teleported to Red Sakura City, and cooperated with Bacchus Du Kang to clean up the remaining Japanese players in Red Sakura City. They quickly cleared them and placed all the walls on Red Sakura City on the mobile magic crystal cannon. , So even if the Tokyo Mythology came back, they wouldn’t be able to pose any threat to Ye Luo and the others, and they couldn’t even force Ye Luo and the others to perform ultimatum and use the [Group Blessing Scroll]-there is no consumption for Ye Luo and the others. The gangs that occupy the Japanese service are better located, after all, other servers are still eyeing, if they consume too much to deal with other servers, it is not so easy.

At the same time, the major gangs have been arranging their people to cross the borders and then rush to the Japanese service, and then the space players such as Long Ying and Hua Nongyue have been using [Space Portal] to teleport them, and there are even some gangs. Using the [Group Teleportation Scroll], after all, the more players that are teleported, the more likely it is to occupy Red Cherry City. Of course, in the hearts of major gang players, they will also have a better chance to'grab' Red Cherry City.

Ye Luo and the others don’t care about this. After all, they also know that the more players in the middle server that are sent to the Japanese server, the better. Then their siege efficiency will be greatly improved, and the casualties and losses caused to the Japanese server will be greater. .

Not to mention Ye Luo's arrangement here, let's talk about the situation on Tokyo Mythology's side.

After hearing the system prompt of Occupying Fuji City in Midnight Book, everyone in the Japanese server was shocked, because they did not expect that the players in the server would occupy their gang station so quickly, and it was not Black Dragon City, which means they lost today. There will be more gangs, and their looks become hard to look at thinking of these.

"Boss, it seems that Ye Luo Zhiqiu and the others already knew that we were trapped by [Space Enchantment], so they stepped up their attacks." Hei Longtian said in a deep voice, his brows deepened when he said this. Deeply wrinkled: "Unsurprisingly, they want to take this opportunity to occupy some of our gang sites, and even if we don’t rush back to support them, they will keep attacking our gang sites because the people we stay behind can’t stop them, so I propose Hurry back to support."

"Yes, the gang site in front of us has been occupied by Huowuzhiguang. We no longer have the need to stay, so let's go back." Heilong took the stubbornly, saying that he kept looking at Tokyo Mythology. I want to see what decision he makes.

Tokyo Mythology naturally knows that if they don’t rush back, the people in the middle service will keep attacking their gang site. After thinking of these, his expression becomes a little serious, but he did not make a decision immediately, but looked at the cherry blossoms on the side. Full bloom: "Sakura, what's the situation of our server? Have some experts in China Server sneak into our Japanese server? Especially Dongfang Tuotian and others?"

Although it is an inquiry, the tone of Tokyo Mythology is quite certain, because he has seen that the previous worried expressions of the US and Hanbok players have faded. From this point, he can also guess the elites led by Dongfang Tiantian and Longtengtianxia. The team has already retired from the Hanbok and the US service, and what they will do next can be imagined-Tokyo Mythology can easily guess that they have sneaked into the Japanese service.

The cherry blossoms were in full bloom and didn’t say much. They started asking their people offline to inquire about the Japanese clothes, but they quickly figured out the situation of the Japanese clothes. They only learned about the masters of the Japanese clothes, such as Dongfang Tiantian and Longtengtianxia. After sneaking into the Japanese clothes and not only doing the Black Dragon City and Fuji City, but also the Red Cherry City, their look has become even more ugly.

"What, Eastern Killing Sky, Longteng Tianxia, ​​they have already withdrawn from Hanbok and Meifu and then sneaked into our server?!" After hearing this news, Sakura Ruxue Qiao's face was full of disbelief, and more were indeed worried: " This is troublesome. Almost all the super masters of the Chinese server have sneaked into our server, so even if we rush back, it may not prevent them from occupying our gang site, unless players from Hanbok, US servers and other servers go Help us, but they don’t necessarily help us, especially when there are many benefits in the present, let alone the crisis of their servers has been resolved, so they will not help us."

Although they don’t want to admit it, they also know that even if they return to the daily service, they are not Ye Luo's opponents, especially after they have a large consumption. In this case, they are not Ye Luo's opponents at all. , Returning not only can’t prevent the gang’s resident from being occupied, they may even be killed and some national weapons will be exploded. This is not what they want to see-they had to use a big move in response to the crazy counterattack of the court players. They even used the [Group Blessing Scroll], so they didn't have much reserve.

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