VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2642: : Four melee

Ye Luo and the others attacked the fourth Japanese service gang resident named Yin Yang City, because this gang resident has a holy city guarding item and has a stronger defense force, and it is precisely because of this that the Bacchus Dukang and other talents proposed Let Ye Luo and the others attack this gang site-although the other 3rd army can capture this gang site, it will cost a lot and even cause some casualties, but it will be Ye Luo. It's different when they come to attack. Not surprisingly, they can still easily defeat it, even without someone using big moves.

At this time, the players in the Chinese server have planned to capture all the 3rd-level gang sites in the Japanese server, and it is better for the overall situation to reduce the consumption of the other three-way army and the casualties, so the fireworks are easy to be cold. After Du Kang and Fengxing said, they did not hesitate to agree to attack this gang resident. Of course, the most important thing is that the fireworks are easy to be cold. They said before, they will chew the harder bones, and Yin Yang City is undoubtedly among all the 3rd gang resident. The hardest bone.

That’s right, the fireworks are easy to be cold. They said that they have to choose some stronger gang sites to do it. It is precisely because of this that they would have done it in Dark Night City, which also had the city defense props before, and now they have a stronger city defense props. City hands-on.

"Fireworks, how are we going to attack the city next?" Po Lang Chengfeng asked, but when she asked about these, her tone was quite casual: "This gang resident has a holy city defense tool, and its defense is better than before. The Dark Night City is even stronger, especially since the gang belonging to this gang resident is the top five gang in the Japanese service. The strength is quite good. We will have some pressure against them."

After hesitating for a while, the firework is easy to cold say: "Ye Luo, you can use your big move, and then go all out to attack their city defense items, you can easily destroy them with your damage output, so the defense of this gang station is not enough. It’s almost the same as the normal gang resident.

Think about it, too, the defensive items placed on the gang resident can be destroyed, and once destroyed, the defensive items are useless, and the defense of the gang resident will be greatly reduced.

The most important thing is that Ye Luo can almost hardly attack the monsters in the city defense props after performing the ultimate move. Especially after he switches to the archer mode, the ultimate attack is added to the attack power. Not surprisingly, he can be shorter Destroy it within a period of time, so it won’t cause any problems with their siege. Although the gang that guards the city of Yin and Yang is stronger, Ye Luo can directly kill after destroying the city’s defense props, with his strength Can easily kill many elites, which will also make their siege much easier.

"Yes, anyway, we already have a time player in the Misty Pavilion. The big deal is to let him perform [Time Clear] on Ye Luo, so that he can perform 3 big moves." Po Lang Chengfeng took the stubbornly: "And After Ye Luo casts his ultimate move to destroy Yin Yang City's defense items, there should be no problem. After all, Ye Luo's ultimate move is much stronger than others'."

That's right, other people's ults can only increase your own strength, and Ye Luo's [Reincarnation Domain] can not only greatly increase his own strength, but also increase the overall attributes of all friendly units within 100 meters by 30%, and restore magic The speed and blood recovery speed are increased by 100%. If there are more friendly units around, the effect of this skill is even comparable to [Group Blessing Scroll].

Not only that, the overall attributes of all hostile targets trapped in the [Reincarnation Domain] will also be weakened by 10%. This will make Ye Luo and the others easier and easier to attack. Breaking the waves and riding the wind will be so sure that the next siege will not be a problem.

While breaking the waves and riding the wind said this, Ye Luo also directly used the [Samsara Domain], and then he went to the city of Yin and Yang as fast as possible to defend the city-it is worth mentioning that the city of Yin and Yang was placed in the city. It is above the city wall, so Ye Luo can directly attack it more than 30 meters away from the city wall.

As for breaking the waves and riding the wind, they have not been idle, because their overall attributes have been increased by 30% due to the [reincarnation domain], which has also greatly increased their strength, so hard to withstand the city's defense equipment, city defense tools and The attacks of the Japanese players are not too problematic, especially after Ye Luo shared a lot of pressure for them.

I have to say that Ye Luo’s damage output is extremely high, but it only took more than 30 seconds to successfully destroy the city defense props. Even during the period, he also destroyed two or three magic crystal cannons and killed many Japanese servers. Players-under the action of [Reincarnation * Split Arrows] Ye Luo can shoot multiple energy arrows with every normal attack, and these energy arrows can naturally destroy or kill the surrounding Japanese players and the defenders of Yin Yang City.

The defenders of Yin Yang City were forcibly destroyed, so the defense and attack power of Yin Yang City were greatly weakened. In addition, Ye Luo's strength was greatly improved because of his ultimate move, and even the waves and the wind and others were the same, so they next The siege of the city became much easier, and even within 5 minutes of [Samsara Field], they broke into the Yin and Yang City and destroyed the heart of the city and then used [Cross Server*City Heart] to merge with it.

It’s worth mentioning that the fireworks that occupy Yinyang City this time are easy to be cold. After all, she is currently the strongest player in Misty Pavilion besides Ye Luo and Breaking Waves. Let her occupy Yinyang City to further enhance her strength. It can also play a greater role.

"Hey, fireworks, we have already captured Yin and Yang City. Uncle Bacchus and their other 3rd army have also occupied a gang site and are attacking other gang sites. At this time, the consumption of the Japanese server has reached a level. It's an exaggeration, we can do it to their Level 4 gang resident." Breaking the waves and riding the wind is full of expectation. When she said this, she was eager to try, looking like she couldn't wait.

Seeing that the fireworks were easy to get cold and did not immediately reply, June Feixue immediately woke up, and then she went to inquire about the news from the people in the Assassin’s House, but soon the result was: "Before the Tokyo Mythology, they were blocked by some Russian players. , As a last resort, some of them used their ultimatum, and they used one or two [Group Blessing Scrolls] when they used other gang sites again, because this time it was not only the Russian service that blocked them. Players, as well as non-server, Central Asian and other server players."

"What, some of them have performed their ultimatum and used [Group Blessing Scroll]?" After hearing the words of June Feixue, Othello became excited: "So, Tokyo Mythology has a greater consumption, so They can't stop us anymore. At this time, they have fully satisfied the conditions for working on the level 4 gang resident."

Fireworks Yi Cold still did not make a final decision, but looked at Qin Xin: "Sister Qin, how is the situation of other servers?"

"Xiao Shi just told me that other servers have also started to act. The British server and other servers have sneaked into the non-server and started to work on the African server. In addition, some of them have sneaked into the Russian server. I don’t know if it is confining the Russian server or I want to occupy some gang sites in the Russian server.” Sitting on Qin Xin said, she continued after a short pause: "By the way, you and I have heard the system prompt before that the gang sites such as Linghu City occupied by Russian server and non-server are all occupied. This also means that the major servers have a greater consumption. After all, it takes a lot of power to regain the gangs such as Linghu City."

"Uh, the major servers are all up to action. Doesn't that mean that the whole catastrophe is a little messy?!" Po Lang Chengfeng was surprised and his tone changed: "Right, are the people from the major servers right? Flying Eagle City started?!"

Flying Eagle City is occupied by the Ye Yu family, and it is also the gang resident of Zhongfu. Once the people of the major servers start to fly Eagle City, it is also a kind of weakening for Zhongfu. Even the Yeyu family and other gangs will Need to rush over to support, so their next actions will be more or less affected.

"Perhaps because Flying Eagle City possesses defense items and is occupied by our Chinese server players, the major servers, including the British server, did not rashly act on it." Sitting on Qin Xin said one to make the waves and ride the wind easy. Lots of news.

"Haha, this is good news for us." Othello couldn't help but smile: "Because the major servers will definitely consume more when they act, and the most important thing is that they didn't act on us, so we Next, we don’t have to worry about them taking action on the gang sites we occupy, let alone infiltrating our servers, so that we can take action unscrupulously without even having any reservations. After all, after occupying so many gang sites, we will get it tomorrow. Many [Group Blessing Scrolls] should be enough to deal with the siege of major servers."

"Although it is good news for us that the major servers are working on the gangs of non-server servers, it will not be tomorrow." Ye Luo said solemnly, after a short pause, he continued: "Because the Russian server is waiting for the server to dispatch. Some elites rushed to the court to support them, and even they have already faced up with Tokyo Shinhwa and others, which means that their consumption is a bit high, and servers such as Defu have the opportunity to occupy their gang sites, or even multiple seats. It means that major servers will receive system rewards for occupying some gang sites. Not to mention that it is possible to obtain some national weapons, but those [Group Blessing Scrolls] can pose a greater threat to us."

Hearing that, everyone's expressions became a little more solemn, and they were all aware of this problem.

"Yes, three servers, including Japanese server, US server, and Hanbok, occupying multiple gang sites of the court and obtaining multiple [Group Blessing Scrolls] can already pose a greater threat to us. Now other servers have the opportunity to occupy some gangs. station……"

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