VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2644: : Attack on Yachi Castle

If Ye Luo and the others can rush to the heart of the city of Baqi City, there is no problem, because they can easily kill the surrounding Japanese players with their [Taizhidao], big moves and full attack power. , Then the slender jade hand can teleport and then display [Space Enchantment], what they have to do next is to kill all the Japanese players in the enchantment and then destroy the heart of the city of Yaqi City.

However, if the reaction of the Japanese server is very fast, the space system players are sent back to the space system and then the [Space Enchantment] protects the heart of the city of Yaqi City, then things will be a little troublesome, because Ye Luo will be in the next 10 minutes. They can't occupy Yachi City at all. Then they will be besieged by a steady stream of Japanese players, which will cause them greater troubles and even casualties. At the worst, they will have greater consumption-after 10 minutes [ When the state of Tai Chi Dao is over, Ye Luo and the others will naturally need to consume more if they want to capture Baqi City. Maybe they will need to use all their big moves and even use some [Group Blessing Scrolls].

Not only is there a large number of Japanese players taking turns charging, the most troublesome thing is that there are more powerful defensive equipment in Yachi City. The level and quantity of these defensive equipment are far higher and more than the level 3 gang station. Launching an attack can cause a lot of trouble to Ye Luo and the others.

The brows frowned slightly, breaking the waves and riding the wind. They naturally knew that they had a chance to return to the space system players of the Japanese service in the court service during the siege. After all, the level 4 gang resident covers a large area, and Ye Luo and the others are the fastest The speed of rushing to the heart of the city, even the use of [Kuang Lei Sprint] and other 100-meter displacement skills will take some time, and this time may be enough for the space player of the day service to rush back.

"It should be difficult for Japanese players to come back in a short time in the space system of the court server. After all, it will take some time for them to leave the court server. At least it will take more than 10 seconds, because they have to lock in the teleportation point at the edge of the enchantment. Back to the plus server, and then transfer from the plus server to the day server, this will take at least 1, 20 seconds.” Po Lang Chengfeng suddenly thought of this: “And even if they rush back to the day server and want to send it to eight Qicheng also needs more than 10 seconds. After all, it takes more than 10 seconds for the teleportation skills. It takes at least half a minute for them to come back. This long time should be enough for us to rush to the heart of the city in Baqi City. It's done."

"Hey, once we can rush to the heart of the city, then all problems will be no problem. Even if they rush back to Tokyo Mythology, it will be okay." Po Lang Chengfeng added: "I'm not going to get the Tokyo Mythology when they rush back. In this way, we not only have the opportunity to take down the Baqi City, but also have the opportunity to kill them and explode their national weapons. This will cause them even greater losses."

The words of Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind made everyone excited, and half a minute in their hearts was enough for Yeluo, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind to rush to the heart of the city of Baqi City.

"But what if people in the Japanese server use the [Cross-server* Group Teleportation Scroll] the first time?" Sitting on Qin Xin asked, seeing the people such as Po Lang Chengfeng silently, she continued: "Use [Cross-server * Group Teleportation Scroll] It only takes 10 seconds to transfer the space player of the day server to [Space Enchantment]. This is only 15 seconds. No one will stop Ye Luo and Feng Sister, you want to rush to it. There are also some difficulties in the heart of the city, not to mention that there are still a large number of Japanese players to intercept."

After pondering for a long time, breaking the waves and riding the wind said: "This is indeed a problem, fireworks, what should we do if this is the case?"

"If they really have time to teleport the space player back and then have time to display [Space Enchantment], then we can only retreat to the wall temporarily, occupy their wall step by step and then install the mobile magic crystal cannon." Indifferently said: "Not only that, but also the support of Uncle Bacchus and others at that time. Although we will have more consumption in the future, we will definitely be able to take down the Baqi City."

"Hey, this is also a way." Po Lang Chengfeng Road, and then she laughed: "As long as the Baqi City can be taken down, some consumption will be fine. You have analyzed the gains obtained by occupying the 4th gang resident. The reward is far more generous than the level 3 gang resident, not to mention that the loss to the Japanese server will be greater after the occupation of Yachi City, so even if there is a large consumption, it is completely worth it."

Regarding this, everyone was deeply convinced, and then they didn't say much and began to attack the city.

Ye Luo didn't say much, he directly used the [Taozhi Dao], and even in order to be able to rush to the heart of the city of Baqi City earlier, he also directly used the big move, so not only his strength is greatly improved, but the players around him They also increased their strength greatly, and then they did not hesitate to start attacking the city-of course, Ye Luo's big move was performed by a time player of Miomi Pavilion after [time reset] was used, otherwise [cooling reset] would be somewhat It's too wasteful, after all, he still has a lot of great power and wide range skills that he hasn't used yet.

He used his big move and held the state of [Tao Chi Dao]. In addition, Ye Luo also used his acceleration skills. For a while, his speed was greatly increased, and he rushed towards the walls of Bayi City like a smoke. The defensive power and vitality of Baqi City have been greatly improved, so even if Baqi City’s defense equipment is used to attack, there is no big problem, even if the number of Baqi City’s defense equipment is far more than that of the level 3 gang resident. What's more, masters such as Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind and Yixiao Hongchen also shared some pressure for him.

In addition, sitting on the Qin Xin directly cast [Qin Yin Hualin], so Ye Luo and the surrounding players' blood recovery speed is faster, even if Ling Tianyi is attacked by the city defense equipment first, the blood will hardly be lost, even slightly It doesn't matter if you lose some vitality, even if you sit on Qin Xin and wait for the priest to keep up with him, because he can still use [Life Absorption].

[Life Drain] But it can restore 15% of Qi and blood at one time, and 15% in the next time, because Ye Luo has equipment and skills that increase spell enhancement and healing effects, so the recovery effect It would be better. If it doesn't work, he can still take the [Orange Ling Pill], which can instantly restore him to full state.

In addition, Ye Luo can also cast [Gossip Source] 3 times, so there will be no problems.

Ye Luo's speed is very fast. It didn't take long for him to rush 30 meters in front of the city wall. At this time, he was able to attack the target on the city wall. After switching to the archer mode, he took the lead in attacking, even with his current strength. Ordinary attacks also have a chance to kill the target in seconds, even those players who cast their ultimate moves against the [Group Blessing Scroll] status.

The gang that Baqi City belongs to is very strong, and can be ranked in the top three in the Japanese server, so the players who guard Baqi City are also very strong. The most important thing is that this gang has a lot of background. This is because they have several dual professions. It can be seen by the retention of the ultimate move and the [Group Blessing Scroll], and after seeing Ye Luo and the others start to attack the city, they did not hesitate to use the ultimate move and then used the [Group Blessing Scroll]. The strength is also greatly improved.

In addition, the commander who guarded Yachi Castle also asked other Japanese players for help as soon as possible. He even ordered their people to pass the news to Tokyo Shinhwa and others. After all, this person knew that once The meaning of losing the level 4 gang resident is completely different.

Not only this person knows this, but also other Japanese players. For a time, a large number of Japanese players teleported to Baqi City from various places, and then they joined the ranks of intercepting Ye Luo and others, and this is also more or less Ye Luo and the others caused some troubles, especially since there are still a lot of air power in this gang station, not only the confusion in the hive, but also flying summoners, flying cavalry and so on.

Especially those flying cavalry, after seeing Ye Luo and the others arrive, they decisively launched [Charge], and they charge in turn. Their idea is also very simple, that is, even if Ye Luo cannot be dizzy, they must always stop him. Outside the city wall, the least help would not allow him to get close to the heart of the city. After all, players in the Japanese server also knew that once he was close to the heart of the city, it would be almost impossible to defend the city of Yachi.

The other is to delay time. In the hearts of these Japanese server players, the longer they delay, the better. In this way, the Tokyo Mythology is more likely to come back to support them, and at the worst, they have to buy some time for their Space system players-in eight In the hearts of Qicheng’s commanders, as long as their space system players return and then use [Space Enchantment] to protect the heart of the city, then they have a great chance to defend Yaki Castle, even if the Tokyo Mythology they return to support later in this way.

At the same time, they also began to appeal to players with [Cross Server* Group Teleportation Scrolls] to rush to Yaki Castle and use the scrolls to teleport Tokyo Mythology and others, even if they teleport their Space System players—though The gang belonging to Yaki City is very powerful in the Japanese server, but they do not have a [Cross-server*Group Teleport Scroll]. After all, this kind of scroll is quite precious. Players who sneaked into the Japanese server have already used it, so they only Can ask for support.

I have to say that Japanese players value the 4th level gang station very much, because they also know that once the 4th level gang station is occupied, it will be difficult for them to take it back, so a large number of players have teleported over, including 2 or 3 people. They have the [Cross-server* Group Teleportation Scroll], and they did not hesitate to use the scroll after teleporting to Yaki City, preparing to teleport the Tokyo Mythology and them back.

"Worse, there are spatial fluctuations in the heart of the city, it seems to be the use of [Cross Server* Group Teleport Scroll]..."

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