VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2662: : Siege begins

Midnight Book, Yixiao Hongchen, and Misty Rain each obtained a national weapon, which greatly improved their strength, which also means that Miomi Pavilion can form a more powerful elite team, and it will be much easier for them to capture the gang station of his service. Not to mention that the other gangs of China Server have also obtained some national weapons.

Although the gang that has been occupied by other servers can get some tax rewards, you can’t get system rewards by occupying the gang’s resident. You can only get it back and then get system rewards after the other servers are taken back. Doing so can'swipe out' more rewards, and even more people will have national weapons. From this point of view, abandoning some gang sites will be beneficial to China Server.

Because the last occupied gang resident can also be attacked, and the player skills that used the ultimate move yesterday have also ended the CD, the next thing they have to do is naturally siege the city, as the samādhi said, except for the players in the Japanese server. In addition, players from other servers have rushed to the Japanese server to support them, such as those in Southeast Asia and the Australian server. The situation in the US and Hanbok is similar, and this will undoubtedly increase the pressure on the Chinese server.

Of course, after the Assassin’s House told everyone another news, everyone realized that their pressure would be even greater in the future-Japanese clothing, Hanbok, and U.S. clothing sent not many players to the court guard gang station, each server only sent Millions of players.

There are tens of millions or even tens of millions of elite players on a server. Japanese server, Hanbok, and US server each dispatched about a million players to the court to guard the gang site that they grabbed yesterday. The number is less than 10%. I heard this. After the news, the players in the server were surprised and puzzled.

"What, only so many players have been sent to the court, there are not even many double professional masters?!" After hearing this news, the voice of the waves and the wind increased a little, while she said she looked at the fireworks and the others: "What are they going to do? At this point, players can't hold many gang sites, and even one is pretty good. Is it possible that they don't plan to defend those level 4 gang sites?"

If players in Hanbok, US and Japanese servers give up all 3rd-level gangs, it’s easy to understand how to break the waves and wind, but if they want to give up 4th-level gangs, she can’t accept it.

"It's very simple. Tokyo Mythology is going to abandon most of the gang sites that they have already occupied. Of course, this is to mobilize more combat power to regain the gang sites that we occupy." Samadhi said, she continued after seeing everyone nodding their heads: “For Tokyo Shinhwa, it’s nothing to abandon those court gangs that they have already occupied, because they are confident that they will get it back in the future, and if they do it again, they will get system rewards again. This is good for Tokyo Shinhwa. More, after all, servers such as Japanese servers are not taxed, but lack the [Group Blessing Scroll] and other rewards to improve their strength. They also know that only by working hard to improve their strength can they deal with us."

"That's true." Othello nodded, but she changed her tone when she thought of something: "If this is the case, then they should not send a soldier to the court, and save all the fighting power to take back the gang we occupy. The station is right. This way, there will be more opportunities to regain the gang station we occupy, and there will be more targets for the court in the future. After all, the more gang station they occupy, the more benefits they will get."

"The reason why we send millions of players over is because they want to guard a gang resident, only one is enough." Samadhi explained: "Because they are guarding a gang resident, it will be convenient for Tokyo Mythology to mobilize the army to sneak into the court after all. After taking back all the gang sites, Tokyo Shinhwa will have a lot of trouble to sneak into the court clothes, and it will be a lot of trouble to mobilize troops and so on. It is more convenient to send it directly."

"Of course, more players can easily occupy the gang resident of the court in the past." Samadhi Shi added.

"That's also true." After breaking the waves, she asked after a change of tone, "Can the people of the server and other servers hold a gang site? After all, there are tens of millions or even tens of millions of players in the court. , And servers such as Japanese servers only sent a million players over..."

"There should be no problem. After all, there are three million people in Japanese clothing, Hanbok, and American clothing. Coupled with the advantage of defending the city, this is not without the opportunity to defend a gang resident." After breaking the waves and riding the wind, she continued for a while: "If there are no accidents, the Japanese clothes, Hanbok, and US clothes only intend to defend a level 4 gang station like us. The defense of the level 4 gang station is extremely amazing. With various advantages such as the city wall, the servers such as the Japanese server can top several people, and three million players are equivalent to tens of millions of players."

Hearing that, Po Lang Riding the Wind nodded, and she sat on Qin Xin to take the stubbornness: “Yes, it’s no surprise that those Japanese, American, and Hanbok players all have some [Group Blessing Scrolls]. The server waiting for the server has got too many scrolls, and the court server has almost no [Group Blessing Scrolls] left, so it is almost impossible for the people of the court clothes to take back all the gang sites."

"What's more, the players of the court clothes who want to regain a gang resident will have a large consumption. They have lost half of the gang resident. If they want to take it back, it will be very expensive." Samadhi Shi added.

Think about it, too, servers such as the Japanese server can obtain rewards such as [Group Blessing Scroll] by seizing the gang station of his server, but the players of the court server did not preempt any gang station of his server, but lost a lot, even because of yesterday’s Japanese server, Hanbok and U.S. server killed and killed them on their servers and caused them to suffer heavy casualties. This was a big discount. In this case, Japanese, U.S., and Korean servers only sent a million players and then only wanted to defend a gang station. There is almost no problem. .

"Although the number of players sent by servers such as the Japanese server to the court server is far fewer than we expected, but the court server can contain one million elites per server and it has more or less relieved some of our pressure." Polang Chengfeng Road, and then she saw Facing the fireworks is easy to get cold, his tone changed: "Fireworks, the Japanese people are mobilizing the army, and they will attack the city soon, should we act in advance? For example, go around behind their large army and mess up with our strength. More or less people who can kill them, and even force some of their masters to directly perform their big moves or use the [Group Blessing Scroll], which will be very helpful for us to defend the city."

Fireworks Yi Leng did not immediately reply to her, but looked at Samadhi. She gave an order: "Sister Shi, you return to White Bull City. The task of commanding everyone's defense will be handed over to you. I will make Misty Rain and laugh at them. To assist you in defending the city, if the pressure is high, you can mobilize some more players, and you can use one or two more [Group Blessing Scrolls], and even I can let Xiaoshu and Sister Feng support them."

As early as before, fireworks and samādhi discussed specific defensive tactics, so after hearing the command of fireworks to be cold, samādhi did not say much, leaving with a smile of Hongchen, Yanyu and others, and a smile of Hongchen, Yanyu When someone has a national weapon, it will also make their defense easier.

Seeing that the waves and the wind are still looking at me, the fireworks easily coldly said: "Well, you, Ye Luo and Xiaoshu can form an elite team to act, but I don’t think the effect is too great, because it will not be formally attacked. Previously, the dual-class masters in the Japanese server would not use their big moves, or even appear, let alone use the [Group Blessing Scroll]."

Naturally, I know this, but Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind didn’t take it seriously. She laughed: "It can cause them some trouble. Although it can only kill some ordinary elite players, it can weaken them more or less. The strength of being idle is also idle anyway."

When he said this, he did not forget to give Ye Luo a look. The latter immediately woke up. He teleported to the rear of the day-served army and then used [Space Portal] to teleport the waves and the wind, Midnight Book and others. The next step is to start harassing players from the day server and other server support.

After preparing for such a long time, most of the Japanese servers and other servers have completed the deployment of troops and generals, and then they did not delay the time, began to attack the city, and they attacked the city most violently. Immediately after the teleportation, it performed the ultimate move, and also used some [Group Blessing Scrolls]. Millions of players swarmed in, and the battle was about to start.

In the face of the tide of enemies, the players in the middle server are not very nervous, after all, they have been arranged before—if they can't hold them, they will give up directly, and then retreat to the 4th gang resident such as Baqi City.

That’s right, although the plan has been made to abandon those level 3 gang sites, but the Chinese server will not let players on the day server wait for the server to grab them back so easily, so every level 3 gang site has manpower. At least there are more than 100,000 players. These players can use defensive equipment and city walls to cause some casualties and consumption of players in the Japanese service, and this will make the defense of the main players such as Ye Luo easier.

But soon they discovered another problem-players in Japanese, American and Hanbok concentrated most of their forces to besiege the 4th-level gang sites such as Baqi City and Luofeng City. Obviously they wanted to give these gang sites to Grab it back.

"Sister Fireworks, it seems that there are seven or eight Chengdu of the double-professional masters in Japanese clothes outside Baqi City." June Feixue said, she looked a little nervous when she said this: "Obviously they are determined to give Baqi City Take it back, because we have less than half of our gang's manpower here, and the Japanese server has other server support. We want to defend it, but it's a little difficult."

"Yes, they are determined to take Baqi City back. Obviously they also know the disadvantages of taking Baqi City back..."

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