VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2700: : Next steps

Depending on the situation, the German server can no longer defend the level 3 counties under the harassment of the Russian server and other server alliances and Ye Luo and others. In order to prevent servers such as the middle server from occupying these level 3 counties and then get very rich system rewards, Tokyo Mythology They rushed to the German service to support them and wanted to occupy the German service’s gang site first. This would not only prevent servers such as China Service from gaining benefits, but also allow them to obtain very good benefits for these servers. So Tokyo Mythology naturally knew how to choose. .

Previously, they occupied the 3rd-level county city of the British server to prevent the middle server from occupying it, so that they can repeat the same trick after arriving in the German server.

Knowing that Tokyo Shinhwa and others arrived at the German service, even the masters of the British service, such as the sun never set, and the dragon shadow, also rushed to the German service with a group of elites of the British service, Ouyang Feitian and others were very excited, and they were next in their hearts. There was a chance to continue to occupy the 4th gang resident of the British server, so they proposed to stay in the British server.

"The number of level 3 county towns in the British server seems to be more than that of the level 3 county towns in the Japanese server." Suddenly, the fireworks became cold. Seeing the puzzled look of everyone, she continued: "I'll count it. City, Fire Dragon City, the two 4th-level royal cities, we and the German server and other servers have already occupied half of the gang resident of the British server. If we capture one more, more than half..."

"You mean that if we occupy the gang site of British server again, it will trigger the conditions for the awakening of the'protective beast'?!" Breaking the waves blew out of the wind and nodded when she saw the fireworks, she said to herself: "That also wants us Only after occupying a fourth-level gang resident of the British server will the conditions for the awakening of the guardian beast be triggered, and we still have 10 minutes to escape. This long time is enough for us to leave the British server."

"But if the Indian server waits for the server to occupy a level 4 gang site in the British server one step ahead of time, especially when we see that we have the opportunity to occupy a level 4 gang site." Suddenly Ye Yufei said, seeing the waves and the wind show off. With a thoughtful look, she nodded: "Yes, according to our intelligence agency, we know that at this time Yinfu and other servers that are not allies with the British server are still leaving a lot of elite forces in the British server. Not surprisingly, these elites It should be when we continue to attack the 4th level gang station of the British server, because they will encounter almost no resistance, and we may face space players to use [Space Enchantment] protection. The situation of living in the heart of the city, so we don’t have them to quickly capture a level 4 gang resident, so we have no sense at all."

Everyone was a smart person, and they soon wanted to understand this, and they finally understood why the sun didn't set Long Ying and they left the British server with such confidence and rushed to the German server.

"Yes, the servers such as Yinfu have indeed retained a large number of players in the British server." Wuming said lightly, and his words almost proved that fireworks are easy to be cold and Yeyufeifei said.

In this case, Ouyang Feitian and the others no longer insist on attacking the gang resident of the British server. They plan to rush to the German server to rendezvous with Ye Luo after occupying the Black Sun City. The next step is to compare the speed with the server of the British server as much as possible. Who occupies more gang sites.

Soon after 3 minutes, Ouyang Feiri occupied Black Sun City, and the fireworks were easy to be cold. They didn't say much, and they crossed directly from the border to the German clothes. Then Ye Luo and Yueyue directly used the [Space Portal] Teleported them to the past-yes, they rushed to the border of the border after the fireworks were easy to cold 1, 2 minutes ago, waiting for the system to prompt Ouyang Feiri to occupy the Black Sun City, so that they could cross the border Rushed to Defu and joined Ye Luo.

Zhiyue Yeluo, after helping the alliance of Russian servers and other servers to occupy a level 3 county city, he joined Qinxin and others. After all, servers such as German servers have already consumed a lot, plus Ye Luo and their alliance with Russian servers and other servers will simultaneously attack the city, which will disperse the combat power of German servers and other servers, which will make it easier for both sides to capture the gangs of German servers. Therefore, Ye Luo directly “parted ways” and then sat on the heart of the piano. They meet.

It is precisely because of this that they then occupied a third-level county town in the German server, but then they also learned that the masters of the major servers such as Tokyo Mythology have arrived in the German server, and they are as smart as Ye Luo. Knowing that they rushed to Defu is afraid that it is as simple as supporting Defu.

The fact is also true. Those servers that are allies with German servers lead players to meet with servers such as German servers and then block Russian servers, Chinese servers and other servers, while servers such as British servers begin to attack the German server’s level 3 county towns, because they They have reached an agreement with Deutsche Services, and they dispatched more servers, so the efficiency of capturing the gang's premises is very high, even higher than that of Yeluo and other server alliances such as Russia.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for the fireworks to get cold. They also arrived and joined Ye Luo and the others, which also improved their efficiency in siege.

Time has passed, and one hour has passed in a blink of an eye. In the past for such a long time, the 3rd-level county towns of the German service were occupied by the'major servers'. It is worth mentioning that the Zhongfu has occupied 5 3rd-level county towns. , And the Russian server and other server alliances occupied 6 seats. After all, this alliance dispatched more players, plus Ye Luo helped them before, so they occupied more gang sites.

However, servers such as Yinfu occupy a total of 13 third-level counties, and the total is even more than the total of servers such as Zhongfu. From this we can see how hindrance affects the outcome.

Although they have less occupied a lot of gang sites, Ye Luo and the others are already content with this result. The most important thing is that this time the German service has suffered a large loss, and its strength will be weakened a lot, plus the British service. There has also been a weakening. Overall, the overall strength of the major servers has been weakened a lot.

As for the alliances of servers such as the Chinese server and the Russian server, they occupied a lot of the gangs of the British server and the German server. Even the Chinese server also occupied the British server 2 4th level royal cities, which greatly improved their overall strength. .

Another thing worth mentioning is the situation of the additional service. After so long, Samadhi and they occupied 3 3rd-level prefectures of the Jiafu, while the combined forces of the Russian and the court occupied 5, although this number is still less than the increase. Serve all the level 3 counties, but it also caused a lot of losses to the added server. What's more, as time goes by, the Samadhi and the players of the Russian server and the court server can continue to occupy the gang station of the added server-so For a long time, the additional service, Japanese service, US service and Hanbok have consumed a lot of consumption. At least the consumption is much larger than that of the Russian service and the Korean service. In addition to the samādhi, they can also contain a large number of elites in the service. So they still have the opportunity to continue to conquer the gang resident of the plus server.

"Hey, fireworks, all the level 3 counties of the German service have been occupied by us, should we do something to their level 4 gang station next?!" Po Lang Chengfeng was full of expectation.

"Naturally we have to take action on their 4th-level county town." Zhan Tianxia took over the words: "At this time, servers such as German and other servers have already consumed a lot, and the Russian server and other server coalition forces can share most of the battle for us. Power, so we still have a good chance to occupy their 4th-level royal city."

"Yes, that's right." A thought became a **** in a hurry: "The opportunity is rare, we can't just miss it like this."

"It's just that we want to occupy the 4th level gang resident of the German server will have a greater consumption, and we have no more killers left, and even the [Group Blessing Scroll] is not a lot." The firework is easy to be cold. Dao, she stopped those who wanted to say something to become a devil and others, and continued: "The coalition forces in the Russian server and other servers will not necessarily continue to stay in the German server after seeing that all the 3rd-level county cities of the German server are occupied. Leaving and then working on other servers means that we have to face the allied forces of servers such as German servers alone, and this will greatly increase our consumption and risks."

Hearing that, everyone was silent, because they also knew that the Russian server and other server coalition forces were likely to leave directly. If it was that way, those people who were only in the middle server wanted to occupy the 4th-level royal city of the German server.

"Did we just give up like this?" Othello's brows frowned slightly: "Although we and Russian servers and other servers have occupied more than 10 third-level county cities in Germany, don't forget that servers such as India and other servers occupy more. It means that they will be able to mobilize a large number of players to support tomorrow. Not surprisingly, they can easily take away all the counties and cities we occupy, so that the strength of servers such as German servers will also be restored, at least not much worse than they are now. It will pose a great threat to us, unless we can occupy their level 4 royal city, after all, it is not so easy for them to take back the level 4 gang station."

"In addition, although the Russian server and other servers have also occupied some gang sites in Germany, don’t forget that the Russian server and the court have also occupied the gang sites in the plus server. They will not necessarily defend these sites by then, so it is not our face. For the people of the major servers, we will be under a lot of pressure." Othello added.

"Yes, Russian servers and other servers will only grab the bargain, and they won't take the initiative to consume major servers." Dongfang Zhantian took the stubbornness, and while talking, he looked at the fireworks and Yi Leng and others: "So I still occupy a German server. The level 4 gang station is more secure."

"The premise is that we can occupy relatively easily. If we can't easily occupy, then we can't take risks. After all, if we can't succeed, we will lose more than we gain." Dongfang Star said, while she was talking about the fireworks, she looked at the fireworks and her expression was full of questions. .

"Communicate with the Polar Silver Wolf and the others, and let them cooperate with us to capture the 4th level gang station of the German service." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and then changed his tone: "Of course, we can cooperate with them, but they need to pay us some remuneration."

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