VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 270: : Knight skills

Seeing the attributes of [Earth Spirit Spear], everyone was shocked, shocked by its powerful attack power.

"Let me go, the attack power of this spear is too high, it is the same as Feng Sister's [Thunder Blade], don't forget that this long sword can only be attacked like this by combining [Thunder Pearl], this spear is actually It’s so high.” June Feixue said, she was pleasantly surprised: “Moreover, the additional attributes are not bad. The first two can greatly increase the damage, and the third can increase the hatred. In this way, the monster’s hatred can be restrained. Much simpler."

"Earth attribute damage can make the target stiff." Firework Yi said coldly, and then her tone changed, she analyzed: "It seems that the class of Earth Knight can also passively stun the target. In addition to these, it can also increase the defense of the wearer. ."

"Hey, the land knight class is also very powerful. At the very least, the defensive power is probably not comparable to that of a few classes, including the hidden classes of the knight system." The voice of Othello sounded again, and she couldn't contain the excitement in her tone: "Skills contain soil attribute damage, and there are also several skills that increase muscle hatred towards the target, so there is no longer worry about the hatred of monsters."

"Sister Qi, let us see what skills are they." June Feixue urged.

"Show you a skill, you can roughly guess the characteristics of this skill." Black and white chess road, a picture book was sent out while speaking.

[Earth Power] (Passive Skills * Elementary)

Skill introduction: The exclusive skill of the soil class. After training, it can increase its own defense by 10%, with 20 points of soil attribute damage in the attack, and there is a 2% chance that the target will be frozen for 0.5 seconds. After being frozen, it cannot move. If there is stiffness, an additional 10% hatred of the monster target will be increased.

"Tsk tsk, increase defense, with soil attribute attack, and there is a certain chance to make the target stiff, stiff will increase hatred, tusk, this can be called the magic skill of the knight class." June Feixue said, and then continued to ask: "Sister Qi, what other skills besides this skill?"

"[Earth Slash], [Earth Swipe], [Earth Sweep], [Earth Sprint], etc., respectively, are advanced from [Slash], [Critical Smash], [Sweep Thousand Army] and [Spear Sprint] Come." Black and White Chess said, her tone was full of joy: "The damage of the skills has increased a bit, but it can also make the target freeze, and the use of these skills will also increase the hatred of the monsters."

"Very good skills, good for knights." Fireworks said coldly, and then her tone changed, she asked: "What other skills besides these skills? There should be exclusive skills for rewards."

"Of course, these skills are stronger than the previous ones." At this point, Othello got excited, and then he couldn't wait to publish the skill manual.

[Great Earthquake] (Active Skills * Elementary)

Skill introduction: The exclusive skill of the earth knight, which integrates the power of the earth into the spear, and then causes the earth to tremble. The enemy target within 10 meters of the opponent causes 130% damage and stuns the target for 3 seconds. The skill consumes 200 mana Point, the skill display interval is 1 minute.

[Earth Shield] (active skills* cannot be upgraded)

Skill introduction: the exclusive skill of the earth knight, using the power of the earth to condense an energy shield for himself, increase his defense by 20%, rebound one damage, and the next attack can absorb 20% of the damage, the shield lasts for 10 In seconds, the skill consumes 500 magic points, and the skill display interval is 5 minutes.

"One of the two exclusive skills is group attack and control, and the other can increase one's own defense, rebound damage, and absorb damage, which is also very good." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, she laughed: "Hidden career is worthy of hiding Profession, with these skills, coupled with the greatly improved physical growth qualifications of the Earth Knights, the heavy responsibility of fighting monsters will be shared with Ye Luo in the future."

"Hey, that is, I dare not say anything else. I must have no problem with anti-guess, even better than Ye Luo." Black and white, and then thought of something, she looked expectantly: "Fireworks, The next battle against the ten people of the Tiandi League counts me as white. Although my skills are mostly beginners, I am a hidden profession anyway, which is much better than those ordinary professions. Maybe now I can’t deal with Tiandisha and others. , But everyone else..."

"We have discussed, you have one of the ten places." Fireworks said coldly, not waiting for Othello, she added: "If you need to play, your main responsibility is to consume the opponent, of course you can kill and deal with it. it is good."

"It seems that I only want to consume heaven and earth or desert solitary smoke." Othello instantly understood the purpose of the fireworks easy-to-cold arrangement, and she laughed: "I understand, please please. By the way, if we consume it, fireworks You and Sister Feng must be the finale, so who will be the first to play?"

"Ye Luo." The fireworks were easy to get cold and didn't conceal it. Then she changed her tone and said: "You'd better not leak this deployment, otherwise they will have a countermeasure. If I guess right, they will think that the wind Sister is the first to play..."

"With Sister Feng’s character, it’s normal for them to think this way. After all, everyone knows that Sister Feng has always taken the lead. After black and white, she laughed: "Hey, I understand why you arranged the fireworks in this way. It seems that today is Ye In the battle of fame, how many people can you solve, eight or nine? "

"I try my best." Ye Luo said lightly, but he said to himself in his heart: "If possible, I hope there are ten."

Othello, they didn’t know what Ye Luo was thinking. They were chatting while attacking the monsters. Although they didn’t push forward with all their strength, they didn’t slow down because Ye Luo and Po Lang Riding the Wind made up the mana suit. .

This time the Anaconda King only dropped a ring. Although it couldn't make up a set, it could also inspire a suit attribute, which improved some strength, which was pretty good.

In addition to the Anaconda suit kits are some hero suits, and they are unbound. I believe that many people will rush to get them in the gang warehouse.

After the copy, Ye Luo and the others did not see Tiandi and Damo Guyan and others, but they saw the long-awaited invitation to the moon to toast, and beside him stood a middle-aged man with a slightly blessed figure but with his own authority. Obviously He is Dukang, the **** of wine.

In addition to the two of them, Jian Nanchun, Daughter Red, Red Star Erguotou and others from the Fine Wine Family were also there.

"Tsk tsk, that's Ye Luo Zhiqiu, a close-up view of the guy looks handsome and handsome, much more beautiful than the horrible looks of you who invite the moon to raise a glass." The daughter red said, her gestures are as charming as roses, temptation Full. It’s just that when I saw the waves and the fireworks are easy to cold, the rose showed her thorns: "Chengfeng is getting more and more beautiful, but there is no femininity. And the fireworks are easy to cold, as cold as ice. Generally, such a woman is even more boring."

"Sister Hong, are you jealous?" Jian Nanchun is a young guy who speaks very directly, and then looks at the fireworks easily cold: "Fireworks are my goddess..."

"Your goddess seems to have a target. It is rumored on the Internet that she and Ye Luo are boy and girl friends. I don't know why such a handsome guy is attracted to a cold woman." Daughter Hong tit-for-tat, seeing Jian Nanchun immediately defeated Then, she continued: "Could it be that Ye Luo agreed to join the Misty Pavilion because of the fireworks and Yi Leng."

"Probably not." Inviting Yue toasted and shook his head. He said solemnly: "Brother Ye Luo should be interested in someone in his heart. He and the fireworks should be acting, stimulating the solitary smoke in the desert."

"Yes, fireworks girl is good at scheming, she is disturbing the desert solitary smoke." Bacchus Du Kang said, he laughed: "The desert solitary smoke kid does a good job, but he has a little heart...Hey, this way. I don't know how much he can show, but I feel that he and Tiandi are going to be unlucky."

"Fighting them with Fireworks Yi Leng, unfortunately seems to be normal, right." Red Star Erguotou chuckled, and by looking at his expression, he knew that he had suffered a lot from Fireworks Yi Leng.

While Bacchus Du Kang and others were discussing this, Po Lang Chengfeng led Ye Luo and others to come, and she laughed: "Hello, Bacchus, you are old and blessed."

"You girl, can you chat, old man, this is a bit more majestic." Bacchus Dukang scolded, then glanced at Ye Luo Zhiqiu, and then looked at the waves and the wind, that is self-evident.

"Oh, I forgot that uncle is the first time I saw Ye Luo, and I forgot to introduce it." Po Lang Chengfeng realized this, and smiled, she introduced: "Ye Luo, this is Uncle Bacchus, the wine family Boss, take good care of our Misty Pavilion. This is the daughter Hongda Sister, the first pastor of the Wine Family, and a famous pastor on the celebrity list. This is Yueyue, forget this, you know..."

During the introduction of Polangchengfeng, Ye Luo greeted him friendly, not humble or overbearing, and quite natural, which made Bacchus Dukang a little higher in his eyes.

"Hey, break the waves and ride the wind, don't call me the eldest sister." The daughter red angrily: "I don't know how old you think I am..."

"It's not much older than me, but you're more mature than I look, so it's okay to be called the eldest sister." She didn't care about her daughter Hong's anger, and then pulled over Zhiyue: "Yue girl , Auntie..."

"Sister Feng, this..." Zhiyue's face was full of embarrassment, but she didn't dare to call it that way, and yelled sweetly: "Sister Hong, I've been hearing about you. This is the first time I meet you. It’s much more beautiful in the video."

Listening to Zhiyue's words, her daughter's blushing anger dissipated, she smiled like a flower, and then glanced at the waves and wind: "Little sister speaks sweeter than some people, man..."

"You..." Po Lang was furious with the wind, but was stopped by Bacchus Dukang and the others as soon as he wanted to attack.

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