VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2774: : Hands on Japanese clothes

Now that they have occupied a level 5 gang site, then naturally they have to take action on the servers that occupy the gang site of the Chinese server. After all, the more trouble they cause, the fewer players they can deploy to the server tomorrow. The easier it will be to regain the occupied gang camp before the service, and everyone agrees on this point.

However, there are some disagreements on which server to use next. Ouyang Feiri and others proposed to work on hanbok. After all, hanbok occupied the most gang resident in Chinese clothes, but Ye Yufei suggested not to do it immediately, but right. Hands-on for Japanese and American clothes.

"Why don't you start with Hanbok right away?" Ouyang Feiri said coldly. When he said this, his tone was a little provocative: "Is it possible that Hanbok won the first place in the previous [Space City] mission. The two then won a lot of [Group Blessing Scrolls], but they had already consumed their land in the previous battle, so there is no need to worry about this issue."

"The main reason is that we rushed over from Hanbok." Dongfang Star explained on her behalf. After a short meal, she continued: "Although Dongfang Star and other major servers have already arrived from Hanbok, there are still many The masters of servers such as Japanese and American servers are in Hanbok. They can use the cross-server scroll to teleport them to the dark night. Even if we still have the opportunity to occupy the gang site in Hanbok, there will be more pressure. In short, it is better than the US server or Japanese clothes are a little harder to get started."

Hearing this, Ouyang Feiri was silent, because he also knew what the Oriental star said was true.

"Well, that's right, the next step is to work on the US and Japanese servers, and then on Hanbok after them." Fireworks Yi said coldly: "Which server do you think is better to work on first?"

"Japanese clothes and American clothes are the same. Just choose any one. I suggest the Japanese clothes." Dongfang Jitian said casually, and then his tone changed: "By the way, there is something to say. We will act next. The Eastern Family acts alone, but we can sneak into the same server."

The reason why Eastern Killing Sky said this is because in his mind, his strength has been greatly improved after acquiring [Falling Wings]. In addition, Dongfang Xiaotian, Oriental Stars and Oriental Pearl have all national weapons, which makes him more confident. Confidence to take down the gang station he served alone, especially when other gangs will share a lot of pressure.

Since he has the ability to take down the gang's resident location alone, it is natural to act alone. After all, acting alone does not need to be equally divided with other gangs, so the benefits are more, and this can be seen from the Misty Pavilion—— The reason why Misty Pavilion's strength in their hearts is so strong in the East Killing Sky is not unrelated to their often acting alone.

Hearing that, Dukang, the **** of Bacchus, and their expressions are slightly solemn, but they also know why Dongfang Tiantian suggested that they act alone. The most important thing is that Dukang, the **** of Bacchus, also knows that multiple troops can share a lot of pressure, so they don’t They did not refuse this proposal, and then they began to withdraw to Red Ice City, and then teleported from Red Ice City to Baqi City, and then they were about to take action on the gang resident of Japanese clothing.

The people in the major gangs are also forming gangs while mobilizing troops and generals. After all, they also know that it is still a bit difficult for only one of their gangs to occupy the gang station of the Japanese service-their gangs are not like Miomi Pavilion and Dongfang. The family is so powerful.

Soon the major gangs will have partners, such as Fengxing, Nangong Family, Long Family, and Wine Family. For example, the Yeyu Family, Tianzhan Heroes and other gangs team up, multiple gangs team up, and everyone sneaks into Japan. In this way, there is a chance to occupy the gang resident of the Japanese service.

It seems to know that Miomi Pavilion will act alone, so no gang comes to Ye Luo and the others to discuss it. This is a lot more convenient, at least there is no need to refuse them.

Of course, the most important thing is that everyone in Miomi Pavilion cannot be withdrawn at this time. After all, it will take some time for [Cross Server*City Heart] to complete the integration.

"Hey, Dongfang Shijia also learned how to act alone." Waiting was a little boring, breaking the waves and riding the wind very casually, but when she said this, she was slightly mocking in her tone: "It's not about getting a [Fallen Wings] Well, they can't recognize their own strengths now."

"[Fallen Wings] is very powerful, especially the additional skills-[Fallen * Swallow], in addition to the fact that many players from the Eastern Family have already obtained national weapons, so they also have the ability to attack the gang of the Japanese server alone, especially It’s because of those of us who share their pressure.” Samadhi said: “Not to mention the consumption of Japanese clothes was very high before, and the people of Hanbok and other servers could not catch up in a short time, so there is no problem. "

Everyone agrees with this, but they are not worried about this problem, because they are confident that the elite team of Miomi Pavilion is stronger at this time, and the efficiency of occupying the gang station of his server is also very high, at least better than The Eastern family is quite tall.

"Sister Fireworks, the major gangs have already started operations. Anyway, those who add service will not come to Redfish City anyway. It's better to let Sister Feng and others stay. Let's go directly to the Japanese service." June Fei Xueman looked forward to being authentic, and her words were echoed by many Misty Pavilion players. After all, they were a little impatient at this time.

I thought Fireworks Yi Leng would agree, but I didn’t want her to shook her head, and said, “Don’t worry, because it’s no accident that after learning that our Chinese server has done it, the Japanese masters such as Tokyo Shinhwa will immediately return to the Japanese server for support. Those gangs who did it first would face resistance from Tokyo Mythology and their pressure, and the pressure would be slightly greater, and then the pressure would be much weaker if we did it again."

Knowing this, everyone stopped worrying and continued to wait patiently.

Soon 3 minutes passed, and as soon as the heart of the city completed the fusion, they used the scroll to return to the Red Ice City, and then directly teleported to the city of Baqi. They were clearly distinguishing what the major gangs were right. After starting a gang resident, Ye Luo and the others began to discuss which gang resident to work on.

"Sister Fireworks, there are still some third-level county cities in the Japanese service that have not been occupied. Are we going to work on these county cities or the fourth-level royal city?" June Feixue asked curiously, not waiting for the fireworks to reply. She continued: "As you said before, Tokyo Mythology has returned to the [567 Chinese www.567zw.top] daily service, and they have already confronted the Bacchus uncle, so no matter which gang station we are facing The pressure on hands will not be too much."

"In that case, it is better to directly work on the gang resident at level 4, because I am worried that the people in Hanbok, Jiafu and other servers will occupy the gang resident of the Japanese server just like in the Jiafu." June Feixue added: "So We have to start early, otherwise there will be no chance to occupy the Anxi 4th gang resident."

June Feixue’s proposal was echoed by the waves and the wind and others, and there was no objection to the fireworks being cold. Soon they made a decision—then they started with Thousand Snow City, which is a Japanese service. Level 4 gang resident.

As June Feixue and the others said, at this time, most of the masters of the Japanese server were going to stop the masters of the middle server such as Dongfang Tiantian, Bacchus Dukang, so Ye Luo and the others encountered weaker resistance, of course the most important thing. The overall strength of Miomi Pavilion is very strong, even stronger than the Eastern aristocratic family and even the other gangs that they have joined together, so there is no big problem in occupying Thousand Snow City.

In addition, as June Feixue said, Tokyo Mythology also realized that they could no longer prevent the players of the Chinese server from occupying their gang sites. Instead of watching the gang’s resident occupied by the players of the Chinese server, it is better to "give" them to their allies. , And the people who added servers and other servers in the future also joined the ranks of occupying the Japanese service gang station. Not surprisingly, the Japanese service gang station will soon be occupied by half and cause the awakening of the guardian beast.

Although it has long been known that this will happen, everyone in Zhongfu is still a little disappointed. After all, once the people of the major servers join the ranks of occupying the Japanese service gang station, Zhongfu can occupy a lot of Japanese service gang station. The most important thing is What's more is that after the major servers occupy the gang resident of the Japanese server, their strength will be improved very well, and the pressure on them will be greater tomorrow.

"It seems that next we will act on which server and their allies will take action. In this case, we can occupy a lot less gang sites." Othello could not help but muttered: "The most important thing is the major players. The server will get rich rewards for occupying some gang sites, because it is much easier for them to occupy the gang sites than us, and with more servers, the sum of the gang sites they occupy is far more than us, which is troublesome. ."

Think about it, Ye Luo and the others in the middle server will still be resisted by the Japanese server players, but the Pakistan server and other servers will not. In addition, they have a lot of servers, so the total number of gangs occupied is more. At the very least, it is more than the total number of gang sites that the Chinese server can occupy.

"No way, they reached an agreement. It is much easier to occupy each other's gangs." Samadhi said, and then her tone changed: "Fortunately, our troops are divided into 4 and 5 routes, and the Russian and Korean soldiers The alliance has also taken action, so the number of gang sites that the major gangs can grab is not too many."

"In addition, although there is an agreement between the major servers to occupy each other’s gang sites, but if the gang’s site is occupied, it will be very expensive. Just taking it back and repairing it will cost a lot, such as a lot of gold coins. Repair, for example, will consume [City Heart], which is also a great loss for major servers." Samadhi Shi added.

Hearing that, everyone nodded, and they all knew this was the case, and then stopped struggling with this issue and continued to capture Thousand Snow City.

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