VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2792: : Take action

Although mobilizing a large number of elites to carry out a frontal charge from behind the major servers will definitely cause heavy losses to the people in the server, but this is the only way that can greatly reduce the siege power of the major servers. Of course, the most important thing is that this is the only The way to quickly put a large number of Chinese server players into battle is also the most likely way to defend Windrun City. For example, if you invite the moon to raise a glass, even if the major servers come from the surrounding gangs, it will take some time. During this period, the Chinese server will Facing a lot of pressure, Ye Luo and the others could only use the [Group Teleport Scroll] to send a large number of elite cavalry over.

Regarding this, everyone did not have any opinions, and they all agreed, but this still needs to be done after the players of the major servers start to attack the city. After all, after seeing Ye Luo and the others, the people of the major servers can completely attack Ye Luo first. Those of them who do their hands, and then attack the city after they are solved, this is undoubtedly very detrimental to the Chinese server.

However, after the people of the major servers start to attack the city, it will be different. After all, the people of the major servers are entangled by the middle server players of Windrun City. It is not so easy for them to get out of the battle.

The next step is to count how many [group transfer scrolls] the major servers have, and after counting the number, they are all pleasantly surprised, because they found that the number of scrolls owned by the major gangs far exceeds their expectations-the major gangs have [Group Teleport Scrolls] The number has exceeded 200, which means that Ye Luo and the others will be able to mobilize 2 million elite people behind to attack the major servers, and this will undoubtedly greatly contain the people of the major servers, and they can also deal with them. Cause greater trouble.

Think about it, the people of the major servers would never think that Ye Luo and the others would dare to fight outside the city. At most, they would only send a small elite team to harass, so that only a part of the elite cavalry would be sent to guard the rear to delay time. This would undoubtedly give Ye Luo. Luo and the others have many opportunities-more than 2 million elites can easily disperse the cavalry behind the major servers and start attacking their long-range professional teams, such as magicians and archers. After all, these professional metropolises are in the rear of the team. , And once the cavalry left behind by the enemy is broken, it can pose a threat to these occupations, and this will cause great losses to the major servers.

"Ye Luo, leave the charge of the cavalry to Yixiao Hongchen, Yixiaofeiyang and Sister Chess. In addition, you can send more jobs that have powerful control of the summoned beasts, such as the Green Jiao Summoner, to the past." Firework Yi Leng continued to give orders: "The majors The gang also sent some summoners, archers, and flying power over, so that they can spread their troops as much as possible, and of course, it can also provide the team with powerful control capabilities."

"Yeah, I understand." Ye Luo nodded, while saying that he took the [Group Blessing Scrolls] from Po Lang Cheng Feng and others, and then he divided these to Yi Xiao Hong Chen and others. After all, everyone will use these scrolls together. In order to send a large number of players over in a short time.

"Yue'er, you are with Ye Luo." Firework Yi Leng continued to give orders: "Next, directly summon the Yaqi Orochi and let the Orochi help Ye Luo and them to break through the cavalry behind the main servers."

Although the major servers will not send too many cavalry to guard the rear, there are definitely a lot of them. I am afraid that it is not so simple for only 2 million players to break through the defense in a short time, and the longer the delay, the longer the major servers They also have enough time to adjust their forces, which is very detrimental to Ye Luo and their next actions.

But it’s not the same to summon the Yaqi Orochi directly. After all, Yaqi Orochi is a quasi-devil-level boss, and the most powerful existence besides the demon-level boss. At least its existence can greatly increase Ye Luo and the others’ power. They have a better chance to tear through the defensive force behind the major servers, so that Ye Luo and the others can pose a greater threat to the remote careers of major servers.

In addition, Zhiyue has a national weapon in his hand [Frenzy*Beastmaster]. This national weapon can greatly increase the power of the summoner's summoned beast. This will undoubtedly further increase Ye Luo's strength and make it more likely to tear the enemy. The defense in turn poses a greater threat to it.

"Understand." Zhiyue nodded readily, she was more inclined to attack actively than passively defending on the wall.

While talking about this, the players from the major servers also arrived in the middle domain, and the battle was about to start, and the middle server felt great pressure in an instant. Many of the major server siege players wore [Group Blessing Scroll 】Status, ult status, these people have already performed ults or held the status of [Group Blessing Scroll] when they attacked Jade Dragon City, and they knew what kind of pressure these people could put on the middle service, so they directly Let the Space Department players use the [Space Portal] to teleport them over.

In addition, the people on the major servers have used other assassins. For example, the major servers have used a lot of [Group Blessing Scrolls], and almost all dual-professional masters have performed big moves. Of course, some combination skills are indispensable. Group combo skills, so they didn't use the awakening skills of combo equipment such as [Baqi Tianxiang]-Dark Ye wanted to keep these assassins for the last use.

Of course, in the face of aggressively coming masters’ uniforms, there will be actions in an instant. For example, Fengxing’s Fengxing Kyushu directly controls the city’s defensive equipment to launch attacks. Level 5 gang’s defensive equipment is still very powerful, especially Fengxing City also has a very good castle defense tool. Energy arrows, stones and lasers roared away for a while, especially those magic crystal cannons also used [Laser Arrow Rain], which caused a lot of pressure on major servers. , And even kill a lot of players, the worst can force some players to use invincible skills, and these greatly reduce the pressure on the server.

In addition, the major gangs have also used some [Group Blessing Scrolls], and Miomi Pavilion directly used 3, which greatly increased the strength of the defending party, at least temporarily resisting the attacks of the major servers. , And over time the major servers have had some casualties.

"Sure enough, Windrun City's defense alone is difficult to withstand the attacks of the major servers." Samadhi instantly had this judgment: "Although the major gangs have reservations at this time, for example, there are some [Group Blessing Scrolls] ] What, but the major servers certainly still retain a lot of killer skills. If Ye Luo and the others do not lead a large number of elites to contain a large number of combat power of the major servers, I am afraid it will be difficult for us to defend Windrun City today."

The discerning person can easily see that the siege party at this time still has plenty of energy. At least the dark night and the Tokyo myth have not used the awakening skills of the combination equipment such as [8 Qi Tian Jiang]. Can persist, but relying on invincible means to hold on, once the invincible skills are exhausted, there is a chance of casualties.

Although the casualties of the siege party are greater, the major servers have a large number of advantages, and they are not afraid to consume them, let alone they have players joining the battle one after another-the space players of the major servers are constantly performing [ Space Portal] Teleports players who have crossed the borders of the Chinese server. Even the Japanese and American players have sent a large number of players from the Chinese server gang station they occupy to support.

As it stands now, it won’t take long for people from the major servers to attack the walls of Windrun City and then occupy it. Once so, even if the space system player of the Chinese server uses [Space Enchantment] to protect Windrun City’s city The heart just delayed for some time, and ultimately couldn't change the fate of Fengxing City being occupied.

Fortunately, Ye Luo started the action after the people of the major servers started to move. He directly teleported to the back of the major servers. When he completed the teleportation, there appeared a large number of players who locked his teleportation around him, such as breaking the waves and riding the wind. , Yueyue toast and others were all in the list, and after they appeared, they did not hesitate to intercept those who rushed to Ye Luo-yes, the people from the major servers also thought that Ye Luo might be transmitted to They launched a sneak attack behind the formation, so they arranged a lot of people here, such as a large number of assassins, the people of the major servers did not want to kill Ye Luo with these people, as long as they can be entangled, it is best to stop them. He uses skills.

Think about it, as long as you can hold Ye Luoji and not let him cause losses to the large forces of the major servers, there is no problem, as long as the people of the major servers attack the walls of Fengxing City, even Ye Luo will not be able to recover.

However, along with Ye Luo's transmission, there are also masters in the middle service such as Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind. There are dozens or hundreds of them, and these people are all melee masters. They can easily intercept those who rush to Ye Luo. At the very least, there is nothing wrong with blocking it for a while.

Ye Luo ignored them after the appearance of Breaking Waves and Riding the Wind. He directly used the [Space Portal] to teleport players from the major gangs who had the [Group Teleport Scroll], and after finishing these, he would join him. In order to kill the assassins around the major servers.

The players who were transferred by Ye Luo began to use the [Group Teleportation Scroll], and the violent spatial fluctuations permeated, which also made the dark night and others commanding in the front look serious, because they also realized that Ye Luo and the others were not small this time. Make a fuss-China Server intends to send a large number of China Server players to sneak attack behind, no, frontal attack, and this will undoubtedly cause them a lot of trouble.

After thinking of this, Dark Ye began to take action, ordering the surrounding cavalry to rush to support, and stop Ye Luo and the others as much as possible, but these people are some distance from where Ye Luo and the others are, and I am afraid they will not be able to make it in a short time. I don't know if Ye Luo and the others have torn apart the cavalry behind the major servers and then entered their formation.

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