VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2797: : Forced to withdraw

Major servers have deployed heavy soldiers at the north gate of Windrun City. Dozens of people are equipped with sky suits and then take turns to cast [Sky Strike], plus many combo skills, group combo skills, and more than 10 Sage-level bosses summoned. , When Ye Luo and others were entangled by dark night, Tokyo mythology and others, it is not surprising that Samadhi and others were unable to resist and then destroyed a section of the wall. The next step for the major servers is probably to occupy the wall and destroy the transmission. The battle is over, and it is no exaggeration to say that the Chinese server is already at a critical juncture.

After learning of this situation, Fireworks Yi Leng decisively issued an order, so that masters such as Samadhi, Long River Sunset, and players teleported from other gang locations rushed to the north gate of Fengxing City to support. After hearing the order, the slender hand did not hesitate He used the [Space Portal] and then sent the Midnight Book and others over.

Everyone is smart, and they instantly understand the intention of the fireworks arrangement. If you can’t keep it, you must destroy all the walls. Think about it. Compared with the people occupying the walls by the major servers, they will naturally be destroyed. It is better to destroy, so that the people of the major servers can't install many mobile magic crystal cannons on the city wall, and the pressure on the middle server will be relatively less.

After the midnight book and others were teleported, they blocked the gap in the destroyed city wall, and then they did not hesitate to use some powerful and wide-ranging skills, such as [Sweep the Universe], [World Destroyer Thunder] and [Wan Sword to the Sect], Midnight Book even used the additional skill of the [Dragon Scale Dagger]-[Dragon Scale Thorns], and some players equipped with the sky suits displayed [Sky Strike], which was suppressed in a short time. In addition to the offensive of the major servers, it even killed many enemies.

However, the 10-headed Primordial Saint-level BOSS is a bit rough and thick. It is difficult to kill them in a short time. The most troublesome thing is that they have already rushed to the city wall. They also rely on their flying ability and various group attack skills. Caused greater pressure on the defender.

The most troublesome thing is that the air power of the Chinese server is not enough at this time, so it can’t pose too much threat to those BOSS. Even if the book in the middle of the night and the sunset in the river have already taken off, they can only intercept some of them, and the remaining ones can still be against the wind. The city poses a great threat.

"Sister Fireworks, do you want to use [Space Enchantment] to trap those BOSS?" The voice of the slender hand sounded in the team channel, and she was ready to take action at any time when she said that these are suitable.

"No, keep [Space Enchantment]." Samadhi poems and fireworks are easy to be cold. The former said in unison, "Don't say that people gathering together to display [Space Enchantment] can not only trap major servers. People, our people will also be trapped a lot, and those Primordial Saint-level BOSS are quite scattered, even if they use [Space Enchantment], they can’t be trapped much, so it’s a waste of skills."

"In addition, it is no surprise that [Space Enchantment] may be able to reverse the situation, so you must keep this skill." Samadhi Shi said.

"Yes, not just the slender jade hands should retain [Space Enchantment], other space players should also retain this skill." Dongfang Star's voice sounded in the team channel, she said that these are naturally against Dragon Sakura and Flower Nongyue and other spaces are what players said.

Hearing that the fireworks are easy to get cold, the oriental stars are so solemn, and the slender hands, they also realized the importance of preserving [Space Enchantment], so they forced themselves to refrain from displaying it.

"But how do we deal with these BOSS now? They have rushed to the city wall, and the longer they live, the more casualties they will cause us." The slender hands were full of worry.

"There are also some Space-based players who have been teleported from other places. Let them intercept those BOSS." Samadhi Shi gave an order: "In addition, let the Summoner of the Green Dragon and the Flying Archer Corps people focus on intercepting those BOSS, I think Xiaoshu They have intercepted a lot of BOSS, and there are not many others. It is not too difficult for other people to concentrate their fire attacks to kill them."

When talking about this, the samādhi was combined with the other 5 boxers, and then [Wuyingquan (group)] was cast. This skill can ignore 50% of the target’s defense power, plus the samādhi holding the national weapon. Therefore, the damage dealt is also very high. In addition, Samadhi Shi has used the additional skill of the "Hundred Fighting Knuckles" [Shenquan Invincible], but also successfully killed 1 Primordial Saint-level BOSS, and some other BOSS's anger The blood has also dropped a lot, which slightly reduces the pressure on the players in the server.

The battle is still going on. As time goes by, the casualties of the major servers are getting bigger and bigger. Although the number of casualties of the players in the Chinese server is much smaller, but because the players led by Ye Luo have been killed more and more and cannot It poses a threat to the base camp of the major servers, which allows the people of the major servers to react and then exert their due combat power, which further increases the pressure on the Chinese server.

Especially after the Yaki Orochi disappeared due to the time limit, because the Yaki Orochi was summoned earlier than the Titan Giant Crocodile, the Titan Giant Crocodile still existed after the former disappeared. A quasi-devil-level BOSS caused Ye Luo and the others. Big trouble.

The most troublesome thing is that it is difficult for Yeluo, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind to display their skills in the dark night, Tokyo mythology and the others. Displaying [Sweeping the Universe] and [Thunder* Sword Slashing All directions] can also greatly reduce stress.

Fortunately, at this time, there are still not many players who can hold back people who are riding thousands of miles alone, night and night, etc., and they can unscrupulously kill in the remote professional camps of major servers. They have killed many people, the most important The thing is that the formation where they are is disrupted, which more or less alleviates the pressure on Zhongfu defending the city.

"Fireworks, our people are about to be killed. If this continues, we will be surrounded by groups, so I am afraid that we will also be killed." Po Lang said in a deep voice: "The most troublesome thing is in Tokyo Shinhwa and others. It is difficult for us to get out under entanglement, even if we want to evacuate it is not easy, especially since there is still a long distance from the city wall, and there are countless enemies during the period.

Actually, there is no need to break the waves and ride the wind to say that these fireworks are easy to be cold. I have already seen the situation on Ye Luo and the others. She naturally knew that Ye Luo and the others would soon be unable to hold on, so she issued them as soon as the waves and the wind said these. Order-let Yingyue cast [Space Portal] to send Ye Luo and others over, and only by using this method can Ye Luo and the others get away quickly.

"Thousands of miles to ride alone, Xiao Fei, you guys also withdraw quickly." Firework Yi Leng continued to give orders when he invited the moon to cast his skills on the shadows. ,

If you think about it, Ye Luo and Po Lang Cheng Feng are sent away, so Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology will be able to free up their hands to deal with the people who are riding thousands of miles alone. Even Ye Luo and the others can't resist the siege of these people, let alone Say they are, so the fireworks are easy to get cold before giving them an order to retreat.

Hearing the order of the fireworks to be easy to get cold, the people such as Yeyedu and the lonely riders did not hesitate to start to evacuate. At this time, they were not entangled by the night and others, and they could even display various skills. What's the problem, coupled with inviting the moon to show them [Space Portal], it also made them get away quickly, naturally including Ye Luo and others.

After being teleported back to the city wall, Ye Luo and the others did not idle, performing various attacks, because there were many mid-server players around to help them intercept the enemy, and at this time the city wall still belonged to the mid-server, so they could attack unscrupulously. After various skills were displayed, high damage figures floated up, and many players on major servers were killed, which greatly reduced the pressure on the server.

Of course, Ye Luo and the others also know that this is temporary. When the dark night rushes over to attack the city, and the people on the major servers are revived, their pressure will increase greatly, even because they do not have the same as before. Harassing major servers can exert greater combat power, and it also poses a greater threat to Windrun City.

Fortunately, Ye Luo and the others still retain some assassins, such as [Heaven Tribulation * Black Hole] and other skills have not been used yet, and these skills can also delay some time.

Not long after Yeluo and the others were teleported back, they were also teleported back, but the players who teleported with Xiaofeiyang and others were quickly overwhelmed by the enemy and killed, and they did not wait to lie down. The corpse state is over, go directly back to the city to resurrect, and then teleport to Windrun City again to support.

It is worth mentioning that they were teleported to the north gate of Fengxing City when they were riding a thousand miles alone, and then they didn’t say much, they went straight to block those Primordial Saint-level BOSS, and the powerful attack power would easily kill them. So the situation at the North Gate eased slightly, even if it was only temporarily.

"Sister Fireworks, how do I feel that we are a little unable to withstand the attacks of major servers?" June Feixue's voice sounded in the chat channel of Miomi Pavilion: "Although I can hold on now, but soon The major servers will be able to regroup, and our pressure will increase greatly. Although we have killed many people on major servers and will not double, but it is not our current strength can resist, after all, we were also killed. many people."

Think about it, although many players have been killed on the major servers, many players have been killed in the Chinese server. The most important thing is that there is no such thing as Ye Luo and others who led the cavalry to harass and restrain the enemy camp. The server person can exert a powerful combat power, which will greatly increase the pressure on the server.

At this time, the Chinese server is barely able to withstand the offensives of the major servers. Once they concentrate more powerful forces to attack the city, the players of the Chinese server will naturally be unable to defend. It is precisely because of this that June Feixue will do this. worry.

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