VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 280: : Battle World

Although he admitted that he was defeated by Ye Luo, Changhe Sunset didn't mean any self-blame or sadness. He didn't return to his team, smiled and headed towards June Feixue, not worrying about the fact that the two sides are now. Battle.

However, in the eyes of other people, it is even more confirmation that Changhe Sunset is acting, and they can't help but curse.

Changhe Sunset didn't care about these people, and even said that there were no such people in his eyes. He ran in front of June Feixue, and then pointed at Ye Luo: "Sister Feixue, who is this brother, so powerful, Similar to Big Brother."

June Feixue did not answer Changhe sunset for the first time. Instead, she looked at the people outside the ring. With her hands on her hips, she looked like a Hedong lion: "Hey, let’s say that Changhe sunset releases water. Who can defeat Uncle Ye Luo, I lose you one million gold coins, dare you?!"

Seeing the hot appearance of June Feixue, countless people watching the battle were dumbfounded. Some of them knew Ye Luo's strength and claimed that they were not opponents, so they were silent. And those who claim that they are capable of defeating Ye Luo are undoubtedly celebrities in the game world. From their eyes, they can see that Changhe Sunset has no chance of winning, and they cannot offend the Misty Pavilion for that little money, so Nothing was said.

Of course, there are also people who are not afraid of misty pavilions and have hatred with them, such as the Dongfang family, but they can't stand up for those people, and being up also means that they admit that the river sunset is releasing water, and they can't afford to lose this person.

What's more, Changhe Sunset is the brother of Damo Guyan. It is unwise to offend a celebrity master who is in the top 20 of the celebrity list.

This is also true, no one dared to scold him anymore after June Feixue said a "lion roar".

"Hee hee, Sister Feixue is too domineering, and she suppressed everyone in one sentence." Zhiyue chuckled, and then looked to the side Tuesday: "Sister Tuesday, is this the king in the novel? Is it invincible as soon as you show your breath?"

"Hey, almost, sister Feixue's aura is still very strong." On Tuesday, she smiled strangely, and then her tone changed: "But she is a bit borrowed from Uncle Ye Luo's momentum. After all, she boasted that she could beat Uncle Ye Luo. Few people, it is precisely because of this they are silent."

"Oh, it seems to be the same." Zhiyue nodded, and then she waved her hand with an indifferent appearance: "It's okay, Brother Ye doesn't care about this anyway, just let Sister Feixue play with him."

"Sister Feixue, why are you so angry? Just ignore them." Changhe Sunset smiled, he looked curious: "Hurry up and tell me how you are doing. I didn't have time to ask you before... …"


Changhe Sunset was also defeated, and the next player was Tiandi, but at this time he looked a little solemn. After all, with his current status, if he lost in the hands of Ye Luo, he would be discredited, and this would have a great impact on the Tiandi League.

But the matter has come to [Didaxs.info], he has to bite the bullet, but he didn’t take action as soon as he got on stage, but smiled and said: "The little brother is very good, I don’t know if you are interested in coming. My world alliance development? Good conditions to discuss, position, deputy leader..."

"Thank you Heaven and Earth's helper for your kindness, I have no plans to leave the ethereal pavilion." Ye Luo interrupted Heaven and Earth, raising the sword, and he made an action: "Please!"

That being the case, the world didn't say much, his expression was solemn and his aura changed. After making a request, he also took action. When he was 9 meters away from the leaf drop, he moved slightly and made a charge. Actions.

This is a fake action, in order to trick Ye Luo into performing [Charge], and he can step out 10 meters away in one step, so he won't be charged at all.

Ye Luo is also a little familiar with fake moves, but Heaven and Earth have made it more perfect. He even plans to respond with [Charge], but he did not act rashly when he thought of the fact that the fireworks were easy to be cold before going on stage.

The words of Fireworks Yishen are very simple: "Ye Luo, Tiandi and Damo Guyan are all good at fake moves to deceive opponents. They do it perfectly and it is difficult to distinguish between true and false, but you don’t need to pay attention to these. You can respond after their skills are displayed, because your reaction is a bit faster than them, but you can also react."

"It doesn't matter if the reaction fails. Except for [Charge], other control skills have a long time to accumulate power. You can interrupt it regardless of true or false actions. [Charge] Well, wait for him to charge and then [Charge] Not later."

It was precisely after hearing these words that Ye Luo did not move, but approached the heavens and the earth, ready to use his skills.

Ye Luo's purpose is also very simple. As long as he is within 8 meters of the sky and the earth, he will not be able to escape beyond the range of his skills after [Charge]. After all, it is impossible to move 2 meters in only a few tenths of a second except for [Flashing].

As if he also knew the purpose of Tiandi, Tiandi sighed helplessly in his heart. After seeing the result of Tiandi Jie and Ye Luo's 【Charge】, he knew that he had no advantage in fighting against this skill.

However, he was a close combat, and he couldn't attack if he didn't get close to Ye Luo. After thinking about it for a moment, his black long sword lifted up from the bottom up, and the sword aura whizzed away, it was [Sword Qi aspect].

This is a range skill, covering 10 meters, and can't avoid it at Ye Luo's speed, but he didn't have much, and also used the [Sword Qi aspect], dozens of sword auras also enveloped the world.

Sword Qi passed vertically and horizontally, and Ye Luo's head floated with a damage number of about 5000, while Tiandi's head floated with more than 6,800 damage numbers, which obviously had a lot of advantage over the attack and defense power of Ye Luo.

"Heaven and Earth’s attack is very good. It’s almost 5000." Ye Luo judged it in an instant, and then looked at the blood bar of Heaven and Earth from the corner of his eyes. After a while, he knew it clearly: "The blood recovery speed is not too fast. , It's similar to Tiandi Jie and others, now I don't know what powerful skills he has."

After a blow, Tiandi also calculated Ye Luo's attack power and defense power. As for the recovery ability, he had calculated it in the first few matches, and then he knew that this fight would not have the advantage at all.

"It seems that you have to fight him close, and then rely on the position and skills to win." Tiandi instantly judged, after swallowing a pill to replenish vitality and blood, he once again used a group attack skill [剑魔狂Sweep], this is the advanced skill of [Sweeping a Thousand Army], the damage is greatly increased.

As he approached Ye Luo while using his skills, Tiandi was ready to act according to the tactics previously thought.

Ye Luo was a little worried about the group attack skills. After all, he had two group attack skills. He didn't know whether the sword demon class had other group attack skills.

Although thinking about this, Ye Luo kept moving. The same [Sweeping Reincarnation] came out, once again causing a lot of damage to the world, and he also took a variant [Danshen Pill], Qi The blood recovers quickly.

While casting his skills, Ye Luo headed towards the sky and the earth, and was also preparing to fight single-handed skills, so that even if the skills of the sky and earth were more than him, he could get close to the attack and recover from the bloodsucking, which would not be too bad.

After successively using two group attack skills, the long sword of heaven and earth broke out, and then rotated at a high speed around Ye Luo, with the rotation of a sword shadow appearing, and then a sword shadow whistling within a 5 meter radius centered on Ye Luo , And he was also cut out a lot of holes.

After a glance at the battle record, Ye Luo learned that this skill is [Sword Demon Dance]. Within the specified range, sword shadows will be created to attack all hostile targets within a radius of 5 meters, causing 30% damage per second for continuous 10 seconds.

Wanting to get out of the range covered by the sword shadow, Ye Luo found that his movement speed was reduced by about 50% under the attack of the sword shadow. He instantly judged that it was 6 or 7 seconds after leaving the range of the sword shadow, and he did not hesitate to use it. 【charge】.

When using the [Charge] skill in close combat, it is invincible, so those sword shadows can't cause damage to him, and he rushes towards the world like an arrow from the string.

Ye Luo approached him by 2 meters when he was performing those group attack skills in Heaven and Earth. The distance between the two of them was only 6 meters. This distance could not escape 10 meters away at the speed of Heaven and Earth. This is not unexpected. Was dizzy.

Using [Charge] to defuse the attack, but also to attack in reverse, this strategy can be described as extremely wise.

Dark praise Ye Luo is smart, but he also knows that being charged will be dizzy, Tiandi frowns slightly, but at this time he has no invincible skills that are immune to some bad effects, so he can only bite the bullet and cast [Charge] to meet him.

The two heavy armored professions collided with each other, and there was a dull sound, both of them were dizzy.

Heaven and Earth’s power growth aptitude is also very good, and the equipment on his body is also very good, although he was stunned for a little longer because of Ye Luo’s ability to pull the mountain, but he was also knocked back under the impact. 2, 3 meters, this distance also avoids being attacked immediately.

After Ye Luo woke up, he immediately rushed towards the world, and the single skill [Scary Slash] was released.

[Scary Slash] After hitting, it can make the target stun for 4 seconds. This long time is enough for Ye Luo to do a lot of things. After all, a combination of skills and skills such as [Reincarnation Bash] can kill the world in seconds, so this skill is the best wise.

After Ye Luo woke up, Tiandi also woke up. He also knew how powerful [Fright Slash] was. He did not retreat at all, and the black long sword greeted him. It was also a [Fright Slash]. After all, only this skill can compete with Ye Luo. contend.

The long swords intersected, and there was a clank of swords. The skills of the two were blocked by the long swords of the other party. No one was dizzy. Then they started a close fight as they hoped.

"Although Tiandi is a little older, he still has a very sophisticated grasp of skills. At this point, he has a slight advantage." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, she nodded repeatedly: "Is a very good opponent, but Ye Luo It's not bad, it's evenly matched with him. But this is only temporary, and Ye Luo can take advantage of attack speed and movement speed..."

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