VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 285: : Powerful Demon Warrior

Ye Luo took a stealth pill to evade the [Charge] of the desert solitary smoke, and successfully escaped from the attack range of [Mowu Sweep] and [Sword Qi], thus turning the situation around. At this time, he has taken the initiative, very Perhaps a set of skills will kill the desert solitary smoke.

As guessed by the fireworks Yield, Ye Luo did not choose to launch the assassination immediately, but waited for the opportunity.

Time passed by, and Ye Luo's [Charge] CD was finished soon, and he started to take action as analyzed by the analysis of Fireworks Yield. From the perspective of the team members such as Polangchengfeng, Ye Luo followed a very strange route, slowly approaching the desert solitary smoke.

"Tsk tsk, I didn't expect Ye Luo to be so skilled in assassination, even better than Xiaoshu. If he chooses the profession of assassin, I am afraid that few people can escape his assassination." Po Lang Chengfeng Praise it.

"Hey, Big Brother Ye has absolutely received assassination training in reality, and it is much more stringent than me." In the middle of the night, he remembered something and continued: "I feel that he is not worse than my master. Maybe two people still know each other. It."

"Hehe, although I can't understand it, I know that Brother Ye is very good from what you say." Zhiyue chuckled, she became a little excited: "The desert solitary smoke is already a little flustered, and then Brother Ye can take it Kill, one pick ten, and there are two celebrity list masters among them, now Brother Ye is really going to be famous."

"It's not necessarily possible to kill the desert solitary smoke in one fell swoop." Suddenly the fireworks became cold, ignoring the eyes of everyone, she continued: "The desert solitary smoke is also very peculiar, and it is as close to the edge of the ring as possible. Luo can't launch a sneak attack behind him. If you face it head-on, it will reduce the time to turn around. The probability of such a successful block is undoubtedly high."

"Da Mo Guyan is a long-standing master in the celebrity list. It is not a battle against an assassin. It has rich experience." Po Lang nodded, she said solemnly: "If it is an ordinary assassin, it is not easy to succeed. As the fireworks said, direct [charge] against it, so the chance of success is the greatest."

While breaking the waves and riding the wind said this, Ye Luo had already rushed to the vicinity of Guyan in the desert. He attacked directly with his long sword, and he also showed his figure at the moment of the attack.

As the firework Yi Leng said, the reaction speed of Da Mo Guyan was also very fast. He straightened up his sword to block in an instant, but it was not difficult to stop the attack at a low gear.

But in the next instant, Ye Luoru's arrow from the string rushed away, apparently he had launched [Charge].

Although Damo Guyan’s [Flashing] skill has been CD, the flashing can only move 5 meters. At this time, Ye Luo is close to [Charge]. Obviously he can't dodge this skill anyway, unless he is lucky enough to appear MISS.

As if he also knew this, Da Mo Guyan did not use [Flashing], but activated another skill.

[Charge] Unexpectedly, he hit the target, and Ye Luo also successfully stunned Da Mo Guyan for 1 second, and then he didn't show any mercy, a [Fear Slash] came out, and it was stunned again for 4 seconds.

Next, the combo skills of [Reincarnation Slash] + Flat Slash + [Reincarnation Combo] are displayed. When the wrist is turned, [Reincarnation Bash] is also displayed. This time, Ye Luo's luck was very good. The stun effect of [Reincarnation Bash] was also triggered, and Da Mo Guyan was stunned again for 0.5 seconds, and then he used the [Sword Qi aspect] group killing skill.

With so many skills displayed, Ye Luo's offensive power can at least cause 40,000 damage to the target, and the more than 32,000 qi and blood of the desert solitary smoke can't bear it.

But what is surprising is that Ye Luo's use of so many skills only caused more than 20,000 damage, and the desert solitary smoke still has more than 10,000 blood.

"What's the matter, I actually hurt him less than 3,000. Doesn't that mean that his defense power is above 8,000, it's impossible." Ye Luo looked incredible, but he hurriedly checked the battle records after thinking about it. stand up.

That's right, when Ye Luo just showed up, Damo Guyan used a skill. Seeing a protective film appeared on the latter, he faintly guessed that this skill was a protection type.

"[Magic Shield] is a magic shield that can offset 50% of the damage. It lasts for 10 seconds and the CD time is 5 minutes." Ye Luo murmured, and he gave a wry smile: "I heard Firework Yi Leng said that the magic shield is a thing. , But he guessed that this was a skill of Rank 3 or Rank 4. He didn't expect Da Mo Guyan to master it."

"Fortunately, he still only has more than 10,000 qi and blood. Fighting with him, I should be able to kill him, not to mention that I still have a group attack skill." Ye Luo muttered to himself, and he had already used the sword energy. ].

Several sword auras whizzed away, enveloped the solitary smoke of the desert. Under the protection of the energy shield, only more than 3,000 damage figures floated above his head, but at this time his vitality was less than 10,000. If Ye Luo followed him Desperately, then the chance of killing it is still great.

Before Ye Luo used [Sword Qi Aspect], Da Mo Guyan woke up, as if he knew that he couldn't hide from those sword auras, and he didn't hide, but immediately added a pill to pull the blood. 2000 points.

Seeing Ye Luo rushing towards him aggressively after showing [Sword Qi], he guessed that the other party was trying to desperately, a smile was raised at the corner of his mouth, and then he still activated the [Flashing] skill. He appeared 5 meters away. , Separated from Yeluo.

Then, a scene that surprised all the audience except Tiandi and others appeared: the light flashed, and a magic wand appeared in the left hand of the desert solitary smoke, and then the magic wand exuded majestic energy, and the blood of the desert solitary smoke quickly recovered after a skill With.

"What's the matter, he can actually hold a magic wand and a long sword. Could it be that this is the ability of a magic warrior? He has the profession of a swordsman and a magician?! No wonder he can use [Flash] and a magic shield similar to a magician ."

"The deputy weapon bar was opened so soon, it seems that only Taoists have this ability in the Heavenly Tribulation game. Demon warriors can actually also, this class is too BUG."

"It turns out that Gu Yan in the desert has been hiding his strength. If he uses the magician's attack range to attack with magic, Ye Luo Zhiqiu will not be able to resist it. I am afraid the battle will be over long ago."


For a while, the audience talked a lot, and they were all shocked by the fact that Damo Guyan could hold weapons in both hands.

Seeing this scene, Ye Luo frowned, watching Da Mo Guyan's blood quickly recover, he checked the battle record again, and then saw Da Mo Guyan's skill-[Devil Martial Origin].

"[The Source of Demon Martial Arts] can instantly increase 10,000 points of vitality for himself, and then restore 1,000 points of vitality per second for the next 10 seconds, and the skill CD time is 10 minutes." Ye Luo murmured, he smiled bitterly: "A skill With an increase of 20,000 points of Qi and blood, plus the pills he took, he quickly returned to his peak state..."

"The profession of Demon Warrior is really a bit BUG, ​​it seems to be much more practical than my reincarnation at the moment." Ye Luo murmured, watching Damo Guyan raise the magic wand, he smiled bitterly: "It seems that next He is about to use the skills of a magician, he is probably very powerful too."

Although he said this, Ye Luo didn't stop his movements. He rushed over with a flash of figure. He didn't intend to give Da Mo Lun Yan a chance to distance himself. After all, distance from the magician was a nightmare for melee careers.

As if he knew this too, Da Mo Guyan retreated while using his skills, and an [Energy Sword Rain] was cast to cover Ye Luo, and a damage figure of more than 2,000 points floated.

"Only 2000 points of damage, it seems that although his demon martial artist's intellectual growth aptitude is high, it is a full strength plus point. He is more inclined to physical attacks." Seeing the damage floating above his head, Ye Luo sighed a little. .

After that, Damo Guyan used skills such as [Energy Link], [Energy Bomb Impact], and [Energy Blast Bomb]. I don’t know why. These skills are only skills mastered by ordinary magicians, and there is no advanced level. Ye Luo let out a sigh of relief.

Rao is that the magical attack power of Lone Smoke in the Desert is slightly lower, but the use of so many skills has caused nearly 10,000 damage to Ye Luo, and he is still attacking with his long sword while casting his magic skills, [Shocking Slash] and [Sword Qi] Longitudinal] It was also displayed, and it caused tens of thousands of damage to Ye Luo.

After taking a mutated [Danshen Pill], Ye Luo pulled the blood for thousands of points, and he also approached the desert solitary smoke, and then launched an attack.

Close the distance with Da Mo Guyan, so that Da Mo Guyan can no longer use his skills. Seeing his slowly recovering blood, Ye Luo also breathed a long sigh of relief, but soon he found that his situation had changed. Inferior.

Although Damo Guyan cannot use skills, his magic wand can also be used to block, and even hitting Ye Luo with the magic wand can cause hundreds of damage. Blocking with a magic wand, attacking with a long sword, coupled with the walking position of the desert solitary smoke, Ye Luo was in a hurry for a while, and he was completely downwind.

"Haha, I didn't expect the demon martial artist to be a demon and martial artist, and he can hold weapons in both hands so early." Da Mo Lonely smiled strangely, he was very proud: "Hey, Ye Luo Zhiqiu, your reincarnation is the only hidden profession anyway. , A little more powerful than my magic warrior, why didn't he use his exclusive skills?"

That’s right, not only Da Mo Guyan was puzzled, but everyone was puzzled except for those who knew that Samsara had no active exclusive skills. At first they thought Ye Luo was hiding his strength, but now the situation is so inferior, and Da Mo Guyan has all Ye Luo had no need to hide it anymore.

But he still didn't use the reincarnation skills, which naturally made everyone confused.

"Haha, shouldn't your reincarnation only have those skills, or most of them are passive skills." With Damo Guyan's cleverness, he can naturally guess this, and he laughed: "No wonder you have defenses and blood. , Recovery speed, movement speed, and attack speed are all so abnormal. The original effect of Samsara's passive skills, but what use is this?"

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