VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2864: : Borrow [Recruitment Order]

Think about it, too, after seeing that they can’t keep the city of Zero Night, Dark Night naturally knows that the [Mobile Fortress] cannot escape the fate of being destroyed, so they are likely to let people control [Mobile Fortress] to escape-Yeluo attacked This level 4 gang resident is called Zero Night City, which is also the gang resident closest to Lingfeng City, and it is precisely because of this that the [Mobile Fortress] hid here.

As long as you know that the [Mobile Fortress] of Hanbok has escaped, then the people in the Chinese clothes can control [Battlestar] to pursue it. With the speed advantage of [Battlestar] and stronger attack power, it is no problem to destroy that [Mobile Fortress] of.

After seeing this situation, the look of the dark night and others became difficult to look. If they continue like this in their hearts, not only will they not be able to keep Zero Night City, but the [Mobile Fortress] will also be destroyed, which is something they cannot bear— —It’s not a big deal for them to lose a level 4 gang resident, after all, they still have a chance to take it back in the future, but once the [Mobile Fortress] is destroyed, it can’t be repaired, and it can’t be obtained at present. Other fortresses.

"What to do?" Huo Wuzhi said in a deep voice: "For now, Ye Luo Zhiqiu and they are determined to capture Zero Night City. No, they are determined to destroy our other [Mobile Fortress]. "

Without waiting for them to speak, she continued: "[58 Novel www.58xs.vip] At this time, even if we control [Mobile Fortress] to escape, there is no way to escape, because [Battlestar] is much faster than [Mobile Fortress]. , And the Chinese server must have sent many assassins around Zero Night City. Once [Mobile Fortress] leaves the city, they will be monitored, and [Battlestar] will soon be able to chase them."

Hearing that, Dark Night and their expressions became more solemn, and they naturally knew these at this time, but they didn't have a good way to deal with them at this time.

"It's not impossible." Suddenly Twilight said slightly, seeing the look everyone was expecting, and he continued: "That is to use the [Recruitment Order] of the Six Winged Fallen Angels. We borrowed a lot from other servers before. Order], I have used all of them, no, I am afraid that all of them will not be enough. I need to borrow some more from our allies..."

Naturally, they also know that if they have a large number of NPCs with six-winged fallen angels, they can also stop Ye Luo and the others, but they also know from the previous battles in Lingfeng that only more than 200 NPCs with six-winged fallen angels can’t stop the people in the middle service, especially Zero Night City is only a level 4 gang resident, and Ye Luo has already destroyed some defense equipment, so they need at least more than 400 six-winged fallen angels' [recruitment order].

"Yes, at least more than 400 [Recruitment Orders] are needed, and it still may not be able to withstand the attack of the Chinese server." Razor said in a deep voice: "Especially the people of the Chinese server are determined to destroy our [Mobile Fortress] In the case of 】, because they still have a lot of assassins that they have not displayed, such as Ye Luo Zhiqiu also has [Tai Chi Dao], [Heaven Tribulation* Black Hole], and Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind also have [Thunder God Heaven] and [Yatara Mirror* Dreamland] and other skills, even if they just use multiple [Group Blessing Scrolls], they still have a lot of scrolls in their hands. After all, the Chinese server occupied many gang sites before."

Hearing that, everyone was silent, because they also knew that the razor was right, even if they used more than 400 six-winged fallen angels' [recruitment order], they might not be able to hold it.

"Then we will borrow more, and the big deal will be to return more to Tokyo Mythology in the future." The violent butcher didn't care about it.

"I'm afraid they won't lend us anymore." Huo Wuzhiguang shook her head and saw the puzzled look of the violent butcher and others, she explained: "Even though the Tokyo Mythology they lent us very easily before, But that’s because they want to use our hands to consume the power of the middle service, not to mention that they do have some [recruitment orders] in their hands that can be borrowed, but if they are asked to take out more, they are not willing, because they Also keep enough [recruitment orders] to prevent sneak attacks by the Chinese server."

"Yes, even at this time there are not many [recruitment orders] in their hands, most of them stayed in their own servers." Twilight Weiliang took the stubbornly, and then changed his tone: "In addition, the alliance dispatched by the Russian server and other servers More players sneaked into the Italian server, and the coming was fierce. The British server, French server and other servers transferred some of their power to the past, and they also loaned some [recruitment orders], which also means that we can borrow less [recruitment orders] Some more."

"Yeah, if we use so many [recruitment orders] at once, it will be enough to consume all the people in the service. The most feared thing is that once they see that we have used so many [recruitment orders], they will immediately withdraw. "Autumn Wind Sweeping Leaves took over: "After all, the Chinese server has a great active advantage in this matter, and Tokyo Mythology should also know this, so they will have some scruples. In this case, they need to keep more six. Fallen Wings’ [recruitment order] is for their own use, which means that there are not many recruitment orders they can lend us."

Hearing that, everyone is silent, they also know that the people of the major servers will definitely rely on their own servers, especially thinking that the people of Zhongfu are very likely to give up directly after seeing the dark night they used a lot of [recruitment orders]. Ling Fengcheng then sneaked into other servers.

"Although it is very likely that they won't lend us anymore, we still have to try it." Dark Ye finally spoke, and he looked at everyone as he said: "After all, it is more important to keep [Mobile Fortress], even if possible. If we do, we can exchange it with one or two four-level gang sites."

Hearing that, everyone was silent, because they also knew the importance of [Mobile Fortress], so they could only continue to face the Tokyo Mythology and borrowed the [recruitment order] from the six-winged fallen angel.

"Don't talk about it, let's use some six-wing fallen angels' [recruitment order] first." The violent butcher urged: "Leave Ye Luo Zhiqiu to continue like this, and soon all the defensive equipment on Zero Night City will be destroyed. Destroyed, even if we borrow more [recruitment orders] from six-winged fallen angels, we will not be able to withstand the attack of the middle service."

The words of the violent butcher were immediately echoed by many people, because at this time in their hearts, only the NPCs of the six-wing fallen angels could stop Ye Luo from continuing to destroy their defense equipment.

"No, using only a part of the [recruitment order] does not have a good deterrent effect for Ye Luo Zhiqiu and the others, especially they can mobilize [Battle Fortress] and [Mobile Fortress] to suppress them, unless we use dozens of them at once. Hundreds." Twilight shook his head slightly, and then he smiled bitterly: "But once we use so many [recruitment orders], I am afraid that Ye Luo Zhiqiu will turn to attack other gang sites, although we can do so. Keep [Mobile Fortress], but we are likely to lose half of the gang resident."

"The most important thing is that even if we use all the [recruitment orders], we may not be able to defeat the people in the middle service. Maybe they will start to attack the city with all their strength. They can also solve more than 200 Six Wings with various means. The NPc of fallen angels." Twilight continued: "If the Tokyo Mythology does not lend us more [Recruitment Orders], then we will not only be unable to keep Zero Night City and [Mobile Fortress], but we will also lose more than 200 [Recruitment Order]."

There is no shortage of smart people among the crowd. They also understood after hearing Twilight's cool words. For a while, their expressions became a little difficult to look at, and they didn't know how to choose.

"Then what to do?" The violent butcher said grimly, "Is it possible that Ye Luo Zhiqiu will continue to consume our strength? If this continues, even if we borrow a large number of six-winged fallen angels [recruitment order], it may not be able to stop it. They are."

"First ask Tokyo Mythology if they can lend us some more [recruitment orders]." Dark night quickly made a decision: "If they agree to lend us some more [recruitment orders], as long as the number reaches 200. , Then we can use dozens or hundreds of [Recruitment Orders], first deter everyone in the service, if they withdraw naturally best, if they continue to attack the city, then we will use more [Recruitment Orders ], it’s not too late to drag them into combat and use all the [recruitment orders]."

Hearing this, everyone nodded and agreed, after all, this was the only way for them.

Next, Dark Ye communicated with Tokyo Mythology, who had rushed to support, and borrowed from them the [recruitment order] of the Six Winged Fallen Angels, but Tokyo Mythology they hesitated. Although they finally agreed, the [recruitment order] that can be lifted was Not too many, these servers add up to only more than 100-Tokyo Mythology, they have also seen the current situation clearly, it is difficult for people in Hanbok to consume those in Zhongfu, which means that everyone in Zhongfu is very likely Infiltrate their servers, so they need to keep some [recruitment orders] just in case.

"What, you can only lend us more than 100 [recruitment orders]?!" After hearing this result, the look of the violent butcher became harder to look: "Plus the 200 or more we had before, we only have 300. There are dozens of Lingfeng City, this seems to be unable to withstand the attack of the Zhongfu at all, after all, we have not resisted the attack of the Zhongfu with the help of Lingfeng City, not to mention that the Zero Night City is only a level 4 gang resident."

"No way, they don't lend us more [recruitment orders] at this time." Dark night smiled bitterly: "Obviously, Tokyo Mythology is also worried that the Zhongfu people will suddenly withdraw and sneak into their servers, so they Keep as many [recruitment orders] as possible just in case. In this case, it is impossible for them to lend us more [recruitment orders]. The promise to lend us more than 100 is already the limit, and they still hold Let us continue to consume the thought of the strength of the Chinese service."

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