VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2923: : Attack the third

After using the [Group Acceleration Scroll] and [Group Blessing Scroll], the strength and speed of hundreds of main attackers such as Ye Luo has surpassed the [Mobile Fortress], and the powerful attack power can also deal high damage, plus a large number of The player who intercepts the printing server to support the player can relieve them of a lot of pressure, so they have a full chance to destroy the [Mobile Fortress] in front of them within 5 minutes, which means they can also fight against another [Mobile Fortress] Doing it, thinking of destroying the 3 [Mobile Fortresses] of the Indian server in such a short period of time, the daughter Hong and others are very excited-it is worth mentioning that at this time the elite players of the Chinese server are still far from crossing the borders. Come to the Indian service to support, and this further reduces the pressure on Ye Luo and the others, and can free up more energy to deal with [Mobile Fortress].

The ability to destroy 3 [Mobile Fortresses] in a short period of time will undoubtedly deter other servers and make them give up continuing their actions. In this way, the crisis of tomorrow is resolved, and it is even more exciting to think of these people.

"Hey, although we don’t have too many [Group Blessing Scrolls], there are still 4 [Group Acceleration Scrolls]. Using these scrolls we can easily destroy 4 or 5 [Mobile Fortresses], plus the rest Time can intercept those [Mobile Fortresses] along the way, so we can destroy 10 [Mobile Fortresses] before tomorrow. It’s not a big problem." Yueyue toasted and laughed: “These are close to the major servers [Mobile Fortress]. Half the number is enough to deter them, maybe they will really give up and continue to act."

"Whether they give up the action is yet to be known, but what we have to do is to destroy as much as possible. Even if they don't attack us tomorrow, we will face them more easily in the future." Long Teng said in a sinking voice.

Hearing this, everyone nodded, and then they didn't say much, and they attacked [Mobile Fortress] with all their strength. Of course, they also looked around vigilantly, and were ready to guard against the colorful sacred cow and others at any time. After all, their The threat is much stronger than the elite Yinfu who came before, and the threat to Ye Luo and the others is even greater.

At this time, the colorful sacred cows were also shocked by the strength of Ye Luo and others, especially when they saw that Ye Luo and the others were faster than the players in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll]. They were a little worried and did not rush over to support them immediately, which also made Ye Luo and the others convenient.

Of course, the colorful sacred cows were not idle. At this time, they began to deal with the players who assisted in the battle, and their strong strength also caused a lot of casualties to the central server players, especially the colorful sacred cows. [ The state of falling * swallowing.

Although the casualties are not small, the people in the major gangs are mentally prepared before the action, not to mention the [Mobile Fortress] that destroys the major servers at this time is more important for them, otherwise once the major servers capture too many gangs At that time, the casualties of the players in the server will be even greater.

Time passed slowly in the fierce battle. In a blink of an eye, 3 or 4 minutes passed. Ye Luo and the others finally destroyed this [Mobile Fortress] after such a long time. Then they did not waste time. The slender hands had long been locked. The player who was monitoring another [Mobile Fortress] teleported over. At this time, her [Space Portal] had also ended the CD, and then she directly teleported Ye Luo and others over, and Ye Luo and the others did not say much, and chased directly. Went up and attacked the fortress.

It’s worth mentioning that as soon as Yeluo and the others were teleported, many auxiliary personnel directly locked them in and teleported over. When Yeluo and the others began to attack the third [Mobile Fortress], they also completed the teleportation. More and more players have arrived over time. Their task is not only to attack [Mobile Fortress] as soon as the teleportation is completed, but also to block the supporting printing service after losing the target of [Mobile Fortress]. Players.

I have to say that the commanders of the major gangs, such as the fireworks, easy to cold, commanded perfectly, and the battle was carried out in an orderly manner. The most important thing was that the toughness of the [Mobile Fortress] was also rapidly decreasing, as they said before breaking the waves and riding the wind There is a chance to destroy this fortress before the end of the [Group Speed ​​Scroll] and [Group Blessing Scroll] state.

Seeing Yeluo and the others, after solving the second [Mobile Fortress], they worked non-stop on another [Mobile Fortress]. The look of the colorful sacred cows became difficult to look at, especially when they learned that the players they supported could not stop them. In the case of Ye Luo et al.

"What to do, I don't know what props or skills Ye Luo Zhiqiu used. Although the strength is not more powerful than the awakening skills of using big moves and wearing combination equipment, the speed is much faster, even than [Mobile Fortress] ] Is fast. In this case, they can always attack our [Mobile Fortress]. The most important thing is that they prepared in advance. A large number of players will intercept our people, and our people are slower than them. It doesn’t pose too much threat to them.” Colorful Demon Fairy said solemnly, while talking to her while looking at everyone: “As far as we can see, it’s difficult for us to keep this [Mobile Fortress], what should we do now, do we need to support ?"

The players of the Indian server also thought about stopping the [Mobile Fortress] from flying, so that they can have more people to support it, but the Indian server players also thought of another problem-the [Mobile Fortress] will be stopped even if the middle server More players can attack it, even tens of thousands in a short time, and so many people can attack it together in a short time.

Although in this case the players supported by the Indian server can concentrate their efforts against the players in the middle server, they also know that a large number of people does not necessarily have an advantage, especially Ye Luo, who display great power, large-scale group attack skills, and even break the waves. The wind can also use [Yatayama Mirror*Dreamland], of course, players in the Chinese server can also use [Space Enchantment], so that the players who supported the past will definitely be killed, even if the colorful sacred cows used to be useless.

That’s right, within a certain range of space, only a limited number of people, such as Yeluo, Breaking the Wave and Riding the Wind, can kill all the trapped Indian players, including the colorful God Bull and others. This is what everyone has verified before. Yes, especially after Ye Luo and the others mastered [Fallen * Devour].

It was precisely because of this that the colorful sacred cows did not stop their [Mobile Fortress], and they could only avoid Ye Luo and the others and then deal with the supporting players in the middle server.

"No way, at this moment Ye Luo Zhiqiu and the others are too fast, and we can't fight them hard." Colorful demon fox said in a bad mood, and attacked as he said, "Fortunately, we also attacked this time. Killed a lot of players in the Chinese server, and their casualties were even greater than ours."

That's right, the casualties of the current fancy server are more serious, but anyone knows that this is because Yeluo and the others are attacking [Mobile Fortress], and it is completely worthwhile to sacrifice some players to destroy [Mobile Fortress].

"It can't go on like this, otherwise our [Mobile Fortress] will be completely destroyed." Suddenly the flame crocodile said, while speaking, he looked at the colorful sacred cow: "After all, we have only 10 [Mobile Fortresses]. 】’S manufacturing blueprint, if 4 [Mobile Fortresses] are destroyed, it will be a great loss for us, so even if we suppress the Zhongfu, we will be at a great disadvantage with other servers."

Hearing that, Wucai Shenniu and the others were silent. They naturally knew what a blow to them if they lost 4 [Mobile Fortress], but they were a bit hesitant to think about the agreement with other servers.

"Our fourth [Mobile Fortress] is not far from one of our gang sites at this time. Although that gang site is only level 4, it should be able to cause a lot of resistance to the players in the middle server. It is better to let that [Mobile Fortress] Hide in that resident?" Wucai Curry said tentatively, and without waiting for Wucai Shenniu and the others to speak, he continued: "Just delay some time. Using this time, we can cause more casualties to the players in the Chinese server. , And maybe it can be delayed until Ye Luo Zhiqiu and others' acceleration at this time is over. Maybe this will make them retreat. After they retreat, we will drive [Mobile Fortress] to kill the Chinese server. It's a violation of the agreement with other servers, how?"

"Yes, that's right, it is completely possible to do this, anyway, our [Mobile Fortress] is not going to be served, just to avoid being destroyed." The colorful monster fox hurriedly said, and then he looked at the colorful **** cow expectantly Obviously, he is required to make a decision.

I also know that this is a very flexible method. After a little indulgence, the colorful **** cow said: "Well, ok, just do it like this. We have already lost 3 [Mobile Fortress], and after Ye Luo Zhiqiu and they retreated, we still Will control [Mobile Fortress] and kill it, so people from other servers won't say anything, anyway, they won't turn their faces with us at this time."

Seeing the colorful sacred cow agreeing, the colorful monster fox and others were very excited, and then they did not say much, and directly ordered their people to drive the fourth [Mobile Fortress] to the nearest level 4 gang station, and count the time. That fortress could rush to the gang station before Yeluo and the others destroyed the third fortress. They breathed a sigh of relief. After all, the middle-server players who had already consumed a lot in their hearts would no longer forcibly attack a level 4 gang station. Up.

Even if Ye Luo and the others attacked that resident when the time came, it would be much easier for them to use the gang resident to deal with Ye Luo in their hearts. Not only did the gang resident have the advantages of city walls and defense equipment, but they also had a lot of six. The [Recruitment Order] of Fallen Wings can also use the teleportation array to send a large number of players to support.

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