VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2954: : BOSS upgrade

Although there are 4 [Mobile Fortresses] of Bucky Service, the [Mobile Fortresses] that participated in this mission will not accidentally be destroyed. After all, these [Mobile Fortresses] will have to fight after solving the problem of the Indian server. The Central Asian Service is responsible for intercepting the [Mobile Fortresses] of servers such as German servers. The latter has 1, 20 [Mobile Fortresses], and only 2 or 3 [Mobile Fortresses] facing so many fortresses are of course not good.

Therefore, the gangs who contributed to the creation of the blueprint at this time undoubtedly paid a lot of sacrifices, and other gangs naturally have to express, for example, they need to provide materials for making [Mobile Fortress], and then kill the 2 quasi-demons. The Boss Hou Miao Miao Pavilion, Nangong Family, and Feng Xing also have limited selection rights.

"This is natural." Longteng Tianxia said readily and honestly: "Anyway, the gangs that have created [Mobile Fortress] don't need these materials. We can fully contribute."

Longteng Tianxia has already stated that other gangs are naturally happy to contribute their materials. After all, as Longteng Tianxia said, after they have created [Mobile Fortress], they don’t need any materials. As for the states that still have the blueprints, they will come to them. Said that as long as they don't let them lose [Mobile Fortress], there is no problem.

Next, the people of the major gangs ordered to go and check their material lists, while Ye Luo and the others continued to attack the BOSS in front of them.

"Fireworks, why take the initiative to let our fortress participate in this mission?" Othello asked in the private chat channel of Miomi Pavilion Studio: "After all, we Miomi Pavilion does not owe any major gangs at all. We have nothing to say if we don’t start the battle."

"Yes, the [Mobile Fortress] participating in this mission will be destroyed in all likelihood. Isn't that a fortress lost in vain?" June Feixue couldn't help muttering.

"It's a matter of national safety, we also have the responsibility to come forward at this time." Ye Luo said solemnly: "After all, we have too many fortresses in Miomi Pavilion, and there are even 2 [Battlestars]. If we don't take the initiative to come forward, I'm afraid it will be others The gang will not come forward, so we can still perform this task."

"Yes, everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the country. Although we will lose some benefits, it is also worth it." Po Lang Chengfeng said, her tone was also a little serious when she said this: "You don't have to do this in the future. If you have any questions, it is a matter of national interest. It is completely fine for us to lose some of our personal interests. After all, we are not playing games for the sake of food."

Hearing the tone of Ye Luo and Po Lang Cheng Feng, Othello and Othello are no longer entangled with the fireworks and easy cold, but June Feixue still can’t help complaining: “Although we have contributed [Mobile Fortress] ] It’s nothing, even an inevitable responsibility, but Ouyang Family’s words are too much, so they should also contribute [Mobile Fortress] to participate in this mission."

"Yes." Zhiyue took the stubbornly, and then she looked at the fireworks with curiosity: "Sister Fireworks, if you directly propose, then Ouyang Family can only participate in this mission even for the sake of face, why don't you? What about it?"

"It should be that Nangong Yunlong and Uncle Feng Xing did not give her a chance, and Fireworks should also know that this time there are only two or three [Mobile Fortresses] in the mission, so there is no need to let Ouyang Family’s [Mobile Fortress] Participated in the mission." Sitting on Qin Xin replied on her behalf, she continued after a short pause: "Fireworks occasionally asks about materials, so she should estimate that the materials that our server can produce can only produce 3 [Mobile Fortress]."

"Oh, this way, it's really cheap from the Ouyang family." June Feixue couldn't help muttering: "To blame, Nangong Yunlong and Uncle Feng Xing are a little anxious. After all, they have already taken the initiative to stand up so other gangs. Naturally, I won't say anything more."

"Yes, Uncle Fengxing didn't give me a chance." Fireworks Yi said indifferently, and then her tone changed: "But we also fought for some power. After all, we can get the materials first. Once we are lucky, we will get the Demon God level. Materials, then our [Mobile Fortress] will not necessarily be destroyed."

Hearing that, their eyes brightened, and they naturally knew how powerful [Battlestar] was. Even if they faced multiple [Mobile Fortresses] that could not be defeated, they could retreat with speed. In this case, it is almost guaranteed [ Battlestar] will not be destroyed.

This also means that participating in this mission [Battlestar] will not be destroyed, and Miomi Pavilion can have one more [Battlestar], plus what Ye Luo and Breaking the Wave said, "The rise and fall of the country is the responsibility of everyone." 'So Fireworks Yi Leng took the initiative to propose the [Mobile Fortress] of Miomi Pavilion to participate in this mission.

"If you can upgrade [Mobile Fortress] to [Space Fortress], then there is no problem, but the probability that the two quasi-devil-level BOSS wants to explode the demon-level material is too low, let alone two demon-level Material, even if the players who have few foreign servers on the soil and Yifu, the chances of coming over are very small.” Othello could not help but muttered.

"Then it depends on our luck." Ye Luo said, and then he laughed: "Anyway, our [Mobile Fortress] will all participate in this mission, so there is no problem with fighting luck. If you get 2 by luck, So we not only have the opportunity to solve this crisis, but we also have one more [Battlestar] in advance, so that we will have 3 [Battlestar] in Misty Pavilion."

"Tsk tsk, three [Battlestars], this is a force that can sweep everything, not to mention that there is also a [Battlestar] in the Eastern family." Po Lang Chengfeng was quite excited, and they didn’t say much and continued. Attack the BOSS with all its strength, and look forward to it while attacking, looking forward to exploding demon-level materials.

It didn’t take long for them to kill the BOSS, and after seeing something, the beautiful eyes of the waves and wind lit up, and she blurted out: "Hey, our luck is really good, just killing this BOSS will burst the devil. Grade Inner Dan, now we have collected 50% of the materials."

That's right, after the boss was killed, a demon-level inner alchemy broke out. Because they had seen these materials in Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, they recognized them at first sight, and this also made them excited.

On the side, everyone was pleasantly surprised after seeing the demon-level inner alchemy. Of course, many people were quite envious. After all, they also knew what changes would happen if the [Mobile Fortress] was upgraded to [Space Fortress]. It is no exaggeration to say that if their [Mobile Fortress] can be upgraded to [Battlestar] then they will be happy to participate in this mission, and even rush to participate in this mission.

"Only one material came out, and one material is missing." Sitting on Qin Xin said, even though she said so, her pretty face was full of smiles: "Although there is still a quasi-devil-level goddess at this time. This is the first powerful BOSS killed by an external server. However, it should take less than 10% to explode the material of the Demon God level, not to mention that only the skeleton of the Demon God level can be exploded."

Naturally, I also know this, but thinking that there is always hope, everyone is looking forward to it, and then June Feixue said: "There is always hope, not to mention that there is still a long time before the battle of tomorrow, our people will be there again. Looking for some powerful BOSS, you may be able to gather materials and upgrade [Mobile Fortress]."

Hearing this, everyone nodded, and then they didn't say much, and started to pack the spoils. Because there was an agreement long ago, Miomi Pavilion did not allow the demon-level inner alchemy to be collected, and the Nangong family and Feng Xing also gave priority to two good ones. The equipment props of —— those were two Demon God-level equipment, the one from the Nangong clan was directly given to Xiaofeng Canyue, and the one obtained by Feng Xing was given to Feng Xinglie, so that both of them were greatly improved in strength.

It’s worth mentioning that although this boss has 3 or 4 scrolls, 3 of them are [Group Transmission Scroll] and [Cross Server* Group Transmission Scroll]. Only one [Group Acceleration Scroll] is the most urgent need for everyone. Yes, this explosion rate is a bit unsatisfactory, of course, mainly because of the explosion of a Demon God-level inner alchemy.

Next, everyone did not waste time to solve those Primordial Saint-level BOSS, because their own Fengxing, Bacchus Dukang led people to solve them, Ye Luo and the others rushed to serve the quasi-devil-level BOSS as quickly as possible.

"I hope this BOSS will explode the skeleton of the Demon God level." When dealing with the BOSS, June Feixue kept muttering: "Of course, it would be better if we could explode multiple Demon God level materials. All [Mobile Fortress] are upgraded to [Battlestar], so this will definitely solve this crisis."

Listening to June Feixue's broken thoughts, everyone was amused, even if they were expecting it in their hearts, but they also knew that this possibility was impossible.

The BOSS that Ye Luo and the others dealt with is very good, much stronger than the two of the soil suits, but because Xiaofeng Canyue has obtained the [Death Sword] and a Demon God level equipment, the strength has been very good. , So there is no big problem with this boss.

However, there were some accidents when the BOSS's vitality was only 10% left. The BOSS suddenly upgraded. Yes, a situation rarely encountered by everyone happened. The BOSS suddenly broke through to the Demon God level when it was alive or dead. , So its strength has been greatly improved, which caused a lot of pressure on Ye Luo and the others, even after the upgrade, the BOSS suddenly displayed a powerful, large-scale group attack skill, this skill instantly killed Ye Luo and the others Nearly half of the players.

In this skill coverage, even sitting on Qin Xin was killed, because she applied [Spell Immunity] to Breaking Waves and Riding Wind, after all, the [Crazy Thunder Clothes] of Waves Riding Wind was destroyed in the previous attack. Once covered by this skill, it will be killed in seconds.

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