VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 296: : Ant King Cloak

The attribute of the marching ant king is nothing to them who have seen the 100-level golden boss break the waves and ride the wind, but the [Comb] is very good. This is a passive skill, which is different from the Warrior’s [Comb]. It is said that Ye Luo's [Pupil of Reincarnation] can copy it and learn it.

He attacked the hostile target three times in a row every 5 seconds, and the attack damage was 80%, which is quite good. After learning, Ye Luo's output will increase a lot.

"So far [Samsara Pupils] has only replicated one skill. I killed less than ten thousand monsters but nine thousand. Now I basically don’t have any hopes. Let’s go with the situation." Ye Luo is quite open-minded. Then I looked at the fireworks and it was easy to get cold: "Fireworks, how to deal with this ant king?"

"A 70-level golden boss, you can kill it by yourself, go by yourself." The firework was cold, but when she thought of it, she looked at the Midnight Book: "Little Book, your [Wind Binding Technique] It drops blood proportionally, and it is also a control skill. In order to speed up the killing speed, you go too."

It's just that the level 70 monsters can't work, the fireworks are easy to be cold, and they all go out, Ye Luo directly greets them, and Midnight Shu also hides in the past, ready to use skills such as [backstab] at any time.

[Charge] After it was cast, it successfully stunned the king of ants, and then Ye Luo turned his wrist, the combination skills were displayed, and nearly 20,000 damage had been dealt. Seeing that the ant king was about to wake up, he turned his wrist, accompanied by the trembling sword chant, [Fear Slash] was also displayed, successfully stunned for 4 seconds.

Next, the skills such as [Reincarnation Blow], [Shocking Slash], and [Sword Qi] were displayed, and the damage numbers floated up.

After all the skills are displayed, Ye Luo will attack normally. With high attack and attack speed, the damage caused is also very high.

Seeing that the king of ants is about to wake up, Midnight Shu also launched a [Hydraulic Assault]. After the 30 damage bonus of the passive skill [Hidden Strike], a damage number of nearly tens of thousands floated. Then his body shape turned, [Backstab] has been displayed, and he was successfully stunned, his movements were smooth and smooth, and he did not procrastinate.

Once again, the ant king was dizzy. Ye Luo and Midnight Shu and the others would not let go of such an opportunity, attacking as much as they could. Seeing that the ant king is about to wake up, the midnight book [Wind Binding Technique] was displayed, and the whirlwind was like silk threads. Generally, the marching ant king is entangled and cut, and the damage of 1% damage will float up to tens of thousands.

"Tsk tusk, the damage of Xiaoshu surpassed Ye Luo in a short time, and the wind binding technique of the Storm Assassin is really powerful," Po Lang Cheng praised.

"This skill only causes the target to lose 1% of the current vitality, so it is best to use it at first, and the BOSS's vitality reduction effect is much worse." The firework is easy to cold, and then the tone changes: "Of course, bind this for 3 seconds. The effect is still very good."

On the side, the people who saw Ye Luo playing against the BOSS for the first time were stunned. They had never thought that killing the BOSS was so simple, and even without the help of the priest. If you don't want to kill quickly, I'm afraid that Ye Luo alone can kill it easily.

Soon after, the ant king woke up, and it brazenly launched the [Advanced Bite] skill, which also caused some damage to Ye Luo, but the damage could be fully absorbed by only 15% of the lifesteal.

Next, the king of ants launched the skill [Shrink the ground to an inch], which punched holes under the ground, but at this time the book opened in the middle of the night [Wind Hide] and hid away. Only Ye Luo was hit and stunned. Dazzle for 3 seconds.

But at the moment when the ant king came out, a book in the middle of the night [backstab] fixed it, and then [Evised], but also successfully stunned for 3 seconds, when it woke up again, Ye Luo also woke up .

The next situation is much simpler, the two cooperated and it took almost two minutes to kill it.

Perhaps because of the first kill, the ant king burst is not bad. He dropped a 70-level gold dagger——【Ant King’s Dagger】. The attributes are very good, better than those of the slender jade hand and the third class. So a few of them ROLL points.

After Midnight Book got the [Spur of the Wind], he gave [Jade Tree's Dagger] to Jianyi. This is a level 80 gold dagger, which is much better than [Ant King’s Dagger], so Sword One is not mixed. ROLL point.

When a girl joined, Jian Er and their "old rules" could no longer be used. As a result, the "good luck" of the three of them came. None of them had more than 10 points, and the slender hand won 11 in one fell swoop. [Ant King The dagger].

"Hee hee, you guys are giving me too much, the numbers of the three people add up to less than 10 points." After getting the dagger, her slender hands were smiling, but she said to herself: "But ROLL Can the point system allow it?"

On the side, Jian Er and the other three were depressed, but they were holding on, showing great generosity in front of women.

The next thing is a level 70 gold cloak, the effect is very good, better than [Pang Yi's cloak]:

[Ant King Cloak] (cloak—Golden Grade)

Physical defense: 450-450

Magic defense: 450-450

Strength: +180

Constitution: +180

Agility: +180

Intelligence: +180

Additional features: increase the wearer's dodge chance by 20%, and increase the resistance to damage spells by 20%.

Additional features: Increase the wearer's movement speed and 10% attack speed by 10%.

Additional skills: [Shrink the ground into an inch]

Long-lasting equipment: 250/250

Required level: 70

[Shrink the ground into an inch] (Passive skills): Mysterious Taoism, shrink thousands of miles and save once, make the wearer appear anywhere within 10 meters, the skill consumes 500 magic points, and the skill use interval is 5 minutes.

"A very good cloak." After killing the other marching ants, the fireworks were easy to get cold. She looked at Ye Luo: "This cloak increases the movement speed and attack speed. This is the most desirable feature of the melee professional. Ye The cloak that falls to you should still be a level 45 silver outfit, it's already out of date, this cloak will be given to you.

"Tsk tusk, it not only increases the movement speed and attack speed, but also comes with displacement skills. If it weren't for me to have [Crazy Thunder Cloak], I would want it all." Breaking the waves ride the wind, and then her tone changed, she laughed: "Ye Luo, you use it, so with this displacement skill, you won't be too passive against the desert solitary smoke."

Both Fireworks Yishen and Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind had spoken, and Ye Luo did not refuse any more, replaced [Pang Yi's Cloak], his attributes have been slightly improved, and he is now also wearing golden equipment.

As for the eliminated cloak, it was given to Sword Six. After all, the [Sword Strengthening] effect attached to this cloak is a magical skill for the swordsman, and the dodge and spell resistance characteristics are also very good.

The next thing is a boxing glove, level 70 gold equipment, which increases the damage of the boxing system. The attributes are very good. It belongs to the samādhi. After all, she is the strongest boxer among the people.

The last thing is a pet egg, the marching ant king pet egg, the golden boss, it can be regarded as the first-class pet now, because the maniac king pet egg was given to Friday, and this one was given to Thursday, and she finally changed it. Down the broodmother that made everyone feel palpitations.

"Hey, a big ant, scarlet, it's also very beautiful." said Thursday, who is very fond of insect pets. She looked at Friday: "It's better than that big python..."

"My python can eat ants." Friday was not to be outdone.

Ignoring the bickering between the two women, Ye Luo picked up a gold-level inner alchemy and said, "It's not bad that just a 70-level gold-level BOSS can explode so many things."

"Xiaoshu, we got the system prompt. The next wave of monsters will arrive in 5 minutes. Go and investigate." Fireworks Yi Leng made arrangements. Seeing Midnight Book disappearing, she looked at everyone: "Recovery , Ready to fight at any time."

Two or three minutes later, Midnight Book sent a monster illustration book. As expected by Samadhi, the monster level of this wave has increased by 5, it is a 75-level enchanted sand scorpion, and its overall attributes have been improved a bit compared with enchanted marching ants. .

"Tsk, it's really a level 75 war song level monster. It seems that these monsters will be upgraded to level 5 each wave." Black and white chess, and then think of something, her expression is a little serious: "Calculated like this, the last wave of monsters is 115 level. , It’s 30 levels higher than us, and it’s a monster over 100. The attributes will be improved a lot. Our pressure will not be small. If the number is large, it will be troublesome."

"Yeah, just level suppression makes us very troublesome." Sitting on Qin Xin nodded.

"After the last wave of monsters were killed, most of us have risen by more than half a level, and the next level will be faster. After the seven or eight waves, we can rise to levels 5 and 6. At that time, level suppression was not too strong." Fireworks are easy to cold. Dao, her tone was as indifferently as before: "Upgrade more than 5 levels a day. This is much faster than other players. It can also be quickly removed from the level. This is an opportunity for our ethereal pavilion."

There were tens of thousands of marching ants in the past, and the crowd used their attack skills to kill monsters at an astonishing speed, so it was upgraded by more than half a level in just half an hour, and the upgrade speed was quite fast.

"If nothing else, complete this task plus the reward for each of us to increase by at least 7 levels and break through to level 90 in one fell swoop. This is currently a lot more advantageous than other players." Samadhi pondered, she became excited: " A higher level can kill monsters of a higher level, and there are missions, a virtuous circle, and our advantages will grow."

Hearing this and knowing that, everyone cheered up, and the previous worries were wiped out.

As they were chatting, thousands of desert scorpions pounced like a wave. Looking at the hooks that exude a faint cold light, they knew that these scorpions were also highly poisonous.

"Tsk tsk, the previous marching ants were in the desert, and now desert scorpions have been dispatched. It seems that the demon army we are resisting today is the desert army, which is interesting." Po Lang Chengfeng teased.

"It's true to dare to be sentimental." Othello nodded, and then she looked at Ye Luo: "Fortunately, Ye Luo has refined a lot of high-level detoxification pills, so our pressure is much less..."

"The most important thing is that we can attack unscrupulously. After killing these scorpions, I will be able to rise to level 83. When this task is completed, we will have a stronger position on the rank list." June Feixue smiled.

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