VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2988: : Awareness

The strength of the court clothes is not too bad. The most important thing is that they can take advantage of the gang's location at this time, such as using city walls and defensive equipment. For example, they can continuously send player support through the teleportation array. [Recruitment Order] for their six-winged fallen angels and some players equipped with sky suits rushed to the wall to support, so they can definitely hold on for some time, or even just retreat to the heart of the city and use [Space Enchantment] to protect City Heart can also delay more than 10 minutes, and this time is enough for Ye Luo and the others to do a lot of things.

In addition, Ye Luo and the others sneaked behind the enemy and dragged down a large part of the enemy's combat power. In this case, it would be no problem for the court to persist for more than 10 minutes.

That's right, Ye Luo and the others can cause heavy casualties to the Japanese server and other servers in more than 10 minutes, and after these casualties, the Japanese server and other servers are afraid that there is no power to take down the gang resident in front of them. Especially at this time, there are a steady stream of Chinese server players rushing to the court and then rushing here to support.

No one had any doubts about this, because although Ye Luo and the others retreated while fighting at this time, as they attacked a piece of players, they were killed, and their killing efficiency was quite high. If it continues like this, 10 minutes will pass. Can cause greater casualties to the target, and those casualties are hardly what servers such as Japanese servers can bear.

That’s right, the players on the Japanese server and other servers are being killed at a faster rate, but it’s not too much compared to the total. The most important thing is that in their minds, the players on the middle server are retreating at this time. This gives They made a wrong judgment, believing that their strength was much stronger than that of the Chinese server, so they ignored the casualties and aggressively killed Ye Luo and the others.

Of course, the most important thing is that Ye Luo and the others focus on attacking players on the Japanese server side. After all, the Japanese server has no alliance with other servers, so they can only attack the city independently. It is only after Ye Luo and the others rush over to the US server, Hanbok and other servers. Some players were sent to suppress the middle server. In this case, the Japanese server suffered the most casualties, and the casualties of other servers were much less. This made the server wait even more disregarded, so they would continue to attack the city.

As the Othello and the others said, at this time, Ye Luo and the others were fighting against Japanese servers and other servers like boiling frogs in warm water, causing them to have large casualties without realizing it.

It is worth mentioning that the fireworks are easy to be cold and they also sent people to ask the commanders of the court to delay as much as possible. The longer they delay, the more casualties they cause to servers such as Japanese servers and the more they have a chance to strike. It can make the Japanese server and other servers have great casualties and consumption, and then unable to do anything on the court.

The commander of the court clothes is also a smart person. Naturally, he knows that this fighting method is the best, and it can save as much as possible [Group Blessing Scroll], so they acted according to the suggestion that fireworks are easy to cold, and mobilized players to defend the city as much as possible. The players from the court clothes keep coming. Although the casualties of the players in the court clothes are slightly larger, but here is the court clothes. The number of players they can mobilize far exceeds the enemy, and they don't care about these casualties.

As they guessed that fireworks are easy to get cold, the court clothes have stocked a lot of props. For example, they have a lot of [recruitment orders] for the six-winged fallen angels, and many players are equipped with sky suits. They still have no use to resist the enemy's offensive. What's the problem, especially since many players from the Chinese server rushed over to support them. At the moment, they can at least last for 1, 20 minutes. This is not even the use of [Space Enchantment] to protect the heart of the city and delay time.

In this way, the battle stalemate, at least in the eyes of the players of the servers such as the addition server, because the casualties of the players on the other servers except the Japanese server are not large, and there are some casualties in the court and the Chinese server. The players waiting for the server are even more excited, and even they have increased their offensives, and have no idea to withdraw directly.

The first thing that realized the bad was the Japanese server. After all, Ye Luo and the others focused on attacking the players of the Japanese server, and when they realized the bad, they had already had nearly 40% casualties, and the casualties continued to increase. .

"Brother, the situation is a bit bad. We seem to have been taken care of by the Chinese server. We lost 30% of the players in just two or three minutes of fighting." Sakura blossomed and said solemnly: "The most troublesome thing is that we are very troublesome. It is difficult to occupy the gang resident of the court in a short time, at least not within 1, 20 minutes, and our casualties will be even greater after such a long time. Maybe other players will be killed except for a limited number of people on our side."

Hearing that, Tokyo Mythology frowned slightly. After a brief count of the casualties, he said: "Yes, our casualties far exceed those of other servers. Obviously, our focus has been targeted, and the casualties of our allies are far greater. Smaller than us, even at this time their casualties are less than 10%. In this case, they didn't realize that something was wrong."

"Then what are we going to do now?!" Heilongtian said solemnly, before Tokyo Mythology could speak, he continued: "We can't continue like this, we have to evacuate, otherwise our casualties will be too great."

"But our allies did not withdraw. Is this a withdrawal? Isn't it a bit unethical?" Sakura Ruxue furrowed her brows deeply: "This is not good for us. After all, we still need support from allies in the future. If you misunderstand us then we will be in trouble."

"Yes, we are an independent server at this time. Not surprisingly, we will be targeted by China Server and other servers. This requires strong support from our allies. In this case, if we withdraw, we will abandon them. Next, they will most likely not come to support us when we are attacked. No, even if we don’t actively support, we will have more casualties." Fujisan said sinkingly, as he said, he looked at Tokyo Mythology , The meaning is self-evident.

The Tokyo Mythology naturally knows this, and also knows that the foot of Mount Fuji asked him to make up his mind and ponder a little. He said: "Yes, we can't just retreat now, otherwise the situation will be very unfavorable to us, and if this continues, our casualties will be repeated. It will be much bigger, so we have to deal with it. Order to let our people use 2 more [Group Blessing Scrolls], and no longer chase the people in the middle suit, let the cavalry who are good at defending against Shangye Luozhiqiu and the others ..."

"Brother, you are letting the people in the Chinese server retreat!" Heilong understood the meaning of the Tokyo myth in an instant, and then he laughed: "This is also a very good way. No surprise, then Ye Luozhi In autumn, they will retreat when they know it's difficult. They will target players on other servers, and they will naturally realize that the situation is not right after they have suffered a lot of casualties."

"Yes, this is the case." Tokyo Mythology said, and then his tone changed: "Of course, the situation at this time is a bit unfavorable for us as a whole, so we have to warn our allies in advance, so that they can also be prepared. Even if we sold them some favors in advance, and we were not the first to withdraw from this situation, their attitude towards us will be much better in the future."

In this regard, everyone did not have any objections. Some players were sent to communicate with the players of the server and other servers. At the same time, they also acted according to the order of Tokyo Mythology-ordering the team to use 2 [Group Blessing Scrolls] , And no longer chasing Ye Luo and others, coupled with the player who is good at defense, so their casualties are much smaller, and even caused some trouble to the middle server.

Ye Luo and the others saw it the first time they used two more [Group Blessing Scrolls] in the Japanese server, and the clever people such as fireworks and easy cold instantly realized that the players on the Japanese server had already realized the bad.

"Hey, the Japanese server directly used 2 more [Group Blessing Scrolls] and stopped chasing us. From these, we can tell that they must have known our tactics and realized that the situation is a bit bad." Dongfang Xiaotian He sneered, and while talking, he looked at the fireworks Yi Leng and others: "What are we going to do next? Should we shift the target? After all, the Japanese clothes at this time are like a hedgehog. I want to get them from them. Too much cheap is no longer possible."

"Well, shift the target and focus on the US server next to the Japanese server." Fireworks Yi Cold issued an order: "Shift the focus of the attack as far as possible without a trace."

When talking about this, Ye Luo, Dongfang Killian and others have slightly changed the attack direction, because the players of the Japanese server are no longer chasing, so that the US players next to the Japanese players will be highlighted. This is also a matter of course. It has become the main target of the Chinese server players, and the casualties of the US server players have also increased a lot.

"Hey, this method is really good." Heilong Tianzhan smiled, and then he looked at Tokyo Mythology: "But at the moment, we don't seem to have much chance to occupy the court station gang, especially because they use too much Six Wings. The Fallen Angel’s [Recruitment Order], coupled with a steady stream of players from the court, rushing over to support us, in a short period of time we can’t occupy this gang’s residence at all, and we and our allies will have too much Casualties."

"That's right." Sakura said in full bloom. When she said this, her brows frowned slightly: "The most troublesome thing is that we can't cause too much consumption on the Chinese clothing. So far, they have only used 2 [Group Blessings]. Scroll], this cost is much smaller than ours."

"Although the consumption of court clothes is relatively large, they are not the main force to deal with us at all. The Chinese clothes are the only ones. If this situation continues, it will be very unfavorable for us, especially we will have a lot of casualties." Sakura Bloom added. .

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