VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2998: : Discuss countermeasures

After seeing the Tokyo Mythology suddenly withdrawing from the court service, the fireworks Yi Leng and others realized that it was not good. After learning that a large number of enemies had arrived in the Central Asian service, they further realized that it was bad, and they were more convinced of their previous guesses. ——The enemy has created multiple [Mobile Fortresses] in the Central Asian Service, and then they will attack the gang station in the Central Asian Service.

Hearing what the samādhi poem said, the expressions of the people also became solemn, and the following news from them by nameless also verified their guess-more than 10 servers such as Yinfu suddenly appeared in the Central Asia server [ Moving fortresses], and these fortresses are rushing to the nearest gang station at the fastest speed, and it will not take long to arrive.

"What, they not only created [Mobile Fortress], but there are more than 10 more, and these [Mobile Fortress] are all gathered together?!" After hearing this news, Dongfang Zhantian's voice increased a little, and His face also became a little difficult to look: "What do the players in the Central Asian server do to eat, let the enemy create so many [Mobile Fortress] in their servers!"

"The attention of both us and our other allies has been attracted by Tokyo Mythology and others. At this time, it is not surprising that players who did not pay attention to servers such as Yinfu created [Mobile Fortress] in a secret place." Fengxingdao, As he spoke, he looked at everyone: "What's more, the Central Asia Service has already encountered attacks from multiple fortresses yesterday. They would never have thought that they would encounter such an attack this time. It is normal to not notice it."

"That's right." Dukang, the **** of wine, took the stubbornness, and then his tone changed: "The most important thing is that it doesn't make any sense to entangle these things at this point. What we have to do at this time is how to intercept the [Mobile Fortress] and then Resolve this crisis."

"13, 4 [mobile fortresses], and these fortresses are all gathered together. This is an extremely powerful force. Even if we concentrate all our forces, we can't stop it, especially the Tokyo Mythology. They won't look at it. , They will also be dispatched, so we can hardly prevent them from occupying the [Mobile Fortress] of the Central Asian Service." Samadhi said in a deep voice, and then changed his tone: "We can only find ways to destroy some [Mobile Fortress]."

"It's not impossible." Suddenly he turned to the general and looked at everyone while talking: "At this time, all of our fortresses and our allies are in the Central Asian server. Our middle server has 5 [Space Fortress]. There is no problem in mobilizing these fortresses to stop those [moving fortresses]."

"Yes, that's right." A thought became a demon busy, and he was quite excited when he said this: "At this time, it is less than 24 hours before the enemy has occupied Hongyan City. Hongyan City is still under system protection, which means yesterday. The fortresses they hide in Hongyan City cannot be used, but our fortresses can be used. Hey, the number of fortresses owned by our servers exceeds the number of fortresses just created by the servers such as Yinfu, not to mention that we still have 5 [Space Fortresses] ] Can be used, with these, the 13 or 4 [Mobile Fortresses] can be easily destroyed. Once destroyed, our fortress power will almost completely have the advantage. After all, our alliance has collected a lot in one day. The materials can create multiple [Mobile Fortresses]."

The words of becoming a demon at one thought were echoed by many people. Everyone swept away their previous worries. They were gearing up one by one, and they wanted to immediately intercept the newly created [Mobile Fortress] created by Yinfu and other servers.

"I'm afraid we can't mobilize our fortress at all, or that when we mobilized the fortress and arrived, there were already multiple gang sites occupied by the Central Asian Service." Ye Yufei said, although she was guessing, her tone was not. Quite sure, without waiting for everyone to ask why, she continued: "Because it is no accident that the place where the enemy chose to build [Mobile Fortress] is far away from Hongyan City, it will take a long time for [Battlestar] to rush over. "

Speaking of these Ye Yu Fei Fei looked towards Wuming, after all, the person who had previously discovered [Mobile Fortress] was from their Assassin's House, and at this time, what she meant by looking at him was also obvious.

"Yes, the enemy chose a very good location, very far from Hongyan City, almost in two different directions." Wuming said in a deep voice. Seeing that everyone's expressions became difficult to look, he continued: "Simple calculations Now, even with the speed of [Battlestar], it will take at least several hours to reach the destination, and even more than 10 hours to reach the destination."

"So long?! Waiting for our fortress to arrive, I am afraid that they have already occupied many gang sites in Central Asia and then hid their fortresses in the occupied gang sites. So our fortress is useless even if we drive past. "My daughter said red. When she said this, her face became difficult to look, and then she looked at the fireworks and became cold: "Fireworks beauty, what do we do now? How can we stop those [Mobile Fortress]?"

"Would you like to give up, after all, in the face of so many [Mobile Fortresses], we have no good way at all." The general proposed with brows, and while talking about him, he looked at everyone: "For example, we can sneak into the enemy server next. Take action on their gang station. They can occupy our gang station, and we can also occupy their gang station. Their [Mobile Fortress] is relatively poorly mobile, at least not as fast as we can teleport, so the gang station we occupy More, if that's the case, then we don't have to worry about anything."

The general's proposal was echoed by many people, and they all thought that this approach could not be better.

"No matter which server we act on, we will encounter great obstacles. Even super masters such as Tokyo Shinhwa will rush to stop us. In this case, it is almost impossible for us to occupy their gang station." Oriental Star Shen said, seeing the suspicious look of everyone, she continued: "Because we don’t rush to the Central Asian server to support, they don’t have to rush over, but those [Mobile Fortress] and some elite players can occupy the gang resident of the Central Asian server. , And even occupy about half of the gang's resident."

"And it is too difficult for us to occupy their gang sites under the interception of Tokyo Mythology and other super masters. Even if we can occupy it, there will be greater casualties and consumption, and it must be more expensive than the consumption and casualties of servers such as Japanese servers. After all, Siege is much more difficult than defending." Dongfang Star added.

"But this is also the best way at present. At least we can occupy some of the enemy's gang sites. This can be regarded as making up for the loss." Ouyang Feiri said in a deep voice: "Is it possible that we know that we can't stop the enemy's offensive. We have to intercept, so that we will not only have large casualties and consumption, but will also lose multiple gang sites, so the loss will be even greater."

"Even if we act on the enemy's gang station, we are afraid that we have no chance to occupy as many gang stations, because once we do it, the server we have done is likely to give their gang station to their allies. In this case, we can occupy The gang’s resident location will be very limited, even far less than our enemy’s occupation, which is very unfavorable for us.” Samadhi shook his head: “At least I want to deal with the enemy’s attack this time in this way. Too feasible."

"In addition, even if the enemy has more than 10 [Mobile Fortresses], there is no way to stop them and then keep the gang resident." Samadhi Shi added.

"What can be done?!" Jian Nanchun blurted out, and when he said this, he looked at the samādhi poem with expectation: "If there is a way, then we must try, because this will not only preserve the gang resident of Zhongyafu," The most important thing is that we have the opportunity to destroy the enemy’s [Mobile Fortress], and once the number of their fortresses to be destroyed reaches a certain number, it will be easier for us to deal with them next, and we can even forcibly attack Hongyan City and then take their fortresses. Destroy everything."

Hearing that, everyone looked at the samādhi in anticipation, and obviously they also wanted to know how to intercept the enemy's offensive.

"There are many combination equipments in our alliance that have assembled all the components and then awaken the final skills, cast the awakening skills and then use the ultimate move. In this case, it is almost invincible, even if facing multiple [mobile fortresses] or even [ The Battlestar’s attack is not too problematic, which means that the [Mobile Fortress] of Yinfu and other servers can be forcibly destroyed." Dongfang Star replied on his behalf.

"Yes, yes, we can do this completely." Dongfang Zhantian nodded repeatedly: "At this time we still have a lot of awakening skills for combination equipment, and using these can at least destroy many of them [Mobile Fortress] , And once the number of their fortresses is reduced to a certain number, it will not be enough to pose any threat to us, and even then we can continue to work on them to destroy them all."

"It's just that there is a chance, and it is not so easy to want to destroy the enemy's [Mobile Fortress]." Ye Yufei said. Seeing some players in the crowd showed a thoughtful look, she continued: "No Wrong, as you said, the enemy also has some combination equipment awakening skills, they will certainly use these skills and then intercept our people, in this case, we want to destroy their [Mobile Fortress] is not so easy, the most At least it is difficult to destroy all of their [Mobile Fortress]. Not surprisingly, they will be able to occupy the gang resident of the Central Asian Service."

"There is no way, as much as you can destroy. As long as they can destroy their [Mobile Fortress], it will be worth it. After all, the most threatening to us at this time are those fortresses." Feng Xing said in a deep voice, obviously he supports such actions. .

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