VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3019: : Magic Sword Set

According to the system prompts, the higher the points obtained by the players in the monster siege, the more generous the rewards will be. This is not only a competition between Chinese servers, but also other servers. Players on all major servers want to get more Good rewards, especially the highest rewards, so they work hard to kill monsters, such as Tokyo Mythology, Dark Night, Dragon Shadow, etc., and their rankings are far ahead.

But maybe it’s because the siege is just beginning at this time, and the monsters are relatively weak. In this case, the advantage of the magician group attack is reflected, especially the magician who holds the national weapon like June Feixue. They can use group attack skills almost non-stop, and the attack range is still very large, at least much larger than the splash range of many melee players, so dual-professional magicians account for more than half of the top 100 players. , For example, June Feixue is ranked 25th-although it is only 25th, but this is ranked 25th among tens of millions of players, which is already an amazing ranking.

However, at this time, June Feixue’s ranking is still much worse than Ye Luo’s, and even her points are only about half of the latter. This makes June Feixue sigh, but after listening to what she said on Qin Xin It soon became clear why Ye Luo's points could be so high.

Think about it, Ye Luo's own attack power is a lot higher than June Feixue, and whether it is [Blade of Reincarnation] or [Thousand Chance Crossbow], just ordinary attacks are equivalent to a very good group attack skill, get rid of It is the [Thousand Chance Crossbow], when Ye Luo switches to the archer mode and under the action of [Reincarnation * Split Arrow], he can shoot more than 10 energy arrows per attack, which means that he can attack up to 10 in one attack. Multiple monsters, plus the damage bonus of [Reincarnation*Split Arrow] is very high, and Ye Luo can also withstand the bonus of fireworks and easy cold [Ice Dragon Arrow], in this case his damage output is natural Very high, especially when his attack speed is still very fast.

The fact is also true. Ye Luo's score for killing monsters is far higher than June Feixue, and even higher than the second-ranked Tokyo Mythology. It is no exaggeration to say that he is firmly in the rankings at this time. First, after seeing this, June Feixue and others were very excited. After all, they also hope that Ye Luo can get better rewards.

"Although Tokyo Mythology, Eastern Killing of the Sky, and Dark Night have 3 pieces of equipment, only one of their weapons is of national level, plus Ye Luo’s equipment level and overall attributes are higher than them, especially There are many passive bonuses in Ye Luo's skill system. In this case, the damage output he can hit is naturally higher than that of Tokyo Mythology." Samadhi Shi said, thinking of something, she laughed: "But Sister Feng, Xiaoshu The points of, Feixue and Fireworks are also very good. They are all within a hundred, and Sister Feng is even within 20. In addition, Ye Luo is ranked first. Not surprisingly, this time the mission is completed in our Misty Pavilion and even in the service. The rewards are the most generous."

Breaking the waves and riding the wind, and June Feixue, their points ranking can be within a hundred, naturally, there is no suspense, after all, they are the best in super masters, especially the Midnight Book, he has the same 3 as Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology. It’s normal for the national equipment to rank relatively high.

At this time, there are 7 or 8 players in the Misty Pavilion ranking in the thousands, even more than the sum of some servers in the top 100 players. Thinking that Ye Luo will get rich rewards and their strength will be further improved, Samadhi. Naturally excited.

"I made a simple count. At this time, there are nearly 20 people in the top 100 in our China server. Tsk, nearly one-fifth. There are so many players in the top 100 in more than 20 servers. This is enough. It shows that our Chinese server is far more powerful than other servers.” June Feixue said: “Even the Japanese server and the US server are the same, because they only have 5 or 6 players in the top 100 points. , Much worse than us."

"This is only the initial stage of the monster's siege, not the initial points." Fireworks Yi said coldly: "Because the monster level at this time is still low, the advantage of the magician can be fully reflected, especially this wave of monsters. It doesn’t know how to fly, so a flying magician can attack unscrupulously. Once you encounter a flying monster, the advantage of magician will no longer exist. After all, at that time, the magician will return to the city wall, so the points will be Slowly being topped, the points ranking will also change a lot, so that some of our Chinese servers will also have some people's points falling out of the top 100."

Everyone is smart, and naturally they know that the fireworks are easy to cold and what they say is true, but they don’t really care about it. June Feixue said: “It’s okay even if we fall out of the top 100, let alone this wave of monsters. These magicians can get a lot of points and then widen some gaps, so it is not so easy for other professions to catch up, especially as the monsters become stronger, we will also use more powerful group attack skills, so we can get points. There are still many."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "What's more, Uncle Ye Luo, Sister Feng, Xiaoshu, Nerd, and Sister Fireworks are not magicians. At this time, your points are also in the top 100. 'S ranking is backwards, which means that your points ranking will be higher, especially Uncle Ye Luo, he will definitely be first, so there is nothing to worry about."

"Yeah, there is almost no suspense in Ye Luo's No. 1 position. After all, it's just that now he has opened up a lot of distance from other players. This is still when he hasn't used powerful skills, as the monsters become stronger, his advantage will be It will be more obvious. After all, his equipment level is almost the highest, and the characteristics of ignoring level and level suppression are also the best. Therefore, the higher the monster level, the greater his advantage." Samadhi Shi said, thinking of her pretty face A thick smile appeared on the top: "This time the player with the top monster siege points should get the reward of the national weapon, and it is very likely to be the top-grade national weapon..."

"The number one player must have a chance to obtain top-grade national weapons. After all, the monster siege this time was within the range of the whole day, and we killed one of the top ten demon gods, which is almost the strongest in the entire game. A big BOSS, so the rewards of the brain system will naturally have national weapons.” Po Lang Chengfeng was very sure and authentic. When he said these, his tone was full of excitement: "You can get another national weapon, if it is If Ye Luo can equip him, he will have 4 pieces of national equipment, and at the same time there will be 3 pieces that can play a role. It is no exaggeration to say that his strength must surpass those of Eastern Killing Sky and Tokyo Mythology."

No one had any objections to this. Even in their hearts, Ye Luo at this time had at least 80% of the damage to Tokyo Mythology and Eastern Killing of the Sky. His points were much higher than the latter. It can be seen.

"But if the reward Ye Luo gets is not something he can equip..." Zhiyue said, but she was interrupted before she finished speaking.

"Even if it's not what she can equip, it's nothing. It can be given to players who can equip it. This will also greatly enhance our strength." June Feixue said, thinking of what her pretty face showed a strong hope: "The best It is a magician-type national weapon, preferably a fire-type equipment. At this time, no player among our magicians is equipped with two national instruments at the same time. If I can equip two national instruments, then I will be able to securely occupy The throne of the first magician of the tribulation."

Hearing this, everyone was amused. Many people ridiculed that June Feixue was caring about fornication, but they also knew that even if Ye Luo received rewards that he could not equip, he could give them to others, and this would greatly improve Misty Pavilion Strength, this is still very good for them, so they are also looking forward to it.

"In fact, even if the rewards that Ye Luo gets are national weapons and he can't equip them, it can greatly increase his strength. After all, there will be other rewards in the rewards, such as upgrading the rank of a certain equipment, such as rewarding his own system. In addition, at least some basic attributes will be rewarded, so that the higher the overall attributes of Ye Luo, the greater the gap with other players." Sitting on Qin's heart, and her words also made everyone All agree.

While talking about this, Ye Luo killed some monsters and a piece of equipment burst out, and the player responsible for picking up that piece of equipment was very excited after picking up that piece of equipment. It was not that the piece of equipment was of the Demon God level, but That piece of equipment is a set in the suit, and this type of suit is a suit of the same rank as the sky suit-the magic sword suit.

"Tsk tsk, it's actually a suit set, and this is an extremely powerful suit, and even the attributes alone are not much worse than the sky suit." After seeing the attributes of the suit, Po Lang Chengfeng was amazed: "Not only the overall attributes. Very powerful, and the additional features and skills are also very powerful, especially the passive skill [Magic Sword Guard]. Tsk tsk, players who equip a complete set of this suit will have 3 energy sword guards, these energy swords can resist some Attack, and will automatically attack surrounding targets, and the attack damage is 50% of the player’s attack. Although the attack halving will greatly reduce the player’s damage output, this can at least increase a player’s damage output by 30%."

"Yes, this additional skill alone can increase the player's damage output by about 30%, not to mention that this suit can also greatly increase the strength of a player." Black and white chess, and then she sighed: "It's a pity this is Swordsman’s exclusive suit, because only the swordsman can trigger the [Magic Sword Guard] feature, other professions can’t trigger it at all, so it excludes many players from being able to equip it. At this point, the practicality is worse than the sky suit. Half a star."

"Although this is the case, the strength of the swordsman is extremely obvious after being equipped, and it is even far better than the swordsman equipped with the sky suit. From this point of view, this suit is also very good." Samadhi chuckles: "If the number of such suits is good, then the spring of swordsmen is coming. After all, swordsmen have almost no advantages in all occupations."

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