VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3022: : Explode skills

According to past experience, each wave of monsters will have powerful bosses in the final stage, but Ye Luo and the others did not see them at this time, which made them wonder and regret, because in their hearts the monster’s boss is likely to be in other The place and even other walls appeared. In short, they had no chance to kill it. They naturally regretted that they missed the monster.

Sure enough, everyone soon received this information-the monster appeared in the southwest corner of the imperial city, where it was the guarded area of ​​Meifu.

"What, BOSS appeared on the side of unknown heroes?!" After hearing this news, the voice of the waves and the wind rose a little. When she said these, her tone was full of doubts: "How could this be, not that The stronger the defensive power of a section of the city wall, the more likely it is that the BOSS will appear there. Our strength is much stronger than that of the US server. Why doesn’t the BOSS appear on our side?"

"Theoretically, this is the case, but no one knows the specifics. Maybe the boss likes to attack wherever he is." Yaoyue raised his glass, but when he said this, his tone was a little regretful: "Unfortunately. We can't kill the bosses, because as agreed we can't go beyond the defense zone to attack the monsters on their side, especially the bosses."

"Forget it, it's just a quasi-devil-level BOSS. If you miss it, you will miss it." Sitting on Qinxin comforted: "Don't forget that there will be a second and even third wave of monsters, maybe the boss will Appearing here, not to mention the Ninth Demon God, the ultimate BOSS. Not surprisingly, we will have to deal with this BOSS when the time comes, so we still have a chance to get a very good burst."

Hearing that, Po Lang Cheng Feng and others were silent, although they were quite sorry, but they also knew that it would not make any sense to entangle these things at this point, so they could only leave them behind, but fireworks tend to be cold and noticeable. The attributes of those BOSSs and what skills they have mastered, so she asked Ye Luo to rush over to take a look-knowing the specific attributes of the BOSS can make the firework easy to cold judge the strength of the boss behind, which is still very useful for the next defender Helping.

Ye Luo's speed is very fast. After checking the attributes of the BOSS using [Samsara Pupils], he returned. He didn't wait for the fireworks to get cold and asked. He said: "Yes, it's a quasi-devil-level boss. It's also a leader in the Demon God level, and its overall attributes are like this..."

While talking about this, Ye Luo sent a monster illustration book to the fireworks and others, and soon everyone saw the monster's overall attributes.

"BOSS is indeed a bit powerful, but it doesn't master the skill of [Magic Sword Guard]. It seems that it will not explode such a skill." Breaking the waves and riding the wind muttered, at this time she still remembered to explode [Magic Sword] Body care] things.

"This wave of monsters cannot explode [Magic Sword Guard], but it does not mean that the next wave of monsters will not explode. In addition, there is the final BOSS, so we still have a chance." Ye Luo said casually.

Hearing this, everyone nodded, thinking of what Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind said to themselves: "It would be good if the people of the US server can't kill the boss, so we can rush over to help them, and it is justifiable to help them. , So we also have a chance to get the BOSS burst."

"In addition, the other three walls should also have BOSS. I don't know if those servers can withstand it. If we can't kill the BOSS, then we can also rush to support it." Po Lang Chengfeng was full of expectation.

Yes, according to past experience, there are 4 bosses in each wave of siege monsters. These bosses will attack from four walls. In other words, there will be a boss on every wall. The boss on the southern wall of the imperial city appears The defense zone of the US service, and the other bosses will appear on the other walls.

After all, BOSS is the best in the quasi-devil level. It is not so easy to kill it, especially now that players cannot increase their attack power by killing players. It is even more difficult to kill them. Those people who need to break the waves and ride the wind rushed past to support.

"The U.S. server is very powerful. In addition, they can also use the [Recruitment Order] of the [Group Blessing Scroll] and the Six Winged Fallen Angels, and even they can mobilize [Mobile Fortress] and even [Space Fortress] from their allies. It’s not a big problem to kill bosses of the Demon God level.” She sat on Qin Xin said, and then she gave a wry smile: “In addition, Feng sister, even if they need support, they won’t ask us to help, but they will ask Dark Night and Tokyo. Mythical them, after all, their strength is not much weaker than ours, and they are allies."

"Uh, okay, then I hope the next wave of BOSS will appear with us." Breaking the waves and riding the wind road, and when she said these, the movements in her hand did not stop, the long sword swung, and the sword aura was vertical and horizontal. A lizard dragon was beheaded by her.

Soon Ye Luo and the others will kill all the monsters in their defense zone, and then they can go to rest.

It is worth mentioning that although the BOSS did not appear on Ye Luo's side, their damage output was very high and the monsters killed were almost the most among all servers, which means that Ye Luo also got the highest overall points—— There are many monsters killed by Yeluo's damage output, and the monsters in other places will move closer to this side. Overall, the total number of monsters they killed is naturally the most, and they have the most points.

"Hey, Ye Luo, your points are still ranked first. It is at least two to thirty percent higher than the second-ranked Tokyo Mythology and the third-ranked Eastern Killing Sky. It is no problem to stay first. Othello laughed. Without waiting for Ye Luo to speak, she continued: "Moreover, many of your equipment has the feature of ignoring level suppression and a lot of pure damage, which means that the higher the monster level, the more obvious your advantage will be. Some, which means that your advantage will be greater in the future."

Regarding this, everyone did not have any doubts. They all looked forward to the idea that Ye Luo could get the first and then extremely rich rewards.

"No one knows whether Tokyo Mythology has other means of hiding, so whether it can guarantee the first is not easy to say." Ye Luo said casually, but anyone can hear his confidence in this matter, after all. At that time, his points are far away from others, and it is not so easy for others to catch up.

"Hey, even if they use the [Group Blessing Scroll] in Tokyo Mythology, they will not be able to surpass you in their points. After all, the [Group Blessing Scroll] can only last 10 minutes, and each wave of monster siege will last 7 hours, so long. The use of time [Group Blessing Scroll] is not very useful, I don’t believe Tokyo Mythology they have too many [Group Blessing Scrolls]." Po Lang said with a smile.

While breaking the waves and riding the wind, they also got a piece of news when they said this, that the hero Wuming finally killed the BOSS. It is worth mentioning that they only used the [Group Blessing Scroll] and some of the Six Winged Fallen Angels. Recruitment Order] successfully killed the BOSS without requesting support from other servers, nor using [Mobile Fortress] or [Space Fortress].

"There is news from the Polar Silver Wolf and they also killed the BOSS." Suddenly the voice of the Eastern Star sounded in the team channel, and when she said this, she couldn't help but envy a little: "Jiang After the BOSS was killed, a demon-level inner alchemy and skeleton were released. The most important thing is that a skill book-[Magic Sword Guard] was released. This skill was learned by Polar Silver Wolf. No accident, he next The damage output will be greatly increased, and so will the defense."

"What, the BOSS broke the [Magic Sword Bodyguard]?!" After hearing the news, the voice of breaking the waves and riding the wind increased by a few points, and then she couldn't help muttering: "This luck is too good, obviously BOSS does not Master [Magic Sword Body Protection], why can I explode this skill?"

"In addition, they actually broke the Devil-level inner alchemy and skeleton. Doesn't that mean that they can also upgrade their [Mobile Fortress] to [Space Fortress]. This is good news for us. After all, they are now Our allies, their [Mobile Fortress] upgrade to [Battlestar] means that our fortress power has been strengthened." Although this is the way to say this, the tone is still full of envy.

"Maybe it is the monster of the Demon Sword series." Samadhi said, and then the tone changed: "But since this wave of BOSS can burst [Devil Sword Guard], then the next two waves of monster BOSS can also Even the mobs may explode. After all, the next two waves of monster levels and even ranks will be improved."

Hearing this, everyone nodded, and they all looked forward to it.

After breaking the waves and riding the wind, they got other news-after the heroes were named and they killed the BOSS, they also exploded [Magic Sword Guard], and even exploded demon-level materials, but they did not explode at the same time. Dan and the skeleton are not enough to upgrade their [Mobile Fortress] to [Space Fortress].

Rao is so enough to make them envious of breaking the waves and riding the wind.

"I don't know if there are bosses in Bacchus." Suddenly asked by the waves and wind, she was full of expectation when she said this: "If Bacchus and them also have bosses, then we will kill them in the past. Naturally, the [Magic Sword Body Protection] can be exploded, because the BOSS must explode this skill. After all, all 4 BOSSs here have exploded this skill."

That’s right. At present, the 4 BOSS who attacked the imperial city have all exploded [Magic Sword Guard], which means that the BOSS must explode this skill, which makes them excited and looking forward to the waves and wind. After all, if the Bacchus Dukang them There are also BOSS over there, so killing them will also burst [Magic Sword Guard], they are dreaming of this skill.

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