VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3053: : Demon Sword Sky Slash

At the current stage, besides the national equipment, everyone valued skill books more than equipment. So Po Lang Cheng Feng and others were very curious about what the skill book Ye Luo picked up before, especially Po Lang Cheng Feng thought it was very possible. It was 【Uuyi * Magic Sword Body Protection】, after all, this was the skill she dreamed of, but Ye Luo's answer disappointed her a bit, because it was not 【Uuyi * Magic Sword Body Protection】.

Seeing the disappointment of breaking the waves and riding the wind, Samadhi chuckled: "Sister Feng, even if the skill book is not [Profound Yi*Magic Sword Body Protection], it is certainly not easy, because the skill book is colorful, you know it. At least it is a god-level skill book, or even a higher-level skill book. After all, it was exploded by the ninth demon, and it must be extraordinary."

Hearing this, Po Lang Chengfeng's beautiful eyes lit up, and then she hurriedly asked what skill book it was.

"This is a secret skill book, which is much stronger than the rare upgrade skill book." Ye Luo said, while speaking, he sent a skill book to everyone:

[Magic Sword Heavenly Slash] (active non-upgradeable skills * Profound Skill Book)

Skill introduction: After learning, you can summon an energy sword containing thousands of evil spirits, causing 1000% damage to all enemy targets within 500 meters of the center of the caster. There is a 30% chance that a 3 times critical strike will erupt. The energy and blood have a 100% chance to kill it below 50%. If the target uses an invincible skill, the attack can eliminate the target's invincible state, but it cannot cause any damage to it. Casting this skill requires storage. The force is 3 seconds, it takes 100,000 mana to cast the skill, and the skill cast time is 72 hours.

Skill requirements: Only extremely powerful swordsmen professions can use this skill. If the caster is not strong enough, then the skill will be backlashed-the level is directly dropped by 3, and the caster is at least a 320-level 8-rank player.

Learning requirements: Only professional swordsmen with powerful machines can learn (special reminder, if you can learn, you can try to learn and get the qualification to learn)

"It's actually [Devil Sword Sky Slash]?!" After seeing the skill book's illustrated book, the sound of breaking the waves and riding the wind increased a little: "And the effect is not much worse than that of the Ninth Demon God. It can cover 500 meters. The damage bonus is 1000%. Tsk tsk, such a high damage bonus is even higher than [Wan Jianguizong], not to mention there is a 30% chance of breaking out a 3 times crit. If it’s me or After learning this skill, Ye Luo can definitely kill any player in seconds, even if there is no critical strike, and even when there is a critical strike, there is a chance to kill the target that uses the ultimate move and is awakened."

"That's right." Othello took the words: "The most important thing is that this skill covers a large area, not even worse than the group combination skill, and if Ye Luo or Feng sister rushes into the crowd to use this skill, tut. , That can almost kill a large piece in seconds. It is no exaggeration to say that this skill can play a great role in group battles and national wars, and can even play a role in turning the situation around."

"The power of this skill is not only that. I think the most powerful thing is that you can directly eliminate the target's invincible state. Although the target cannot be killed, it is also a very good feature to end the invincible state. It can also play a very important role in battle. After all, after rushing into the enemy, the enemy will definitely be able to react and then use invincible means. With this skill, the enemy's invincible skill can be destroyed. Hey, let's use it next. It's too easy to kill." Midnight Shu was quite excited and authentic.

Think about it, the game is now, every player has 2 invincible means, such as [Invincible Dan] and the gang’s [Guardian Shield], and there are even 3 or 4 invincible means, and these invincible skills are in the group. It can play a very important role in wars and even national wars, but if [Devil Sword Sky Slash] can directly eliminate a player's invincibility status, it will naturally become much easier to kill it.

"Yes, this is also very important. After all, everyone has a lot of group attack skills now, and the role of invincible means in team battles and national wars is very important. It can directly end the enemy's invincible state. It's to greatly weaken its life-saving ability." Sitting on Qin Xin, she continued after a short pause: "The only shortcoming is that the CD time of this skill is too long. It takes 72 hours to use it once in 3 days... …"

"This skill is much more powerful than group combo skills in terms of damage, and it's just that the coverage is much smaller than group combo skills. The CD time of group combo skills is 10 days, and this skill is only 3 days. On the other hand, it’s pretty good.” Samadhi poem said, and then she looked at Ye Luo: “Not to mention Ye Luo has [Cooling Reset], which means that he can use two of these skills in succession, and the effect is even greater. Not bad."

Yes, Ye Luo has [Cooling Reset], which means that he can cast [Devil Sword Sky Slash] twice, and the effect is extraordinary. The least effective can also abolish the target's 2 invincible means, so I want It is much easier to kill the target, and there is even a great opportunity to kill a master at the level of Tokyo Mythology. It is undoubtedly the best for him to learn this skill.

"Yeah, too, Ye Luo has [Cooling Reset], it would be great for him to learn this skill, not to mention that this is a skill he grabbed." Po Lang Chengfeng nodded, and she had no opinion about it.

"Well, letting Ye Luo learn this skill can make it play the best." Fireworks said coldly, and she continued after a short pause: "But you can wait for a while, Ye Luo, let the sunset and Feng sister try to see if they can learn. With this skill, it can also be judged that those professions are the so-called powerful professions of the brain system."

Hearing that, breaking the waves and riding the wind, the book in the middle of the night, and the setting sun in the long river were also very curious. Then they took over the skill book that Ye Luo traded, and then they tried to learn one by one, but they all got a "skills not strong enough to The reminder of'learning', even to break the waves and ride the wind.

"What, I can't learn my profession?!" After receiving this prompt, Breaking the waves and riding the wind looked unbelievable: "No, my Thunder Dragon swordsman is almost the most powerful of all swordsman, even Not inferior to the Dragon Sage of the East and the Dragon Sovereign of Tokyo Mythology, and slightly inferior to the Venerable Samsara of Ye Luo, and I can't learn."

But as soon as she finished talking about Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, she thought of something. She looked at Ye Luo worriedly: "Isn’t Ye Luo also unable to learn, if that’s the case, it would be bad. The skill book is just a piece of waste paper. Zhang."

After hearing this, everyone was also worried. After all, they all knew that the profession of breaking waves and riding the wind was not much worse than Ye Luo’s Samsara Venerable. It is very likely that he could not learn, and then they all looked at Ye Luo together. It goes without saying.

Ye Luo received [Magic Sword Sky Slash] from Midnight Book, and then tentatively studied, and after getting the hint that he could learn, he directly clicked on learning. When he saw an extra skill in the skill bar, a smile appeared on his mouth: "Well, you can learn, and the skill introduction has not changed at all after learning, which means that in my hands, you can play the effect you saw before."

Hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "I can learn, hey, I have a chance to see the power of this skill in the future, it must be very unusual."

Hearing this, everyone was looking forward to it, and then June Feixue continued to urge Ye Luo to ask what the other four bursts were. Of course, it was not in vain to ask about the Midnight Book and Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind.

"What I picked up was a piece of equipment. Although it was only at the Demon God level, it was of the Thunder type, and it was a very rare ring. Hey, a lot of Thunder type damage and skill damage bonuses were added, which is also very suitable for me. After the equipment is equipped, my strength can be improved very well.” Breaking the waves and riding the wind road, she smiled when she said this, obviously very satisfied with this equipment.

When she said this, she looked at the Midnight Book on the side, and the meaning was self-evident.

"Tsk tusk, what I got is a skill book, a very powerful skill book, even stronger than [Devil Sword Sky Slash]." After seeing what the item I grabbed was, the book suddenly blossomed in midnight. .

"What, stronger than [Devil Sword Sky Slash], this is impossible. After all, [Devil Sword Sky Slash] is almost the most powerful skill at the moment." Po Lang Chengfeng was full of incredible expression, of course she She also became more curious about what skills Midnight Shu had acquired. After all, she also knew that Midnight Shu would not be'slanderous', so the skills he acquired must be extraordinary.

"Yes, in addition to the group combo skills [Devil Sword Sky Slash] is almost the strongest skill." June Feixue took the stubborn words: "And the total damage of group combo skills may not be as good as [Devil Sword] Sky Slash], not to mention [Devil Sword Sky Slash] can be performed by just one player, and the CD time is only 3 days. From these aspects, this skill is even more powerful than [Group Combination Skills]."

"No, there are some skills that are more powerful than [Devil Sword Sky Slash]." Suddenly Ye Luo said, seeing the curious look of Po Lang Cheng Feng and others, he continued: "For example, our big move, although this is just a plus The skill of the state, but the big move can last 5 minutes, so that the damage output of a player in 5 minutes can exceed [Devil Sword Sky Slash], not to mention [Devil Sword Sky Slash] does not necessarily kill the target, and There is a big chance to kill the target within 5 minutes after casting the big move."

"And when dealing with BOSS, the big move is more effective than [Devil Sword Sky Slash]." Ye Luo added.

"Yes, but from this point of view, the big move is stronger than [Devil Sword Sky Slash]." Fireworks Yi said coldly. After a short pause, she continued: "In addition, there are some skills that are better than [Devil Sword Sky Slash]. It is more effective, such as Sister Feng’s [Thunder God Purification], such as Ye Luo’s [Cooling Reset]..."

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