VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3057: : Hidden weapon upgrade

Pets can also be equipped like players. Although there are only 5 equipment slots, they can also increase the strength of the pet a lot. This way the strength of the summoner can be improved, especially the hidden professional summoner and dual-class summon Teachers, after all, they can summon multi-headed pets to fight, and each pet is equipped with equipment so that the strength of the summoner will be significantly improved. It is worthwhile that Samadhi is worried that this will affect the balance of the game.

However, fireworks easy to cool down doesn’t take it seriously. After all, there are not many summoners in all classes, or even slightly more than boxers, and there are fewer hidden classes and even dual-class summoners, so this will not affect the game. Balance.

After a while, she said, "This is also true, not to mention that we have 3 or 4 dual-professional summoners in Miomi Pavilion. Even if the balance is slightly affected, it is better for us. Don't worry. what."

"In addition, I am afraid that only God-level equipment can significantly improve the strength of pets. The effects of other equipment levels are a little worse. Especially the Gray Wolf Xiaoyue obtained by Ye Luo is still a set, and it has a set bonus. The effect can have such an effect." Samadhi added, seeing everyone nodding, she continued: "What's more, it is very difficult for a dual-class summoner to equip all the summoned beasts with equipment, or that is. It's almost impossible, so it won't affect the balance of the game too much."

"Hey, the so-called influence on the game balance is only a relative term. Dual-class summoners have a greater advantage over ordinary classes and even more ordinary dual-classes, but for those of us, there is not much threat, then The same is true for their summoned beasts equipped with equipment." Breaking the waves and riding the wind said, her tone was full of confidence when she said this: "It's not that I am boasting, even if Yueer and Thursday their summoned beasts are equipped with all equipment, I am sure. To deal with it, let alone the fall of the leaves, and since it shakes our advantage, then naturally we can't affect the balance of the game too much."

"Yeah, Sister Feng and Brother Ye are too strong. Even if we can summon multiple summoned beasts and are equipped with equipment, we are not afraid of Sister Feng. For example, if Sister Feng uses more group attack skills, we may be summoned. The beast is crippled, not to mention that Sister Feng can use multiple displacement skills to come to us. Once we kill us, even if there are many summoned beasts, it will not help." Zhiyue nodded.

Hearing that, everyone nodded, and they all knew that Zhiyue and their dual-professional summoners could not shake the status of super masters such as Ye Luo and Po Lang Cheng Feng. In addition, Miomi Pavilion had almost all gangs and even the most servers. Dual professional summoners, so they don't have to worry about anything.

"In short, Ye Luo's strength has been greatly improved this time, not only because his nine-tailed celestial fox's strength has greatly improved, but also he has learned the [Devil Sword Heaven Slash] skill against the sky." Sitting on Qin Xindao, seeing the smiling Midnight Book, she laughed: "Of course, his harvest should not be as great as Xiaoshu. Only one [Cooling Reset] can make Xiaoshu's strength nearly doubled. It can even threaten a super master at the level of Eastern Killing Heaven."

Hearing this, everyone agreed, thinking about what June Feixue asked expectantly: "By the way, Uncle Ye Luo and Sister Feng won first and second in the standings respectively, and the system must have rewarded them extremely generously. What are the rewards for the rewards? Are there any national weapons?!"

Without waiting for everyone to speak, June Feixue continued: "My points ranking seems to be at 64th place, and the rewards I have received are also very good. For example, my level has increased by 1, and a random piece of equipment has been upgraded to the level of the devil. One skill has been strengthened, and this has also improved my strength very well."

"By the way, I also obtained a special piece of equipment, which can be equipped by pets. It is only a fairy-level equipment, and it is only a piece of equipment. The attribute is quite different from that of the wolf Xiaoyue." June Feixue She continued, and then her tone changed: "Of course, this piece of equipment can also enhance the strength of my pet. Although it is still difficult to participate in large-scale team battles and national battles, it is fine to fight monsters and level up. If the attack is not covered by multiple group attack skills, then you will not be killed."

That’s right, the reason why pets can’t participate in large-scale team battles and national wars is largely because players now have a lot of group attack skills. Pets can easily be killed under various group attack skills, and pet equipment increases. A lot of energy, blood and defense, so even if the increased attack output is relatively small, pets can participate in team battles and national wars. Of course, the premise is that the pet needs to be equipped with multiple pieces of equipment, and the rank is not bad.

Hearing June Feixue’s words, everyone remembered that there will be system rewards after the points are ranked. The higher the ranking, the better the rewards. They became excited when they thought of these, and then hurriedly checked what rewards they had received, Ye Luo naturally is no exception.

Ye Luo's level has been directly increased by level 2. At this time, he is already level 345, which is a big step closer to being able to turn 9 to level 360. Although level 2 can not increase his overall attributes much, it can be against other players. There are level suppression and ignoring some level suppression when facing high-level monsters. This is also a very good reward.

Of course, Ye Luo valued other rewards more, and he quickly figured it out. First of all, one of his equipment has been upgraded to the Demon God level, and it is his opinion equipment that he values ​​very much-[Trash Rain Pear Flower Needle]:

[Rainbow Pear Flower Needle] (Special Equipment * Hidden Weapon * Demon Level)

Physical attack: +6000—6000

Magic attack: +6000—6000

Qi and blood: +150000

Magic: +150000

Strength: +6000

Physique: +6000

Agility: +6000

Intelligence: +6000

Additional features: Special equipment, which can be equipped directly in the backpack without a specific equipment groove.

Additional feature: Increases the wearer's 25000 poison attribute damage. This feature can only be triggered when a special occupation performs a normal attack.

Additional feature: Increase the hit rate of the wearer by 35%. This feature is not only suitable for normal attacks, but also for spell attacks.

Additional features: Increase the blood and magic recovery speed of the wearer by 2000 points per second.

Additional feature: Increase the evasion rate of the wearer by 35%. This feature is not only suitable for ordinary attacks, but also for spell attacks.

Additional features: Increase the attack speed of the wearer by 35%, and there is a 15% chance that the wearer will shoot a needle when attacking, chasing and attacking random enemies within 15 meters of the surrounding area. It will not stop and cause 150,000 points after hitting. Damage, and make it unable to move for 1 second, this feature is only applicable to normal attacks.

Additional feature: When attacking, there is a 10% chance of triggering the feature of'torrential rain lasing'. When this feature is triggered, all enemy targets around 10 meters away will be killed by an energy array, causing 100,000 points of damage to it and causing it to fall into Slow down, reduce defense status, reduce movement speed, attack speed and defense power by 20% for 3 seconds. This feature cannot be superimposed, and the feature of "Rainstorm Laser" can only be triggered when performing normal attacks.

Additional features: Increase the wearer's critical strike resistance by 15%, and reduce damage by 50% when a critical strike is triggered. This feature is only applicable to normal attacks.

Additional feature: Allow the wearer to ignore the level 5 suppression.

Incidental skill 1: [Storm Pear Flower]

Additional Skill 2: [Heavy Rain Day Luo]

Additional features: It has been bound to Know Autumn Leaves, not traded, not left, and not damaged.

Long-lasting equipment: 650/650.

Equipment restrictions: None, any profession can be equipped.

Need level: None.

[Rainbow Pear Flower] (active skill): Thousands of energy needles can be condensed after being cast, and any hostile target within 50 meters of the opponent will attack, causing 500,000 points of damage to it, and there is a 50% chance of triggering a 3 times critical strike. The damage is pure damage, ignoring any defenses, and the player who is hit will have a 50% reduction in movement speed and attack speed in the next 10 seconds. This skill will consume 50,000 magic points, and the skill will have an interval of 2 hours, requiring 1 second to charge up.

[Rainbow Tianluo] (active skill): Rainstorm pear flower needle condenses energy to attack the surrounding area. The energy causes 800,000 points of pure damage to all hostile targets within a radius of 100 meters. There is a 50% chance of triggering 5 times critical damage. The energy gold needle seals the acupuncture point to make the target immobile within 5 seconds. The skill will consume 100,000 magic points. The skill will be used for 24 hours, and it needs 2 seconds to charge up.

[Rainbow Pear Flower Needle] After upgrading to the Demon God level, the basic attributes increased by about 20%, which is already a very good improvement, and the effects of various additional features have also been very good. Of course, even The damage of additional skills has also increased a lot, and these can also make Ye Luo's life-saving ability and damage output have a very good improvement.

Of course, what Ye Luo values ​​most is the additional feature of [Storm Rain Pear Flower Needle]. Although it is just a simple sentence, "It can make the wearer ignore the level 5 suppression", but that effect is much stronger, not at all. Exaggeratedly speaking, Ye Luo can play at least 10% more strength when facing powerful monsters.

In addition to the upgrade of this equipment, Ye Luo also received a system reward equipment, and this is a national weapon. When Ye Luo first saw the attributes of this equipment, Ye Luo did not care about it, and even vaguely disliked it, because That piece of equipment does not add many attributes, and it is not even as good as a saint-level equipment, and this equipment has long been looked down upon at this time, after all, it is the worst equipment on him. Primordial Saint-level, there are even many Demon God-level and even national equipment level, so it is only a piece of equipment comparable to Saint-level, he will naturally not look at it.

But Ye Luo quickly noticed the nature of the ‘national weapon’, and his eyes lit up. Of course, there were some doubts. After all, the attributes added to his Chinese weapon level equipment would certainly not be so ‘garbage’.

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