VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3065: : Change goal

The team led by Dark Night and others not only triggered the [Earth King] dungeon task after killing the Earth King, which greatly improved the boxer’s strength, and they also received generous rewards, among which there was something similar. The BUFF type of national equipment of the Sky War Drum-[Earth Glory], everyone knows how powerful this type of national equipment is after seeing the [Sky Shaking War Drum]. It is much stronger than ordinary national equipment in team combat. So after thinking about this, everyone in Miomi Pavilion was a little worried.

Fortunately, the [Earth Glory] is only a middle-grade national product, and there is still a gap with the [Sky-shaking War Drum] of the upper-grade national product, which greatly reduces the worries of everyone.

"[Earth Glory] What are the additional skills and what types?" Po Lang Chengfeng asked curiously: "Could it be that two skills are added and one is for group gain and the other is for group weakening of enemies."

"This is not true. [Earth Glory] only has one skill attached, it is [Great Earthquake]." Samadhi said, seeing the indifferent look of Po Lang Chengfeng and others, her tone changed: "But [Earth Glory] ]’S [Great Earthquake] is somewhat different from the Earth suit. The former is a profound skill, and its coverage has been increased to 500 meters. Although there is no increase in damage output and control, the effect has been greatly improved. ."

"The skill of the Profound Level?!" After hearing this voice, the Othello voice increased by a few points: "Moreover, the range of action has actually expanded to 500 meters, which is comparable to a group combination skill, even if the CD time is relatively short, it is better than a group combination skill. Much stronger."

Speaking of these Othellos and looking at the samādhi poem, the meaning is self-evident-in the heart of Othello, Ye Luo's [Devil Sword Sky Slash] is also a profound skill level, and it also reaches a coverage of 500 meters, while the former's CD The time is 3 days, and it is very likely that the CD time of [Ouyi * Great Earthquake] is also 3 days.

"Well, as you guessed, the CD time of [Uuyi*Great Earthquake] is 3 days, so as long as you calculate the time, it is not a big problem." Samadhi nodded, thinking of something, she laughed: "Of course , Maybe this skill can play a very good effect in team battles and large-scale national battles, but it does not pose any threat to super masters like Ye Luo and Feng sister. After all, this skill has too long a charge time. , Having these time is enough for them to react and then display the countermeasures."

Everyone agreed with this, so they didn't bother with this issue anymore.

"Since this is the end of the matter, then we don't need to be too entangled, then let's act quickly." June Feixue said in anticipation: "Anyway, this copy of [The King of the Earth] will be officially opened at 12 noon tomorrow. , We still have plenty of time to work on Japanese clothes."

Hearing that, everyone was looking forward to it, but they thought of breaking the waves and riding the wind: "Dark Night, they have won very good system rewards, especially the powerful middle-grade national weapon [Earth Glory], it is better for us to do them. Let’s fight their arrogance and give them some pressure."

"Of course, it would be better if they could kill the dark night and then explode their national weapons." Po Lang Chengfeng added.

"Sister Feng, it seems that they are not arrogant in the dark night, they just killed a powerful BOSS and triggered a dungeon mission." Sitting on Qin Xin, she said casually, thinking of something, her tone changed: "But even if there are external forces to help At this time, the dark night and they must have been exhausted. This is not something that can be made up with [Group Blessing Scroll], so it will be easy for us to act on them."

"Yes, taking advantage of his illness to kill him, this is the best time to act on them." Midnight Shu took over the words: "Although we want to kill the dark night and others and then burst out [Earth Glory] and other national weapons It’s difficult, but we can kill those who have earth suits or magic sword suits. Hey, grabbing their suits can not only weaken their strength, but also improve our strength, and we can deal with them in the future. Naturally it will be easier."

Everyone had no objections to this, including fireworks that are easy to get cold, so the action started directly: Ye Luo and the others directly teleported to the place bordering Hanbok, and then used [Space Portal] to teleport a group of elite masters away— —It is worth mentioning that this time Ye Luo and the others only dispatched dozens of people. Of course, there were also tens of thousands of players waiting on the border while killing monsters and hoarding magic spars. They would rush to support them at any time.

Although Zhongfu previously occupied some gang sites in Hanbok, these gang sites were all taken away, including servers that added servers, and even five-level gang sites such as Redfish City—yes, Redfish City, etc. The gang resident was all taken back, because Ye Luo and the others were trapped by the undead enchantment yesterday. This was a great opportunity for servers such as Hanbok and Jiafu, so they took the opportunity to launch a siege and successfully snatched it back.

Think about it, Ye Luo and the others were trapped in the Central Asia server for 1 day and could not go out, and the major gangs in the China server mobilized a large number of elites to support them. At this time, the strength of staying behind was much weaker than usual, especially Ye Luo. When all the super masters are gone, it is no exaggeration to say that the strength that the Zhongfu can use at this time is less than one-third of the peak.

Dark Night and Red Maple Leaf are also smart people. They also know that trapping a group of masters in the undead enchantment is the best time for them to regain the gang resident occupied by the Zhongfu, so there are not many elites who have transferred to the Zhongyafu , At least a lot less than the elite mobilization of the Chinese service.

Of course, if only this is the case, then the Chinese server players can still defend, after all, the dark night and other super masters are not there, and defending the city is far easier than siege, but this time the Japanese server, Hanbok and other servers have joined forces. And they also used multiple [Mobile Fortresses], and the people in the Japanese server and other servers concentrated their forces to attack the city one by one, even with the help of the 5th-level gang resident like Redfish City.

That’s right, although there are only one or two [Mobile Fortresses] that can be created by servers such as the addition of servers and Hanbok, but the number of [Mobile Fortresses] that can be mobilized by the Japanese server and the US server is much larger. Used 5 or 6 [Mobile Fortresses], and even one of them [Battle Fortress], which is a very powerful force, especially the Chinese server does not have a [Mobile Fortress] that can be used for defense-daily service The fortress of the US server was not transferred to the Central Asian server. Although several of them were destroyed, they still had some remaining crafting blueprints. At this time, they could not be used to regain the occupied gang camp.

The most important thing is that there is one day for the server to wait for the Japanese server, so it is not difficult to **** back all the gang sites occupied by the Chinese server for such a long time.

In a word, all the gang sites occupied by the Chinese service have been snatched back, including the level 5 gang sites. It is precisely because of this that Ye Luo and the others can only cross the border barrier and rush to Hanbok instead of directly taking the teleportation array.

However, Ye Luo and the others are much more convenient after they rush to Hanbok. After all, they have left multiple teleportation points in Hanbok, which can be directly teleported to. This time their target is a level 4 gang station in Hanbok-Luofeng City. , A gang site that they had captured before.

Because it was a sneak attack, and the strengths of Ye Luo and Breaking the Wave and Riding the Wind have increased a lot, especially since they directly released the summoned beasts equipped with pet equipment, such as the Thunder Purple Rat and the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox, they attacked easily in a moment. The wall of Luofeng City then occupied a section, and even Ye Luo and the others attacked Luofeng City’s teleportation formation like a broken bamboo and then launched an attack on it. It is worth mentioning that Xiaobai at this time was terrifying and equipped. After the Canglang Xiaoyue suit, it is much stronger than the ordinary quasi-devil-level BOSS, and it is even more powerful than many players who have performed big moves. At least the blood and defense are so. At home, it has a strong recovery. Ability, it is no exaggeration to say that it can withstand the attacks of many Hanbok players.

Of course, Ye Luo, Po Lang Cheng Feng and other super masters also shared a lot of pressure for Xiao Bai, so that it can attack even more unscrupulously.

Since he can stand up to the attack, Xiao Bai can unscrupulously display various skills, so that its powerful strength can be displayed, especially its powerful control ability, [Tianhu Charm], [Tianhu Voice ], [Sky Fox Mirror] and other skills were displayed, which caused a lot of trouble for many Hanbok players.

After Ye Luo and the others occupied the walls of Luofeng City, tens of thousands of elites from Misty Pavilion crossed the border and were seated on Qin Xin. They used the [Group Teleport Scroll] to teleport over, and after they joined the battle, the battle became even more intense. It's easy.

Of course, the reason why Ye Luo and the others are so relaxed is largely because Dark Night, Twilight Cool and others did not come to defend the city. It is no exaggeration to say that the Hanbok players in Luofeng City can hardly stop Ye Luo and others. In this way, Ye Luo and the others can rush and kill unscrupulously, even after destroying a teleportation formation and ensuring that there will not be a large number of Hanbok players behind them that will teleport and be surrounded. They will go directly to the heart of the city of Luofeng City. Then destroy the heart of the city to occupy this gang resident. This is the fastest and most efficient way.

"Hey, Dark Night, they didn't come to defend the city. It seems they were exhausted by killing the king of the earth before." Po Lang Chengfeng sneered, "But they can't blame us for bullying them, who made them trapped in us. When we were serving in Central Asia, we dispatched superior forces to regain the gangs that we occupied before. At this time, when we acted on them while they were weakest, it would be considered to be the other way."

"Yes, let them also feel helpless." Othello said coldly.

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