VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3092: :task progress

After the Misty Pavilion, there are teams that have completed the [Fallen Beasts] in the **** mode, and these teams are undoubtedly the first-class teams in the heavenly catastrophe game. Among them, the teams from the Eastern Family and the Yeyu Family are among them, plus the first kill. This is enough to prove the strength of China Server.

However, after discovering that the Ye Yu family also had such a strong team, June Feixue and others were a little worried. After all, Ye Yu Fei Fei's ambition was well known to passers-by, and even the people in Miomi Pavilion felt a little pressure.

Feeling the emotions of everyone, Po Lang Chengfeng smiled and said: "What are you afraid of? Although the Ye Yu family is already among the first-class, there is still a big gap with our strength. This is from the fact that they completed the dungeon mission 25 minutes later than us. It can be seen, hey, we are not even afraid of the dark night and the Dongfang family team, so how can we be afraid of the Yeyu family."

"That's right." Midnight Shu took the stubbornness, his tone revealed a strong confidence: "If the Ye Yu family is wise, if they dare to provoke us, then let them see what is the number one in the Chinese service and even the heavenly catastrophe. Gang."

"Although the current strength of the Ye Yu family is still far behind ours, but you and I all know that the Ye Yu family has great potential..." June Feixue said, but was interrupted before finishing talking.

"Our potential is not worse than them. Don’t forget that in addition to masters like Xiaoshu and Sunset, who are still improving in strength, we also have Sword Star Studio. Their strength is also steadily improving. Our potential is even better than that of night. The Yu family is even stronger." Samadhi said: "Our current strength is stronger than the Ye Yu family, and the potential is greater than them. It is so easy for them to surpass us. At least they don’t have it in the game of Heaven’s Tribulation. What opportunity to surpass us."

Hearing this, everyone's eyes lit up, especially Jianliu, Saturday and others, because the words of Samadhi completely affirmed their potential and strength, which is what they value and look forward to most.

Everyone also knew that the samādhi poems were true. After thinking of these, they stopped worrying about this problem and continued to work **** the task.

After spending more than an hour, Ye Luo and the others finally completed another dungeon mission. Although there was no additional reward for completing the mission this time, they even got 4 kits for flying eagles, but these are still It can greatly enhance the strength of Misty Pavilion, not to mention that brushing the mobs has also obtained some kits of wild beast suits and everyone has received good experience rewards.

Now that they have made up their minds to brush dungeons, everyone did not say much, and they were ready to continue to brush dungeons. However, at this time, Bacchus Dukang and Fengxing came to find them. They proposed to concentrate on all the super masters in the middle service to try to do nightmare mode. Beast], in their hearts, the strongest players in the server center are still very likely to complete this task-obviously, Fengxing also value the system rewards for completing the first kill of the dungeon. Those who can greatly improve the strength of the server .

Fireworks Yi Cold directly rejected the proposal of Bacchus Dukang and others, and gave reasons to persuade Po Lang Cheng Feng and others, and the latter quickly realized that it was indeed risky to use this mode of copy at this time, so they also dispelled this. idea.

"Hey, the major teams have completed the copies of the **** mode one after another. Why haven't the teams of the printing service and the Australian service completed?" Suddenly June Feixue asked in confusion: "The team led by Wucai Shenniu and the emperor The team led by the Anthem is not weak, even not worse than the Yeyu family, especially the Emperor Anthem. After all, they triggered the [Fallen Wild Beast] instance and received generous rewards. It stands to reason that they should have completed the task long ago. That's right, why didn't they hear the prompt to complete the task?"

June Feixue just asked casually, but didn't want to make Du Kanglang, the **** of wine, who has not left, laughed. Seeing the doubts of the crowd, he laughed and said: "According to our people, the colorful sacred cow and the emperor Hymn, they led the team to take on the dungeon mission of the nightmare mode. Not surprisingly, they should be wiped out."

"What, they actually took a copy of the Nightmare Mode?!" Hearing the words of the **** of Bacchus Du Kang, the book's voice rose a little in the middle of the night, and then he couldn't help laughing: "Hey, they are too arrogant, arrogant. Once the dungeon task is triggered, they will be able to complete the most difficult dungeon. This is good, the entire army has lost a lot of experience, and it took so long. This time they are a bit more than the gain, and even the emperor praises them. The rewards obtained by completing the task and triggering the dungeon are gone. After all, it is no accident that they should concentrate their server's strongest master to do the task, which means that almost no team can complete the dungeon task of the **** mode."

"Who would say no? The strength is obviously worse than ours. Even we don't dare to take on tasks of this level, but they dare and are too arrogant." The calligraphy in the middle of the night, but it was him who said this. It is indeed full of smiles: "But I like them being so arrogant, because it will cost them a lot and waste a lot of time, haha..."

Listening to the words of Midnight Book, everyone couldn't help but laugh, even sitting on the piano heart was a little silent.

"How many missions have these two teams completed?" Suddenly, the fireworks became cold, and while talking about this, she began to investigate the system information on [Fallen Wild Beast]. Not only did the major teams complete various modes. Task time, there are also some team task progress.

The questions asked by the fireworks are also very meaningful. After all, they also know the strength of the team led by the emperor’s hymn and the colorful sacred cow, and according to the progress of their tasks, they can also analyze the strength of the nightmare mode task-although analysis The task of [Fallen Beasts] in nightmare mode is definitely difficult, but they don't know exactly how fireworks are easy to be cold, so they can only analyze the situation of this task through the team that has already done the task.

It is very helpful for them to figure out the intensity of nightmare mode tasks in advance for fireworks easy to cold, so fireworks easy to cold will ask about this in the future.

In fact, there are not many teams that have the courage to take on tasks in the nightmare mode, only 5 or 6, but the task progress of the last few teams is less than 1%, and only the team led by the colorful sacred cow and the emperor's praise have exceeded the task progress. 50%, of which the former completed 76% and the latter completed 79%.

"Their two teams only completed 76% and 79%?!" After seeing these two numbers, Othello was surprised: "Doesn't it mean that they failed to clear the mobs? Hey, even the mobs were not cleared. , Their strength is too weak, after all, even if they can't kill the final boss, it's too bad that they can't kill all the mobs."

"It's not that they have no strength to clear the mobs." Fireworks Yi said coldly. Seeing the puzzled look of everyone, he explained: "Maybe it is because there is no hope to complete the task, or there have been some casualties, for To avoid greater casualties, consumption and no longer wasting time, they decisively chose to abandon the mission. This may be even greater. After all, the mobs in the Nightmare Mode dungeon are only at the level of quasi-devil gods, and they focus on the emperor’s praise There is no big problem with the strength of hundreds of professional masters who want to kill them all."

Everyone is smart, and soon understood this, and then Othello couldn't help but muttered: "Since they voluntarily gave up the task, and we don't know their casualties, so we want to analyze the nightmare mode task. Intensity is impossible. This little information has little effect on us."

"No, it is not difficult to analyze some useful things from the time they spend on the task and according to their strength." Fireworks Yi said indifferently. After finishing these, she will not say anything. Obviously based on the current situation. The message of began to analyze the situation of the nightmare mode copy.

"The firework girl, no accident, even if the emperor's hymn and the colorful sacred cow take the initiative to give up the task, they will definitely consume a lot of money. Next, shall we do it on them?" Bacchus Du Kang asked expectantly: "Hey, there are many [Mobile Fortresses] in the Australian server, and there are even two [Mobile Fortresses] upgraded to [Battlestar]. Their strength is also very strong, at least they are a big threat to us. "

That’s right, the [Mobile Fortress] of the Australian server did not enter the Central Asian server. At least the ones made at the beginning did not enter the Central Asian server because they led the fort to return after seeing that the situation was not good. After these days To collect materials, through various difficult battles, especially the task of triggering the [Fallen Beasts], some materials have been obtained. The Australian server has upgraded 2 [Mobile Fortress] to [Space Fortress]. This is also in addition to the Chinese server. The only server outside with more than 1 [Battlestar].

In addition to the 2 [Battlestars], there are 2 or 3 [Mobile Fortresses] in the Australian server. This is a very powerful force, especially those [Mobile Fortresses] have also been upgraded to [Battle Fortress]. God Dukang and the others are more or less worried, after all, these have already posed a big threat to Zhongfu.

"Yes, the strength of the Australian server can already pose some threats to us, especially since they upgraded other [Mobile Fortress] to [Battle Fortress]." Feng Xing took the conversation and continued after a short pause. With the passage of time, the level 4 gang sites of the major servers have been upgraded to level 5. As a result, their resident defense and attack power have been greatly improved. Once all of them have been upgraded to level 5, we will not be so easy to deal with them. , Especially using these hours to stock up some [recruitment orders] from six-winged fallen angels."

"Yes, that's right, we'd better take advantage of them when they have a lot of consumption." Po Lang Chengfeng is full of anticipation.

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