VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3164: : Easily recapture

After discovering that they could not cope with Ye Luo and their war of attrition, they could only choose to abandon Moline City. After all, they would not only be unable to defend Moline City, but would have greater casualties and consumption, even possibly because of this. With greater consumption and in the future, the Chinese server side alliance will be unable to defend their gang station, which is not what they want to see.

Seeing the players of the Australian server decisively give up defending the city, the players of the Chinese server alliance, especially the players of the Russian server, are excited to take back the city of Morin without any loss. It is a surprise for them and the most important thing. The thing is, if they concoct the law according to the law, they will be able to **** the other two occupied gang sites back.

Soon all the players of the Australian server were withdrawn, so that the players of the Chinese server alliance could easily enter the city and destroy the heart of the city. After a while, Morin City can be taken back.

During this period, Ye Luo and others came to the second gang station occupied by the Russian server. Then they did the same. The British server defending the city quickly fell into the same predicament as the Australian server player. It was a little unsustainable to give them up just like this, for a while they didn't withdraw directly.

"Hey, the players in the British server must have been shaken. I believe it will not be long before they will give up defending the city. Not surprisingly, our Nangong City is the same, which means that we can do it at the least cost, even without any loss. Take back the occupied gang resident." Black and white chess, and after thinking of something, her beautiful eyes lit up, and her tone was full of excitement: "Fireworks, we can also use this tactic to attack the enemy's gang resident. Wouldn't we? Can you easily occupy some of their gang sites?"

The words of Othello have been echoed by many people, and they are gearing up one by one, proposing to take action on the gang sites of the enemy alliance after regaining all the occupied gang sites.

"Things are not as easy as you think." Samadhi shook her head and saw the incomprehensible look of everyone, she explained: "The reason why we were able to take back Morin City so easily is because it is a Russian service. The site, and the Russian server and we have mobilized millions or even tens of millions of elites, so Ye Luo and so many talents can use this tactic unscrupulously, because even a large number of masters from the enemy alliance can directly rush over to our large number of elites. Press it up, so we won't necessarily suffer from the outbreak of a battle between the two sides."

"But if it’s on the enemy server, it’s different. First, we can’t mobilize so much combat power. Second, the enemy’s server’s people can go around behind us, and they mobilize a large number of elites to go around behind us. This is a two-pronged approach. We will have a lot of trouble, especially when the situation at this time in our service is a bit special, and we will certainly have great casualties.” Samadhi Shi added.

There is no shortage of smart people, and they soon want to understand this. At least they know that because this is Russian service and the enemy alliance cannot mobilize a large number of elites to encircle the hundreds of millions of elites, as long as they can't do this, they will naturally not have it. What a scrupulous and deliberately always like this.

However, once they come to the foreign server, they can't mobilize many players, but the enemy alliance can mobilize a large number of elites, even more elites than them, and launch sneak attacks on them behind them. In most space systems, players have mastered the [cross-server] *Space Portal] or even [Cross-server*Space Portal (group)] After that, it is very easy to mobilize players who have more combat power than the Chinese server side in a short period of time.

At least they can't do this now, after all, the strength of the Chinese server is almost the weakest.

"Of course, after the CD of our ultimatum and the awakening skills of combination equipment are finished tomorrow, we can't try it. Of course, we will only lead some elite teams." Samadhi continued: "Although it is only an elite team, but If the target is only the 4th level gang resident, we still have a great chance to occupy it. At the worst, we can kill some of their players and destroy some of their defense equipment, which is still very good for us. "

"The most important thing is because it is an elite squad operation, we don't have to worry about being surrounded by people from the enemy alliance and falling into a bitter battle." Samadhi Shi added.

Hearing that, everyone nodded, and they all agreed deeply, and they all looked forward to tomorrow's actions.

When the Samadhi and they said this, the players of the British server finally wavered, especially when the sun did not set, they also rushed to and found that they had no choice but to give up the gang resident they occupied.

Next is the last gang station occupied by the Russian service-Polar City. This is a level 5 gang station. The players who occupy this gang station are the players of the German service. Of course, there are also allies on their side. They want to use 5 The powerful defense and offensive power of the first-level gang resident can dissolve Ye Luo and the others' attack method.

But what makes them a little depressed is that Ye Luo's strong defense power and qi and blood recovery ability are enough to withstand the attacks of many defensive equipment, and even just occasionally use [Life Drain] to keep the qi and blood in a healthy state. Ye Luo can naturally attack all the time. With his powerful attack power, he can also destroy or kill the defense equipment and the NPCs of the six-wing fallen angels. As the defense equipment and NPCs decrease, Ye Luo's pressure is also reduced. A bit.

As for the people like Breaking Waves and Riding the Wind, maybe they can't always stand up to the attack of the city defense equipment, but they don't need to stand up to the attack, as long as they are not killed within 5 or 6 seconds, there is no problem. In the immune state, they just want to persist for 5 or 6 seconds, but there is no problem. At the worst, they can also use invincible means such as [God Dance Step]. There is no problem in such a safe evacuation.

Although Ye Luo's efficiency in destroying the city’s defense equipment and killing the Six-Winged Fallen Angel NPC is much lower than before, they can still destroy all the city’s defense equipment if they are given enough time. The most important thing is that once they see it, they can still destroy them. Can't stop Ye Luo and the people from the enemy alliance afterwards, it is very likely that Hu will give up directly, so they can easily take back Polar City.

The fact is also true. After 1, 20 minutes of consumption, the players of the enemy alliance began to retreat. After all, they can't see the hope of defending Polar City, and they can't even cause much consumption to Ye Luo and the others. The most important thing is Instead, many players were killed by Ye Luo and others. This was not what they wanted to see, so they had a retreat. After thinking and struggling, they could only choose to give up. This meant that With Ye Luo, they took back Polar City at almost no cost.

"Haha, I thought it would be easy to get back the level 5 gang resident. I didn't expect it to be so easy." Nangong Yunlonglang laughed and said, "Doesn't this mean that we can easily take Nangong City back?!"

"Well, naturally there is no big problem." Bacchus Du Kang nodded, and smiled when he said this: "After all, we can mobilize more troops to surround Nangong City, and naturally it will be easy to take Nangong City. If you **** the city back, you can even succumb to the soldiers without fighting."

In this regard, everyone also deeply agrees, and they are full of confidence.

"Unfortunately, it took us more than one hour to regain these three gang sites. In addition, it took some time to support the court service before. At this time, it has not been long before the [Road of Demon Slayer] officially opened." Long Teng Tian Xia said in a deep voice, looking at Nangong Yunlong while talking, and then fixed his gaze on the fireworks Yi Leng and others, which was self-evident.

Think about it, too, because the Nangong Family and other gang teams can’t even get the first kill of the instance, they can’t even enter the first three, so they are not in a hurry to do the instance task, but the team of the Misty Pavilion has a good chance to grab the instance. For the first kill, this can get a very good system reward, and the people of Misty Pavilion will naturally not give up these.

Of course, Nangong Yunlong and the others also knew that the stronger the misty pavilion, the better for them, so they immediately followed the misty pavilion.

"Hey, just wait a little longer, it's nothing, as long as you can grab Nangong City back today, so you don't have to give them extra tax, but the 3% of the tax for a day is quite a lot." Nangong Yunlongdao, of course, he is also reminding that fireworks are easy to be cold, after all, the 3% tax loss of China Server is a huge loss to China Server.

As smart as fireworks and easy to be cold, she naturally understood the meaning of Nangong Yunlong's words, and she valued those taxes more, and she said, "Don't worry, today we will be able to **** Nangong City back."

Hearing the fireworks Yi Leng said, Nangong Yunlong and Bacchus Dukang were relieved, and then they did not idle, each became busy, or prepared to do [The Road of Devil], or did it in advance For example, sending troops to encircle Nangong City, so that everyone in the Misty Pavilion can directly attack Nangong City after completing the task directly.

And Ye Luo and the others began to adjust their status. After all, it was still a few minutes before the [Road of Demon Slayer] officially opened, and they adjusted their status to be more sure to grab the first kill of the instance.

While adjusting their status, they chatted casually. During the period, a system reminder sounded again. It was the reminder that Ye Yufei and the others were rewarded by the system for completing the second task. Although the rewards they received were not as good as Yeluo, they completed the second round. Ring [Road of Demon Slayer], but it is no worse than the Polar Silver Wolf, and the strength of those who do this task has also been improved.

"Hey, the strength of the Ye Yu family team is still very good, especially after teaming up with the heroes of the heroes of the sky, at least they have the opportunity to complete the dungeon tasks in the first three and receive system rewards." Othello laughed: " Now that they are dragged by the task and cannot participate in the first kill of the [Road of Devil Slayer] instance, this is undoubtedly missing some rewards. After all, they can completely postpone the time to do that team task."

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