VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3201: : There are ways to deal with it

That’s right, maybe it’s a headache to face the [Dragon God*Mirror Cage] of Dongfang Killing the Sky in one-on-one, but if the number of people is large, that won’t be the case. After all, there are masters like Ye Luo and Po Lang Cheng Feng. The skill of the clone system, and counting the ordinary [Clone] can separate multiple clones, but after all there are only 5 mirror cages, the targets that can be trapped are limited, and the probability of trapping Ye Luo, breaking the waves and riding the wind among the many clones It's too low, and as long as this skill is resolved, the Eastern Killing Sky team can't give Ye Luo too much advantage.

Think about it, although his strength has been greatly improved because Eastern Killing Sky possesses 4 powerful national weapons, but the other players of the Eastern Family Family team still have some gaps compared with the others, as long as [ Dragon God * Mirror Cage] Without trapping Ye Luo and breaking the waves and riding the wind, the team competition will not have much suspense.

Thinking of this, everyone's expressions relaxed a little, and then they continued to look at the ring. They looked forward to it one by one, and obviously did not give up their last hope.

I have to say that Ye Luo's strength is also very strong. Even if he has a long sword in one hand and the [Thousand Chance Crossbow] has a great advantage in the face of Eastern Killing Heaven, he can still persist for some time, relying on [Life Absorption] and [Gossip Source]. Waiting for the recovery skills, of course, also relying on many invincible skills, but also persisted for 1 minute, so that all his clones were out of trouble, and he also recalled the assassin clones immediately and then [Thousand Chance Crossbows] ] Replaced with a dagger.

At the same time, Ye Luo also controlled the other clones to rush over at the fastest speed. After all, he himself was still a little bit pressured to face the Eastern Killing Sky and many Dragon Shadow clones.

It’s just that Ye Luo has consumed all the invincible means at this time. Although he can entangle Dongfang Tiantian and make it unable to use control skills with his powerful strength, the Dragon Shadow clone still has the opportunity to use control skills, and is After taking control, Ye Luo hardly had any chance to wake up. All that was waiting for him was being killed.

In fact, it is a miracle that Ye Luo can persist for so long. Of course, the most important thing is that he has a lot of invincible skills, but he can't wait for the clone to come and support it-the damage output of Dongfang Tiantian is also very high. It was even higher than Ye Luo because of the 4 pieces of national artifacts, plus those dragon shadow clones, even Ye Luo couldn't bear it.

Although Ye Luo’s [Tai Chi Bagua Pan] has a passive resurrection skill of [Yin and Yang Reincarnations], the cloak of the Eastern Killing Sky-[Fallen Wings] additional [Fallen * Devour] can ignore any resurrection status and skills. In other words, Ye Luo can't be resurrected, he missed the championship in the individual championship and runner-up in the tournament and only won the runner-up.

This is the first time that Ye Luo has not won the championship in these tournaments. This has caused countless players to see the competition. After all, this has not changed for a long time.

But today, many people are destined to cry, because the competition is also open. In view of Ye Luo's strong matches in the past and even in the points tournament, many people have pressured him to win, and even the other players except the Dongfang Family who know the insider. The loss was quite'miserable'.

Of course, because they have confidence in the [Dragon God * Mirror Cage], the Eastern Family has used a lot of money to suppress Dongfang Tiantian, and the latter’s odds are also very high, one loses three, which means The Eastern family earned three times, that was hundreds of billions, and it was not gold coins, but real coins. This time the Eastern family made a lot of money, and I am afraid that they will not have to worry about insufficient funds for a long time.

It’s worth mentioning that it’s not once that fireworks and Samadhi poems guessed that Eastern Killing Heaven had hidden their strength, so they all knew that this bet was risky, so most of them didn’t bet, even if they bet on Ye Luo to win. It's just some spare money, it's not too big to lose so much. They didn't look at the small money in the middle of the night, after all, at this time, there are too many channels for making money.

Of course, at this time, they were more worried that Ye Luo would be hit after losing the championship. Fortunately, Ye Luo looked calm after finishing the game, which made everyone a little relieved.

"Ye Luo, don't blame yourself, after all, no one would have thought that Eastern Killing Heaven would have hidden such a powerful national weapon." Po Lang Chengfeng comforted: "Moreover, getting the runner-up is already a very good result. No surprise, the runner-up should be able to get the reward of the national weapon, maybe it is what you can equip, hey, one more national weapon, and then you will win against Dongfang Tiantian."

Even though he said that, he has some lack of confidence. After all, he also knows what role [Dragon God*Mirror Cage] can play in a one-on-one battle, even if Ye Luo's equipment level exceeds that of Dongfang Tiantian. It may not necessarily win.

"Yes, Dongfang Killing Heaven's luck is too good." She sat on Qin Xin and said, then she changed her words: "But Fireworks and Xiao Shi have already figured out a way to deal with [Dragon God * Mirror Cage], no surprises In the next team battle, as long as our luck is not to the extreme, we will definitely win the championship. The sum of rewards for winning the team championship is much richer than the individual championship, and your overall equipment level has a better chance of exceeding The East kills the sky."

In this regard, June Feixue and others also deeply agree, but they have been looking at Ye Luo while sitting on the piano, breaking the waves and riding the wind, and they are obviously still worried that he will blame himself for his defeat. .

"No, I have a 90% chance of defeating him next time I face him one-on-one." Ye Luo said lightly. Although his voice was soft, he had an unquestionable confidence.

If someone else said this, then everyone would be scornful, but Ye Luo said that everyone didn't doubt anything. In their minds, Ye Luo definitely thought of a way to deal with [Dragon God*Mirror Cage], and they were all curious about it.

Think about it, everyone has also seen the power of the mirror cage. In their hearts, although the fireworks are easy to cold think of a countermeasure, it is only in a multiplayer team battle, and what Ye Luo said is indeed one-on-one, thinking [ Dragon God * Mirror Cage] What kind of advantages will it have in one-on-one, they are naturally curious about what kind of tactics Ye Luo thought of.

"Brother Ye, do you have a way to deal with [Dragon God * Mirror Cage]?" Zhiyue asked. She was very excited when she said this, because she was confident in Ye Luo, even if it was confident for no reason.

"Big Brother Ye, it's a bit difficult, right?" Midnight Shu said in a deep voice, with a slight suspicion in his tone of voice.

"No, Ye Luo can dissolve the [Dragon God* Mirror Cage], and it’s a one-on-one battle." Suddenly the fireworks became cold. When she said these, her tone was a little strange: "Just dissolve the [Dragon God*] Mirroring Cage], then Ye Luo’s odds of winning against Eastern Killing Sky is more than 90%, even if Dongfang Killing Heaven’s equipment has the advantage of being equipped with 4 pieces of national equipment, but he does not have an advantage in overall attributes, after all. Ye Luo received too many rewards before."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "The most important thing is that Ye Luo has the advantage of the skill system, especially the advantage of [Reincarnation clone]. It is still very easy to use these to defeat Dongfang Tiantian."

"Well, is there really a way to deal with [Dragon God*Mirror Cage]?" Po Lang Chengfeng was surprised, but did not doubt.

Think about it, too, they know Ye Luo and fireworks are easy to be cold. They know that they never lie. Maybe Ye Luo is a little dissatisfied because of the defeat to the East, but the fireworks are easy to cool. Now it’s not like that. Both of them said so, so they were less doubtful, and of course they were more curious about how to deal with it.

"Sister Fireworks, Uncle Ye Luo, how do you deal with it?" June Feixue asked curiously.

"You'll know when the time comes." Fireworks said coldly, and then she looked at Ye Luo: "Ye Luo, I will arrange for you and Sister Feng to participate in the first 2V2. Not surprisingly, you will meet Dongfang Tiantian. When the time comes, It's time for you to show your strength to everyone."

"I want Ye Luo to join forces in 2V2. This is a good relationship. As long as Ye Luo has a way to resolve the [Dragon God*Mirror Cage], then we will have no problem with Dongfang Tiantian and another person?!" Surprised, but more exciting, and then what she thought of, she looked at the fireworks and was easily cold: "But how do you know that Dongfang Killian will participate in 2V2 and will not participate in 1V1?"

"Except for 10V10, the number of players participating in the competition cannot exceed 2 times, and Dongfang Tiantian will definitely participate in 5V5, which means that he can only participate in a 1V1 or a 2V2." Samadhi Shi explained on his behalf, seeing the waves and the wind. Waiting for someone to nod, she continued: "While 1V1 only scores 1 point, while 2V2 can get 2 points, Dongfang Tiantian naturally chooses to participate in the game with more points, especially when he is full of confidence in 5V5 and 10V10. After all, he Even in the hearts of the entire Eastern family, the [Dragon God * Mirror Cage] will give them a lot of advantages, not to mention that Eastern Killing Sky also mastered [Dragon God * All Members Copy]. This skill has the greater the number of people, the greater the advantage.

"Well, this is also true." Po Lang Chengfeng nodded, and then her tone changed: "But there are two games in 2V2. How can you be sure that Dongfang Killian will participate in the first game instead of the second game?"

"Eastern Killing Heaven must have a strong personality. The most important thing is that defeating us in the first 2V2 in the hearts of Eastern Stars and others will increase their morale and hurt our morale. This will be more beneficial to them, especially for the next 5V5 and 10V10 is more advantageous, so Eastern Killing Sky is likely to play in the first 2V2." Samadhi chuckles.

In this regard, everyone also deeply agrees.

"Of course, even if Eastern Killing Day participates in the second 2V2, it is nothing. Feng Jie and Ye Luo will definitely win together, and our chances of winning the next 5V5 and 10V10 are also great, so we can still win the team championship." The poem added.

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