VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3204: : Easily resolve

Dongfang star is also a smart person. She also thought of using clone skills to resolve [Dragon God*Mirror Cage], and she knew that the more people there were, the easier it would be to resolve [Dragon God*Mirror Cage]. Fortunately, in her heart, [Dragon God*] Mirroring Cage] can still give them a lot of advantages, not to mention that Dongfang Slaughter also has [Dragon God* All Members Copy], this skill is more beneficial to their side as the number of participants is larger.

In addition, in the hearts of Eastern Stars in the heart of 2V2, Dongfang Tiantian and Dongfang Xiaotian still have a great chance of winning, even if they encounter Ye Luo and Po Lang Chengfeng, as long as the next luck is not bad, they will be in 5V5 and 10V10. Zhong can also win, so that they can finally win the team game, and after solving the Miaoge first team, they will have no problem with the dark night or the Tokyo Shinhwa team.

It is precisely because of this that Eastern Stars will deliberately care about the fireworks and easy-to-cold rankings and then come up with a targeted list and order of play. But as far as she is concerned, this time the rankings are still very successful, not surprisingly. They can lead by 4-1, and this will also make the balance of the game more inclined to them. For the moment, in her mind, their odds of winning are still very high, especially seeing that the East Killing the Sky has accumulated strength and then appeared on the sky. The mirror cage.

In the heart of the Eastern star, Ye Luo will definitely use the [reincarnation clone] to deal with the mirrored cage, and if he is lucky, the body is not trapped, then Dongfang Tiantian and Dongfang Xiaotian can join hands to shoot against it, relying on the advantage of the clone and the second hit. One advantage, they can easily take advantage-Breaking the waves and riding the wind are hundreds of meters away from the East Killing Sky, and they can’t catch up in a short time to support them. In the hearts of the East Stars, they are facing a joint attack by the East Killing Sky and the East Xiaotian. Under the circumstances, it is impossible for him to display [Space Portal].

If Ye Luo's bad luck is trapped by the mirror cage, then the situation will be more favorable for Dongfang Tiantian and the others, because Dongfang Xiaotian and Dongfang Xiaotian can join forces to kill the waves by the wind, and the next two pairs will pay Ye. Luo had no more suspense.

Not only Eastern Stars think so, but most of the players in Eastern Killing Sky, Eastern Xiaotian and even the appearance battle think so, and even a limited number of people outside of the fireworks and easy to cold think so. For a while, those who overwhelmed the Eastern family. Players who win a team are excited, and in their hearts they will undoubtedly win.

Not to mention these for now, let’s say that Dongfang Killing Sky is charged to display [Dragon God*Mirroring Cage], and 5 mirroring cages are condensed on the sky. As long as Dongfang Killing Sky completes the skills, these mirrored cages will fall.

Ye Luo naturally saw the mirror cage above his head, but he was not in the slightest fear, and even a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. When the mirror cage fell, he decisively displayed a skill, and for a while, 8 appeared beside him. This phantom is exactly-[Eight Shadows Clone].

[Eight Shadows Clone] is an instant displacement skill. 8 phantoms appear after being cast. These phantoms can last for 1 second. As long as the phantoms do not disappear, Ye Luo can teleport to any clone during this period. This is a very good life-saving and pursuit skill.

But in the hearts of countless players, Ye Luo did not use this skill at this time. Only a limited number of people, such as Dongfang Stars, realized what they saw after seeing this skill. Afterwards, everyone's expressions changed, and of course they were not the same, such as Dongfang. The celebrities were worried. For example, Ye Yu Fei Fei showed a look of admiration, while the fireworks were easy to cold, and the samādhi poem made a smile.

Of course, Ye Luo used another skill after casting [Eight Shadows Clone]-[Time Backward]. This is the skill he has obtained by hunting high-ranking bosses these days, and this skill has been strengthened to make it more effective. The target returns to the position 10 seconds ago. This skill can be used not only on hostile targets and friendly units, but also on yourself.

Ye Luo did it on himself, and then he returned to where he was 10 seconds ago-almost next to Breaking the Wave and Riding the Wind. After all, it’s not a big problem to run hundreds of meters at Ye Luo’s speed in 10 seconds, especially It is he who also used the stealth skills, after all, the stealth skills of the Assassin Department have a good acceleration ability.

Ye Luo returned to 10 seconds ago, and there were only 8 ghosts in the place where the mirror cage fell. So the mirror cage naturally chose 5 of the 8 cages to cover it, and Ye Luo naturally solved this skill-using a displacement The skill resolves the [Dragon God* Mirror Cage], which is totally worthwhile for Ye Luo, not to mention that Ye Luo did not waste this skill.

That's right, when the mirror cage fell and then trapped 5 of the phantoms, the other 3 phantoms had not disappeared. That is to say, Ye Luo could lock these avatars and move past, and he did not hesitate to choose the distance from the east to kill the sky. The most recent phantom of Dongfang Xiaotian teleported over, and then he continued to rush towards the two of Dongfang Xiaotian at the fastest speed.

"Haha, Ye Luo, you really have you. I can think of this way to dissolve the [Dragon God* Mirror Cage]." Po Lang Chengfeng couldn't help but smile, and she spoke with admiration in her tone of the facts: "A powerful Only 5 ghosts were trapped by his skills, tusk tusk, Dongfang Qitian is probably about to cry."

"Of course the most important thing is that he has no chance of winning against us after he doesn't have this skill." Po Lang Chengfeng added, and she was a little excited when she said this: "Ye Luo, should you teleport me over? Now, hey, we can still win by playing two against them easily."

"No, I will consume some of their invincible means first. Anyway, I will use the invincible means to use control skills on them, so that both Eastern Killing and Dongfang Xiaotian have to be forced out of invincible skills by me, especially at this time. They are less than 30 meters away from me." Ye Luo said, and when he said this, he decisively launched an attack on Dongfang Killing Heaven, which was naturally an attack by [Devil Flame Arrow].

Breaking the waves and riding the wind is also a smart person, and he immediately understood the benefits of doing so-Dongfang Xiaotian and Dongfang Xiaotian have been consumed with some invincible skills or displacement skills. After that, she will naturally have more advantages and defeat them. It is also more secure, especially Ye Luo, who is in an invincible state, will not be in any danger even if he faces the two of Dongfang Tiantian.

Maybe Ye Luo can’t use the power-storing skills under the combined attack of Eastern Killing Sky and Dongfang Xiaotian, and it’s also difficult to use [Cross-server*Space Portal] to teleport the waves and ride the wind, but the waves and wind can be locked. It only takes 10 seconds for Ye Luo to display [Transport]. With Ye Luo's strength, it's okay to persist for 10 seconds, even if it is one-to-one against Dongfang Tiantian and Dongfang Xiaotian.

After the attack, Ye Luo decisively used the [Shimmering Technique] and [Blink] and [God Dance Step], so he was less than 10 meters away from the two of Dongfang Killing Heaven. Then he decisively used [Charge] to lock in the east. Kill the sky and charge.

Seeing that Ye Luo resolved the [Dragon God* Mirror Cage], and it was almost non-destructive resolution, Dongfang Killing Sky and Dongfang Xiaotian were a little dumbfounded. They did not react for a while, but Ye Luo had already started to deal with them after reacting. After the [Charge], Dongfang Xiaotian could only use [Charge] to deal with it, but Dongfang Xiaotian began to step back and then distanced himself from Yeluo——Dongfang Xiaotian also knew that one hit two in a short time Ye Luo can't be solved within, and this is obviously because Ye Luo is consuming them and then giving more opportunities to break the waves and ride the wind, so it is wiser to keep a distance.

However, seeing Dongfang Killing Heaven also used [Charge] and Dongfang Killing Heaven was about to flee, a smile was awakened at the corner of his mouth. After completing the charge, he decisively used [Spur], and he came to Dongfang Xiaotian in the next instant. Facing Ye Luo's skill, Dongfang Xiaotian had to use the [God Dance Step] to deal with it.

But at this time, Ye Luo decisively used the [Reincarnation Clone], and the Assassin Clone was taken back. He controlled the Knight Clone and launched the [Charge] against Dongfang Xiaotian. In addition, the Swordsman and Berserker clones would attack Dongfang Xiaotian. Unfolded [Charge], and at the same time, he also used [Ice and Snow] and [Reincarnation Collapse]. After all, these are continuous control skills, not the one-second invincibility of [God Dance Step].

Seeing Ye Luo cast [Reincarnation Clone], especially the Clone launched a charge on him, Dongfang Killing could only use the clone skill to resolve, but Dongfang Xiaotian used the displacement skill. At this time, all he had to do was to escape as soon as possible. Here.

However, Ye Luo would naturally not let him go, and once again cast [Zhi Chi Tian Ya] to catch up, and at the same time, he also controlled the avatar of the archer system and started chasing Dongfang Xiaotian.

It is worth mentioning that Ye Luo’s archer avatar moves very fast, much faster than Dongfang Xiaotian. This means that Dongfang Xiaotian can only get rid of it in a short time only by using displacement skills one after another. If you grow too long, you will still be caught up. After all, every player has a limited number of displacement skills.

The archer avatar can cause a lot of trouble to Dongfang Xiaotian even if it is just a normal attack, and even if the passive control effect is triggered, there is a chance to control it, and then Ye Luo, who is like a tarsal maggot, can easily control it. He killed.

Dongfang Xiaotian naturally knew this. In desperation, he could only use invincible skills. After all, he also knew that if he was controlled, he would definitely die. Especially Ye Luo used [Reincarnation Break], [Ice World and Snow], and he even more It's time to use invincible skills.

Seeing this scene, the Dongfang star sighed, and she murmured: "Big brother, they lost. We don't have any chance to win this 2V2 game."

"How can there be such a result?" Dongfang Ming's eyes were full of incredulous color: "How can Ye Luo Zhiqiu think of using such a method to deal with the big brother's [Dragon God * Mirror Cage], this is too It's incredible!"

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