VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3207: : Improve tactics

The same is true for Eastern Stars when they are planning tactics for the fireworks, but the tactics they formulated in their previous discussions required luck, and after the return of Eastern Killing Heaven, they slightly improved their tactics, such as letting Eastern Xiaotian and Eastern Stars. Team up to deal with Ye Luo, while the other three, including Dongfang Killtian, went to deal with the fireworks and the others.

Even if Ye Luo's strength is very strong, it is a grade higher than Dongfang Xiaotian, but the latter is a super master after all. It will take some time for Ye Luo to defeat him, not to mention Dongfang star will assist him, and Dongfang star But a player with strong control, coupled with too much resourcefulness and calculation ability that is not inferior to the fireworks and easy to cold, it is even more difficult for Ye Luo to solve them.

If Dongfang Killing and the other three can solve the fireworks and Yicold and others before Dongfang Star and Dongfang Xiaotian are solved by Ye Luo, then the odds of winning for the Dongfang Family Team are still great, and it is precisely because of this that they decided to execute Such a tactic.

However, the fireworks easy to cold instantly understood the Eastern Star’s tactical intentions, and she was not so worried, because she believed that Ye Luo could take the lead in solving the Eastern Stars and Dongfang Xiaotian, not to mention breaking the waves and riding the wind, fireworks easy to cold and others are also super Master, in the case of 4 to 3, it is not that there is no chance to resist Dongfang Jitian and the other 3 people, at least she believes that they will have nothing to do until Ye Luo solves the two Dongfang stars.

"Dongfang Killing Sky moves faster than us, and it is not easy to avoid him." Sitting on Qin Xin reminded.

"Hey, you don't have to avoid him all the time, just postpone for some time." Po Lang Chengfeng smiled and said: "We postpone for a while and Ye Luo should be able to kill the Eastern Stars, and even Ye Luo will return. You can use the [Space Portal] to teleport us over, so that the 5 of us will join forces to deal with Eastern Stars and others, and it will be easier to solve them."

"Well, this is also true." Sitting on Qin Xin nodded, she no longer worried about this problem.

When they said this, Ye Luo was not far away from Dongfang Xiaotian. After seeing that Ye Luo was not far away, the latter decisively used the displacement skill and then used [Charge]. The appearance of Ye Luo hitting his hands.

Ye Luo didn’t care much, he was ready to use [Charge] interception, and even prepared to intercept Dongfang Qitian and others. For example, he was ready to perform [Domain Shattered]-in Ye Luo’s heart, if It is also very good to be able to force them to use invincible means to force the East to kill the sky.

However, at this moment, Dongfang Killing Tian, ​​who had been behind Dongfang Xiaotian, suddenly accelerated and then used a displacement skill. What made Ye Luo and others wonder that he did not bypass Ye Luo, but directly returned to Ye Luo, even Cast [Charge] on Ye Luo.

As for Dongfang Zhantian and Dongfang Mingmu, they bypassed Ye Luo, and then rushed towards the fireworks and others at the fastest speed.

If it's just Dongfang Zhantian and Dongfang Mingmu, the Dongfang star also suddenly changed direction, and she also went directly to Po Lang Chengfeng and the others, so that only Dongfang Killing Heaven was left to deal with Ye Luo.

As for Dongfang Xiaotian, because he used [Charge], and then collided with Ye Luo, but after completing the collision with Ye Luo, he also changed direction and rushed straight to the waves and the wind and others.

"Hey, what kind of tactics are they planning to let Dongfang Jitian entangle Ye Luo alone?" After seeing the changes on Ye Luo's side, the waves and the wind were quite suspicious, and when she said these, a smile was raised on her mouth. Meaning: "Although Dongfang Killing Heaven is very powerful and even possesses 4 pieces of national equipment, after Ye Luo thought of the previous countermeasures, he didn't necessarily have much advantage over Shang Yeluo, and it might even be out of luck. Was killed by Ye Luo."

Before sitting on Qin Xin and the others, she continued: "Even if Ye Luo falls into a disadvantage because of his equipment level or something, he won't be able to decide the outcome for a while against Dongfang Killing Heaven, and the four of us But the strength of is obviously much better than Dongfang Xiaotian and the other four. We can definitely solve it before Ye Luo decides the victory, and then we can support Ye Luo, and then we can naturally win the victory easily."

"The Oriental star probably wants to use the [Space Teleportation Array] of the Oriental Eyes to teleport the Eastern Killing Sky and they will deal with 5 of us and 4 of us." Sitting on Qin's heart, she nodded when she saw the fireworks, she continued: "And Although Ye Luo has a [Space Portal], the four of us do not, and under the interception of Dongfang Jitian and others, we may not have the opportunity to be teleported by Ye Luo, and once we are trapped, we will definitely Was killed, so we were downsizing."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "And if we don't let Ye Luo teleport away, then the 4 of us will fall into the wind when we meet with 5 of them, and it will take 10 seconds for Ye Luo to lock us and teleport. Maybe so For a long time..."

"Hey, in 10 seconds, Dongfang Jitian and they have no chance to reduce our staff." Po Lang Chengfeng confidently said: "And during this period, we can also force Dongfang Jitian and others assassins. Next, Ye Luo Re-locking us to transmit and join the battle will definitely give us a great advantage, so we still have a great chance of winning in the end."

Hearing this, sitting on Qin Xin nodded, she was also quite confident about it, and then no longer worried about this issue.

The facts are just as Brawling Riding the Wind thought. Dongfang Killing Sky’s equipment level is a bit better than Ye Luo. The two can’t tell the difference in a short period of time, but Ye Luo is not in a hurry, because he is breaking the waves in his heart. The 4 people such as Chengfeng have a great advantage against the 4 people such as Dongfang Xiaotian. Even if they can't end the battle in a short time, they can solve their opponents and support them, so they still have a great deal of support. Odds of winning.

Although the [Dragon God * Mirror Cage] was not used, Eastern Killing Heaven had the upper hand over Ye Luo. Of course, this was mainly because Ye Luo and Po Lang Chengfeng did not use the clone skill, and once they were used, the situation would be slightly worse. Reversal-Ye Luo's reincarnation clone still has some advantages over the dragon **** clone of the East Killing Heaven.

Dongfang Tiantian naturally knew that his clone system was slightly weaker than Ye Luo, but he decisively used [Dragon God Clone], and Ye Luo hesitated a little, but soon he made up his mind and performed [Reincarnation Clone] Of course, he also controlled the avatar to decisively display [Reincarnation * Six Shields], and then various skills covering attacks. For a time, Ye Luo and Dongfang Killing had to use invincible means to deal with it.

It's just that the Dragon God clone does not have invincible skills, so at this point Dongfang Killing Heaven is slightly at a disadvantage, but it can easily deal with it with other advantages.

During the battle between Ye Luo and Dongfang Xiaotian, Dongfang Star and others finally met with Po Lang Chengfeng and others, and the battle was about to start. As Po Lang Chengfeng said, they generally had some advantages. Give them some time to bring Dongfang Xiaotian. There is no problem at all when waiting for people to kill them all.

However, Dongfang Xiaotian and the others were not so worried. Under the order of the Dongfang star, they decisively used the clone skill, and even used the ordinary [Clone]. At a time, dozens of clones were pressed up, and this changed more or less. In some situations, even if a team continues to break the waves and ride the wind like this, they have to use some means, such as invincible skills, such as clone skills or something.

Originally wanted to use the clone skill, but the firework is easy to cool to prevent everyone, but let the waves and wind and the setting sun continue to attack. At the same time, she also asked to sit on the heart of the piano and use [Disperse] support at any time. Dispel their negative state by breaking the waves and riding the wind.

Po Lang Cheng Feng and others are also smart people. Soon they understood why the fireworks Yi Leng ordered like this-she was worried that the East Killing Sky would be sent over and then cast [Dragon God * Mirror Cage], especially their clones were all After killing, it is very likely that their bodies will be trapped in the mirror cage, which will be extremely disadvantageous to the waves and wind riders.

Although the attack power has been greatly improved due to the many clone skills being used on the opposite side, even under the entanglement of the Eastern Zhantian and the Eastern Xiaotian, there is no chance to use some skills that need to be charged, but behind them Her fireworks are easy to be cold, and she can attack boldly while sitting on the piano heart, especially the fireworks are easy to be cold. After all, her attack distance is so long, there is no need to worry about being attacked by those clones, let alone being controlled.

Since there is no need to worry about these, fireworks can be attacked unscrupulously when they are easy to be cold. Under the action of [Split Arrow], she can attack many targets. Although her attack power is not as good as that of Ye Luo, Po Lang Cheng Feng, etc., but used to There is still no big problem to clean up those clones. What's more, there are control effects such as ice and deceleration in her attacks, which can more or less relieve the pressure of breaking the waves, riding the wind and setting the sun.

The most important thing is that their equipment level is much stronger than that of the opponents. Even if they face so many clones, they can persist for some time, but as time goes by, their pressure will be less and less, after all. Under the attack of the fireworks and the heart of the piano, the Oriental stars and their clones are getting fewer and fewer, and it won't take long to clear all those clones.

At this time, Dongfang Xiaotian and the others have a slight advantage because of the clones. If they don't have the clones, they will definitely be at a disadvantage when they face the waves and ride the wind, especially the demon Wuzun who sits on the heart of the piano and restrains the Oriental star. .

The Eastern Stars were also aware of this, but they didn't worry about anything. At this time, Dongfang Mingmu used the [Space Portal], and what she wanted to transmit was naturally Dongfang Tiantian who had been entangled with Ye Luo.

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