VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3209: : 5V5 defeated

In the 5V5 battle, the Luck of the Misty Pavilion team was too bad, because the two main forces, such as so many clones, breaking the waves and riding the wind in the phantom, and the easy cold fireworks, were trapped by the [Dragon God * Mirror Cage], which made Ye Luo and the others are at a great disadvantage, and even Ye Luo can't reverse the situation.

The fact is also true. Ye Luo finally rushed back after more than 10 seconds, but at this time Dongfang Xiaotian and Dongfang Zhantian directly greeted them. Although the strength of these two people is not as good as Ye Luo, especially Dongfang Zhantian, Ye It will take a long time for Luo to defeat Dongfang Xiaotian, not to mention that Dongfang Zhantian is also a very good master. With one-to-two, Ye Luo will take a long time to solve it even if it does not fall into the wind. They couldn't wait so long for the sunset and sitting on the piano.

Within 10 seconds of Ye Luo's arrival, sitting on Qinxin and Changhe Sunset had to use invincible means to deal with them all the time, and for so long, they had already used 2 invincible means. At this time, there were not many invincible skills left. .

Dongfang kills the sky to chase and sits on the heart of Qin, Dongfang Zhantian and Dongfang Xiaotian face Ye Luo, while the Dongfang star deals with the sunset in the river, and Dongfang Mingmu responds from it, which makes the situation of Ye Luo and the others very difficult.

Think about it, too, in the single-vs single, Changhe Sunset is still invincible against Eastern Stars, not to mention Dongfang Mingmu's support. The most troublesome thing is that once Changhe Sunset’s invincible means are exhausted, then face the powerful Dongfang with powerful control. It will be easy for a star to control it and even kill it.

Changhe Sunset naturally knows this, so he is trying to cope with the joint attack of Dongfang Star and Dongfang Mingmu while moving closer to Ye Luo. After all, after the two in his heart join hands, he will be more relaxed, and he will have a chance to persist for more than 50 seconds. At that time, you can get rid of the mirror cage and join the battle by breaking the waves and riding the wind and fireworks are easy to cold.

It’s just that at this time Dongfang Zhantian, Dongfang Xiaotian and others have each used their clone skills, and Dongfang Killing has displayed [Dragon God*All members copy]. For a while, Ye Luo's pressure was even greater, and Under the double countercharge, Ye Luo and Changhe Sunset not only couldn't get close, but also had to use invincible means, so Ye Luo's consumption gradually increased.

The invincible means of sitting on the piano's heart disappeared first. Faced with the attack of Eastern Killing Sky and her own clones, even if she was wearing the [Magic Guardian Shield], she couldn’t bear it, especially the rate of mana consumption was very high. Soon her magic would be lost. Cleared, so even if she is not killed, she can't help much.

Facing such a situation, sitting on Qin Xin felt a little desperate, especially seeing Ye Luo and Changhe sunset also at a disadvantage, even if Ye Luo's major reincarnation clones finally arrived and joined the war not long after.

That’s right, Ye Luo’s clones finally rushed back, but these clones had previously used [Reincarnation*Six Shields], although each clone was stronger than the clones of Dongfang Xiaotian, Dongfang Zhantian and others. However, Dongfang Xiaotian can’t hold back the large number of clones on their side. After all, Oriental Stars and even Oriental Eyes have also used clone skills, not to mention that Oriental Killing Sky has also used [Dragon God*All Members Copy] and then copied clones are more than ordinary clones. Even stronger-as for the fireworks are easy to cold and the clone sitting on the piano heart has long been submerged in various group attack skills.

[Dragon God * Mirror Cage] Although the cloned clones can't perform skills like the clones of the Dragon God clone, but the damage suffered by these clones is only 100%, which is much better than the clone system skills in this regard.

In a word, Ye Luo and the others have a great disadvantage at this time.

Soon after sitting on Qin Xin’s Qi Serum Zero, and she was directly eliminated even if she was in the state of [Resurrection Prophecy], because of the additional skill [Falling Wings] of the Eastern Killing Sky-[Fallen* Swallowing] 】Can ignore any resurrection skills, buff can directly kill the target.

After solving the problem of sitting on the heart of the piano, Dongfang Tiantian rushed back to Ye Luo and the others at the fastest speed. At this time, the Changhe Sunset had also consumed all the invincible means and the blood began to decline rapidly, with his defense and Qi and blood may persist for less than 20 seconds at all, and at this time, it is only 30 seconds away from breaking the waves and riding the wind, and the fireworks are easily cold and trapped, which means that he can't insist on breaking the waves and riding the wind.

As for Ye Luo, although his situation is better, it is only slightly better. Facing the joint attacks of Dongfang Xiaotian and Dongfang Zhantian, especially there are so many clone attacks, plus the Dongfang star from time to time [ Demon Mist] Such a group control skill, he also had to use invincible means to deal with it, because he knew that once he was controlled, he would undoubtedly die.

However, Ye Luo also knew that he was killed when sitting on Qin Xin, and the sunset over Long River could not last long, especially Dongfang Killing Tian came to this side after solving the problem of sitting on Qin Xin. In this case, this 5V5 chance of winning It's already infinitely low.

The fact is also true. Soon Dongfang Kill Tian rushed back, and at this time, the blood of the sunset in Changhe was already less than half, and Ye Luo's invincible methods were also consumed in seven and eighty-eight.

At this time, Ye Luo can also choose to withdraw. After all, with his mobility, only Dongfang Tiantian can catch up, but he knows that doing so is just delaying time. The most important thing is that he knows Dongfang Tiantian is not always possible. Will chase him, but stay and prepare to deal with breaking waves and wind, fireworks are easy to cold, especially close to the fireworks are easy to cold, after solving it, then solve the breaking waves and wind, so Ye Luo is still unavoidable to be killed, doing this to Ye Luo It makes no sense at all.

Even though he knew this, Ye Luo did not give up his last hope. He fought hard, and after 10 seconds, Changhe Sunset was finally killed by Dongfang Tiantian who was driven back. This means that Changhe Sunset’s [Resurrection Prophecy] also Killed without any effect.

"Ye Luo, surrender, we will come again in the next game." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and she disappeared directly on the ring, even if the mirror cage had not disappeared, it was obvious that she had directly surrendered.

Although quite unwilling in her heart, Po Lang Chengfeng also knew that they had no chance to reverse the situation at this time, so she had only the number of people, and then Ye Luo, and then everyone gathered together, their expressions were a bit solemn.

"Do you want to be depressed, now our score is 5 to 5, whichever side wins in the next 10V10 will be able to win the team championship." Samadhi comforted: "10V10 we have a great chance of winning, and The reason why you were defeated in the previous 5V5 is not very clear about the [Space Interference] of Oriental Eyes. The most important thing is that your luck is too bad, because even if any one of the fireworks and the wind sister is not trapped by the mirror cage, you can still be in a small number of people. Hold for 1 minute under the circumstances, and then the people who are in the mirror cage will join the battle again, because the trapped players still retain a lot of means, which may increase our chances of winning."

"Yeah, that's right." Midnight Shu took over the conversation, and then he sneered: "We had more people in 10V10. The use of clone skills means that there are more clones, plus I already know [Space Interference] 】, our chances of winning will be improved a lot, even more than 90% at least. I don’t believe that this time the old sister and the fireworks will be trapped."

"Yeah, that's right." Ye Luo nodded, and then she looked at the fireworks and was easily cold: "Fireworks, let's make tactics, how are we going to meet the enemy next."

Knowing that the next game will be the decisive game, everyone looks at the fireworks and it is easy to get cold, and the latter obviously thought of a countermeasure when he was trapped in the mirror cage before. She directly said: "It is still to let Ye Luo rushed to Dongfang Tiantian and the others, and then he entangled the opponents as much as possible and consumed them."

"The same tactics as before?!" After hearing the words that the fireworks are easy to get cold, the sound of breaking the waves and riding the wind increased by a few points: "We lost before, how can we do this? What if we..."

"Before it was 5V5, but this time it was 10V10. Except for Ye Luo and Dongfang Killing the sky, the other nine of us have a greater advantage." Fireworks Yi said coldly: "The most important thing is that even if Ye Luo can't come back, we still have 9 people, when we saw the [Dragon God * Mirror Cage] by the East Killing Sky, we immediately used the clone skill and the [Eight Shadow Clone]. In this case, we may be trapped in the mirror cage very small, at least I Sister Hefeng’s chances of being trapped will be much smaller."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "The most important thing is that we already know the effect of [Space Interference], and Ye Luo will not rashly display [Space Portal]. He can end the effect of [Space Interference]. We will use it later, and with our strength, there is no problem even if the 10 people of the East Killing the Sky persist for 5 seconds, so we still have a great chance of winning."

That’s right, if Ye Luo had already known [Space Interference] before and cast [Space Portal] after the effect of this skill was over, then sitting on the heart of Qin in an invincible state and Changhe sunset would not be killed, they Dake went in circles with the East Killing the Sky and they waited until the mirror cage was about to disappear before meeting with the waves and the wind, and the fireworks are easy to cold. In this case, they still have a great chance of winning.

But now that he knows the effect of [Space Interference], Ye Luo will naturally not make such a mistake again. Next, he can use [Space Portal] to gather people together, and then 10 to 10, with their They still have a great chance of winning in terms of their overall strength. As the samādhi poem said before, they have at least a ninety-nine percent chance of winning-except that the strength of the East Killing Heaven is slightly stronger than Ye Luo. Waiting for the people to compare is a bit worse. Overall, the advantage of the Mengmenge team is greater, and it is a lot bigger. The frontal battle is naturally that Ye Luo and their odds of winning are higher.

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