VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3215: : Not yet merged

Almost high-level equipment has additional skills, and most of them even have 2 additional skills, and the reason why it is said is almost because the [Blade of Reincarnation] is an exception, even after it has been upgraded to the ancient holy level, it still has no additional skills. And because of these Ye Luo they had doubted before—in Ye Luo and their hearts, [Blade of Reincarnation] was the only spiritual weapon without additional skills, which was enough to make them wonder.

However, the appearance of [Universal Epistar] seems to be tailor-made for [Blade of Reincarnation], because one of the limitations of using [Universal Epistar] is that one of the two fused equipment cannot have additional skills.

In fact, Ye Luo hasn't used the [Blade of Reincarnation] much since acquiring [Ghanjiang], because the former has better attributes and additional skills than the latter. The most important thing is that Ye Luo is more accustomed to two different lengths. The weapon, that is to say, a long sword and a dagger in one hand. Since [Ghanjiang] is better than [Blade of Reincarnation] in all aspects, he is naturally more inclined to use [Ghanjiang], not to mention [Ghanjiang] and Polang Riding Wind The [Moxie] can also trigger the effect of [Ghanjiang*Moxie].

It’s just that [Blade of Reincarnation] is a little wasted. After all, many attributes of this weapon are what Ye Luo is optimistic about, such as additional reincarnation attribute damage, such as higher damage crit and splash, bloodsucking effects. Of course, the most important thing is that the attack interval of [Blade of Reincarnation] is only 1.8 seconds, and the fast attack speed also allows Ye Luo to have a lot of advantages in battle.

However, if the [Blade of Reincarnation] can be integrated with [Ghanjiang] and the attributes and additional characteristics are superimposed together, it will be more perfect. Even as the firework Yi cold said, the effect of [Universal Epistar] is much more precious than the national weapon.

That’s right, [Blade of Reincarnation] was originally a very powerful weapon, and [Ghanjiang] is even more so. The combination of the two is not as simple as one plus one, but a powerful weapon comparable to Yeluo. This will greatly increase his strength, and even improve the effect even higher than updating a piece of national equipment.

Everyone is smart, and they quickly realized this under the reminder that the fireworks are easy to be cold, and they all became excited for a while.

"Hee hee, doesn't this mean that after the fusion of [Ghanjiang] and [Blade of Reincarnation], the equipment level of Brother Ye will surpass the current Eastern Killing Heaven?!" Zhiyue took the stubbornly, and when she said this, her pretty face was full It was a smile: "So it will be easier for Brother Ye to beat him anymore."

"Yeah, that's right." Firework Yi was cold and nodded. Without waiting for everyone to speak, she changed her tone: "Of course, the premise is that the high-grade national equipment awarded to Dongfang Killing the Sky is not what he can equip, otherwise the level of equipment is only I'm afraid it is still inferior to Dongfang Tiantian."

In response, everyone nodded their heads, but they knew that this was not because [Blade of Reincarnation] and [Ghanjiang] were not strong enough after fusion, but that there are 4 national artifacts in the Eastern family now. If you equip one more high-grade national weapon , Then it is not the two pieces of equipment that can be matched together.

"The luck of Dongfang Tiantian should not be so good." Black and white chess said, while she looked at June Feixue: "Before the system announced the reminder that Dongfang Tiantian won the championship, he must have already drawn a lottery, Fei Xue, find out what type of national weapon he has drawn and if he can equip it."

That’s right, when Ye Luo and the others were discussing [Qiankun Jingyuan], the system announced that Dongfang Tiantian had won the championship of this tournament, and the rewards he received were more generous, even more generous than Ye Luo’s, such as There are only 1500 points for all attribute points. Naturally, there are ordinary and rare scrolls such as [Group Blessing Scrolls], and the number is more than Yeluo's.

In addition to these, there is [Devil God Crystal Soul]. Of course, the most important thing is that he can draw three prizes, and for the first time he will definitely be able to draw a high-grade national weapon. Everyone is still a little worried about this. After all, if the Dongfang kills The high-grade national equipment obtained by the sky is what he can equip, so he is almost invincible at the level of equipment.

Soon June Feixue inquired about the news, not to know Yue and others to inquire, she directly said: "The high-grade national artifact obtained by the Eastern Killing of Heaven is a magic ball, yes, it is a magic ball. I gave it to the Oriental Pearl. After the high-grade national magic ball, the strength of Oriental Pearl Tower has been greatly improved. I am afraid that her equipment level will surpass mine now. Fortunately, she is an ice dragon magician, and her control power has improved after the high-grade national weapon is equipped. Many, but damage output alone is still not as good as me."

Hearing June Feixue's words, everyone was a little relieved. In their hearts, as long as Dongfang Killing the sky equipped with another national weapon, they would be able to accept it, and this was the best result for them-Oriental Pearl Tower. The improvement of the strength of the Chinese server will increase the strength of the Zhongfu a lot, but it is not that Dongfang Tiantian is equipped with a national weapon, which means that Ye Luo still has a chance to defeat him.

"Hee hee, as long as it is not something that Eastern Killing Sky can equip, then Brother Ye will combine [Ghanjiang] and [Samsara Blade] together to achieve a higher level of equipment, and it will be easier to defeat him. "Zhiyue said, and then she urged Ye Luo to use [Universal Epistar] quickly.

However, Ye Luo shook his head and said, "I am not going to merge [Ghanjiang] and [Blade of Reincarnation] now..."

"Why?!" Zhiyue blurted out: "Do you have any other equipment you want to integrate with Brother Ye?"

"It should not be, but because [Blade of Reincarnation] can continue to improve the rank." Samadhi Shi answered on her behalf. Seeing Zhiyue thoughtfully, she nodded and said: "Yes, we all read about According to the introduction of [Cosmic Epistar], the system specifically reminds that the level of the fused spirit artifacts cannot be upgraded, and now [Blade of Reincarnation] is only an ancient saint level, you can upgrade after level 360, and the overall attributes will be further improved. Upgrade, at that time its rank should be stronger than ordinary Demon God-level equipment."

That’s right, the [Blade of Reincarnation] is only at the level of spirit weapons, but as we all know, equipment at the level of spiritual weapons is much better than equipment of the same level, and even slightly better than equipment one level higher, which is why there are more players I like the spirit weapon.

"Yes, the [Blade of Reincarnation] can continue to improve its rank. If you merge with [Ghanjiang] now, it will no longer be able to raise its rank. This level is too bad." Ye Luo said: "And in [Reincarnation] Blade] is upgraded to the highest rank and then merged with [Ghan Jiang] will undoubtedly maximize the weapon's attributes after fusion.

"That's it, but you and I are only about level 350, and the distance to level 360 is only about level 10. Although it is only about level 10, it takes one or two months or more to reach it. Is this time too long?" Six Yue Feixue frowned slightly.

"In order to maximize Ye Luo's strength, it's worth waiting a little longer." Fireworks Yi said indifferently: "What's more, Ye Luo's current equipment level is already very good, especially after this tournament. The level must have improved very well again, so there is no need to rush to merge [Gan Jiang] and [Blade of Reincarnation] together."

"Yes, it is more important to make the most of [Qiankun Jingyuan]." Samadhi nodded.

Seeing that Ye Luo and fireworks are easy to be cold, they all said this, and June Feixue did not persuade them anymore. They were about to ask Ye Luo which equipment was upgraded and which skill had been strengthened. Suddenly, there was the Eastern Family. There was a burst of laughter, which made Ye Luo and the others puzzled.

"Could it be that Dongfang Killing Tian they got another national weapon?" June Feixue guessed. When she said this, her brows frowned slightly.

Think about it, even though the system prompts that Eastern Killing Day will get top-grade national equipment in the first draw, but it doesn’t say that the next two draws will not get national equipment. In addition, after winning the championship in the competition, the brain system will reward you. Some Devil-level treasure chests in the East Killing the Sky, it is not impossible to open a Chinese weapon from the treasure chest.

If this is the case, then it is worthy of everyone's attention, and when June Feixue was talking about this, he did not forget to send someone to inquire, but he quickly got the news-Dongfang Tiantian did not acquire another kingdom. However, Dongfang Killing Sky got a quick [Devil God Crystal Soul].

"What, Eastern Killing Sky got a piece of [Devil God Crystal Soul]?!" After hearing this news, the voice of Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind increased a little: "The system has already rewarded him with a piece of [Devil God Crystal Soul] before, but I didn’t expect to get another one. , Plus they already had two celestial beasts before, wouldn’t there be four celestial beasts now?"

[Demon God Crystal Soul] Now it is almost the most precious item besides the national weapon. After all, the powerful people of the **** beast have seen it, especially in the ever-increasing national wars and large-scale team battles. The celestial beast of the body is even more like a slaughter tool, and it is precisely because of this that I thought of this, so when I saw the East Killing Heaven, I got another piece of [Devil God Crystal Soul], so the talents of the Eastern family would be so excited.

"As for being so excited, isn't it just a piece of [Demon God Crystal Soul]." Zhiyue couldn't help but muttered: "We have far more celestial beasts than them, not to mention that we will win the team championship. "Devil God Crystal Soul" should also be included in the rewards, so our deity beasts are even more than them."

Of course, anyone can hear the sourness in Zhiyue's words, but they don't care much about it, and they look forward to the rewards for the team championship.

However, it will take some time, because before the championship, other teams were rewarded. In the end, it is Ye Luo's turn. They can only clean up their emotions and wait patiently.

"Ye Luo, which piece of equipment has been upgraded after you won the runner-up in the individual competition? It should be the [Elemental Shield], after all, this is the only one of you that has not been promoted to the Demon God level except for the spirit weapon." Shang Qin Xin asked, after a short pause, she continued: "Which other skill has been strengthened?"

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