VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3218: : Use on Demon God

That's right, although the performances of the Misty Pavilion and the Oriental Family in this tournament are quite dazzling and they have received very generous rewards, the Japanese service party alliance has also received a lot of rewards because of more players and teams participating in the tournament. , Especially the number of [Group Blessing Scrolls] obtained is very large, at least not less than the one obtained by the Chinese server. In this case, forcibly attacking Hongyan City will naturally be detrimental to the Chinese server’s alliance, even if Ye Luo and the others have the [God Descending] Scroll] The same is true.

Hearing this, everyone was silent, and they naturally knew that a god-level rare scroll was not enough to completely determine the battle. They were more or less disappointed when they thought of this.

"The most important thing is that there will be a 30-minute period of weakness after using the [God Descending Scroll], which is almost fatal to us." The fireworks are easy to be cold and continue: "If Tokyo Mythology they seize this opportunity, Then we will be very troublesome, and there may even be heavy casualties."

Hearing that, everyone is also aware of the drawbacks of using the [God Descending Scroll]. The 30-minute weak state is almost fatal to them. During this period, it is very likely that they will be countered by the Tokyo Mythology and then be occupied by the gang’s resident or even destroyed. A [Battlestar], even Ye Luo and the others may be killed, so it is not worthwhile.

"So that [the Scroll of the Gods Advent] is a tasteless one, it's of no use to us?" Po Lang Chengfeng couldn't help but said: "After all, once we use it, we will fall into a 30-minute period of weakness, and once Tokyo Mythology they take the opportunity Do it to us then we will be in trouble."

"No, this is a very precious prop, and even more precious than national artifacts under certain circumstances." Yi Leng Yi Leng shook her head, and seeing the puzzled look of Po Lang Cheng Feng and others, she explained: "This Scrolls need to be used. For example, when we use them when dealing with powerful bosses, especially when dealing with the top ten demon-level bosses, the effect is extraordinary."

Hearing this, the beautiful eyes of Polangchengfeng shining brightly, she nodded repeatedly, and said: "Yes, that's right, it couldn't be better to use it when dealing with the top ten demon gods, hey, it is no exaggeration to use the [God descending scroll] 】After that, we will definitely be able to kill one of the top ten demon gods, because the characteristics of ignoring defense and ignoring Miss are completely aimed at this kind of BOSS, that is to say, it is the best to use this scroll against the ten demon gods."

The top ten demon gods are so powerful not only because of their powerful strength and high attack power, but also because of their level and level suppression. It is difficult for players to attack them and Miss often appears, even if Yeluo is the best. The same is true for the state of awakening skills with big moves and combination equipment. Even hits can cause limited damage due to the high defense of the BOSS. This is an important reason why it is difficult for players to kill BOSS of this level.

However, the state of descending against the gods is different, because the player simply ignores the defense of the BOSS and the attack will not appear Miss. With Ye Luo and their strength for 10 minutes, the state is enough to kill the existence of the top ten demon gods. , It can even be killed with almost no suspense.

Killing the BOSS of the top ten demon gods, or one of the top ten demon gods, the explosion is extremely rich, and there must even be a national weapon. For example, after the ninth demon **** was killed, several national artifacts and other things were exploded Powerful equipment and props. If Ye Luo and the others have a chance to kill one of the ten great demon gods alone, the harvest will be extremely rich and their strength will be greatly improved.

It is precisely because of this that I am so excited about breaking the waves and riding the wind.

"Yes, the [God Descending Scroll] is completely a powerful prop for the top ten demon gods. After using it, it will definitely kill the top ten demon gods. At least the next ten demon gods will definitely be killed." Samadhi nodded: "That is to say, if we can obtain the explosions of the top ten demon gods alone, the items will definitely be very rich, and there will certainly be national weapons."

At this time everyone thought of this, and they also realized the preciousness of the [God Coming] scroll, and they were all excited for a while.

"Hey, it seems that our most important task next is to find one of the top ten demon gods." Po Lang Chengfeng Road, when she said these, her pretty face was full of expectation: "Tsk tsk, surely we can get the national weapon, and There are various other precious explosions, our strength will be greatly improved as a result, and then we will have no problems with the Eastern Killing of the Sky, Tokyo Mythology, and even then we will have a great opportunity to fight Hong Kong. The Rock City breached and destroyed all of the [Battle Fortress] in it."

"It also depends on what equipment and props we will get after killing the top ten demon gods. If it is a national weapon that Ye Luo or Sister Feng can equip, then it is not without a chance." Firework Yi said coldly, and then said in a cold tone. Turn: "Of course, if we can consume more of the enemy alliance before this [Group Blessing Scroll], then we have a better chance, and even if we don't hunt down the top ten demon gods, we have a chance."

"Yes, that's right." In the middle of the night, Shu Shu nodded his head hurriedly, and while speaking, he looked at everyone: "Although the enemy alliance has also gained a lot of benefits in this tournament, even the number of [Group Blessing Scrolls] Our alliance has gained a lot, but the improvement of their top combat power is obviously weaker than ours. For example, Big Brother Ye, Eastern Killing Sky, and Old Sister have all been greatly improved because of the generous rewards. If we Then follow the previous tactics to harass the gang of the enemy alliance, the efficiency will be very high, and it will definitely consume some of them [Group Blessing Scroll]."

"Even we can capture some of their gang sites and get more [Group Blessing Scrolls]. One trades the other. We must have a great chance to break Hongyan City and defeat the enemy alliance. "Midnight Book added.

That's right, Ye Luo, Po Lang Cheng Feng and others have improved their strength very well in this tournament. In particular, Ye Luo not only won a lot of rewards for all attribute points, but also 2 pieces of equipment have been improved. The rank and 2 skills have been strengthened, which will make him more efficient in single-player consumption. Tokyo Mythology is very difficult for them to block. In this case, it will naturally be easier to consume the enemy’s [Group Blessing Scroll] and Occupy the gang resident of the enemy alliance and obtain the [Group Blessing Scroll]. The advantage of the one party alliance will become greater and greater. Naturally, there will be a great opportunity to break Hongyan City and then [Space Fortress]. Destroyed in many ways.

In this regard, everyone was deeply convinced, and even in the following June, Feixue began to destroy the fireworks and quickly took action.

"It's not in a hurry, because we still have to open treasure chests or something. Of course, we also have to see what equipment we have upgraded and which skills have been enhanced. After we figure this out, it will not be too late for us to act." The fireworks are easy to be indifferent. Tao, and this also reminds everyone of the rewards of team competition champions.

The next eighth is responsible for opening the treasure chest, and during this period, Ye Luo checked that his equipment had been upgraded. After all, after the [Elemental Shield] was upgraded to the Demon God level, his equipment was in addition to spirit weapons, national weapons, and those special equipment. They were all upgraded to the Demon God level, so he was naturally curious about which piece of equipment was upgraded. Ye Luo was curious that the Demon God level equipment would become citizen-level equipment after it was upgraded.

But Ye Luo was quickly disappointed, because the equipment he used to upgrade his rank was not those demon-level equipment, nor was it a national weapon, but a special piece of equipment:

[Magic Flame Arrow] (Special Equipment-Demon God Level)

Item introduction: An arrow feather with peculiar power can be used as long as it is placed in the backpack. When the player attacks, it can automatically come to the bow and arrow and attack the target to cause higher damage and some negative effects on it.

Inflict damage: randomly inflict 100,000 to 250,000 points of damage to the target. The higher the damage, the lower the chance of triggering. This is pure damage, regardless of any defense, and the magic flame arrow contains 20,000 dark attributes and 20,000 ignition Attribute damage.

Attack distance: 1 meter-50 meters.

Attack interval: 30 seconds.

Additional feature 1: This arrow feather does not require a specific equipment groove, it can be used as long as it is placed in the backpack, and after binding the target, it will not burst, cannot be traded, or damaged.

Additional feature 2: The arrow feather hits the locked target 100%, even if the target is invisible in the middle, it cannot be dodged.

Additional feature 3: The target being shot will be burned by the flame, losing 5000 points of damage per second for 5 seconds, and in the case of the dark attribute invasion, the target's defense power will be reduced by 30%, and the damage received will be increased by 30%. The damage lasts for 10 seconds. This feature cannot be superimposed. This feature can be triggered regardless of the wearer's attributes.

Additional feature 4: If the arrow feathers automatically come to the bow and arrow when attacking, it does not affect the splitting of energy arrows. The energy arrows fired contain 20,000 dark attributes and 20,000 ignition attribute damage, and the damage bonus of energy arrows is increased by 10% .

Additional feature 5: When attacking the target, there is a 10% chance of triggering the "Magic Flame Burning" feature. After triggering this feature, the magic flame can be ignited 25 meters from the center of the hitter, and the hostile target caught in it will be burned by the magic flame and then lost beautifully. 50000 points of vitality, defense power reduced by 30%, the magic flame can be maintained for 5 seconds.

Restrictions on use: Only players equipped with bows and arrows can use them, and each player can only have one feather of the arrow.

Long-lasting equipment: Arrow feathers can absorb the aura of heaven and earth by themselves and restore lasting.

Requires level: 280 level seven rank archer players can use it.

"Unexpectedly, the [Devil Flame Arrow] will be upgraded again. I also want to see what other Demon God-level equipment will become after upgrading." Ye Luo said in his heart, but soon his tone changed: "No upgrade. The [Devil Flame Arrow] after the level is also very good, the damage has increased a lot, and there is an additional feature of “Devil Flame Burning”. The most important thing is that the [Devil Flame Arrow] is already at the Demon God level. If there is an equipment upgrade reward, you should know what equipment is on top of the Demon God level equipment."

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