VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3225: : Behind the scenes

Ye Luo went offline less than a small bit of public opinion and turned into a verbal criticism of him. This is very abnormal. Obviously, someone was pushing behind to discredit him and even the misty pavilion. After June Feixue analyzed many comments, he became more convinced. At this point, it made the fireworks easy to get cold and angry. She bluntly found out which party was behind doing this and she would directly ask for an explanation for Ye Luo-although it was certain that someone was behind the incident, but at this time in June Feixue has not yet determined which force did it.

But at this time, the samādhi poem reluctantly said that the matter was very complicated, and it was not as easy as Po Lang Cheng Feng and others thought, because no one would admit it.

"We found evidence and want to arrest them for a current situation..." Po Lang Chengfeng said disapprovingly, but was interrupted before finishing speaking.

"Unless we find definitive evidence, no gang will recognize it." Samadhi was very sure, and she continued after a short pause: "It is almost impossible to find definitive evidence, because most gangs Hiring a navy army to do this, smart people do things without leaving any traces. It is almost impossible for us to find the exact people."

Hearing that, breaking the waves and riding the wind was silent, because she knew more or less about these, and for a while she was also a little helpless.

"Could it be that we just can't stop doing this?" Othello couldn't help but muttered: "Then how can we not let Ye Luo and even our Misty Pavilion be wronged."

"In fact, these can't make us feel wronged, after all, this kind of thing is very common, we just ignore it." Sitting on the piano heart warmly said: "The clear one is clear, and the uncle Bacchus also knows our situation. It’s just a matter of time to find out this and return us to our innocence."

"Huh, we can't just leave it like that." Po Lang Chengfeng Road, while talking about her, while looking at the fireworks is easy to be cold: "Fireworks, can you analyze which force is behind it? Although we can't find the exact However, it’s not impossible to trouble them in the future. At least we have to figure out which force is behind us, and we must guard against them in the future."

"There is no complete evidence that can not be very certain." Fireworks Yi said coldly, but before breaking the waves and riding the wind, she changed her tone: "However, some of the interests behind the relationship can be ruled out, such as Ouyang Family. For example, the Yinian family, such as the Yeyu family, such as the Heavenly Killing Organization."

"Isn't it because the Eastern aristocratic family is behind it?" Po Lang Chengfeng said in a puzzled manner: "It seems that the Eastern aristocratic family has a more serious hostile relationship with us, and they will discredit us behind the scenes."

"It is only the first step to discredit Ye Luo and our misty pavilion, and the second step will naturally intensify our hostile relationship with a certain gang. At present, these public opinions will cause our relationship with the Eastern family to deteriorate, and may even develop into a big Fighting, and this is not good for us and the Eastern family." The fireworks Yi Leng said single-handedly: "Since the Eastern family is also a victim, it is naturally not that they are behind the scenes."

"Oh, this is also true." Po Lang Ride the Wind suddenly, and then her beautiful eyes flashed with a cold light: "So it is very likely that it is the gangs of the Ouyang Family, the Heavenly Killing Organization, and the Yi Nian Family? But which one is exactly,? Can you analyze it?"

"The probability is the Yeyu family." Fireworks said coldly. Seeing everyone's puzzled look, she continued: "Although the relationship between Ouyang Family and the God Killing Organization is very bad with us, the overall strength of these two gangs is different from ours. Some are big, even if they discredit us and fight against the Eastern family, they have no chance to surpass us. Since there is no chance, then they have no meaning in doing so."

"Where is the Yinian family? Their strength is also very good..." Po Lang Chengfeng said, but was interrupted before finishing speaking.

"The previous strength of the Yi Nian family was still very good, but now it is going downhill very seriously, and even has a faint tendency to become the **** of the Ouyang family, so it is even more impossible to do such a thing." Samadhi Shi explained on her behalf, while talking about her. While looking at everyone: "Only the kind of gang that is not much different from our strength or has a good chance of surpassing us is more likely to do this kind of thing. Among so many gangs, I am afraid that only the Ye Yu family has such a motive."

"Yueyu Family..." Po Lang Chengfeng murmured. After a while, she nodded: "Well, yes, the strength of the Ye Yu family is very strong, and its strength has increased rapidly, and it has become the third gang of the Chinese server. However, they also know that we can’t shake the position of the Misty Pavilion and the Eastern aristocratic family, so they can only try to provoke our relationship and make us hostile and even fight.”

"Ye Yu Fei Fei's ambition is very big, and the performance is becoming more and more obvious, maybe she is really doing things behind her back." Po Lang Chengfeng added.

"But Ye Yu Fei Fei is also a smart person. She should know that we are not suitable for the outbreak of civil war under the current circumstances. After all, we are still surrounded by powerful enemies." Sitting on Qin Xin a little bit suspicious: "The most important thing is Ye Yu Fei's. The level of resourcefulness should also know that this kind of trick is difficult for us to fight with the Eastern family, so doing so does not make much sense to her, right."

"Although this method alone does not necessarily enable us to fight with the Eastern family, but it deteriorates slightly, no, it can be done to further deteriorate our relationship." Samadhi Shi continued: "And there are many such methods used. Now, the conflict between us and the Eastern family will become more and more intensified, and it is not impossible to fight in the end."

"This is a process of long-term planning, and Yufei Fei's intelligence and courage can also set a long-term game." Samadhi Shi added.

"Yes, it is not an overnight thing to want to surpass us with the strength of the Yeyu family. This matter takes a long time, so we need to make arrangements in advance, and the effect will be reflected after a long time." Fireworks Yi said coldly.

"But at this time it is a national war after all. If we fight with the Eastern family, wouldn't it give the enemy a chance to alliance, and if we and the Eastern family are defeated, then the Ye Yu family will not feel good." Othello thought of this question. : "Ye Yu Fei Fei is also a smart person, she should be able to think of these."

"If Ye Yu Fei Fei would not do this before, but the performance of our team with the Eastern Family in this competition is too dazzling, and the strength of our Chinese server has also been greatly improved. According to the current trend, look at us. It will not take too long to suppress the enemy alliance, and once the enemy alliance can be completely suppressed, the pressure on us from the outside world will be very small, and then it will turn into an internal contradiction." Fireworks Yi coldly said, and then she looked at it. To everyone: "I said before that this is a long-term situation. In addition, there is external pressure. We will not have conflicts with the Eastern family. However, once the external pressure decreases or disappears, there will be no restrictions and we will explode. The chance of fighting is great, especially when Ye Yu Fei has arranged so many to help the flames behind the scenes, the fisherman will naturally benefit from the Ye Yu family."

I saw Ye Yu Fei Fei’s ambition a long time ago. Now that I heard the analysis of fireworks and samādhi poems, everyone was a little sure that Ye Yu Fei Fei had contributed to the flames behind the scenes. Fai Fei's posture against Ye Yu.

"This is just an inference, and there is no definite evidence. In addition, it is the period of the national war, and we are not allowed to be in a mess." The samādhi stopped breaking the waves and riding the wind, and she looked a lot more solemn: "If this time we Rushing to the Ye Yu family will make people even more successful, and this will also cause public opinion to be even more unfavorable to us. Presumably Ye Yu Fei would be happy to see this."

Although I didn't want to admit it, Po Lang Chengfeng also knew that it was the period of the national war. Whoever caused the infighting first would undoubtedly become a sinner in the middle service. Thinking of these, she tried to restrain her emotions, but she couldn't swallow this breath.

"Then what are we going to do, will it be possible to watch Ye Yufei and the others do a ghost behind?" Po Lang Chengfeng said in an angry manner.

"At this time we should be more calm." Fireworks Yi said indifferently: "The Eastern star is a smart person. She should also be able to infer that someone is behind the scenes and can analyze what the purpose is. Then they will naturally restrain their people, so we The two sides will not break out too much conflict, at least not for a long time."

"The next thing we have to do is to work hard to improve our strength. For example, we do that serial task, such as doing everything possible to make Ye Luo the first place in the points of this month's'killing game' and then the national weapon." Fireworks Yi Leng continued. : "Of course, if Ye Luo can accumulate enough points to redeem the national weapons, the national weapons he can equip, even the low-grade national weapons, will make him much stronger, plus our strength will be much stronger, too. As long as you have enough strength to deal with all kinds of troubles, not only the enemy alliance, but also the internal gangs."

"Yes." Samadhi Shi took the stubborn words: "Once Ye Luo obtains one or two more national weapons that he can equip, then he is almost invincible, plus the strength of our misty pavilion has been improved very well. At that time, we will be able to ignore many conspiracies. Maybe even if the Eastern family breaks out with us, we can easily suppress it. Then, when we find opportunities, we will naturally hit the Ye Yu family."

"And all this requires strength, so we must continue to accumulate strength." Samadhi Shi added.

Hearing this, everyone nodded, they all agreed, including breaking the waves and riding the wind.

"The'killing game' system is an opportunity to greatly improve our strength, coupled with the serial missions we are doing now, these will greatly improve our strength, and the next thing is simple..." Fireworks are easy to cold Tao, and she was more like talking to herself when she said this.

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