VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3231: : The effect is beginning to show

After listening to the midnight book, the samādhi poems, sitting on the piano heart and others were a little worried, but Othello did not take it seriously, because in her heart Ye Luo was too gentle to be "bullyed", and now he is more hostile. Not bad.

However, sitting on Qin Xin's temper is as difficult to change as personality, and only if it is severely stimulated, she is naturally a little worried when she thinks that Ye Luo is likely to be stimulated.

"If the hostility is too heavy, it seems to have a great impact on the operation," said June Feixue. When she said this, her brows frowned slightly: "After all, the strength of a player has a lot to do with the level of operation, and the operation The level is also affected by emotions. The reason why Uncle Ye Luo was invincible before was because he was able to maintain absolute calm at any time. Now that he has such a change, can he remain calm?"

"I don't seem to worry about this, because although Big Brother Ye is more murderous and hostile than before, he is extremely calm during the battle, and the operation is as perfect as ever." Midnight Shu took the words, and his words made everyone a little relieved. But he didn't wait for everyone to say anything, his tone changed: "But it won't be a good thing for Big Brother Ye in the long run, at least it won't be so easy for us to get along with him as before."

Hearing that, everyone was silent, they naturally liked Ye Luo before, and after thinking of this question, their expressions became a little more solemn.

"But what does Ye Luo have?" Black and White Chess said, while looking at everyone: "And how are we going to help him?"

Originally, I just asked casually, but I didn't want the fireworks to say coldly: "It should be able to untie his heart knot by destroying the Eastern family."

"What, destroy the Dongfang Family?!" After hearing these words, the Po Lang Chengfeng, who had just rushed back, raised her voice a little bit, but she nodded quickly, and then looked forward with an expectant look: "I am early. I just want to do this, but is it a bit inappropriate now?"

Even Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind think that it is not appropriate to do this now, not to mention that samādhi and fireworks are easy to be cold. For a time they tangled up and failed to make a decision for a long time, and then they could only focus on the fireworks. The meaning of Yi Leng's body is self-evident.

"Naturally, we can't do anything to the Eastern family now, but after completely suppressing the enemy alliance." Fireworks Yi said indifferently. Seeing everyone's worried look, she continued: "But don't you need to worry about it. After a long time, we will have the opportunity to completely suppress the enemy alliance. For example, we have completed this series of tasks to obtain mission rewards. For example, this month's "killing game" system Ye Luo has the opportunity to get the first point and even get enough points to exchange for what he can use. For a piece of national equipment, of course, if you can make Ye Luo reach 360 rank 9th rank, there will be no problem. At present, it won't take long to achieve this, so we don't need to worry."

Let’s not say anything else. Whether it’s completing the current serial missions or getting the first place in the'killing game' standings, or gaining 10 million points and then redeeming a suitable national weapon, these will greatly increase Ye Luo's strength. Upgrade, but these upgrades do not necessarily make Ye Luo rise to 360 level Nine Ranks bigger, not only because Ye Luo’s soul crystal growth aptitude and skill system will make a qualitative leap after Nine Ranks, the most important thing is that he can at this time Combining the [Blade of Reincarnation] and [Ghanjiang] with [Universal Epistar], this is one more equipment than Ye Luo directly equipped, and it is also a spiritual tool like [Blade of Reincarnation] that improves his strength even more, because [Blade of Reincarnation] and [Ghanjiang] fusion is not as simple as one plus one stacking, but a qualitative leap in Ye Luo's strength.

Everyone naturally knows how Ye Luo's strength will improve after level 360. At that time, it is not difficult to overwhelm the enemy alliance and then completely suppress them so that they can't lift their heads, especially the situation is for the Chinese server alliance. That's great, but then it will be fine if you want to destroy the Eastern family.

Thinking of these people nodded, they no longer worry about this problem, but expect Ye Luo to rise to 360 Nine Ranks sooner.

"That’s what I said, but Ye brother will continue to hunt down players in the foreign server. It’s not that easy to get him to upgrade, let alone upgrade to 360 level nine. It’s still a normal leveling situation. It will take a long time.” Zhiyue was quite worried and authentic, and her words also worried many people.

"Relax, our people are hunting and sniping foreign players while also looking for high-grade BOSS, and as time goes by, the BOSS grade and level will be higher and higher, so that Ye Luo will spend some time. One kill can also quickly raise his level." Samadhi said, seeing everyone nodding their heads, she continued: "Plus, in the future, Ye Luo will need to do the serial task together. You and I know that the final boss and others It's very powerful. Killing it can also gain extremely rich experience, which will increase Ye Luo's level a bit. At this time, he is already more than 350 levels, and it won't take too long for him to reach level 360 with nine turns."

"That's true." Po Lang Chengfeng nodded, and while talking about her, she looked at everyone: "In order for Ye Luo to rise to level 360 as soon as possible, the big deal is that we will leave all the powerful bosses to him. After all, we will hunt high-ranking bosses. It’s the fastest way to level up."

Regarding this, everyone has no objection. After all, they all know how Ye Luo 360's strength will be improved after the ninth turn, and then how the game world will change. For these, all the bosses they find will be given to him. It's also worth it.

After making such a decision, everyone did not say much, and continued to get busy, either snatching the players who sneaked into the middle server, or launching a single hunting operation. Of course, they also arranged some manpower to figure out the situation on Yeluo's side. , After all, if a large number of players at the level of Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology led a large number of players to sneak attack on Ye Luo, they would need people like them to rush over to help.

However, Tokyo Mythology and Dark Night are all busy if they can earn points efficiently. The most important thing is that in their opinion, Ye Luo’s efficiency in gaining points will be very “unruly”, especially since he wasted a day, so They don’t have to worry that their points will be surpassed by Ye Luo, and naturally they don’t have to deliberately target Ye Luo. Moreover, they also know that once they start to deal with Ye Luo, they are likely to attract people such as breaking the waves and riding the wind, the fireworks are easy to cold, and even killing the sky in the East. In the past, this was more risky, so naturally they would not do it.

Since dark night, Tokyo Mythology and other super masters do not stop Ye Luo, he naturally has no danger, and continues to deal with the players who harass him, and as before, he will use thunder to kill as much as possible the players who attacked him, especially It's those dual-professional players.

Maybe Ye Luo did not deter everyone at first, but as time goes by, more and more players are said by him, especially the number of dual-professional players killed by him. It is no exaggeration to say that one day has passed. Luo killed more dual-professional masters than Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology, and Eastern Killing Sky and others, and this naturally had a greater impact on the overall strength of the enemy alliance.

Think about it, dual-professional players are the most powerful combat power of a server. If such a master is killed and then dropped and exploded with equipment, their strength will be greatly weakened and the overall strength of the entire server will be greatly reduced.

Of course, this takes a long time to be reflected, and the slightly more intuitive change is because Ye Luo killed a lot of dual-professional masters, which made many dual-professional masters afraid, so they dare not rush to act on Ye Luo again, even if they have The same is true for many invincible dual-professional masters, which naturally increases the efficiency of Ye Luo’s points gain, but it will take some time to surpass Dongfang Jitian and others, because there are still some dual-professionals from time to time. Experts launched a sneak attack on him-even if the dual professional masters have a lot of invincible means and make their space players ready to use [Space Portal] at any time, it is not safe, because Ye Luo will try to grab the arms of those people and then Don't give him a chance to be teleported away, so once the invincible state is over, waiting for them will naturally be killed.

Think about it, Ye Luo's strength is much stronger than those dual-professional masters who sneaked on him. With his strong mobility and operational level, it is still possible to grab the target and then kill it. And seeing this Under the circumstances, it is unavoidable to be killed by Ye Luo. Naturally, many dual-pro players dare not rush to deal with Ye Luo, especially those dual-pro players who have been killed once.

The double-professional players killed were weakened a bit because of the loss of level and the explosion of equipment, so they were less threatening to Ye Luo, and if they continued to attack Ye Luo, they were more likely to be killed. In this case, they Naturally, he didn't dare to act rashly, and only those players who had not been killed would continue to act on Ye Luo, but soon these people would become dead souls under the sword.

As time goes by, more and more players will be killed by Ye Luo, and the fewer players who dare to come to him will naturally be less, especially those dual-professional masters will disappear, and Ye Luo will hunt down the enemy. The efficiency of will be greatly increased. Even as mentioned before the Midnight Book, ordinary players attacking Ye Luo not only can not pose any threat to Ye Luo, but will become Ye Luo's points and increase his efficiency in earning points.

Of course, it will take a long time for these to be manifested. At least the people of Eastern Killing, Tokyo Mythology and others have not realized this. The efficiency of seeing Yeluo's points is still lower than that of them, especially when they see Yeluo pulling apart. As the gap widened, they felt more at ease, and even stopped paying too much attention to Ye Luo's situation, and this gave Ye Luo some opportunities, at least it would slightly increase his efficiency in earning points. some.

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