VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3245: : Countermeasures

Although Ye Luo has some advantages in earning points compared to Dark Night, Eastern Killing Sky, Tokyo Mythology, etc., but the advantage is not so great, which is why it takes 2, 30 days to catch up with Yiyi Chaoyu Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology, etc. People, and the gap between him and Dongfang Tiantian is even smaller, and these gaps can be made up by some means, such as using the [Group Blessing Scroll], such as using big moves and so on.

That’s right, whether it’s using big moves or using the [Group Blessing Scroll] can greatly increase a player’s strength, and this will undoubtedly greatly increase their efficiency in obtaining points, especially when there are many sneak attacks. Relying on these methods, Eastern Killing the Sky and even Dark Night might still surpass Ye Luo in points, and this is also a fair and honest method.

"Well, that's right. Players who have a chance to win the first place in the final stage, such as Eastern Killing Sky and Dark Night, are still likely to use the [Group Blessing Scroll] or perform big moves." Sitting on Qin's heart, he said solemnly. She looked at everyone: "After all, the rewards for being the first to live will be more generous, especially if there is a high probability that you will get a national weapon."

"Of course, the most important thing is that there has not been a large-scale team battle or national war for such a long time. Every server and every gang has accumulated a lot of [Group Blessing Scrolls], and they can even let time players take turns to perform on them. [Time clear] Then maintain the status of the ultimate move, and this will greatly increase their efficiency in obtaining points." Samadhi Shi added.

"Oh my God, doesn't this mean that Eastern Killing Sky and the others are likely to use multiple [Group Blessing Scrolls]?" June Feixue's voice increased a bit: "Even Uncle Ye Luo will continue to compete with them for the first place. Using multiple [Group Blessing Scrolls], this will waste a lot of scrolls, so the time we want to work on Hongyan City is likely to go backwards."

"Well, that's right, not surprisingly, the parties will use multiple [Group Blessing Scrolls], and even stay up all night at the last moment." Samadhi nodded, and said she looked at Ye Luo, that The meaning is self-evident.

"There are still two or three days left, even if it is always online, there is no problem." Ye Luo said, but his brows frowned slightly when he thought of it: "But if Dongfang Killing Heaven, they really use the [Group Blessing Scroll] or use it. Big move..."

"What are you afraid of? The number of [Group Blessing Scrolls] we have is no less than them." Po Lang Chengfeng interrupted Ye Luo's words. When she said these, she said with great arrogance: "Because of the competition we achieved very good results. Achievements, plus we completed a 10-ring serial mission and received a generous reward. It is no exaggeration to say that no player has more [Group Blessing Scroll] than us, hey, so we don’t have to be stingy [Group Blessing] reel】."

"Uncle Ye Luo is worried that it will consume a lot of [Group Blessing Scrolls], after all, this kind of props is very important to the future national war, especially it will affect the time to work on Hongyan City." June Feixue saw through Ye Luo's thoughts. .

"Don't worry about consuming [Group Blessing Scroll], it is more important to get points first." Po Lang Chengfeng didn’t care about it, her tone changed when she thought of something: "Anyway, even if we have multiple [Group Blessing Scrolls], we won’t see We have to start with Hong Yancheng in advance, because I think the high probability is to wait until Ye Luo 360 level ninth turn, after all, we will be more sure of doing it at that time.

"In the meantime, we will definitely be able to collect some more [Group Blessing Scrolls], and even winning the first place in this month’s'killing game' will reward many scrolls, so we don’t have to worry about when we do something against Hongyan City in the future. The scrolls are not enough." Po Lang Chengfeng added.

"Well, that's right." Firework Yi Cold nodded, obviously she also agreed with this approach: "Of course, if you can, it's better to use the big move first, after all, the big move can be CD, and we still have time for the Misty Pavilion. Players can use [Time Clear]."

Not only breaking the waves and riding the wind, the fireworks are easy to cold, but also the people who sit on Qin Xin and others. For them, it is more important for Ye Luo to be the first in this ‘killing game’ and then to receive generous rewards.

"I feel that it is better to let Uncle Ye Luo directly perform the big move and then use the [Group Blessing Scroll], so that he will surpass Dongfang Tiantian and become the number one in a short time, so there is no need to worry too much about accidents." Yue Feixue suggested.

"No, this method is not very good." Sitting on Qin Xin and shaking her head, she explained for a while, "Because if Ye Luo takes the lead in using the [Group Blessing Scroll], Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology will follow suit. It’s the consumption of the [Group Blessing Scroll], which is not good for us, because it will cause vicious competition. Maybe we will use most of the [Group Blessing Scroll]."

"Hey, if Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology also use [Group Blessing Scroll], it won’t be impossible, after all, they have to consume a lot of [Group Blessing Scroll]." It's easier."

"What if it’s just Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology using [Group Blessing Scroll] and other players don’t use it?" Samadhi asked rhetorically, without waiting for the waves and wind to speak, she continued: "Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology are because they have the opportunity to get the first place in the standings. So they have a certain chance to use the [Group Blessing Scroll], and other players will not waste the scroll when they see that there is no chance. This means that only Japanese clothes and Hanbok will consume a lot of our [Group Blessing Scroll], and Other servers keep a lot of scrolls, this situation is naturally very unfavorable for us."

"By the way, and Eastern Killing of the Sky, he will definitely use the [Group Blessing Scroll], so the number of scrolls used by our Chinese server will be more, then the number of [Group Blessing Scrolls] owned by the enemy alliance will be only More than us." Samadhi added.

Hearing that, everyone was silent. They also thought about this problem. For a time they realized that such vicious competition is not good, but they thought that Dongfang Tiantian might take the lead in doing this, so they were a little worried and didn't know for a while. How to choose.

Seeing the people hesitate so much, Ye Luo said solemnly: "It's not that there is no better way. At that time, I will depend on the specific situation. If the efficiency of Dongfang Tiantian and their points is suddenly increased, and the improvement will be greater, Obviously they used the big move or used the [Group Blessing Scroll], and then I will use the [Group Blessing Scroll] or use the big move. Just send our people to find more enemy server leveling locations. ."

"Well, this is a very good method. At that time, we will send someone to stare at the standings. Once we find that the chances of getting points in the dark night have greatly increased, we will notify you." Samadhi Shi looked at Ye Luo and thought of what she looked like. Resolutely: "Even if necessary, you can use the ultimate move and then use the awakening skills of combination equipment. We have 3 awakening skills for combination equipment, which is still very advantageous in this matter."

"If necessary, you can." Fireworks Yi said coldly, thinking of something, she looked at Ye Luo: "And in the final stage of Ye Luo, you'd better use [Group Blessing Scroll] or use big moves, because I am worried that they will suddenly do this. Doing it then makes you have no chance to catch up with them."

Nodded, Ye Luo said, "Yeah, I understand."

"This problem is solved, what if someone deliberately targets Ye Luo? Especially those from within us?" Othello asked.

"Then let Ye Luo pay more attention, and change some goals." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and while talking about her while looking at everyone: "And we will rush over to support when the time comes. At this time, our strength is already very strong. Now, it should be able to deal with a lot of trouble."

"Of course, as I said before, if necessary, Ye Luo can directly use the big move or use the [Group Blessing Scroll], so there is no problem." Firework Yi Leng added.

Think about it, once they use the ultimate move or use the [Group Blessing Scroll], Ye Luo and the others will greatly increase their strength. This will not only increase the efficiency of earning points, but also more easily deal with the enemy’s targets. To a large extent, it is guaranteed that Ye Luo won the first place.

After the discussion, everyone logged into the game and became busy. Ye Luo continued to find the enemy leveling location to start. And the assassins such as Sword One and Sword Two would provide him with excellent hands-on goals, which greatly improved his efficiency in earning points. , After all, this will reduce the time he wastes in finding the target.

As for Midnight Book and others, they have not been idle. They have increased their hands on Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology, and others, which further weakened their efficiency in earning points. Even breaking the waves and riding the wind and the fireworks are easy to cold, they will do it after all. It is said that there is almost no chance to win the first place, so they are not worried about wasting time. At this time, it is more important for them to weaken the efficiency of the dark night, Tokyo Mythology and others to obtain points and then ensure that Ye Luo wins the first place.

It is worth mentioning that in the final stage, the power against Ye Luo has increased a lot, and there are even some dual-professional masters and even super masters such as Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology who jointly launched a sneak attack on him, but because he was psychologically prepared for a long time, Moreover, the fireworks are easy to be cold, and the waves and wind will be supported at any time, so he is safe, even because of the high mobility of the transfer, his efficiency in earning points has not been reduced much, at least it is still higher than the dark night and the Tokyo Mythology, and it is also better than Dongfang kills the sky high, which can be seen from the smaller and smaller gap in points.

Ye Luo and the others breathed a sigh of relief because Eastern Killing Sky and Dark Night hadn’t used the [Group Blessing Scroll] or performing their big moves. This is also good news for Ye Luo, because they will use less of the [Group Blessing Scroll]. ].

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