VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3252: : Tentative action

Suddenly heard the system prompt that the Polar Silver Wolf had completed a difficult team task and received a generous reward. Many players were surprised, including everyone in the Misty Pavilion, but they thought that the Polar Silver Wolf were their allies. The important thing is that they did not complete the task without attenuation, so they are not only worried about it, but rather eager to do so. After all, the improvement of Polar Silver Wolf's strength is also a good thing for the Chinese server-the system will have the system after completing the task without attenuation. The extra 50% reward, although not including some rewards, is just a 50% increase in various scrolls and all attribute points, which is already an exaggeration.

"Well, that's right, the rewards they got are much worse than what we had done before [Charm Elf]." Black and white, and then her tone changed: "But this can still improve the strength of the Polar Silver Wolf a lot. In particular, the final BOSS in their killing mission is likely to obtain a national weapon or something, and this will further enhance their strength."

"But the Polar Silver Wolf are our allies, and they are not as strong as ours, so we don't have to worry, even this result is a good thing for us." Othello added.

Hearing that, everyone was convinced, and they didn't worry about anything because of this system prompt.

That’s right, it’s the most important thing for Mengmeng and even the Chinese server that their strength is not as good as their own, because even allies may betray, especially between servers. After all, the major servers are for the benefit, and only the strength is not as good as their own. Allies of the United States will not pose any threat to themselves, at least the threat is much smaller.

"Hey, no wonder the polar silver wolf and polar silver fox have not entered the top 100 points. They turned out to be doing quests." Midnight Shu suddenly frowned when he thought of something, "There are still many players on the standings. The points of "have been significantly reduced, such as the emperor’s praise of them, and even the dark night and others, shouldn’t they also do difficult team tasks?"

Without waiting for everyone to speak, he continued: "The polar silver wolves are our allies, but the emperor’s hymns are our enemies. If they are allowed to complete difficult tasks and get rich rewards, then they will treat us well. The threat has increased a bit."

"What are you afraid of? We have completed more difficult tasks than them. Is it possible that they can surpass us?" Po Lang Chengfeng said indifferently: "The most important thing is that we can complete the task without attenuation, and they can do it. Huh? Hey, if it doesn't work then they get a lot less rewards than us, so we don't have to worry about anything."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "In addition, we have won a lot of good things in the previous'killing game', especially after Ye Luo won the first place, he won the [Shifangzhanqi] this town national weapon, and Not surprisingly, this gives Yue Yue the first place and then another generous reward, so we don't have to worry about anything."

"Well, that's true." Midnight Shu muttered, thinking of something, he smiled: "What's more, Big Brother Ye should be able to rise to 360 level nine revolutions after one or two months. At that time, he will be able to pass [Blade of Reincarnation] 】Up to the level of the demon **** and then merge with [Ghan Jiang], it must be a state-of-the-counter weapon, no, it is stronger than the state-of-the-counter weapon, so the foreign service will not pose any threat to us. We suppress They will also be more relaxed."

In this regard, everyone was deeply convinced, and then, everyone did not continue to struggle with this matter, they continued to get busy.

After more than 10 hours, another system reminder sounded. This time, someone completed a difficult task and received a generous reward:


System reminder (full server): Congratulations to the team of No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 10... The team has completed all the tasks of [Devil Forest]. The system will reward them with 8 [Group Blessing Scrolls], 8 One [Group Guardian Scroll], 8 [Group Mirror Scroll Reels] and other common reels, reward them with 3 [Cross Server* Group Teleport Scrolls], 3 [Cross Server*City Hearts] and 8 Demon-level treasure chests, 1 [Demon God Crystal Soul], 3 [Group Purification Scrolls], and 1 Energy Stone. In addition, all players who participate in this mission will get 500 points of all attributes, 5 points of luck, a random piece of equipment to increase a rank, a random skill to be strengthened, 100,000 points of military merit, 100,000 points of prestige, 3 Chance to draw.

Hearing this system prompt, June Feixue and others were further surprised. Midnight Shu laughed and said, "Hey, I didn’t expect the number one person to complete a task with a high degree of difficulty and then get a huge reward, but they are Our allies, the more generous the rewards, the better."

That’s right, players such as the No. 1 character are players of the court clothes, and the No. 1 character is not only the first master of the court clothes, but also the top figures, and the others are also the elite masters of the court clothes, there are no lack of super masters, this time they have completed [ After the mission of Demon Territory Forest, the strength must have been very good.

"Unexpectedly, the teams of the Korean and Russian servers completed the team tasks one after another. Although the rewards are a little worse than that of the Polar Silver Wolf, they are not as good as ours, but these can still improve their strength, and this is for us. It's a good thing to say." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, and when she said this, her eyes flashed with wisps of essence, and she was faintly expecting. Then she looked at the fireworks and became cold: "Fireworks..."

Before breaking the waves and riding the wind, Dukang, the **** of Bacchus, Feng Xing and others dragged them into the chat channel, and there was no waiting for them to ask anything. The **** of Bacchus Dukang directly said: "Fireworks girl, wind girl, you guys I heard the system prompt, hey, the polar silver wolf and the number one are our allies. Now they have completed the tasks with high difficulty coefficient and received generous rewards. Their strength must have been greatly improved. , Especially since they have won a lot of [Group Blessing Scrolls]. Not surprisingly, the number of [Group Blessing Scrolls] we have at this time will far exceed that of the enemy alliance. With these, we should be able to take action on Hongyan City."

"Hey, once Hongyan City is broken and all the [Battlestars] in it are destroyed, then we will have an absolute advantage, and they will no longer be able to reverse the situation." Bacchus Du Kang added, and when he said this, he was a little faint. look forward to.

"That's right." Fengxing took the stubborn words: "Before you were worried that the enemy alliance also won a lot of [Group Blessing Scrolls], but our side has completed many difficult serial team tasks one after another, and Ye Luo kid also won Last month’s first “Killing Game” got rich rewards, especially the [Shifang Zhanqi] such a national weapon, our strength must be stronger than the enemy, and now we can treat them as soon as possible. Let’s do it. Hey, if we do it earlier, we can determine our absolute advantage sooner, so we don’t have to worry too much about how many people on our server will be hunted down."

That’s right, the Japanese server and other servers have sent many players to the Chinese server for a long time, even more than the foreign server players of any server. Although the fireworks and others tried their best to kill, many Chinese server players were still killed. After seeing this situation, players of the older generation such as Bacchus Dukang and Fengxing are naturally a little worried, so they want to act in advance. After all, if they completely suppress the enemy alliance in their hearts, the pressure on the Chinese server will be less. Many, not only because the players of the enemy alliance will be overwhelmed by the time, the most important thing is that the [Battlestar] of the Chinese server will be able to return to the Chinese server at that time, and this can deter the opponents of the alliance.

I thought Firework Yi Leng would agree, but didn't want her to say nothing, just shook her head lightly.

"Why don't you agree to act immediately?" Feng Xing said in a puzzled manner: "Obviously our strength is much stronger than the enemy alliance at this time, and there is no suspense at all. At this time, we should not use these advantages to completely defeat the enemy alliance in one go. Isn’t it? In particular, the Korean and Russian servers have completed difficult serial tasks and then received generous rewards. It’s easier for us to take advantage of the high morale."

"Because the situation is still unclear, after all, while our side has completed some tasks, the people of the enemy alliance have also completed some tasks. Maybe the tasks they have completed are not as good as those completed by us, the Russian and Korean uniforms, but the number is more than us. The [Group Blessing Scroll] accumulated in this way is not necessarily less than us." Fireworks Yi Leng explained. Seeing Fengxing and Bacchus Du Kang silently, she changed her tone: "But although you can't do it on Hongyan City immediately, you can. Exploring attacks to understand the strength of the enemy alliance, of course, if conditions permit, they can also consume some of their [Group Blessing Scrolls] or something, so that we will act more easily in the future."

Originally it was a bit depressed and angry, but after hearing the second half of the words of the fireworks, the anger in the hearts of Bacchus Dukang and Fengxing disappeared without a trace. Bacchus Dukang laughed and said, "Hey, tentative. Action, this is naturally necessary, but how do we test it next? Isn't it an attempt to carry out a sneak attack on Hongyan City and then want to see how strong they are now?"

"In this case, the trial of Hongyan City will not produce any results, because there is nothing to be tested." Samadhi shook her head, seeing the puzzled look of the **** of wine Du Kang and others, she continued: "You and me too. Knowing that Hongyan City is much stronger than the ordinary level 5 gang station. Not only is the gang station strengthened because of the Ninth Devil’s affairs, but the most important thing is that there are a lot of [Battlestars] stationed inside, so ordinary temptations can't pose any threat to it. , Because only those [Battlestar] or even Six Winged Fallen Angel NPCs can withstand temptation. In this case, it is almost impossible for us to test out anything."

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