VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3263: : Attack on Ganges City

Everyone knows that attacking a level 4 gang station is much easier than attacking a level 5 gang station, especially the level 4 gang station that has lost part of the defense equipment, so everyone suggested that after seeing that the city is about to be occupied Started on Minecart City, but was rejected by Firework Yi Leng. She proposed to do it on the 5th gang resident. Before Firework Yi Leng and others have also said that the most important purpose of their actions this time is not to occupy the enemy alliance. The gang resident, but in this way, let the enemy alliance consume as much as possible [Group Blessing Scroll] and then figure out their strength, so that the next move on to the gang resident of Yinfu is naturally the most likely to achieve the goal. After all, many server players have come to print support.

"Work on the level 5 gang resident of Yinfu, and it is the strongest level 5 gang resident?!" Wei Wei was taken aback, but soon after breaking the waves and riding the wind, she woke up and nodded: "This is a very good choice. After all, the players of Yinfu should be very concerned about the gang’s location, and they will naturally spend some means to stop us, which means that they will consume a lot of means."

"That's right." Samadhi took the stubbornness, and she continued after a short pause: "Not only the players of the Indian clothing, but also allies of the Indian clothing will come to support, so that we can find opportunities to fight them head-on and then continue. Consume them as much as possible."

Everyone had no objection to the proposal that the fireworks are easy to be cold. Then they are ready to start with the Ganges City of Yinfu, which is the strongest station of Yinfu besides the imperial city, and even the first-level main city. Defense and attack are incomparable.

The reason for this is because Ganges City has one more city wall than the ordinary gang resident, and it has a very powerful city guard item—the Primordial Saint-class city guard item, which makes this gang resident comparable or even vaguely more than one. Level main city.

That’s right, just like Wushuang and Tianxia City, Ganges City also has dual walls. It’s well known that the defense and attack power of such a gang resident is far from comparable to that of an ordinary gang. What's more, this gang resident also has an ancient sage. Level props, this is a powerful existence comparable to the seal of the sacred beast.

Not only that, because the Indian server players have also realized that Ganges City is strong, not weaker or even stronger than the first-level main city, so they also placed 2 [Battlestars] in it, and this is further Increased the defense and attack of Ganges City.

Knowing that there are 2 [Battlestars] among them, the fireworks Yi is cold and deliberately proposed to do it, because she knows that the players of Yinfu must not be willing to watch this gang resident occupied, so it will naturally prevent a large number of them. Power defense, the next thing that the players of the Chinese server alliance hopes will naturally happen.

Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, they also know the strength of Ganges City and its importance to the Indian server players, so when they heard the fireworks Yi Leng's proposal to do this gang resident, they decisively agreed, and after determining the goal of the action, everyone was excited and excited. They are eager to try, and even they destroy the fireworks and start their operations quickly.

"Ye Luo..." Firework Yi Leng glanced at Ye Luo, and the latter instantly understood her intentions, without saying much, she directly locked the teleportation point closest to Ganges City and teleported over, and then rushed to Ganges City. When nearby, they used [Cross-server*Space Portal] to teleport super masters such as Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, Killing the Sky in the East, and even the Polar Silver Wolf.

As for mobilizing other players, it’s natural for them to worry about Dongfang Tiantian. Ye Luo rushed to Ganges City directly after sending the waves and the wind and others, and he was attacked when he was less than 100 meters away from the target. The city’s defense equipment launched an attack on him, and these defense equipment are of the highest level, plus the bonus attack power of the city defense items is higher, I am afraid that most players will not be able to withstand such an attack.

However, Ye Luo is not in this rank. At this time, with his super high defense power and vitality recovery ability, he can still withstand such an attack, not to mention that he is still in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll] at this time. There is no problem at all, even if the city of Ganges gets closer to him, there are more defensive items that can attack him, and the six-winged fallen angel NPC can also attack it.

Since he can withstand the attack, Ye Luo can naturally pose a threat to the defense equipment on Ganges City and the six-wing fallen angel NPC, and destroy them and kill them after seven or eighty-eight. The resistance that the player encounters when attacking the city is reduced a lot, and then they will be able to board the wall and have a chance to occupy Ganges City. I believe that at this time, Yinfu and their allies will be unable to sit still and stop, so Ye Luo The purpose of their trip was achieved.

Ye Luo launched an attack when he was 3 to 40 meters away from Ganges City. The super high attack can also cause good damage to the defense equipment. Of course, the damage to the six-wing fallen angel NPC is even higher. Some, after all, the bonus effect of these NPCs on the city defense props is smaller than that of the city defense equipment.

Adding up the attack power, plus the state of holding the [Group Blessing Scroll], and of course the bonuses of [Sky-shaking War Drum], [Grant *Moxie], and [Shifang Battle Banner], Ye Luo’s damage output at this time It was amazing, but it was easy to kill some six-winged fallen angel NPCs, and at the same time also destroyed some defensive equipment. I believe that he can destroy the defensive equipment on Ganges City by seven or seven. Eight eight.

Of course, the players of Yinfu will not watch Ye Luo attack Ganges City. The players stationed in the gang’s location brazenly launched a charge against Ye Luo and then want to stop him, and the other players of the enemy Yinfu will also take the first place after learning the news. I rushed over to support me in no time, and of course I didn't forget to tell Wucai Shenniu and others about the situation here, and then let them take action.

The colorful sacred cows knew about it the first time Ye Luo and others took action on Ganges City, which shocked and worried them. After all, in their hearts, Ye Luo and the others should withdraw after they captured Bai Niu City. Then they worked on the gang locations of other servers, but they still stayed in Yinfu, and even worked on their most important gang locations, which naturally shocked them.

As for worry, it is naturally because in their hearts, even if Ganges City’s defense is much stronger than White Bull City, they may not necessarily be able to defend against Ye Luo and others' attacks, and the best situation will be. Let them have a lot of players killed and lost a lot of assassins, this is not what they want to see.

Even so, the colorful sacred cows also acted. They rushed to Ganges City as soon as possible, and at the same time they asked their allies for support. However, although some allies had already sent masters at this time, their strength was not enough. The players who are not very strong, at least the strongest, have not arrived, and it will take some time to wait for them to arrive. During this period, they can only rely on Yinfu to resist.

Seeing that Ye Luo had killed several six-winged fallen angel NPCs and destroyed some defense equipment, the colorful sacred cow knew that they could not continue to drag it, they decisively used a [Group Blessing Scroll] and then launched against Ye Luo Charge, if you want to drive him away, even if you retreat, in their minds, as long as they can delay some time, it is enough, because at that time their allies have already come here to support them.

Although the colorful sacred cows know that even if they use the [Group Blessing Scroll], they will have almost no chance to kill Ye Luo, but they must do this, not just to use this method to buy time and let their allies have a chance to come. , The most important thing is not to allow Ye Luo to destroy too many defense equipment and kill too many six-wing fallen angels. After all, if this is the case, Ye Luo and the others will have the opportunity to rush to the city wall and then occupy the city wall. The difficulty for Luo and the others to fight back will increase several times, and even they can no longer fight Ye Luo and the others, and this means that Ganges City will be occupied, which is not what they want to see.

Although facing hundreds of assaults from players in the state of [Group Blessing Scrolls], many of them are dual-professional masters, and even super masters such as the colorful sacred bull and the flame crocodiles have also launched their charge, but at this time Ye Luo also topped it. With the status of [Group Blessing Scroll], plus his other equipment level, skill system, overall attributes are higher than these people, especially mobility, using these can also deal with it, and can rely on The advantage of ultra-long-range attacks has been launching attacks.

At this time, Ye Luo’s attack can be said to be against the sky. Even if the player in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll] faces his attack, they may be killed in seconds, including the colorful sacred cow and others, so they can only stand in the invincible state. However, each player's invincibility means are limited. Once they are exhausted, they can naturally only temporarily avoid the edge, otherwise they will be killed by Ye Luo.

In this way, Ye Luo alone dealt with a large number of players in Yinfu, and it was very easy, even if he had to withstand the attacks of the city guards on the Ganges and the six-winged fallen angel NPC, it was just that. Can't continue to destroy those city defense equipment, naturally there is no chance to rush to the city wall.

However, Eastern Killing Heaven and the others are not idle. Then they either lock Ye Luo and teleport to them, or they are teleported by Ye Luo using [Cross-server*Space Portal], and also with the [Group Blessing Scroll] status and [Spells] Immune] They can almost attack unscrupulously. After all, for them, they only need to persist for 5 seconds, and they are confident that they will not be killed in such a short period of time.

The purpose of Eastern Killing Sky is very simple. Even if they charge and intercept the players who rush towards Ye Luo, Ye Luo will more easily and then unscrupulously attack. As time goes by, the invincible means of printing and persuading players will be exhausted. Then they can only choose to retreat, but some players did not retreat in time, or were directly killed by Ye Luo's attack, or were stayed by Dongfang Tiantian, and there was only one possibility waiting for them-directly Be killed.

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