VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3271: : Kill the boss

Ye Luo and the others have also used the [God Descending Scroll] to deal with the top ten demon-level bosses. Naturally, they know that only relying on the state of this scroll is not enough to control the boss all the time, and once the boss can attack, the player who besiees it will definitely be killed or injured. Exhausted, after all, if you just use the [God's Advent Scroll] without using the awakening skills of combination equipment, you can't withstand the attack of the BOSS.

Thinking of these people, it was a little relieved that for them, players in Japanese servers such as Tokyo Mythology cannot kill the fifth demon **** * Demon Flame Skyburner, which is too much for the Chinese server alliance.

But soon there was another news from those potential Japanese players—Tokyo Mythology has been used [Yaki Skyfall].

"What, Tokyo Mythology still retains [Yaqi Tianxiang]?!" After hearing this news, Othello's face was full of consternation and disbelief: "How is this possible, they have just completed [Magic Flame Burning Sky], no In the end, even if the boss is not as strong as the seventh and fifth demon, it is no problem to force the awakening skills of Tokyo Mythology to use combination equipment. How can Tokyo Mythology still retain the [Yaki Heavenly Fall]? !"

"Perhaps Tokyo Mythology they used some kind of peculiar equipment and props to make the additional skills of the equipment end the CD." Samadhi said, and then she smiled bitterly: "You and I both know the power of [God Descending Scroll], this is to deal with BOSS. Now that Tokyo Mythology and the others have the [Yaki Heavenly Fall], it’s not a problem to kill it."

Hearing that, everyone is silent. After all, they have killed the seventh demon. Naturally, they know that it is easy for them to kill the fifth demon under the current situation in Tokyo Mythology. What's more, full-time players can participate in the siege of BOSS, and how many of these people are. Few can cause some damage to the BOSS, and thinking of what equipment and props will be released after killing the fifth devil, their expressions become dignified.

Think about it, too, after completing the [Devil Flame Burning Sky] Tokyo Mythology they have obtained 2 national artifacts, and Tokyo Mythology has been equipped with 4 national artifacts. If you kill the fifth demon god, you will surely fall the national artifact. , If they can be equipped under Tokyo Mythology or Mount Fuji, they can definitely surpass Eastern Killing Heaven and Yeluo in terms of equipment level, and may even surpass Yeluo in strength. This will cause a great impact on the Chinese server. Threatening.

Seeing the dignified look of everyone, the fireworks easily said indifferently: "Even if the Tokyo Mythology can kill the Fifth Demon God and explode the national weapon, it is unlikely that the Tokyo Mythology can be equipped, even if it is no longer possible. Obtaining a piece of national equipment does not necessarily win against Yeluo. Don’t forget that Yeluo has many advantages in terms of overall attributes and skill system, which is not comparable to Tokyo Mythology.”

"Even if his strength is really stronger than Ye Luo, this is only temporary. The situation will be reversed after Ye Luo's 360 level ninth turn. At that time, no player will be his opponent." The firework is easy to be cold. Added a sentence.

After thinking that Ye Luo can be upgraded to the level of Demon God after reaching the level of 360 and 9 ranks, then they can merge it with [Ghanjiang]. After that, everyone nodded. At that time, they didn’t even have Ye Luo able to run the entire Heavenly Tribulation game at that time. Any doubts, and after thinking of these, they breathed a sigh of relief.

The most important thing is that Ye Luo is now only the gap between level 360 and level 5 and level 6. It will not take long for him to rise to level 360 when he often hunts high-ranking bosses.

"Although that is the case, we will also deliberately target the following Japanese clothes, not to make them too arrogant." Samadhi poetry said, she looked at the fireworks and became cold, and it was self-evident.

Think about it, even if they kill the fifth demon **** * Demon Flame Skyburner in Tokyo Mythology, they will definitely be the end of the crossbow. Not only them, but the players in the full-time server will have a lot of consumption. After all, the Japanese server has to deal with not only It is only the fifth demon god, but also the army of its demons, and it is naturally easy to take the opportunity to deal with them, and no accident will surely cause considerable casualties.

"Well, this is natural." Firework Yi Cold nodded, thinking about what she continued: "Contact Uncle Bacchus and them, ask them to contact our allies, tell them our next plans, and hope they can cooperate with us."

Nodded, Samadhi directly contacted Du Kang and Feng Xing, the **** of wine, and told them directly about the [God Coming Scroll] and other things, and then said the plan to start working on the Japanese clothes.

After learning about the existence and effects of [God Descending Scroll], the expressions of Bacchus Dukang and Feng Xing became dignified, especially since they already knew the Tokyo Mythology, they had already performed [Yaki Heaven], and they immediately judged it. Tokyo Shinhwa and others have a ninety-nine chance to kill the Fifth Demon God, and they also instantly thought of what this means for the alliance of the Chinese server. Of course, they also knew why the fireworks Yi Leng planned to work on the Japanese server.

Next, Feng Xing and Dionysian Du Kang didn't say much, they went directly to get in touch with the number one person, the polar silver wolf and others, and the discussion was naturally about preparing for the Japanese clothes.

"In fact, even if we don’t deliberately tell the news of the hands on the Japanese clothes, Uncle Bacchus and others will sneak into the Japanese clothes, even if they finally learn that the Tokyo Mythology they will kill the fifth demon god, after all, they also know to take advantage of it. This opportunity could not be better for the Japanese service, especially those allies of the Japanese service can not settle in their gang station except the US service." Samadhi poetry said: "In this case, we will definitely get the Japanese service. Great gain."

In response, everyone nodded, and they all agreed.

"Of course, not only our alliance, but also players from servers such as India server and Australian server will also be involved. Not surprisingly, the Japanese server will become a battlefield, where fierce battles will erupt." Samadhi Shi added, and When she said this, she looked slightly solemn, obviously a little worried.

"As you said in Xiaoshi, players on other servers other than the US server can't settle in their gangs. This will make our siege much easier." Sitting on Qin's heart: "Add the God Emperor's hymn and colorful colors. The sacred cows and the sun never set long shadows have suffered a lot from doing large-scale team tasks. Even if the two sides mobilize a large number of manpower to participate in the battle, we will certainly have a great advantage."

"Unsurprisingly, even if we can't occupy more of the gangs of the Japanese server, it will certainly force the enemy alliance to consume more [Group Blessing Scroll], so our goal has been achieved." Samadhi Shi added.

That's right, the enemy alliance will definitely be at a disadvantage when facing the offensive of the Chinese server alliance because of the high consumption. In this case, they will definitely use the [Group Blessing Scroll] and other items to deal with it, and the consumption will naturally be more than the Chinese server alliance. Bigger.

The alliance of the Japanese server will consume more [Group Blessing Scroll]. In addition, the Chinese server alliance may occupy some of the gangs of the Japanese server and receive rich rewards, including the [Group Blessing Scroll]. Long, the Chinese server alliance has more [Group Blessing Scrolls] than the enemy alliance, maybe this is not enough for them to destroy Hongyan City, but it will continue to suppress the enemy alliance in the next time There is no big problem.

And this situation will last for some time, until Ye Luo rises to 360 level 9th ​​rank, when all the problems can be solved.

Thinking of this, everyone swept away their worries, and then they all looked forward to it.

"I don't know what rewards they can get for killing the Fifth Demon God in Tokyo Mythology. The previous system deliberately mentioned that they would get rich rewards for killing the Fifth Demon God." Suddenly June Feixue said: "Plus the first The equipment and props exploded by the Five Demon Gods will definitely increase their strength this time."

"Of course, they will still have the fate of being suppressed by us in the future. Hey, maybe we are lucky enough to kill the players who hold the national equipment in the Japanese server, of course, kill the players who hold the national equipment among their allies. In this way, our strength will also be greatly improved." June Feixue added.

Knowing that there are still some opportunities, everyone began to look forward to it, and then began to wait patiently.

Time passed faintly, and soon another 7 or 8 minutes passed, and after such a long time, there was finally another system reminder sound:


System tips (full server): Congratulations to the Tokyo Mythology, the foot of Mount Fuji, the cherry blossoms, the black dragon sky cut... and other Japanese players successfully killed the fifth demon **** * Demon Flame Skyburner, and made peace for the celestial tribulation continent For their contribution, the system will reward them with 10 [Group Blessing Scrolls], 10 [Group Guardian Scrolls], 10 [Group Mirror Scrolls], 10 [Group Acceleration Scrolls] and other ordinary scrolls, and reward them with 5 [Span Service*Group Teleportation Scroll], 5 [Cross Service*City Hearts] and 10 Demon-level treasure chests, 1 [Demon God Crystal Soul], 3 [Group Purification Scrolls], 1 Natural Energy Stone, 5 prize draws Opportunity, and the first lottery draw will definitely get a piece of national equipment. In addition, 50 players were randomly selected from the players who participated in the siege of the Fifth Demon God * Demon Flame Skyburner. They will receive 500 points of all attributes, 5 points of luck, a random piece of equipment to increase a rank, and a random skill to be strengthened, 100,000 points of military merit and 100,000 points of prestige.

The system prompt sounded 10 times in a row, resounding through the entire Celestial Tribulation game, which left countless players dumbfounded, even with unbelievable faces. They did not expect that Tokyo Mythology and others could kill the Fifth Demon God, and they were completing it. [Devil Flame Burning Sky] After the task has been extremely consumed, kill it.

After confirming the news again, many players showed disappointment, after all, they had no chance to kill the fifth demon and then compete for the boss.

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