VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3273: : Siege Plan

Completed the task of [Devil Flame Burning Sky] and then killed the fifth demon **** * Demon Flame Skyburner. Tokyo Mythology has greatly improved their strength. For them, as long as the players in the Japanese server are not killed too much Too many, too much equipment, so the overall strength of the Japanese server is there, and this is still enough to pose a threat to the Chinese server's alliance, so in order not to reduce the strength, they will definitely make a trade-off, such as being attacked by the Chinese server's alliance At that time, I would rather abandon some gang sites to delay time.

Yes, as long as they can delay a day, Tokyo Mythology and their strength can be restored to their peak state. At that time, even if they can't suppress the middle service, they can compete with it. It is undoubtedly the wisest way to abandon the gang station to delay time. .

Of course, these are all fireworks easy to cold and they analyzed. According to the character and working style of Tokyo mythology, it is not too difficult to infer. Therefore, they know that just attacking the ordinary gang station of the Japanese clothes cannot create too much power on the Japanese clothes. Weakened, even if it is done on the gang resident of the Japanese double-way city wall, I am afraid that this goal can only be achieved by working on the imperial city. After all, once the imperial city is occupied, the punishment will be too much. This is not a Tokyo myth that they can bear. of.

However, everyone knows how strong the imperial city’s defense and attack power is. Forcibly acting on the imperial city will cause heavy casualties to the alliance of the Chinese server. Even the players of the Central Asian server think that directly working on Hongyancheng is better than directly attacking the Japanese server. The imperial city is easy to do.

"Yes, it’s easier to deal with Hongyan City." Another player in the Central Asian server took the stubbornness. He said while looking at everyone: "The most important thing is that once the [Space Fortress] in Hongyan City is destroyed. Then the loss to the enemy alliance is even greater, greater than the occupation of the imperial city of the Japanese server.

Without waiting for everyone to speak, he added: "What's more, we may not be able to conquer the imperial city of Japanese clothing."

"Under normal circumstances, the pressure on the imperial city of a server is naturally much greater than that of Hongyancheng, but the current situation is a little different." Samadhi said, when she said this, the corner of her mouth evoked a touch. Smile: "According to our intelligence personnel’s reply, the Fifth Demon God directly acted on the imperial city in Japanese clothing. At the same time, there were also a large number of Demon monsters besieging the imperial city. Although the fifth Demon God only insisted on 8 or 9 minutes. Was killed, but it caused a lot of trouble to the imperial city of the Japanese server. Many six-winged fallen angel NPCs were killed, many defense equipment were destroyed, and even a part of the wall of the imperial city of the Japanese server collapsed. In this case, it would be better to work with him, and the pressure is definitely much less than against Hong Yancheng."

"By the way, there are 3 [Space Fortresses] in the imperial city of Japanese clothes. These fortresses are also damaged a bit severely under the attack of monsters. In other words, if we act on them, we can easily destroy them. The loss caused by Japanese clothes is even greater." Samadhi Shi added.

After hearing this, everyone’s eyes lit up. Although they knew that the Fifth Demon God was attacking the Imperial City of the Japanese Service, they did not know the specific situation. Now they learned that the Imperial City of the Japanese Service had suffered such a big loss. Naturally, it is clear that this is the best time to start working on Japanese clothes.

Thinking of this, everyone had no objections, and the next step was naturally to discuss a specific siege plan.

"Because the state of the Japanese server is very poor at this time, and we did not expect that we would take action against the imperial city, so we attacked the city by thunder means, and mobilized the most manpower in the shortest time to attack the city wall in the strongest state. Once we occupy a wall, we The pressure will be much easier." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and while she said she looked at everyone: "So I ask you to mobilize the most elite players, don't hesitate to use the big move, [Group Blessing Scroll]."

Although the imperial city of the Japanese server is damaged, the pressure on the alliance of the Chinese server will still be great if the city continues to attack, especially the players of the Japanese server can continuously teleport through the teleportation array, especially after the delay time. The allies of the Chinese server will be attacked from behind, so the longer the delay, the more disadvantaged it is for the alliance of the Chinese server.

Everyone is smart, and they understood this in an instant. After thinking of something, Deep Sea Youlan asked: "Firework beauty, how many people do you think we should use better?"

"In the beginning, it was a sneak attack. What the sneak attack requires is a quick word, so it doesn't require too many players. Each server only needs tens of thousands of players. Of course, it is also the most elite player. For example, most dual-professional players will be used. "Fireworks coldly said, seeing everyone nodding in agreement, she continued: "Next, we will concentrate on attacking a city wall, and after occupying the city wall, we will mobilize manpower according to the situation. At that time, how many players need to be mobilized depends on your own ideas. ."

Regarding this, everyone has no opinion. The next step is preparation time. Of course, you also need to wait for the enchantment that covers the Japanese server to completely disappear. After all, only players who have disappeared from the outside world can enter the Japanese server.

"Fireworks, how many elites do we mobilize?" Sitting on Qin Xin asked, "If every server mobilizes tens of thousands or even tens of thousands of players, then our Misty Pavilion only needs to mobilize thousands of players."

"To mobilize tens of thousands of people, one [Cross-server*Group Blessing Scroll] is enough." Fireworks Yi said coldly, preventing anyone from wanting to say something to sit on the piano, and she continued: "As for the professional match, 2000 Nightmare Cavalry, 2000 Qing Jiao Summoner, 2000 archers, 2000 flying wizards, and the remaining 2000 priests."

There is no objection to such a professional match, and then the waves and wind are full of excitement: "Fireworks, we have to attack the city wall in the shortest time, do you want me and Ye Luo to use [Tai Chi Dao] or [Thunder God Heaven]? This way is more certain, and our casualties are also smaller."

"But is this our consumption a bit too big, after all, we have to consume some [Group Blessing Scrolls] without any accident?" Zhiyue frowned slightly: "This time we are going to consume the daily clothes, so it seems that Maybe the consumption of our alliance is greater than that of them."

"Hey, as long as you can win the Japanese Imperial City, this cost is completely worth it." Midnight Shu laughed, and he continued after a short pause: "The most important thing is the Tokyo Mythology, they will definitely not let the Imperial City be occupied, so they They will resist at all costs. Not surprisingly, their consumption is much greater than ours."

"Of course, the allies of the Japanese service also know that the occupation of the Japanese service imperial city will greatly reduce the strength of the Japanese service, which is equivalent to a big reduction in their strength. This is not what they want to see, so they will be crazy to block. , So the consumption of the enemy alliance will be greater." Midnight Shu added.

"Yes, although the Japanese server is the territory of the enemy alliance, players on other servers other than the US server cannot enter the gang site. They can only besiege behind us. As long as we can occupy a wall, then we have it. The advantage of the city wall, in this case, the consumption of the enemy alliance is much larger than ours." Ye Luo took the stubborn words: "In this case, it is necessary to use the awakening skills of combination equipment."

"The most important thing is that we have 3 combination equipment awakening skills in the Misty Pavilion, and our middle server has more, and it doesn't matter if it consumes some." Ye Luo added.

Everyone agreed with Ye Luo and Midnight's book, including the fireworks Yi Cold. This is what was set.

"Um, Tokyo Mythology, they have already figured out what national artifact they obtained by killing the fifth demon." Suddenly sitting on Qin Xin said, without waiting for everyone to ask, she continued: "The cherry blossoms are in full bloom and there is one more national chestpiece-[ Compassion Clothing], like my [Compassion*Savior], it is a middle-grade national weapon, and the additional skills and additional characteristics are similar. Both can greatly increase the healing of the wearer, but the [Compassion Clothing] focuses on For some defenses, and [Compassion*Savior] also has some resurrection skills, I can’t tell which one is better."

"Sakura Blossom has obtained a middle-grade national artifact, and it is still a priest. It seems that she might shake the throne of Qin sister, your first priest." June Feixue said, but she quickly shook her head. : "Of course, it's just a slight threat. Sister Qin has better equipment, and the skill system and overall attributes are better. It is not so easy for Sakura Blossom to surpass Sister Qin."

Sitting on Qin Xin didn't struggle with this matter, but the smile at the corner of her mouth showed her confidence in this aspect.

"Are there any other national implements besides this one?" Midnight Shu asked, and everyone else looked forward to sitting on the piano's heart in anticipation and worry.

"Sakura Ruhuo has obtained a magic wand national tool, like Feixue and Wednesday’s, it is the [Vulcan Wand]. You and I have seen the power of this kind of national weapon, plus the sakura is like a magic wand. Teacher, the two work together to complement each other, and even her damage output is not much worse than Feixue." Sitting on Qin Xin continued.

"Hey, as long as it is not equipped with Tokyo Mythology or Mount Fuji, there is no problem, especially Tokyo Mythology. After all, he has too many national artifacts." Po Lang Chengfeng didn't take it seriously, and she was a little loose when she said this. He took a sigh of relief, especially when he saw that the Tokyo Mythical National Instruments on the National Instruments List had not increased.

Hearing that, everyone nodded, and then June Feixue asked: "Are there any other national implements besides these two national implements? The fifth demon should not only burst out a middle-grade national implement, right?"

In Tokyo Mythology, they will surely win a national weapon in the lottery, and both [Clothes of Compassion] and [Scepter of Vulcan] are both middle-grade national products. In June Feixue, they don’t believe that the dignified fifth demon only exploded a nation In June Feixue and other people’s minds, the fifth demon will definitely not only burst a middle-grade national weapon, there must be other national instruments. For a while, they are curious and worried. Naturally, I was worried that the national weapon exploded by the Fifth Demon God was too powerful. After all, that means that the Japanese server poses a greater threat to the Chinese server.

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