VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3275: : Strong Siege

In Tokyo Mythology, they obtained 5 national artifacts in one day. Among them, there are many powerful national artifacts such as [Armor of Thunder God] and [Space Staff], especially [Space Staff]. This national device can be used in a short time. The internal transmission of millions of players will undoubtedly greatly enhance the mobility and strength of the Japanese server, and the threat to the alliance of the Chinese server will also greatly increase.

Of course, this has further strengthened Ye Luo's awakening of their hands on Japanese clothes. After all, if players in Tokyo Mythology and other Japanese clothes are given a chance to breathe, it will pose a greater threat to the Chinese clothes, not to mention the fact that they are working on Japanese clothes at this time. A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity-the entire Japanese server was very expensive after the fifth Demon God swept the demon army, especially the super masters of the Japanese server such as Tokyo Mythology. It is no exaggeration to say that the strength of the Japanese server is less than half of the peak. At this time, it's too much to write about them.

"Fireworks. Does the acquisition of so many national tools in Japanese clothes have any impact on our next hands?" Sitting on Qin Xin said in a deep voice, she was a little worried when she said these. .

"There is a certain influence." The firework is easy to cold. Her tone is as indifferent as before. Before sitting on Qin Xin and others, she changed her tone: "But it can't control the situation. At this time, the consumption of Japanese clothes is very high. The strength is less than the peak, we can definitely kill many of them with our hands, and this can greatly reduce their strength, especially when we have the opportunity to occupy their imperial city."

"Yes, we must be able to cause great casualties to them and then further weaken their strength." Po Lang Chengfeng said confidently: "Of course, it would be better to be able to break through the imperial city of Japanese clothing, hey, for three days. The overall attribute is reduced by 10%, which can greatly reduce their strength. The most important thing is that we can continue to work on them within these 3 too difficult to weaken them as much as possible."

In this regard, everyone is still very confident, they are somewhat looking forward to the next action.

It didn’t take long for the enchantment that blocked the Japanese service to finally disappear, and the first time Ye Luo knew this, he used [Cross Service * Teleport] and came to the place where the Japanese service was closest to the imperial city. He rushed to the imperial city and then sent the fireworks, such as the fireworks, the waves and the wind, etc., of course, this time he also directly sent the heads of the major servers such as the polar silver wolf, the number one person, and so on. The reason for this is that it is even more important. It is convenient for them to send a large number of elites in the first time and then launch a sneak attack on the imperial city of the Japanese service in the first time.

Just like the information they received from fireworks, the imperial city of the Japanese service was seriously damaged. Many guards were destroyed. The number of remaining six-wing fallen angel NPCs was not large, and even several sections of the city wall were collapsed. Yes, it is no exaggeration to say that at this time, the defense and attack power of the Japanese clothing imperial city are already less than 70% of the peak state, which means that it can't be better at this time.

After sending Polangchengfeng and others, Ye Luo didn't say much. He directly used the [Taozhidao] on Polangchengfeng and others. Then everyone used their own big moves, of course, at the same time they also used [Group Acceleration] Scroll], the speed of the crowd increased significantly for a while, and then they rushed straight to the Japanese clothing imperial city-the reason for using the [Group Acceleration Scroll] is to be able to rush to the imperial city wall in the shortest time, and high movement speed It can also bring other conveniences, such as making it easier to break through the obstacles of Japanese players and so on.

When Ye Luo approached the Japanese clothing imperial city for 100 meters, he decisively used [Remnant Shadows], and in the next instant he successfully came to the city wall, [Simulation Technique] plus [God Dance Step], he easily came to the wall. , And then he didn't say much, he directly cast [Reincarnation Clone] and then controlled the Clone to display [Reincarnation*Six Shields]. Of course, the most important thing was that Ye Luo controlled the Clone to block the players rushing towards him and then buy him some time.

Although Ye Luo was in an invincible state at this time, it would be troublesome to be charged by a Japanese player, and he might even be charged continuously and then knocked out of the city wall, so it would be difficult for him to rush to the city wall next.

Of course, just the reincarnation clone is not enough to deal with hundreds of Japanese players, and after seeing Ye Luo suddenly appear, a large number of players have come back one after another, so Ye Luo didn’t dare to take care of it. He used the Nine Palaces and Gossip to the extreme. , With the movement speed brought by the [Taozhi Dao], ultimatum, and [Group Acceleration Scroll], he shuttles through the Japanese server players like a black light, and this easily gets rid of the lock of the Japanese server players, at least there is no daily server Players can charge to him.

Of course, Ye Luo will not only shuttle through the enemy crowd. The long swords and daggers in his hand are like dancing butterflies, like flood dragons and spirit snakes. Every time he moves out, he accurately hits a player, those who are not invincible. High damage figures floated above the players, even most of them were directly cleared of blood and blood and then returned to the city to be resurrected, and there was no chance to lie down—this matter Ling Tian performed a big move, [Tao Ji Dao] ], coupled with the attack power maintained by the previous killings in the printing service, these are just normal attacks and it is enough to kill any player, even if it is a player with a big move or [Group Blessing Scroll] state. under.

Although Ye Luo uses ordinary attacks most of the time, there are splash characteristics in ordinary attacks. Although the splash damage is much lower than that of frontal attacks, the damage is also considerable. There are still many people who can't resist it and get caught. Kill, especially if a critical strike is triggered.

Under Ye Luo’s attack, the surrounding players soon became sparse, and they could even accommodate a lot of players from the middle server. At the same time, the waves and wind, the book in the middle of the night, the Eastern Killing of the sky and others also teleported. He came over and then participated in the battle. These people didn't say much, and directly performed the strongest attack. However, the players of the Japanese server alliance were declining at an extremely rapid rate. It seems that a vacuum zone will soon appear here.

It’s worth mentioning that although the Eastern Killing Sky did not perform the [Holy Beast Heaven Drop], it was still in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll]. Of course, there were hundreds of elites from the Eastern aristocracy, such as Dongfang Xiaotian, resisting this state. One by one, they are like tigers in the mountains, which speeds up the cleaning of the surrounding Japanese clothes.

Of course, the Polar Silver Wolf and the number one person did not watch. They also launched actions. Although the awakening skills of big moves and some combination equipment were consumed because of the previous large-scale team tasks, the Polar Silver Wolf also had other things. Instead of means, for example, they used the [Group Blessing Scroll], and even used more scrolls than the Chinese server side, which also showed a very powerful combat power.

Thousands of elites rushed to the wall of the Japanese server for a time. They started killing. Many Japanese server players were killed. Even though some Japanese server players used invincible means, they were also used by people from the Chinese server alliance [Charge] After hitting outside the city wall, within 30 seconds, a one-hundred-meter-long city wall was already in the hands of the Chinese server alliance, and as more and more players from the Chinese server alliance rushed over, they quickly advanced to both sides. At present, it does not take long to occupy this city wall.

Of course, the defense equipment of the imperial city is not a display, and even their damage output is very high, but at this time the player who rushes to the wall either with a big move or with a [Group Blessing Scroll], with high blood and defense. The most important thing is that the defensive equipment on the wall of the imperial city in the Japanese service has been reduced a lot, so that the players of the Chinese server alliance can also be eaten in a short time, especially after a large number of priests are also transmitted in time and then sent to everyone. Increase blood, increase status.

That’s right, the first group of players who rushed to the wall were naturally melee players. They occupied a section of the wall, or after seeing the situation stabilized a little, the long-range professions of the alliance of the Chinese server teleported over, such as priests, magicians, and archers. With the help of Ye Luo and other melee players, they can almost attack unscrupulously, and this has also increased the casualties of the Japanese server side, and the surrounding Japanese server players have been cleaned up.

"All the archers are mainly to destroy the surrounding city defense equipment!" Fireworks Yi Leng gave an order, and without waiting for everyone to reply, she continued: "Ye Luo, you, Dongfang Killing Tian, ​​and Sister Feng rushed to the teleportation array in front of the city wall. Destroy it in the shortest possible time, at all costs!"

At this time, the greatest threat to the players of the Chinese server alliance is the defense equipment, but in the long run, the most threatening is the teleportation array in front of the city wall, because the players of the Japanese server and the US server can continuously teleport through the teleportation array. Coupled with enemies from other sources, the players in the Chinese server alliance will be under great pressure, so destroying it is the wisest choice.

The players on the Japanese server side naturally know this, so there is a heavy guard there. At this time, I am afraid that only Ye Luo, Dongfang Killing and others can destroy the teleportation array in a short time, so the fireworks are easy to be cold. The most important task was entrusted to them.

As for the defense equipment that caused the most damage to the players in the Chinese server alliance, the six-wing fallen angel NPC was handed over to the remote archer. After all, the defense equipment is immune to skill attacks and can only be attacked by ordinary attacks, and it is well known that the archer is the most Those who are good at ordinary attacks, and most of them have learned [Splitting Arrows], even the energy arrows that split out while attacking and defending the city can also hit surrounding enemies and six-wing fallen angel NPCs.

Although the defense equipment on the imperial city has high toughness and defensive power, the archers selected by the Chinese server alliance at this time are all elite among the elite. Among them, there are many double professional archers, and even fireworks are easy to cold. Unless Yeye is such a super master, plus at this time they are either with a big move, or with the state of [Group Blessing Scroll], plus the bonus of [Ice Dragon Arrow], the damage output is down. It is also very impressive, as can be seen from the rapid decrease in the toughness of the defense equipment and the rapid destruction of some of them.

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