VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3288: : Taming the Demon Flame Beast

When the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, they all know that the defense of Hongyan City is stronger than that of the Japanese Imperial City or even the Imperial City of all servers. After all, there can be no more than 20 [Space Fortress] in any city on any server, plus once Hong Yancheng was attacked by the Chinese server alliance, so the Japanese server alliance will definitely dispatch a large number of elite defenses, and the number is far more than the number of players in the Japanese server imperial city. In addition to the Japanese server, the US server, the players of the Indian server and other servers are all Being able to settle in Hongyan City to defend, this is what the Japanese service imperial city can't match.

If the Chinese server alliance attacked Hongyan City, it would definitely consume a lot of money, even more than the current one, which met the conditions set forth by everyone before.

But soon Heilongtianzhan and they thought of another aspect-the Chinese server alliance attacking Hongyan City will definitely consume a lot of money, but the alliance consumption of servers such as the day server must also be very large, so they are still not satisfied. Conditions for hands-on in the imperial city of the service.

"This is not a problem, because we and the US server cannot enter Hongyan City." Tokyo Mythology said, and a smile was raised on the corner of his mouth: "That is to say, we only need to attack Hongyan City in the China Server Alliance. It’s enough to hold them behind them a little bit when you are in trouble, so it won’t be too much consumption, especially when we deliberately keep some killer features."

"Yes." Mt. Fuji took over: "Compared to our alliance, our strength with the US server is not that strong. There are not many things that we need to do when defending. This means that we can keep it. The difference is that we deliberately retain the means to make big moves and combo skills, and using these we can naturally take action on the imperial city of the Chinese server."

After pondering for a moment, Heilongtian cut and said: "Well, this is also an opportunity. Although only us and the US server have retained a very good strength, but because the Chinese server alliance attacked Hongyan City, there must be a large consumption, even consumption. Without all the means, the difficulty for us to attack the imperial city in the middle server will be greatly reduced. What's more, we can use the assassin of [Summon the Demon God Scroll] and cooperate with the demon flame cavalry to capture the imperial city in the middle server. ."

"That's true." Sakura bloomed, and she continued, thinking of something she continued: "In addition, if our allies are not stingy with using [Battlestar] crazy attacks, the loss and consumption caused to the alliance of the Chinese server will be even greater. Great, even our allies can retain some means, so that we can join forces to attack the imperial city of the Chinese server, so that the chance of success will be greater, but in this way, even if Hongyancheng is not captured, it is afraid that we will lose even more. More [Battlestar]..."

"Hey, as long as there is a chance to destroy the Chinese server’s imperial city, it’s worth losing so much [Battlestar]. After all, the Chinese server player’s overall attributes will be reduced by 10% after the imperial city is destroyed, which is extremely important for them. It is greatly weakened, and the next three days will further weaken the strength of the Chinese server. Maybe we will be able to defeat the Chinese server." The **** of Amaterasu took over: "The worst can also reverse our current passive situation. It's worth it for this."

"What's more, none of the [Battlestar] in Hongyan City is ours, so even if we lose all of them, it's okay, as long as it can cause casualties and consumption as much as possible to the Chinese server alliance." The God of Amaterasu added.

Hearing that, everyone nodded, and they all agreed with it, and Tokyo Mythology agreed to do so.

"Next, it depends on when the Chinese server alliance attacked Hongyan City." Mount Fuji said, and he looked at everyone as he said: "But I don't think it will take long, because this time the Chinese server alliance will fight. Our imperial city sneak attack is to consume our [Group Blessing Scroll], and the purpose of doing so is naturally to prepare for the attack on Hongyan City, which means that it will not take long for them to attack Hongyan City."

Regarding this, everyone was also deeply convinced, thinking of these, they all expected the Chinese server alliance to take action on Hong Yancheng sooner.

"The next thing we have to do besides obtaining [Devil Flame Beast] is to continue hoarding [Group Blessing Scrolls]. The more such scrolls, the better." Tokyo Mythology looked at the crowd, after a short pause, he continued: "Of course, other The more scrolls or assassin items, the better. After all, the more prepared we are, the better our chances of success in the future of the imperial city of China Server will be, and the worst it will cause will be even greater losses for China Server."

Everyone had no opinion on this, they arranged one after another, and the next thing was to continue to wait, waiting for all the defense equipment on the imperial city to be restored, and waiting for the imperial city to recover as before.

About more than 10 hours later, the Japanese service imperial city finally recovered. At least the defense equipment has been restored. At this time, the Tokyo Mythology and the others no longer have to worry about Ye Luo and the others will kill a carbine, and then Under the urging of the cherry blossoms and others, they used the scroll and opened a different space. After entering the different space, the group saw the dense flame beasts inside, which are the magic flame beasts, and this means that they need to be tamed to be able to Tame it into a mount.

Next, they didn’t say much in the Tokyo mythology, and they started to act, but they found that these monsters were not so easy to tame, and even the probability of tame was very low. An average of 20 can be tamed. According to this probability, 10 million monsters The flame beasts are afraid that they can only tame about 500,000 heads, which means that they can only get a 500,000 demon flame cavalry.

"I thought the probability of taming was 10%. I didn't expect it was only 5%. This means that we can only tame 500,000 Demon Flame Beasts at most, which is half of the previously expected million cavalry." Heilong Tianzhan was a little disappointed. Authentic, after all, Demon Flame Beasts are so powerful, they naturally want to get as many as possible.

"Although the chance of taming is only 5%, this is already very good. Hey, a charge of 500,000 demon flame cavalry can also cause a lot of casualties to the alliance of the Chinese server. We still have a great chance to destroy it. The imperial city of the service." Mount Fuji smiled and said: "Especially at that time when the Chinese service alliance was very expensive."

Hearing this, everyone nodded. The most important thing is that it doesn’t make much sense to entangle these things so far, so they stopped talking and kept busy, and of course they didn’t forget to send more people in. After all, they wanted to tame. All the Demon Flame Beasts here only took a long time with their manpower, they didn't have that long.

Not to mention the Tokyo Mythology, they began to tame the Demon Flame Beast, and they traced the time back to Ye Luo and they just withdrew from the Japanese Imperial City.

Now that the affairs of the Japanese server imperial city have come to an end, especially Yeluo and Breaking the Wave and Riding the Wind, they consume a lot of money, so they did not continue to stay in the Japanese server, nor did they work on other servers. Then they might do it. The dungeon task or hunting high-ranking BOSS, of course, Ye Luo, Breaking the Wave and Riding the Wind, they are still mainly hunting the players of the enemy alliance, after all, it is still very important for them to keep the points first.

Keeping the number one point is not only a great reward for Ye Luo, but he can also redeem a piece of national equipment if he accumulates points to 10 million points earlier. Even if it is only a low-grade national equipment, his equipment level can be greatly improved. At the very least, you don’t have to worry about how much worse the equipment level is than the Eastern Killing of the Sky and Tokyo Mythology. You will have a greater chance of defeating them in the future. After all, it will take some time for Ye Luo to reach Rank 360 at this time. , At this time he urgently needs to improve his equipment level.

While hunting enemy alliance players, Yeluo, Breaking Waves and Riding the Wind will also hunt some high-level BOSS. After all, hunting BOSS can not only increase their level quickly, but also add scrolls such as [Group Blessing Scroll]. Of course, you can also get some very good equipment items, even if they don't need them, they can also be used by other players, which can further enhance the strength of the Misty Pavilion.

It’s worth mentioning that in the early hours of the night, the fireworks are easy to get cold. They took on a small team task, which only requires 10 players. Although this task is not the same as the large team tasks such as [Charm Elf] and [Magic Flame Burning Sky] However, fireworks are easy to be cold. They also know that completing such tasks can also get some rewards, not only attribute points, but also scrolls such as [Group Blessing Scroll], which can also supplement their previous consumption in the day service—— Ye Luo and the others have consumed too many scrolls in the Japanese service, and they urgently need to add some at this time.

Time passed faintly, and another day passed in a blink of an eye, and after so long, Ye Luo and their ults and combination equipment awakening skills have all ended CD, which means that they will be able to take action on the gang of the enemy alliance. , Just like doing the Indian and British clothes before.

I also know that this can not only contain the enemy alliance and make the Chinese server alliance become active, the most important thing is that it can consume the enemy alliance’s [Group Blessing Scroll], and it is even more because of the occupation of the enemy alliance’s gang station. As a result, the number of scrolls on their side has increased, so Ye Luo and the others are happy to do so, especially after they occupy the city wall, they can efficiently kill players and then earn points efficiently. This makes it easier to get the first point. .

It is worth mentioning that the number of players killed by Ye Luo in the Japanese server yesterday is still the first, and his original points are still the first, so his points are even the first.

"Sister Fireworks, which server shall we do next, the Japanese server or the printed server?" June Feixue asked curiously. Not waiting for the fireworks to get cold, she continued: "I feel better to work on Japanese clothes. , After all, the strength of the Japanese server has been greatly affected after the First World War yesterday. At this time, it is easier to do things with them, and it can continue to weaken their strength."

"Yes, I think it's better to work on Japanese clothes. After all, Tokyo Mythology acquired so many national weapons yesterday. If they don't work on them, then they pose a greater threat to us." Po Lang Chengfeng echoed.

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