VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3297: :Complete without attrition

Ouyang Feitian and the others were looking for support after completing the seventh ring mission of [Storm Domain]. The heroes of the Heavenly War and the Yeyu family sent elites to join them. There were more super masters such as Yeyu Tiange, Yuexia Listening Zen, and Desert Lonely Smoke. The important thing is that Ye Yu Fei Fei still has a [God Coming Scroll] in his hands, and they will surely be able to complete this mission.

However, this is a good thing for everyone in the Misty Pavilion. After all, the Yinian family, the Yeyu family, the Ouyang family, and the heroes of the Tianzhan are the gangs of the Zhongfu. The increase in their strength can naturally increase the strength of the Zhongfu and then reduce the Ye Luo's pressure, especially their guess that [Storm Domain] has at least 10 rings-the more mission rings, the more generous the rewards will be, and the greater the improvement in strength.

"Well, no accident, the final BOSS should be the top ten demon **** level, and killing a BOSS of this level will definitely get the national weapon, plus the task rewards may be able to get the rewards of two national weapons." Samadhi Shi took over. After talking, she looked at everyone while talking: "That means Feitian Ouyang and the others will be greatly improved after completing all the tasks, especially the Ye Yu family, because they will definitely get a national weapon according to the agreement."

Hearing that, everyone was a little envious, but they thought that the strength of the Misty Pavilion was already very strong, especially when they thought of Ye Luo's strength after the 360 ​​level ninth rank. After he improved, they didn’t worry about it anymore, because they In my mind at that time, the Misty Pavilion was almost invincible.

Since they can't pose any threat to the Misty Pavilion, the Samadhi and others naturally hope that the Yeyu family and other gangs are as strong as possible. After all, as mentioned before, they are all the power of the Chinese server. The stronger the Chinese server, the stronger the Chinese server.

Next, Ye Luo and the others continued to get busy, either hunting foreign players, or doing dungeon missions or hunting high-level BOSS. Of course, they also harass the enemy alliance from time to time, which also caused the enemy alliance. No small trouble and consumption.

Of course, those people in Tokyo Mythology will not watch their side being so passive. They have also increased their hands-on efforts, such as sending more elite forces to sneak into the servers of the Chinese server alliance, including super masters such as Tokyo Mythology. It also caused a lot of casualties and troubles to the alliance of the Chinese server—Tokyo Mythology and Mt.Fuji sent some elite players to continue to tame the [Devil Flame Beast], and they continued to work on the alliance of the Chinese server, relying on their powerful strength. It also slightly reversed their side's disadvantages.

Think about it, after all, Tokyo Mythology and Mount Fuji are equipped with 4 and 3 national instruments, and few people can match the level of equipment. Coupled with their super operating and professional advantages, as long as they don’t meet Ye Luo Super masters such as Eastern Killing Sky can easily deal with and even kill opponents.

Super masters such as Ye Luo and Eastern Killing Sky cannot always chase Tokyo Mythology and others, especially if they can avoid Ye Luo and others in Tokyo Mythology. After all, chasing them is a waste of time. It is better to continue hunting. Killing the players of the enemy alliance or working on their gang resident can also cause more casualties and consumption.

Because the enemy alliance dispatched more elites and a large number of assassins infiltrated the Chinese server alliance, the catastrophe became more chaotic than before, but Ye Luo and the others were not worried about this, because at this time the Chinese server alliance still has Obvious advantage, this can be seen from the fact that Ye Luo and the others can occupy the gang station of the enemy alliance from time to time.

Because Ye Luo and their players who harass the enemy alliance will use some [Group Blessing Scrolls] from time to time, and Ye Luo and the others who occupy the enemy alliance from time to time will receive system rewards and then get some [Group Blessing Scrolls]. The number of [Group Blessing Scrolls] hoarded by an alliance must be more than that of the enemy alliance, which makes many players in the Chinese server alliance eager to try, and many people even urge them to hurry up to do Hongyancheng.

However, Fireworks Yi Cold still refused and gave a reason. It was nothing more than taking advantage of the initiative to continue to harass the enemy alliance and then expand the advantage of the Chinese server alliance. Of course, now there is another excuse-Ouyang Feitian and they have not finished [Storm Domain], once they complete the task, they will get rich rewards. Not to mention anything else, there are at least 1, 20 in the [Group Blessing Scroll], and this will undoubtedly make it easier for them to deal with Hongyan City. easy.

I have to say that the reasons given by Fireworks Yi Cold are very convincing. Although everyone is still eager to try, they did not propose to do anything against Hongyan City, but continue to consume the enemy alliance as before.

Ouyang Feitian and their missions went smoothly because of the addition of Super Masters such as Guyan in the Desert, Yeyutiange, and Yuexia Listening Zen. They completed the eighth and ninth ring tasks with ease, and even according to the people of the Long family, they Almost no players were killed to complete these two missions, so it is not impossible to complete the mission without attenuation.

Everyone knows that they will get more generous rewards for completing tasks without attenuation. For a while, they are more envious and looking forward to Ouyang Feitian and their completion of the task, especially when they hear the system prompts that Ouyang Feitian has completed the eighth and ninth ring missions. After getting what kind of generous rewards-just the [Group Blessing Scroll] there are as many as 10, plus various other rewards, Ouyang Feitian, and the rewards they received are too rich.

During Ouyang Feitian’s mission, some other teams also completed some tasks. Although they are not as good as [Storm Domain], they can also get some rewards. These teams are not only from the Chinese server alliance, but also from the enemy alliance. , And even the enemy alliance completed more missions, and this more or less made up for their consumption by the middle server. Of course, this also gave the fireworks easy to cold and they had a more sufficient reason not to immediately take action on Hongyancheng— -Next they will continue to consume the enemy alliance, as much as possible.

As for Ye Luo and the others, although they also increased their efforts to accept tasks during the period, their luck was not very good. Although they also received some tasks, they did not resemble [Storm Domain], and most of them were much worse. Fortunately, these missions can also give them some rewards. In addition, they can also obtain a lot of equipment and props from time to time by occupying the gangs of the enemy alliance and hunting high-ranking BOSS. At least it is not comparable to the [Group Blessing Scroll]. How much difference is Ouyang Feitian and the others.

Of course, breaking the waves and riding the wind is not enough. She is more inclined to obtain equipment and props that can reverse the situation. Fortunately, there are not many days before the end of this month. Not surprisingly, Ye Luo can get this one again. The first month's points and then get rich rewards, and even among them, there is a high probability of getting a powerful national weapon, so they are somewhat looking forward to breaking the waves and riding the wind.

Time passed faintly, and another one or two days passed in a blink of an eye, and Ouyang Feitian finally completed [Storm Domain] after such a long time, and they heard a system prompt the first time they completed the task:


System reminder (full server): Congratulations to the team of Feitian Ouyang, Guyan in the Desert, Feiyu Yeyu, Listening to Zen under the Moon, and Becoming a Demon... The team has completed all the tasks in [Storm Domain], and the system will reward them with 10 [Group Blessing Reels], 10 [Group Guardian Reels], 10 [Group Mirror Reels] and other common reels, reward them with 5 [Cross Server*Group Teleportation Reels], 5 [Cross Server*City Hearts] and 10 Demon-level treasure chest, 1 [Demon God Crystal Soul], 3 [Group Purification Scrolls], 2 Natural Energy Stones. In addition, all players who participate in this mission will get 500 points of all attributes, 5 points of luck, a random piece of equipment to increase a rank, a random skill to be strengthened, 100,000 points of military merit, 100,000 points of prestige, and 5 The chance to draw a lottery, and they will definitely get a national weapon in the first draw. In view of the fact that they have completed the task perfectly without attenuation, all rewards except for the [Demon God Crystal Soul], random equipment upgrades and skills enhancement, and the chance to draw a lottery, other rewards are increased by 50%, which is encouraged.

"Sure enough, after Ye Yu Fei Fei and the others joined Ouyang Feitian, they really completed the task of [Storm Domain], and they even completed this task without attenuation." Black and white chess said, when she said this, her tone was a little envious: " That’s a mission without attrition. Most of the rewards are increased by 50%. In this case, there are 15 of the [Group Blessing Scrolls] alone, plus the rewards from the previous nine-ring missions, Ouyang Feitian and the others are earning this time. Big."

"That's right." June Feixue took the stubbornly: "Especially they will definitely be able to draw the national weapon through a lottery, plus the equipment and props exploded by killing the final BOSS. Not surprisingly, Feitian Ouyang can at least get Two pieces of national equipment, and this can greatly improve Ouyang Feitian and the others' strength. Ye Yufei, they only need one piece of national equipment, and the rest only needs to be distributed to the heroes of Heavenly War."

Hearing this, everyone nodded. They also knew that the rewards Ouyang Family had received were too generous this time. Of course, at this time they were also curious about what equipment and props Ouyang Feitian had when they killed the final BOSS.

"I don't know what national equipment Ouyang Feitian can get, what grade." Po Lang Chengfeng said to himself: "And Ouyang Feitian has already equipped a national equipment, if he can equip another one or two national equipment then His strength will also be greatly improved, and he may be able to reach the level of Lone Smoke in the Desert, so that they will not need to seek support when they encounter tasks of this level in the future, at least they will not need to directly seek the support of so many people from the gang."

"It's easy, and soon we will know what rewards they got this time, and what the BOSS broke out." June Feixue said, while she was looking at the Samadhi poem, the meaning was self-evident.

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