VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3299: : Seize the National Instruments

According to the agreement, the Yeyu Family and the Heroes of the Heavenly War each obtained a national weapon, and the Yinian family was also one of the top ten gangs, and participated in this mission from beginning to end. It stands to reason that they can also be assigned a national weapon. Therefore, after learning that Ouyang Feitian had taken the remaining two pieces of national artifacts as his own, they were puzzled. They didn't believe that the members of the Yinian family were willing to not want national artifacts.

Next, everyone looked at the samādhi poem together, and the meaning was self-evident.

"When they become a god, they will naturally not give up the national instruments, but the latter two national instruments were won by the Ouyang Feitian lottery, and they can be equipped by Ouyang Feitian, so Ouyang Feitian played a mind and directly combined the two national instruments. They are all equipped." Samadhi said, seeing everyone's stunned look, she sneered: "I have to say that Ouyang Feitian is a bit shameless. After all, he is equipped with a national weapon. Players in the family can't wait until they become gods. Kill him to get back the national weapon."

"Uh, it is so, Ouyang Feitian is really a bit..." Zhiyue muttered, but in the end he didn't say ‘shameless’.

"Although Ouyang Feitian is a bit shameless in doing this, he has 3 national implements after obtaining two national implements, and there are two other national implements that are most suitable for him, which will greatly improve his strength." Qin Xindao, while talking about her while checking the National Instruments List, said to herself: "[Armor of Light] and [Ring of Light] are obviously exclusive equipment of the sacred and light element, and Ouyang Feitian has taken office. For the profession of God Envoy of Light, two exclusive national weapons are undoubtedly the most suitable for him."

That’s right, this time Ouyang Feitian obtained the two middle-grade national artifacts, namely armor-[Armor of Light] and ring-[Ring of Light]. There is no doubt that this is the most suitable national weapon for him, no wonder He would so'shamelessly' dominate the Yi Nian family's equipment.

"Hey, even if he is also equipped with three pieces of national equipment, is it possible that he will be my opponent?" Po Lang Chengfeng said with disdain, and then her tone changed: "Even he is not Xiaoshu's opponent, after all, my uncle is here. The level of equipment is not inferior, and Xiaoshu will definitely beat him in terms of overall attributes and skill system."

Think about it, Ouyang Feitian only completed [Storm Domain] and then killed the sixth demon to get rewards, and the tasks of this level completed by Midnight Book far surpassed the former, and his overall attributes are naturally under various rewards. It is more powerful than Ouyang Feitian, and it is also equipped with three pieces of national equipment and an extra [Shi Fangzhan]. The equipment level of the latter half of the night book is not necessarily worse than Ouyang Feitian in terms of equipment.

As for the skill system, the original Midnight Book had more skills than ordinary occupations, but after he learned [Cooldown Reset], he was afraid that only Ye Luo could overwhelm him in the whole tribulation, and Ouyang Feitian couldn’t do it at all. .

Since Midnight Book has advantages in equipment level, skill system, and overall attributes, or does not fall behind, coupled with his increasingly perfect operation level, this naturally has a great chance of winning against Shang Ouyang Feitian.

Ouyang Feitian is not yet the opponent of Midnight Book, let alone compared with Po Lang Chengfeng, after all, everyone knows that the latter's strength is stronger than Midnight Book.

Regarding this, everyone was also deeply convinced, and after thinking of these, they no longer entangled with these things, especially thinking of Misty Pavilion and Ye Luo, his strength is much stronger than Po Lang Riding Wind and Midnight Book.

"Hey, I'm very curious how they would let go after Ouyang Feitian took the national weapon of the Yinian family." Othello looked at the Samadhi poem with interest, and the meaning was self-evident.

"They will naturally not give up when they become gods, and Ouyang Feitian is also a bit unreasonable, so he has given a lot of compensation. For example, most of the equipment and props exploded by the sixth devil are given to the Yinian family, and even system energy is used. The energy stone of the fortune and the [Devil God Crystal Soul] are compensated to the Yinian family." Samadhi said, after a short pause, she continued: "Except for the national equipment, there is no doubt that the Yinian family is the biggest gain in participating in the mission this time."

"Ouyang Feitian's compensation is not bad, but he is not stingy on this point." He said in the middle of the night, and then his tone changed: "It is a good thing for us that they receive generous rewards, after all, their strength is greatly enhanced. It will also make us less pressure on the enemy alliance, and even the next actions will be easier."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, the book in the middle of the night turned to look at the fireworks and it was easy to cold: "Sister Fireworks, now Feitian Ouyang and they have completed the [Storm Field], and their harvest is much richer than we expected, even just the [Group Blessing Scroll ] There are as many as 3 or 40. Tsk tsk, plus these must be much more than the enemy alliance, now we can start with Hongyan City."

"That's right, we can definitely take action on Hongyancheng." Po Lang Chengfeng took the stubbornness, and when she said these, her tone was full of excitement: "Fireworks, at this time, our strength must be enough, and Hong Yancheng will be taken as soon as possible. If we capture and destroy the Battlestar among them, then our Battlestar will be able to act at will. Hey, we will mobilize all the Battlestars to attack the imperial city of the enemy alliance, so we are very It can be easily destroyed, which can further increase our chances of winning."

"The most important thing is that if you continue to delay, something will happen. For example, no one knows whether the enemy alliance will receive a similar large-scale team task and then get rich rewards. So we were under pressure at that time. It will increase a lot.” Po Lang Chengfeng added, and her proposal was echoed by many people.

"Fireworks, I also think the time is right now." Ye Luo, who has not expressed his opinion, said solemnly. When he said these, his expression was a little serious: "Although we have a big advantage at this time, and I am at level 360. After the ninth rank, the strength will be greatly improved, but I always feel that the situation is a bit uncomfortable. It seems that people from the enemy alliance are accumulating strength. Maybe the delay for too long may not be more beneficial to us."

"Now taking advantage of our great advantage, take the initiative to attack, or increase the strength of weakening the enemy's alliance, which may be more beneficial to us." Ye Luo added.

In fact, after the book in the middle of the night and the proposal of breaking the waves and riding the wind, the fireworks are easy to be cold and a little heart-stirring. She also thinks that the timing is already good, and Ye Luo also rarely expresses her opinion, so she doesn’t hesitate even more, even in her mind as long as Ye Luo suggested that she would do it, even without considering the consequences—the idea of ​​fireworks being easy to be cold was also very simple, as long as Ye Luo suggested that she would do it, even if she is now asked to destroy the Eastern family.

It's just that Ye Luo is very rational and didn't make such an unreasonable request.

Hearing Ye Luo also expressing her opinions, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind was even more excited, because she knew that since Ye Luo agreed, the fireworks would definitely follow suit. She thought that she would be able to take action on Hongyan City next. The things she had always dreamed of, so she was naturally excited.

"Well, you can..." Firework Yi Cold nodded, but she was interrupted before she finished speaking.

"Well, it doesn't seem to be the best time to act on Hongyan City." Samadhi poetry said.

"Why is it not the best time?" Othello was puzzled: "Now our overall strength, especially the number of hoarded [Group Blessing Scrolls] far exceeds the enemy alliance, this can also be judged from the previous actions. This is naturally the best time to do it."

Not only is Othello puzzled, but also others, even fireworks are easy to get cold, especially since Ye Luo agrees with this, it is reasonable to say that Samadhi will not object to it.

But the firework is easy to be cold, and she is also a smart person. She knows that since the samādhi said these, she must have a reason, especially since she knows more about the information about the gangs of Ouyang family and other gangs. For a while, she was also a little curious about what happened to let samādhi. Say so.

"Because of no accident, Ouyang Feitian and they could not immediately participate in the action against Hongyan City." Samadhi directly said, seeing everyone more curious, she continued: "Because Ouyang Feitian and they got a scroll after killing the sixth demon. After this scroll, you can enter a different space, and according to the scroll, there are many powerful monsters in the different space..."

"What, there are follow-up missions?!" Po Lang blurted out from the wind, and when she said these, her tone was full of excitement: "Hey, just the previous mission killed the sixth demon god, so the follow-up mission is at least You will get the top ten demon gods, counted as the demon gods that have been killed, there seems to be only four demon gods next, the first to the fourth demon gods, these demon gods are the strongest existence of all the demon gods, if you can combine these demon gods Also kill, even if you kill only one of them, Ouyang Feitian's strength can be greatly improved. After all, you and I know that killing the top ten demon gods will explode the national weapon."

"Yes, that's right." June Feixue nodded repeatedly, and when she said this, she was full of envy: "Why didn't we encounter such a follow-up mission in the first place? If we get such a mission, That’s great, because then we will definitely have more national implements than we do now."

In this regard, everyone also deeply agreed, and they were all envious for a while.

"It's not that they triggered the follow-up mission, but that the monsters in that space can be tamed." After seeing the misunderstanding of the people, Samadhi hurriedly explained: "That is to say, those monsters can be tamed into mounts, and those mounts should be better than ours. The Nightmare Cavalry should be stronger, and this is still not using the [Gen Bone Pill], [Potential Pill], once they are used, those mounts will be more powerful, maybe Ouyang Family can create a constant tragedy Maybe the First Cavalry."

"A mount that is even more powerful than the Skeleton Nightmare Beast?! This, Ouyang Feitian and their luck are too good." June Feixue murmured.

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