VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3309: : Persuade everyone

I have to say that the players who are eligible to participate in the discussion of important events are smart people. In addition to the words of Samadhi, Bacchus Dukang and others, everyone quickly understands that delaying the time to work on Hongyan City is the wisest choice, and only In this way, there will be more chances to capture Hongyan City and then destroy all the 【Space Fortress】 inside.

Of course, there are some people who are a little bit angry. After all, they don’t want to procrastinate like this, especially the players of the Central Asian server. They still hope to start working on Hongyan City now, even if they can’t destroy all the [Space Fortress] inside—— The players of the Central Asian server also gave reasons for doing so. For example, even if all the enemy’s [Space Fortress] cannot be destroyed, most of them can be destroyed, and the remaining ones are not enough to cause any threat to the Chinese server.

"That's right." Ouyang Feiri echoed, and he continued after a while, with a faint playfulness in his words: "If Ye Luo Zhiqiu can't complete the task? Wouldn't we wait so long for nothing?"

"In addition, even if they have completed the task but did not get too rich rewards to increase their strength? Isn't that still a waste of time?" Ouyang Feiri added: "So I still recommend to immediately start Hongyancheng, such as the Central Asia Service The representative of said that with our current strength, even if we can’t destroy all the [Space Fortress] in Hongyan City, it can be destroyed seven or eighty-eight, and the remaining ones are nothing to fear.

With a sneer in his heart, Samadhi naturally knows why Ouyang Feiri did this-he is worried that the limelight of the misty pavilion in the future will once again suppress the Ouyang family. After all, this time the Ouyang family finally won [Storm Unicorn] with a big chance. Shine, so naturally I don't want to miss it.

If it's normal, Samadhi doesn't care much about Ouyang Feiri's'cynicism', but now there are many players who are affiliated with the Central Asian server and Ouyang Feiri, so she can't let it go on like this, after all, she doesn't really want to start with Hong Yancheng immediately. But she didn't say much, and directly sent the [Dragon Soul Pill] and the upgraded [Nightmare Commander] attribute book to everyone present.

"This, this..." Ouyang Feiri was stunned after seeing the effects of [Dragon Soul Pill] and the attributes of [Feiyi*Nightmare Commander], and did not say the following for a long time.

Not only Ouyang Feiri was shocked, players in the Chinese server and other servers were shocked after seeing the attributes of [Feiyi*Nightmare Commander]. In their hearts, they originally thought that [Storm Unicorn] was the most powerful standard mount. , But don’t want [Flying Wing*Nightmare Commander] to be stronger than [Storm Unicorn].

[Flying Wing*Nightmare Commander] is much stronger than [Storm Unicorn], which undoubtedly blocked Ouyang Feiri’s words, because after Ye Luo and the others complete the task, it will surely make a large number of [Nightmare Commander] of the Misty Pavilion rise. Level, after having these powerful mounts, they will naturally be more confident about Hongyancheng, so they won't worry about the issue of "waiting for nothing".

Of course, some people think that only a few [Nightmare Commanders] were upgraded to [Flying Wings*Nightmare Commanders], and the Samadhi poem also thought of these in advance, and she directly sent the [Dragon Soul Pill] to everyone, so naturally Tell everyone that they can have a lot of [Flying Wings*Nightmare Commander]-as long as they can refine the pill, they will naturally upgrade the mount, and the players of The Tribulation know that collecting materials to refine the pill is not that difficult.

"It is also possible that Ye Luo Zhiqiu and they only obtained a few [Dragon Soul Pills] and then upgraded a limited number of [Nightmare Commanders]..." Ouyang Feiri said, but he was interrupted before he could finish.

"The monsters hunted by Sister Feng and the others can explode the materials for refining [Dragon Soul Pill]. According to Sister Feng, they have now obtained materials that can refine tens of thousands of [Dragon Soul Pill]. This is only a 4-day mission. In the remaining 6 days, more materials will be obtained and more [Dragon Soul Pill] will be refined, so that many [Nightmare Commanders] can be upgraded." Samadhi Shidao, she said. Looking at everyone, "I can guarantee this. That is to say, after Feng Sister and the others complete the task, at least there will be a [Flying Wing*Nightmare Commander] cavalry. You and I know how this will improve us. What is the result of his strength and then his hands on Hong Yancheng? I should wait a few more days for you alone."

Although Ye Luo and the others could not leave the mission and return, there is no problem with eating and resting off the line. During the period, they naturally told the samādhi about the mission and the harvest, especially the fireworks are easy to cold and think that someone will make things difficult. 'People from the Misty Pavilion.

I still trust the character of Samadhi. Since she said that, other people would not doubt it. Naturally, they also knew what the result would be after having more powerful cavalry on Hongyan City. Therefore, the previous suggestions were against Hong. Most of the players in Rock City were silent, and they also agreed to delay the action, and only a limited number of people were still holding on.

"By the way, Ye Luo's mount has also been upgraded..." Samadhi said, and while speaking, she distributed the [Holy Beast*Colorful Qilin] pictorial to everyone. After seeing everyone's astonished look, she was quite satisfied, and then He laughed: "You and I know the changes that Ye Luo's mount can bring, so even with this mount, you and I should endure a little longer. We will be more confident when we do it in the future."

If there were still people in the crowd who insisted, then no one had any objections after seeing the attributes of [Holy Beast*Colorful Unicorn]. They all delayed until Ye Luo and the others completed the task and returned to their peak state before taking action on Hongyan City.

"Of course, we can still act on the enemy alliance and give them some pressure. The more pressure we put on the enemy alliance, the less people in the enemy alliance know that Ye Luo is doing the task, so we will be safer. Samadhi Shi continued, seeing everyone nodding, she continued: "Of course, this can also further consume the enemy's alliance, which is still very good for our future believers."

"Next, we can also see the strength of the [Storm Unicorn] cavalry, and we can sum up the most perfect siege tactics." Samadhi added.

Everyone also agrees with this, because they also know the benefits of doing so, the least helpful can also play a role in training soldiers, including the Ouyang family also agreed, because they also know that it will be difficult for them to get the limelight in the next few days. Because once Ye Luo and the others complete the task, they will bring back a large number of [Dragon Soul Pills], so that after a large number of [Nightmare Commanders] are upgraded, the style of [Storm Unicorns] will be suppressed, so they will naturally not miss this. Opportunity.

Now that the decision has been made, the next step is to organize manpower and then attack the enemy alliance. Of course, they will not attack Hongyan City, but choose some relatively weaker gang sites, which are safer and of course also able to attack the enemy. The alliance poses a greater threat.

Soon after, the alliance of the Chinese server selected a level 4 gang station to start. It is worth mentioning that this time not only the super masters such as Eastern Killing the Sky and Thousand Miles Walking Alone, all the [Storm Unicorns] are also dispatched. , 100,000 storm cavalry launched a charge together, the momentum is quite large, at least it is difficult for the enemy alliance to resist, so players from the Chinese server alliance can easily occupy the level 4 help station.

Think about it, although Ye Luo and Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind did not send out, but the 100,000 Storm Cavalry is also an extremely powerful force, especially this cavalry is quite good at siege the city, so the strength of the Chinese server alliance is even far better than Ye Luo and the others were even stronger when they were there. What's more, the target of the action was only the level 4 gang station. The defense and attack power of this station were much worse than that of the level 5 gang station. There is naturally no problem in taking it down, especially It was in the case of Tokyo Mythology that they deliberately released water.

That’s right, Tokyo Mythology, they did not defend the city with all their strength. The reason for this is that they do not want to expose the existence of [Devil Flame Beast] in advance, and they also have the idea to confuse the players of the Chinese server alliance-give the Chinese server alliance first Some benefits then make them careless, and a sudden counterattack in the future can have unexpected results.

The storm cavalry shines, and this also makes the players of the whole robbery game realize the importance of powerful cavalry, especially in the siege of the city, and this is almost the most glorious moment of the Ouyang family. After seeing the storm cavalry After becoming stronger, more free players choose to join the Ouyang Family, and the strength of the Ouyang Family has grown again.

Of course, most of the players in the top 10 gangs will not choose to quit the gang and join the Ouyang Family, especially after their respective help tells everyone about [Flying Wing * Nightmare Commander], it is clear that they did this to make these people aware The Storm Cavalry is not the first Cavalry of the Heavenly Tribulation, so naturally there will not be too many people leaving the gang and joining the Ouyang family.

The leaders of the major gangs do not worry that their people will choose to quit and then join the Misty Pavilion, because the Misty Pavilion no longer recruits players, unless it is a particularly powerful player, but such players will not be fancy [Fly] Wing * Nightmare Commander] and chose to join the Misty Pavilion. After all, the powerful cavalry did not improve the strength of these players much.

The fact is also true, Ying Mi Pavilion did not recruit any more players, even if a large number of players requested to join after learning of the existence of [Flying Wing*Nightmare Commander], and after seeing the power of [Flying Wing*Nightmare Commander], a large number of players I don’t like the [Storm Unicorn] anymore, so the number of players who have joined the Ouyang Family is much less, and even some players who have already joined the Ouyang Family have once again withdrew.

"Damn it, originally thought that our [Storm Unicorn] would shine and become the first cavalry of the Heavenly Tribulation, but I didn't expect to kill Cheng Yaojin halfway..."

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