VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3319: : Attack on Hongfeng City

Players in the Japanese server alliance have fully used the awakening skills of combination equipment. Although this makes the samashi and them puzzled, after all, it is too early for the Tokyo Mythology to use this assassin skill now, but the Chinese server alliance's Players can't think too much, they can only use all the awakening skills of combination equipment to deal with it.

Think about it. Originally, because Ye Luo, Breaking Waves and Riding the Wind, and Eastern Killing of the Sky were not in the Chinese server, they lost multiple super masters and 4 combination equipment awakening skills, so even if they have the advantage of the city wall, the Chinese server alliance had to use it. The awakening skills of all combination equipment, otherwise they may not be able to hold on to the outer wall for 10 minutes, and once the enemy alliance has a great chance to attack the inner wall, in this case they may still destroy the middle server. Of the imperial city.

This is not what Samadhi they want to see, so they decisively used all the combination equipment awakening skills to deal with, and even used multiple [Group Blessing Scrolls], plus many defense equipment and condescending advantages. It is not a problem to resist Tokyo Shinhwa and others in a short time, and it can delay 10 minutes at least.

But this is exactly what they want to see in the Tokyo Mythology, because according to the current situation, they can not only destroy most of the Chinese server alliance in Hongfeng City [Battlestar], but also give the Chinese server alliance a larger one. Consumption, especially the consumption of all combination equipment awakening skills, so that they don't have to worry about the following retaliation from the server and thus lose some gang resident.

However, the Tokyo Mythology did not immediately switch to the Central Asian server because their goals have not been fully achieved-taking advantage of their own side to have a great advantage, as far as possible to let most of the players rush to the wall and then entangle the players on the Chinese server side. Especially the super masters, this will prevent them from rushing to Hongfeng City to support in a short time, which will undoubtedly further facilitate Tokyo Shinhwa's next actions.

Although the Chinese server alliance has also used all the awakening skills of combination equipment, and even used multiple [Group Blessing Scrolls] and occupying the city wall, but because there are a lot of super masters, the server side is still slightly at a disadvantage, especially in Tokyo. Shinhwa and others brazenly rushed to the city wall, and this also caused most players in the Japanese service and other alliances to rush to the city wall.

After rushing to the city wall, a large number of players rushed straight to the super masters such as Longteng Tianxia and Polar Silver Wolf. The task of these people is to entangle the super masters of the Chinese server alliance as much as possible, even if a large number of elite players are killed.

Under this kind of desperate tactics, there are many super masters in the Chinese server side alliance that are entangled. It is difficult for them to get out in a short time, and the time is finally ripe for Tokyo Mythology, and they did not waste time. , Directly let players who have been ambushing in the periphery of Hongfeng City take action-many space players directly used [cross-server*space portal] and used [cross-server*group teleport scroll], including [cross-server*] Space Portal (Group)], Sakura Ruxue directly used [Uri*Space Portal], and her targets are not only super masters such as Tokyo Mythology and Heroes Unknown, but also all [Devil Flame Beasts] cavalry.

[Devil Flame Beast] The cavalry and Tokyo Mythology are the main force in the attack on Hongfeng City this time. It is inevitable to send them over with such priority, and the Tokyo Mythology will not say much after they appear, and they will attack the Hongfeng City wall at the fastest speed. To rush away, they even used the [Group Acceleration Scroll] in order to be faster.

It has to be said that the Japanese server alliance has a great advantage in the teleportation method, especially after Sakura Ruxue obtained the [Space Staff], it transmitted millions or even tens of millions of players to them in a short period of time. It's still a very easy thing, the most important thing is that most of the people who are transmitted are elite, which is a powerful combat force.

In addition, many dual-professional masters of the Chinese server side alliance defended the city in the Chinese server, so in the case of Tokyo Mythology they suddenly attacked Hongfeng City, they encountered little resistance, and even Tokyo Mythology waited for combination equipment. Players with awakening skills rushed up the city wall as if they were in an uninhabited state, and those guarding equipment and guarding players couldn't stop them at all, nor did they pose any threat to them.

That's right, although Hongfeng City is a level 5 gang resident, but at this time Tokyo Mythology, they have used the awakening skills of big moves and combined equipment. At this time, their defense and blood are terrifying, and they are **** the defense equipment. There is no problem with the attack, especially when there are many players rushing to Hongfeng City at the same time-the number of players rushing to Hongfeng City means that the attacks of the defensive equipment can only be dispersed, so every player The attacks they face have decreased a lot, and Tokyo Mythology will naturally be more relaxed in this case.

After rushing to the city wall, the Tokyo Mythology did not stop. They found the [Battlestar] stationed in the city as soon as possible. They rushed away at the fastest speed. Of course, most of the people who rushed to the [Battlestar] were super Master, the worst is also a double-professional master.

As for the [Devil Flame Beast] cavalry and other elite players, their task is to occupy the walls of Hongfeng City and destroy the defense equipment and teleportation array on the walls as quickly as possible. The purpose of this is also direct-occupy the walls. And the teleportation array before destroying the city wall is to prevent players in the Chinese server from reacting to the alliance and then occupying the city wall to encircle the Tokyo Myth and others who broke into the city. Once this is the case, the Tokyo Myth is like a turtle in the urn.

As for the purpose of destroying the defensive equipment on the city wall, it is even more straightforward. This will directly reduce the pressure faced by players in the Japanese server alliance.

Soon they rushed to [Battlestar] in Tokyo Mythology, and then they were divided into groups to attack separately. At the same time, there were a large number of elites who locked them in and transmitted them. The task of these people was simple, that is, to prevent harassment of Tokyo Mythology and others as much as possible. Of course, if you have free time, you can also attack those [Battlestars]. How many times can you knock down some of the toughness of those fortresses and then have more chances to destroy them.

I have to say that Tokyo Mythology’s damage output at this time is very high. Under their attack, the toughness of those [Battlestars] is decreasing at a faster rate. It seems that it will not take too long to be able to take it for now. Destroy, at least some fortresses can be destroyed before the awakening skill state of the combination equipment they are wearing in Tokyo Mythology ends.

The players stationed in Hongfeng City also knew that their strength was not enough to stop Tokyo Mythology and others from destroying the [Battlestar]. They immediately relayed the news to the heads of the major servers and asked them to support them.

Not to mention Tokyo Mythology, they attacked the Battlestar in Hongfeng City with their strongest attack, and went back to Tokyo Mythology when they were just teleported away. They suddenly disappeared, and they were a large number of elites. This surprised the people in the China Service Alliance, but some smart people felt abnormal, and for a while, they were filled with an unknown premonition.

"Hey, what's the matter, how did the Tokyo Mythology suddenly disappear?" The daughter's blushing face was puzzled: "Could it be that they were just feigning and threatening us, if so, then the price they paid would be too great." After all, they still have a lot of players in the fighting state at this time. Tokyo Mythology, they can't escape if they escape. We can attack as much as we want without accident. This can cause great casualties to them."

"Tokyo Mythology, they won't do such stupid and loss-making things, they must have other purposes." Bacchus Dukang said solemnly: "It is not surprising that they had done something to our imperial city before to attract our attention and Attracting a large number of elites, and their real purpose..."

"It's Hongfeng City!" Samadhi blurted out. When she said this, she was a little anxious, and then hurriedly said: "Uncle Bacchus, hurry up and arrange manpower to go to Hongfeng City to support. Tokyo Mythology and their purpose is to destroy our station. [Battlestar] there!"

The older generation players such as Bacchus Dukang and Feng Xing are very experienced. After hearing the words of the samādhi, they reacted as soon as possible, and then hurriedly assigned tasks to the leaders of the major servers to send their elite forces to defend Hongfeng City. , Even he directly sent Long Teng Tianxia, ​​invites the moon to toast, and rides thousands of miles to Hongfeng City directly.

Polar Silver Wolf, Number One, and others are also smart people. They also understood it instantly. They became anxious for a while, and then hurriedly issued orders to their people to support Hongfeng City. Obviously they realized that once Hongfeng City was occupied. And what is the result of so many [Battlestar] being destroyed for them.

"Uncle Bacchus, Uncle Fengxing, you stay in the imperial city to prevent the Tokyo Mythology from killing a carbine." Samadhi said in a deep voice, "Of course, we must also kill as many of them as possible, and do our best to cause casualties to them. loss."

"In addition, let Dongfang Kill Tian and the others rush to Hongfeng City to support at all costs!" Samadhi Shi added.

Samadhi is also extremely clever. She knows that even if they arrange a lot of people to support Hongfeng City, they can't prevent their [Battlestar] from being destroyed. They can only keep some fortresses as much as possible. If that's the case, they naturally have to do other things. To make up, at this time, it is undoubtedly the best way to make up for casualties to the Japanese server alliance, especially if all of them rush to Hongfeng City at this time, the imperial city of the Chinese server is still very dangerous, that is to say. Someone must stay and guard, so dealing with the players of the enemy alliance is just a matter of hand-the players who continue to attack after the Tokyo Myth and other super masters have withdrawn are no longer the opponents of the Chinese server alliance players, even if the samādhi they will There are many elites to support Hongfeng City as well.

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