VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3323: : Sneak attack halfway

After some discussions, everyone agreed to Tokyo Myth’s proposal-to mobilize the [Battlestar] in Hongyan City and then attack Hongfeng City. At the same time, the Australian server and other servers that still retain [Battlestar] will also make their fortresses. It is mobilized to the Central Asian service, after all, these fortresses can be gathered together to maximize their advantages.

At the same time, Tokyo Mythology and their actions did not stop. They continued to attack the Battlestar of the Chinese server alliance with the strongest attack force. After all, the more they destroy at this time, the easier it will be to destroy and occupy Hongfeng City. , And also more sure to destroy all the [Battlestar] of the Chinese server alliance.

And the assassins of the Chinese server knew the first time the [Battlestar] in Hongyan City was mobilized, and then told the samādhi and others for the first time. After hearing this news, the players of the Chinese server alliance had a more solemn look. Get up, because they also thought about the next situation if they face so many [Battlestar] attacks.

"Worse, even now we can't completely prevent Tokyo Mythology from destroying our [Battlestar]. Now they have mobilized all of their [Battlestar]. There are more than 20, more than ours. More, so we can't resist it at all. Not surprisingly, not only Hongfeng City will be destroyed and occupied, but also our [Battlestar] will be destroyed." The daughter red said, her brows frowned slightly when she said this. From: "So what should we do?"

"Not only that, after our [Battlestar] is destroyed, the enemy alliance will continue their [Battlestar] advantage and continue to attack our gang sites. Not surprisingly, we will lose a lot of gang sites, even Even our imperial city is not necessarily safe." Deep Sea Youlan said, her expression was rather solemn when she said this.

At this time everyone also thought of this, especially thinking about what it means to them that the imperial city was destroyed. All of their expressions became solemn for a while, but there was no good way.

"Since we can't keep Hongfeng City and the [Battlestar] here, it's not just abandon it." Suddenly riding thousands of miles away, ignoring everyone's consternation, he continued: "While we are still holding big moves and combinations. Equipped with the awakening skills, we went to besiege the enemy alliance’s Battlestar. Before their fortress was hiding in Hongyan City, we couldn’t do anything, but now they have left Hongyan City, then we can naturally take action on it."

"That's right, that's right." The number two said in a hurry: "We will destroy as many of them as possible [Battlestar], so more or less can change the next situation, at least after they lose some [Battlestar] It is not so easy to attack our gang resident and even the imperial city."

Thousands of miles to ride alone and the proposal of the No. 2 figure were immediately echoed by many people. They also thought that this was the wisest approach at present, so they looked forward to Samadhi, Ye Yu Fei and others. After all, here is They are the commander-in-chief, and they have to make such a decision.

"I'm afraid this is not so good." Ye Yu Fei Fei shook her head. After seeing the puzzled look of everyone, she explained: "You and I know that [Battlestar] moves very fast, and its toughness and defensive power are very high. High, even if we are awakened with big moves and combination equipment, it will take some time to destroy it, especially when a large number of enemies harass and hinder us..."

"Even if some time is wasted, we can concentrate our efforts to destroy some." The deep sea giant whale interrupted Ye Yu Fei's words. When he said these, his tone revealed strong confidence, and his words were also received by many people. In agreement, these people are also very confident in their own strength.

"But what if the enemy alliance’s [Battlestar] suddenly turns and then returns to Hongyan City?" Samadhi asked, seeing everyone silent, she continued: "You and I both know the defense power of the enemy alliance’s people in Hongyan City. How powerful is it, especially since they have many elite players stationed there. Once their [Battlestar] turns back to Hongyan City, even if we are awakened with big moves and combo equipment, we won’t be able to destroy a few, so We are just wasting our time, even we are in danger, and once we are killed, the situation becomes even more irreversible."

"Yes." The Polar Silver Wolf took the stubbornly: "Even if we all have powerful means of life-saving to escape safely, wasting time means that Tokyo Mythology is easier for them to destroy our [Battlestar], and we have more Many [Battlestar] were destroyed by them."

Think about it, too, if you don’t want to stop the players from the Eastern Killing Sky and other players who are in the state of awakening skills with big moves and combination equipment, Tokyo Mythology will undoubtedly be like no one. They can easily destroy a large number of Chinese server alliances [Space Fortress] 】, and can even destroy all of them. The most important thing is that Eastern Killing Heaven and they may not be able to destroy the enemy alliance’s 【Battlestar】, so naturally it is not worth it.

"But even if we don’t sneak attack on the enemy alliance’s [Battlestar] after these fortresses arrive here, it’s difficult to keep our [Battlestar], and it’s not surprising that the enemy’s alliance’s people will not survive the destruction of Hongfeng City. They will let go, they will lead all the [Battlestars] to attack our other gang sites and even the imperial city. This situation is still very unfavorable for us." Tiandi said in a deep voice, and his words also expressed the hearts of many people. .

"Yes, at this time we can only try to sneak attack on the enemy alliance’s [Battlestar]. In short, we still have some chance to destroy it." Yaoyue raised a glass and said in a deep voice, while speaking, he looked at Samadhi. , The meaning is self-evident.

After pondering a little, the samādhi poem said: "Wait, wait until the enemy alliance’s [Battlestar] is not too far away from Hongfeng City, then we will launch a sneak attack on it, so that even if we launch a sneak attack on it, those fortresses may not be exhausted. Returned to Hongyan City, so we still have a chance to destroy some."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "In addition, we can also make some preparations in advance, such as letting some space players wait in the middle, so that they can teleport us at any time, which is better than we directly teleport to the past. It saves time and we have a better chance to destroy their [Battlestar] after we are prepared."

"In addition, as time goes by, we will come to support more and more people, so that the pressure on Tokyo Mythology will be greater, so that we can keep our [Battlestar] as much as possible. Delay some time, the more time we delay, the more chance we will have to destroy the enemy alliance’s [Battlestar]." Samadhi Shi added.

I have to say that the method mentioned in the samādhi is more secure and wiser. Everyone agreed to do so, only thinking that all the [Battlestar] on their own side will be destroyed and the [Battlestar] of the enemy alliance will definitely return. There are some reservations, and even a lot of them, their expressions are resolutely a little ugly.

"Don't worry too much. Although our losses will be great this time, people from the enemy alliance may not be able to continue attacking our other gang sites after occupying Hongfeng City, especially the imperial city." Seeing that everyone is worried. After the look, the samādhi politely said. After seeing the effect of this sentence, she changed her tone: "Next, I will tell the fireworks about the matter here, so that she will send someone to bring back some [Dragon Soul Pill]."

"By the way, Fireworks and Sister Feng have also obtained many [Group Blessing Scrolls] and other scrolls for their quests to kill monsters, and even [Group Purification Scrolls], which can further increase our strength." Samadhi Shi added. .

What the samādhi poem said is true, because the previous [Flying Wings*Nightmare Commander] was sent back by the [Dragon Soul Pill] that was sent back yesterday by the fireworks and easy-cold arrangement, so that [Nightmare Commander] got it, one day passed Ye Luo and the others Surely you can obtain a lot of materials and then refine a lot of [Dragon Soul Pill]. Not surprisingly, there should be as many as 10,000, and this means that there will be another 10,000 [Flying Wings*Nightmare Commander] to invest in it. Fighting, this is a very powerful force.

In addition, Ye Luo and the others were tasked with killing monsters and exploded a lot of equipment items, including some scrolls such as [Group Blessing Scroll] and [Group Purification Scroll], plus those that Ye Luo took away before, if fireworks The Yi Leng sent people to bring all of these back. Not surprisingly, there are at least 20 [Group Blessing Scrolls], and this can greatly change the next situation.

Hearing this, everyone's expressions stretched slightly, especially when they heard that the samādhi poem said that Ye Luo and the others had gained a lot of [Group Blessing Scrolls] and other scrolls. They had these props supplemented in their hearts, plus so many [Flying] Wing*Nightmare Commander] Joining cavalry can also withstand the attack of the enemy alliance to a large extent, and at the very least, it can cause greater consumption and make it unable to attack the imperial city.

At present, as long as the imperial city is not destroyed, they still have a chance to fight back, otherwise their situation will be even worse. After thinking of these, they all look forward to it, hoping that the fireworks and cold senders will bring back some [Dragon Soul Pill]. And various other scrolls.

It is worth mentioning that although Ye Luo and the others cannot leave the mission and join the battle, they can get in touch with outside players. Then the samādhi sect people get in touch with the firework Yi Leng and then inform the situation in detail, and samādhi is Continue to intercept Tokyo Mythology and others-Samadhi is the same as Longteng Tianxia and others with the ultimate move and the state of [Seven Stars Fall]. At this time, she is also one of the important combat forces to intercept Tokyo Mythology and others, and naturally will not waste time Talk about the current situation with Yi Leng Fireworks.

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