VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3328: : Both sides battle damage

It is very important for the people of the Japanese service alliance to take advantage of Ye Luo and others to do the task and not get out of it to cause losses and casualties to the Chinese service alliance as much as possible, which means that they plan to continue to act next, even if they already have A lot of consumption and even the awakening skills of all combination equipment are also in the CD.

Of course, the Tokyo Mythology also knows that if they want to continue to occupy the gang station and even the imperial city of the Chinese server alliance, they need [Battlestar], which means that the more their [Battlestar] number, the more likely they will continue to occupy the Chinese server. The gang resident of one party alliance, so the cherry blossoms are in full bloom and they care about how much the sun never sets and the shadow of the dragon they have saved [Battlestar].

Thinking of this, Heilongtianzhan and the others nodded, and then hurriedly asked about the situation on the side of Sunbuying Longying and the others. They quickly learned the general news, but after learning the news, Heilongtian slashed their heads. The look became a little solemn.

"Boss, 12 of our [Battlestar] have been destroyed. At this time, there are only 10 remaining [Battlestar]." The cherry blossoms were in full bloom and said solemnly.

"What, so many [Battlestars] have been destroyed, it's impossible!" Heilongtian cut his face in disbelief: "We people have only destroyed 16 [Battlestars], and they are clearly better than us. The hands-on time is short, how can the number of [Battlestar] destroyed not much less than us?"

Not only did Heilong Tianzhan find it incredible, but so did the nameless heroes and the cherry blossoms like snow, and their faces were full of doubts.

"The Chinese server alliance has used a lot more [Group Blessing Scrolls] than ours." Sakura Bloom explained. Seeing everyone's still puzzled look, she continued: "The other most important thing is the Chinese server's [Flying Wings]. *Nightmare Commander] Cavalry and [Storm Unicorns] Cavalry have surrounded our [Battlestar] regiments. In addition, Eastern Killing has the advantage of sneak attacks, so it is much more difficult for our people to stop them. , If it wasn't for our side to mobilize two or three times as many players as theirs, we are afraid that our [Battlestar] would be destroyed by water."

Hearing that everyone is silent, this result is a bit bad for them, because there are only 10 [Battlestars] left, which may not continue to occupy the gang resident of the Chinese server alliance. At least there is no chance to destroy the imperial city. There is a big gap between this and their previous predictions.

Failure to destroy the opponent’s imperial city means that the opponent’s strength cannot be further weakened, so the two sides are likely to be deadlocked again, but everyone knows that if it is a deadlock, it will be very detrimental to the Japanese server alliance. , Especially after Ye Luo and the others complete the task, they can participate in the battle.

It is precisely these thoughts that make their look a little solemn when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom.

"This is the end of the matter, and it doesn't make much sense to entangle this." Sakura Ruxue, while she was talking, looked at everyone: "I still think about how to continue to occupy the other party's gang station. At this time, we will take advantage of Ye. Luo Zhiqiu and the others cannot participate in the war and should cause casualties to each other as much as possible. Of course, they must once again stock up some [Group Blessing Scrolls] and other scrolls. Only in this way can we deal with various emergencies in the future."

"But we only have 10 [Battlestars] left, and these fortresses have been damaged to a certain degree, so it's not so easy to occupy the other gang's resident's place by relying on these alone." The **** of Amaterasu said in an angry manner. , While talking, he looked at everyone: "Don’t forget that most of the gang stations of the Chinese server alliance are level 5, but these stations have very strong defense and offensive power, and they have not achieved absolute advantage in [Battlestar]. Under the circumstances, there will undoubtedly be a lot of casualties if you want to attack the city."

"Especially when there are a lot of [Flying Wings*Nightmare Commander] and [Storm Unicorn] cavalry on the Chinese server side, our [Devil Flame Beast] cavalry does not have any advantage, especially when we are siege. Under the circumstances." Amaterasu God added.

"No, we don't only have 10 [Battlestars]." Suddenly, under Mount Fuji, he shook his head and saw the puzzled look of everyone. He chuckled, "Don't forget that there are also in the Australian, Pakistani and Southeast Asian clothes. Some [Battlestars] total about 20, which is also a very powerful force, enough to destroy the gang sites of the enemy alliance, even the level 5 gang sites."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, he continued: "Even if we spend some more means we still have a chance to destroy the other side's imperial city."

"Yes, the [Battlestar] of the servers such as the Australian server is also coming here at the fastest speed. Hey, at this time, Dongfang Tiantian and their combination equipment awakening skills are over, and Ye Luozhiqiu waits. People can't get away, so those fortresses will definitely have the opportunity to merge with those of the Central Asian Suit. Tsk tsk, more than 20 [Battlestars] together are enough to destroy any level 5 gang resident." The God of Susa is full of confidence. , And then thought of something. He looked at the foot of Mount Fuji: "But what other means are we going to use to destroy the other side's imperial city? Is it possible to use [Summon Demon God Scroll]?"

"Yes, using this scroll we can definitely destroy one imperial city of the opposing alliance, but only one, so we have to choose a good target." Fujisan said sinkingly.

"Hey, it's still a choice. Naturally, I have to take action on the imperial city of the Chinese server." Heilongtian blurted out: "After all, the Chinese server has the strongest strength and poses the greatest threat to us. Destroying their imperial city can Reduce their strength to the utmost, so that we can definitely reverse the strength of both of us, and it is not impossible to suppress the Chinese server forever."

"That's right." Tokyo was not too hot and took over: "We not only want to destroy the imperial city of the Chinese server, but also occupy as many of their gangs as possible. Hey, destroy their imperial city first to make their strength as strong as possible. Damaged, so it’s much easier to want to occupy their gang sites. Next, we have to occupy as many gang sites as possible, and then let our allies occupy them. At that time, our allies can mobilize a large number of elites in a short time. Entering the middle service is enough to completely suppress the middle service and let them never turn back."

Hearing that, many people agree, including the players of the US server, they also think that this could not be better.

"However, it takes a long time for the [Battlestar] of the Central Asian Service to reach the Imperial City of the Chinese Service. It takes about a day." The cherry blossoms are in full bloom and solemnly said: "The most troublesome thing is that we are in the Central Asian Service. The Battlestar’s [Battlestar] is more or less damaged. If players from the Chinese server alliance start to intercept it along the way, they may be able to destroy some more. So the fortress that can be in place by then is probably not what we said before. In particular, the Chinese server alliance must still retain some [Group Blessing Scrolls] and other scrolls."

"They still keep the scrolls. That's impossible, obviously they have used more scrolls than us." Susano Shinto, but he was a little lacking in confidence when he said this.

"It's no accident that the fireworks are easy to be cold. I should send someone back some scrolls, and there are still a lot of them." Sakura said in full bloom. Seeing the doubts of the crowd, she explained: "Because the Chinese server suddenly added 10,000 to 20,000. [Flying Wing * Nightmare Commander], obviously this was sent back by Firework Yi Leng. Since they can send back some [Dragon Soul Pills], they can naturally send back some scrolls."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, he continued: "In addition, the various scrolls stocked by the Chinese server alliance must be more than us. After all, they have done a lot of tasks before, and they also consumed some of our [Group Blessing Scrolls] when occupying our gang site. ]."

Hearing that, everyone was silent, and for a while, they were not very confident about the next actions of Zhongfu Imperial City.

"Then we won't take action on the imperial city of Zhongfu?" Heilong Tianzhan tentatively said: "But even if we can destroy the imperial city of other servers, we can't weaken the strength of Zhongfu. Once Ye Luozhiqiu completes the task and returns, then We will still be troublesome."

"It’s not very wise to work on the imperial city of the Chinese server, not only because of the time it takes [Battlestar] to kill the Chinese server. Some fortresses will be destroyed during the long journey. The most important thing is that all the combination equipment of everyone at that time. The awakening skills are all over the CD. Although our side has more assassin skills, we are the siege party after all, so it would be impossible to capture the imperial city without an absolute advantage." Mount Fuji shook his head: "And you and I all know how strong the Chinese server is. Even if we use the [Summon Demon God Scroll], we don't necessarily have the opportunity to destroy it, and if we can't destroy it, we missed such a good opportunity."

"But as I said before, if the imperial city of Zhongfu cannot be destroyed, then even if some of their allies' imperial cities are destroyed, it will not have much impact on the strength of Zhongfu. In the future, Ye Luo Zhiqiu and the others will still be able to cause us to complete their missions. It's a big trouble, especially since none of us knows what kind of rewards Ye Luo Zhiqiu will get for completing the task this time." The God of Amaterasu said solemnly.

"Although the imperial city of Zhongfu cannot be destroyed, the strength of Zhongfu cannot be weakened, but our ability to weaken the strength of their allies is equivalent to weakening their strength." Tokyo Myth said in a deep voice, without waiting for the **** of Amaterasu to speak, he continued: " In addition, occupying some of the opponent’s gang sites can also greatly increase our strength, especially if we have the opportunity to destroy the opponent’s imperial city, the rewards will be more annoying, so our strength will be stronger."

"In addition, in the future, we may not have the strength to deal with Ye Luo Zhiqiu and the others, because it is no surprise that the number one in this month's points is not Ye Luo Zhiqiu's..." Tokyo Mythology added.

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