VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3341: : Attack the imperial city

Because of their own strength, the loss was heavy, which made the people of the Japanese server alliance regretful, but they were helpless. After all, the matter had already happened, and all they had to do at this time was to discuss what to do next.

There are only two [Battlestars] left. It is undoubtedly impossible for players from the Japanese server alliance to always occupy the gang station of the Chinese server alliance. After all, the scrolls such as the [Group Blessing Scroll] they get will become less and less until Later, they could no longer occupy the gang resident, and then naturally they could only have a stalemate with the alliance of the Chinese server. This situation is not a good thing for the alliance of the Japanese server. Two days later, Ye Luo and others will join after completing the task. Fighting, and completing the task will definitely give them more generous rewards and then increase their strength. In this case, the strength of the Chinese server will definitely increase.

In addition, Ye Luo and the others will definitely get a lot of scrolls for completing their tasks, and using these scrolls may be possible to reverse the situation and cause greater casualties to the Japanese service party alliance and even occupy the gang’s resident. This will naturally make the Japanese service party face The situation is getting more and more serious.

Of course, the most important thing is that the sun never sets. They thought that over time the [Flying Wing*Nightmare Commander] cavalry that the Chinese server has will be more and more. Everyone has seen the power of this cavalry. If the number is larger If the range is increased, the gap between the strengths of the two sides will become larger and larger, and there will be no day for the Japanese alliance to stand up again.

Thinking of this, the expressions of the players in the Japanese server alliance became solemn and even hard to look.

"Then what are we going to do, is it possible to let these things happen?" Heilongtian asked worriedly.

Silence, a long silence, in the end, Tokyo Mythology took the lead in breaking the silence: "It's not without a chance. At this time, our only chance is to destroy the opponent's imperial city, because destroying the imperial city not only compromises the strength of the target server player. , The most important thing is that we can still get rich rewards, not even surprisingly, there are only 1, 20 in the [Group Blessing Scroll], which is even more if you count other rewards, and these can greatly enhance our strength. "

"Maybe after we have so many rewards, we will have the strength to continue destroying the imperial city of other servers." Tokyo Mythology added.

"Attack the imperial city?!" The hero's blade's voice increased by a few points, but then slowly lowered: "Is this too risky? After all, you and I all know how the imperial city's defense and attack power are. The most important thing is that the imperial city has two walls. Even if we have many advantages of scrolls such as [Group Blessing Scrolls], we are afraid that we can only occupy the outer walls and it is difficult to occupy the inner walls. If we can’t successfully destroy it, then we are not only Can't get rewards, and because of this, there are heavy casualties. At that time, I am afraid that we will not even have the strength to compete with the Chinese server alliance.

The hero's blade has been echoed by many people. They also think that it is too risky to do the imperial city, and it is far inferior to the level 5 gang resident.

"But you and I also know that even if we can occupy one or two level 5 gang sites, this is almost the limit, but the system rewards obtained in this way are much less, and then we will not be able to occupy the level 5 gang sites anymore. Twilight said in a cold voice, "Next, we can only stalemate with the middle service, but don't forget that when Ye Luo Zhiqiu and others complete the task, they will return with a large number of scrolls and other equipment and props. we……"

Although Twilight was cool and did not continue speaking, everyone knew what he was going to say, and their expressions became more solemn for a while.

"Dark Night or Tokyo Mythology will win the first place in this month's "killing game" and then receive generous rewards. With these rewards..." Perfume Tox thought about this, but he was interrupted before he finished speaking.

"Although the reward for the first place in the'killing game' is quite generous, it is not yet known whether they can obtain the national equipment that suits them. The scrolls are consumables, and once they are consumed, they will be gone." Mount Fuji sank and said: " The most important thing is that you and I know that Ye Luo Zhiqiu's mission this time will be very difficult, and the system rewards will be very generous. Not surprisingly, the scroll rewards they only get are the first to win the "killing game". The famous players are more generous."

"The more important thing is that you and I both know that large-scale team tasks of that difficulty will surely be rewarded by national equipment, maybe multiple pieces of national equipment, which can greatly increase Ye Luo Zhiqiu's strength, and the increase is even greater than the gains. The reward for the first place in the'killing game' is even more generous." Fujiyama Shita added.

Although they don't want to admit it, everyone also knows how generous the rewards of large-scale team tasks are. They are quite certain that Ye Luo's strength improvement will be greater than that of Dark Night or Tokyo Myth at that time.

"The most important thing is that there is only one player who won the first place in the'killing game', which means that there is only one player who has increased in strength." Dark night took the stubbornly: "And Ye Luo knows the large-scale team task they did. It is made by multiple people. All players participating in the mission can get rewards. The strength of multiple players will increase. So the overall strength increase will be greater than ours. At that time, we still don't have the opportunity to suppress them. If we can't suppress them, then wait for us. The only thing left is that it is slowly consumed and even chronically died."

"So we can only take advantage of Ye Luo Zhiqiu to improve their strength as much as possible and weaken the strength of the enemy alliance before they complete the task, and at present, only destroying their imperial city can do this." Dark Ye added.

Hearing that, everyone was silent, although they also knew this, but they also knew that the risk of taking action on the imperial city was too great. Once they failed, they would never have a chance to reverse the situation, and if they only attacked the 5th gang resident. There is still some time to be in the upper hand, at least there is still a chance to compete with the Chinese server alliance.

"But even if we use all the rewarding scrolls, it will be difficult to destroy the imperial city of a server. After all, the imperial city has two walls. With our strength, I am afraid that we can only occupy the outer wall..." The flame crocodile mentioned this again. The problem, and this is also the most fundamental thing.

"We can use all the awakening skills of combination equipment. Once we do this, we can force the other party to use all the awakening skills of combination equipment." Tokyo Mythology said, while looking at everyone: "If we are Attacking the city by sneak attack can directly send millions of elite players to attack the city, and use these to capture the outer walls of the imperial city."

"Once we occupy the outer walls of the imperial city and consume all the awakening skills of the opponent’s alliance’s combination equipment, then we can use the scrolls. With so many scrolls, it’s not that we want to break the inner city wall and then enter the city. Impossible." Tokyo Mythology added.

"Sneak attack?" For a moment, the perfume beauty soon understood, and he blurted out: "You mean we don't work on the imperial city of the Central Asian server, but the imperial city of other servers. This is pretty good. Surprisingly, we still have a good chance of occupying the outer wall."

"Naturally can't do it on the Central Asian server. Not only the Imperial City of the Central Asian server has higher attributes than other servers. After all, the Central Asian server received a special reward when the Ninth Demon attacked the Central Asian server." Tokyo Mythology said. After a short pause, he continued: "The most important thing is that the attention of the Chinese server alliance is here. They have already been psychologically prepared, so we will undoubtedly have a lot of difficulties if we want to succeed."

"Yeah, that's right." Red Hanbing nodded, and then he changed his tone and asked: "Then which server's imperial city shall we do, China server?"

Shaking his head, Tokyo Mythology said: "Although destroying the imperial city of the Chinese server can weaken the strength of the alliance of the Chinese server to the greatest extent, but you and I also know how strong the player of the Chinese server is, and it is more difficult to handle it. One action must be successful, so it is best to choose a relatively weak target to do it."

Naturally, they also know the strength of the Chinese server, and they must succeed once they arrive, so they also know that it is not a wise choice to start working on the Chinese server, and then they ask which server they want to do.

"Either court or non-servicing will do, everyone chooses one at will." Tokyo Mythology gave a choice.

After some deliberation, everyone unanimously chose the court clothes, not because the court clothes are weaker than the non clothes. The most important thing is that the relative number of the court clothes is smaller. In addition, whether it is the Canadian clothes or the Hanbok, it is very close to the army. The chances of success with hands-on are the greatest.

"Although our sneak attack will have a great advantage, we still don't see a certain success." Autumn wind swept the leaves and said solemnly: "What if we fail?"

"No, we will definitely not fail." Tokyo Mythology was full of confidence, waiting for the autumn wind to sweep the fallen leaves and others to question, he continued: "If there are some accidents in the end, then I will directly use the [Summoning Demon God Scroll], so that it can be It's foolproof."

"What, use [Summon Demon God Scroll]?!" Heilong Tianzhan's voice increased a little, and he looked at Tokyo Mythology a little anxiously: "Boss, didn't you say that you kept this assassin to destroy the imperial city of China? How do we destroy the imperial city of Zhongfu in the future?!"

"Yeah, you and I both know that it is more important to destroy the imperial city in the middle service." Sakura Ruxue took the conversation, and she changed her tone when she thought of something: "If you want to use [Summon Demon God Scroll], then we might as well directly focus on it. Take action. With this assassin, we are still very sure that we will destroy the imperial city of Zhongfu."

"Yes." Wucai Yaohu took the words: "If we don't use this assassin's trick, we don't have much confidence to destroy the imperial city of Zhongfu, but once we use it, then we have full confidence. Hey, destroy Zhongfu. The imperial city of China will have a greater blow to the alliance of the Chinese server. It is not much worse not to mention that it can completely suppress the alliance of the Chinese server."

Hearing this, everyone nodded, and they all thought it would be better to do something with the Imperial City of China Service.

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